Coronation Street 28th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
Coronation Street 28th June 2024


00:00Do you want me to walk to school with you?
00:28Gemma's asked you a question.
00:30It's fine.
00:32It's not fine. I know you're upset.
00:34I'm going.
00:35No, I'm talking to you.
00:36Yeah, but you're the only one who is.
00:39All my mates are ghosting me on the group chat.
00:41They're not your mates then, are they?
00:42Not after yesterday, no. Are we done? Can I go now?
00:46Oh, it's yours, is it?
00:51He's never going to forgive me, is he?
00:54Course he is.
00:55What if I go to jail?
00:57For nicking a pair of shoes?
00:59The kid, what's his name?
01:03He's not going to want his dad to press charges, is he?
01:05It's just as embarrassing for him.
01:07Do you reckon?
01:09Yeah, they'll all be forgotten about.
01:13He's probably left his phone behind now.
01:20Can I help you?
01:21I'm looking for Gemma Winter-Brown.
01:31Whoa, where are you off?
01:34Well, I've got a networking thing,
01:36and then I'm actually meeting my fiancée for lunch.
01:39Yeah, that's funny.
01:40I'm actually meeting my fiancée for lunch as well.
01:43That is funny.
01:44Where are you going?
01:45The bistro.
01:47I'm going to the bistro too.
01:49Maybe I'll see you there.
01:52Hey, do you know where it comes from, fiancée?
01:56I know it's French.
01:58Well, it's originally from the Latin, fidare.
02:03Oh, so you know a bit of Latin, and now you think me Cicero?
02:06It means to trust.
02:08So, can I trust you, Joel?
02:10I mean, if I'm going to be marrying you,
02:12do you think I can really trust you?
02:15Actually, I've got something to tell you.
02:22All right, let me get my shoes.
02:24I'll give you a lift to that networking thing.
02:26What a guy.
02:29Do you fancy going to the pictures?
02:31I can't tonight.
02:32I've got stuff on.
02:34What stuff?
02:36If the wind changes, your face will stay like that.
02:38Is that what happened to you?
02:41That's not funny.
02:43What can I get you?
02:45Oh, Bernadette.
02:47Gemma's been arrested.
02:49What, that fella from the shop?
02:51He's pressing charges.
02:52Over a pair of shoes?
02:54Just one.
02:55She thinks someone had given us a break,
02:56but no, no, not us.
02:58Well, they're off with the caution, are they?
02:59Well, not when she's got previous for shoplifting, no.
03:03Are you two getting this,
03:04or do you want me to write it down for you?
03:06Two cups of tea when you're ready.
03:09But I can't get away.
03:10Roy won't come out of the flat,
03:11and there's no one else to cover for me.
03:13It's fine.
03:14There's nothing you can do anyway, is there?
03:16Right, I better go.
03:18I'll let you know when she gets out, if she gets out.
03:20Sorry for your trouble, mate.
03:22Cheers, Kirk.
03:31Ah, good timing.
03:33I'm looking for a big, strong man, do you know, aren't I?
03:36No, I'm joking.
03:37The drainman will be here in a sec.
03:39Hey, listen, what are you doing for lunch?
03:41I'm on this afternoon, if you fancy popping in for a hot pot,
03:44and that's not a euphemism.
03:46No, I've got this thing, sorry.
03:48Oh, well, if you've got this thing...
03:50Yeah, no, we're heading to the bistro for a meal
03:52to celebrate Dee Dee's engagement.
03:56Are we all right?
03:58Yeah, no, yeah, we're good.
04:00No, I would invite you,
04:01but obviously it's like a family thing,
04:03and you're working, so...
04:05OK, well, I'll let you off.
04:07Listen, I've been thinking about what I'm going to do about George.
04:11I'm the one on the right here.
04:13Yeah, but does it matter who's right
04:15if you end up falling out with your broom for the rest of your life?
04:18I just want what's mine.
04:19I know, I know you do.
04:21Look, I'm going to be late for work, but I'll see you later, yeah?
04:25Oh, OK.
04:31Are you locking me up?
04:33Well, unfortunately, all the duty solicitors are busy at the minute,
04:36so until one comes available, we're going to have to put you in a cell.
04:39I wasn't keeping them, I was taking them back.
04:52Saturn has really put you through the mill in the last 12 months.
04:56Oh, there you go, it's Saturn's fault.
04:58Soon it rings round here.
05:00Here we are, but forces are at play closer to home.
05:04Some friends are known for their loyalty,
05:06but for others, betrayal is second nature.
05:09Well, you know what this is about, don't you?
05:12What are you looking at horoscopes for?
05:14I can't believe there's still a thing.
05:16It's about Tracy, isn't it?
05:18I told you she's coming to that unveiling busty thing.
05:20Yeah, once or twice.
05:22I mean, who in their right mind wants to go to something like that anyway?
05:25First drink's free, apparently.
05:27Not that that's a reason to go.
05:29Probably because she's going to get papped.
05:31Well, does she show up in photographs?
05:33I'll do the vampire jokes, won't me wife? Thank you very much.
05:36Oh, thanks.
05:38I mean, I can't believe she's not even going to be here for me 50th birthday.
05:41Not that I worry, obviously, because I don't care about her anymore.
05:44I could tell, because you never ever talk about her.
05:46Is this about Tracy?
05:50You know, I miss her too,
05:53but she's left a big hole, hasn't she?
05:55In your heart, she's left a big hole in your heart.
05:59Can I get you something, Mary?
06:01I can't fully enough.
06:03No, you're right, you shouldn't dwell on these things.
06:05You need to look towards the future.
06:07So, have you any plans for your birthday tomorrow?
06:11Oh, no, no plans.
06:13I'm going to be at home, all alone, on my own.
06:16Tim, can you give me a lift into town?
06:18Because I want to go and buy a little jacket to go with my new dress for tomorrow.
06:23Do you really need to get dolled up for a doctor's appointment, love?
06:26Well, yeah, I want to look my best.
06:28Come on.
06:29Doctor's appointment, yeah, right.
06:31Maybe I should get myself a new shirt,
06:33cos I'm driving a lot to this doctor's appointment.
06:39You know,
06:41if you want to talk about how you feel about Tracy,
06:46I'm a good listener.
06:50I'll get you that cap.
06:51Lovely, thank you.
06:57Hey, you know the bloke that brought this micro in?
06:59Guess what he does for a living?
07:01He's a tea taster.
07:03And makes eye troubles all over the world.
07:05Mad lot of people doing it.
07:07How do you get a gig like that?
07:09Because I tell you something, I could do that.
07:11Sit around drinking tea all day.
07:12What do you mean, could?
07:14That's good for you, that.
07:15Anyway, he says at home he'll only drink loose leaf tea.
07:18He reckons the difference between loose leaf and a tea bag, night and day.
07:22I said I know, but it's all a bit faffy, isn't it?
07:24You know what I mean?
07:25But he says once you go loose leaf, you'll never go back.
07:28Not that this isn't riveting,
07:29but did you tell this fella his card will be ready for 12?
07:33Right, well, get a wriggle on.
07:35All right.
07:36I'm sorry, mate.
07:39Things still a bit tense with you and Abi?
07:41Well, I had to keep on the couch last night
07:43to draw your own conclusions.
07:45You know, I keep telling him,
07:47think before you act.
07:49And it was me.
07:50Went flying off the handle to make things a million times worse.
07:53A million ti...
07:54Oh, come on, mate, you've messed up, right?
07:56It happens.
07:58Apologise to her, do something nice for her.
08:00Tell her how much she means to you.
08:02I think after everything she's been through,
08:04she probably just needs a bit of TLC.
08:06Yeah, I'll, er, box this mortar off and I'll go home.
08:12You'll soon be back in the big boy's bed.
08:25Surprised, I'm amazed.
08:26How did you get my mum and dad here?
08:28Well, let's just say they have warmed to me.
08:30She's been big enough to accept our apology.
08:33We're happy for you, both of you.
08:40Just go with it, yeah?
08:45It's about time we have something to celebrate.
08:47Yeah, you'd better look after her again, yeah?
08:49I intend to.
08:52So, are you pregnant, then?
08:55No, Debbie, I'm not.
08:56People don't get married because they're up the spout any more.
08:59It's not like, you know, back in our day.
09:01Would you, though?
09:03Ever get married again?
09:04Well, if I ever met the right one.
09:07You'll get one over your head in a minute.
09:10Are you saying you want to get married?
09:13To you? I'd rather stick pins in me eyes.
09:17Come here, you great, big, beautiful man.
09:20Ooh! Mmm!
09:23So, what do you reckon, eh?
09:26I knew you were up to something.
09:28Didn't know what, though, did you?
09:31Listen, I'm going to have to duck out in a bit.
09:34I've got this client. I'll try not to be too long.
09:37I asked you to keep today free.
09:39I mean, you've got your parents here and everything.
09:43No, you're right.
09:45I, er... I'll stay.
09:47And thanks for... for all of this.
09:50I don't deserve you.
09:58Oh, they can't be in all seven.
10:09Is my solicitor here?
10:11Still waiting for one to become available.
10:17I've seen you about, haven't I?
10:22So, what are you in for?
10:26I was desperate.
10:28That's what they all say.
10:29It was just a pair of shoes for my daughter.
10:31She's only four.
10:33Her old ones are too small. They were really hurting her.
10:38Have you got kids?
10:39Have you got kids?
10:42Yeah, well, I'd do anything to stop them being in pain.
10:45Any man would.
10:47Not in here.
10:48I'm not making excuses, all right?
10:50I know I shouldn't have done it.
10:52That's why I was taking them back.
10:54I wouldn't be here if I hadn't took them back.
10:56I'm just trying to do what's best for my family.
11:00The solicitor shouldn't be too long.
11:02Then they'll take you in for questioning.
11:22Ah, it's a nice surprise.
11:24Have you got five minutes?
11:26Yeah, for you, always.
11:28Now, sit down here.
11:30Enjoyed going out with Michael the other day?
11:33I think he enjoyed it too.
11:35You know, I really like him.
11:37I saw him first.
11:41I'm not asking for the world.
11:43Oh, sounds like a song.
11:45Don't tempt me.
11:47I just want my fair crack at the whip, George.
11:50Believe it or not, Glenda, I have been trying to be fair.
11:54So you're willing to talk?
11:56Well, if you're willing to start making sensible demands...
12:01Done it again, haven't I?
12:03I get the feeling that I get your back up every time I open my mouth.
12:06Yeah, well, maybe you should open your mouth less and your ears a bit more.
12:10Yeah, go on, I'm listening.
12:14I always got the mucky end of the stick when it comes to Dad.
12:17And I'm still getting it, even when he's dead.
12:20He left you the business and his house and...
12:25I got square root of nothing.
12:27And it should be 50-50.
12:31I don't want anything to do with the business.
12:33You know that, I never have.
12:35I just want my share.
12:41I think the only fair thing to do is...
12:45is if you keep the business and I get your house.
12:50Well, that's not 50-50.
12:52But you're not living there.
12:54You live with Eileen.
12:55Well, that's not the point.
12:56The house is worth more than the business.
12:58Well, you've not done a very good job of the business then, have you?
13:01Glenda, that's not 50-50.
13:04Are you going to give me the house?
13:08What is this, monopoly?
13:09I'm not just gonna give you the house.
13:11Sorry, I'm gonna have to take this.
13:13Just give me one sec.
13:15Yeah, speaking.
13:17Yeah, how can I help you, sir?
13:18Just give me one minute, OK?
13:40Our Gemma's been arrested for shoplifting.
13:43Blame the parents.
13:45Is there anything you can do to get the charges dropped?
13:48You're asking me to do you a favour after what you did?
13:51I'm asking you to do it for your sister.
13:53She's not my sister.
13:54Look, if she goes to jail or even gets a fine, it'll tip them over the edge.
13:58They're already over the edge.
14:00They're hanging on a ledge by the fingertips.
14:02Plenty of people are struggling. They all don't go out on the rob.
14:05Well, she didn't plan it.
14:06No, it just happened in the moment.
14:08Carys needed a new pair of shoes and she couldn't afford it.
14:11The kid was in agony in her old ones.
14:14If the shoes were for Gemma, she'd go without.
14:17She goes without her tea sometimes.
14:19She thinks I don't know, but I've seen her eating the kids' leftovers.
14:24She's a good mum. She's better than I ever was.
14:27That won't be hard.
14:28Please, please, I am begging you.
14:31This is only going to hurt the children.
14:35Right, well, if I do this, you leave me alone for good, yeah?
14:43Yeah, OK.
14:45Thank you.
14:46Thank you.
15:19Mum's not coming home next week.
15:22The weather's hotting up, so she's decided to stay out there.
15:24And she wants me to work in the florist with Mary.
15:26I'm already working at the bistro.
15:28How many flippin' jobs have you got? You've got more outfits than Mr Bed.
15:31Hmm? Never mind.
15:32I'm trying to talk to you, eh?
15:34My mum was coming home next week and now she's not.
15:36We're meant to have a spa date together and everything.
15:38Oh, I'm sorry, love.
15:40She's not going to be home on your birthday, either.
15:42Well, every cloud.
15:45You don't mean that.
15:48Is that a new shirt?
15:50Well, I figured I'd taken it back.
15:53Why? You suit it.
15:55You could wear it for your birthday.
15:57It's not really me.
15:59You didn't buy it for Mum, did you?
16:01It's not really her colour, is it?
16:03She likes black to go with her heart.
16:05You know what I mean. She thought she was coming home.
16:07No, it's Eve.
16:08I've got to get to work.
16:10Hey, listen, I'll go to the spa with you.
16:12You'll do me in the shop, right?
16:15Don't ever change, Dad.
16:37Are you looking for anything in particular?
16:40Well, I've always fancied a pair of desert boots.
16:43Steve McQueen used to wear them in Bullet.
16:45Well, that's a movie.
16:47Would you like to try a pair?
16:49Not today, sadly.
16:51I'm here to ask you a couple of questions
16:53about yesterday's shoplifting incident.
16:59What are you doing here?
17:01I'm here to take a statement.
17:04Sorry, mate, just give us a sec.
17:07There's a women's clothes shop down the road I need you to go in.
17:10I didn't see if we've had any similar incidents.
17:12Nobody said anything about other shops.
17:15It's called using your initiative.
17:17These fees steal to order.
17:19They've probably done a few shops.
17:24Cheers, mate.
17:28Sorry about that.
17:30Two policemen in one day.
17:32I'm glad you're taking it so seriously.
17:34You hear about it on the news.
17:36Shoplifting is not a priority.
17:38Well, I'm making this one a priority.
17:53There you are.
17:56Enjoying the meal?
17:58I am.
18:00Listen, I just want to say how sorry your mother and I are
18:03about the way we treated Dee Dee.
18:05I just want what's best for you.
18:07And before you say it, I'm sure she is what's best for you.
18:10She's clearly no shrinking violet.
18:13So even if she didn't have our blessing,
18:15I doubt she'd take a blind bit of notice anyway.
18:17I doubt it.
18:19But she does have our blessing.
18:22I just wish you felt you could have come and told us
18:24about the engagement yourself.
18:26I'm sorry.
18:28That's fine.
18:30I meant what I said. I'm happy for you.
18:32For both of you.
18:37Can we go back inside?
18:39Your mother would like me to do a little speech.
18:41I promise I won't embarrass you.
18:49So listen.
18:51I won't beat you around the bush.
18:53I want you to have another little think about what happened
18:55and give that young woman the benefit of the doubt.
18:57Why would I do that?
18:59Because she's a mum with five kids and she was desperate.
19:01Is this a joke?
19:03I want her prosecuted.
19:05I was worried you were going to say that.
19:07So that's why I had a quick shuft at your history
19:09and there's a couple of things on there.
19:11I'm sure you don't want them to come to light.
19:15What is this?
19:17Am I being blackmailed by a policeman?
19:21No. We're just having a nice friendly chat
19:23and in that chat I'm suggesting
19:25that you might want to forget about yesterday.
19:27You are?
19:29You're blackmailing me?
19:31I gave her a long pair of shoes and she brought them back.
19:33Now is it really worth all that hassle?
19:35You're a disgrace.
19:37I can't believe this is happening.
19:39Yes or no?
19:43Good man.
19:47Have you looked at the clothes shop?
19:49Did you get a statement?
19:51Oh, he's decided not to take it further.
19:53I know.
19:55You wonder why we bother sometimes.
20:05You need to come with me.
20:09How many times?
20:11It can never be.
20:13What's happened?
20:15Is it Eileen?
20:17Not Eileen. Now.
20:19Come on. I'll explain on the way.
20:21Move. Quick.
20:27Just a sec.
20:29Thought I'd make us something.
20:31Bloke came in this morning.
20:33You'd never guess what he did for a job.
20:35He was a tea taster.
20:37How come you're not at work?
20:39Can't take the afternoon off
20:41so we can have a bit of time together.
20:45Where are you going?
20:49Are you leaving me?
20:55Thank you for inviting us.
20:57Welcome to the family.
20:59We're looking forward to getting to know you a lot better.
21:01And Joel.
21:03Well, what can I say about Joel?
21:07We are very, very proud of the man that you've become.
21:09I'm sure you're both going to be
21:11very happy together.
21:13So I'm going to shut up now
21:15so we can all have a drink.
21:17So to Deedee and Joel.
21:19Deedee and Joel.
21:21Aw, chin-chin.
21:25I'm going to have another one of them.
21:27So anyway.
21:29Tell us about your taekwondo.
21:31When did you start?
21:33Excuse me. Can I help you?
21:35It's fine. I'm here to see Joel.
21:39What are you doing here?
21:43Is it designer?
21:53It's not ideal when you're turning up like this.
22:01I'll talk to you about the case tomorrow.
22:05That's fine.
22:07I'll talk to you then.
22:13Who was that?
22:15A client.
22:17Is she, um...
22:19Is she your girlfriend?
22:21Is she, um...
22:23Is she the reason you said you might need to leave early?
22:27It's not urgent.
22:29This is my priority.
22:31Everyone's here. It's a special day.
22:33Nothing else matters.
22:35She clearly saw me come in.
22:37She's got a lot of problems.
22:41Well, clearly,
22:43you need to go and do what you do best.
22:45Help people.
22:49Just be quick, yeah?
22:53I'll be right back.
22:59You did return to the shop
23:01and when you were confronted, you ran off.
23:03Mr Ruskin has identified you
23:05as the person who stole the shoes
23:07and he'd like to press charges.
23:09You'll now be taken down to the custody desk
23:11and you'll be charged.
23:15Have you got a minute?
23:17Interview paused.
23:29The complaint's been dropped.
23:31You're free to go.
23:35Things that bad, are they?
23:37Would you blame me after what happened?
23:43Of course I'm not leaving you.
23:45But I do need to get away,
23:47at least for a few days.
23:49Look, Lindsay, she phoned up out of the blue
23:51and invited me and Alfie
23:53to spend some time with her in Essex.
23:55Turns out they actually do want to see me.
23:57Of course they want to see you.
23:59Lexie did have chicken pox, after all.
24:01Looks like Lindsay knew nothing about the deepfakes.
24:05So there is some good news.
24:07She says they're really excited
24:09about my visit.
24:13I'll let you know when we get there.
24:15Yeah, OK.
24:17I'm just going to get Alfie and then we'll be off.
24:19Will you give Jack a kiss from me, please?
24:25How dare you just turn up
24:27to a family meal?
24:29You're completely out of order.
24:31You have no idea
24:33who you're messing with.
24:35You're an irritant, nothing more.
24:37Your allegations are false
24:39and if you keep repeating them
24:41you're going to land yourself in big trouble.
24:45I am sorry, OK?
24:47But I need you to take me seriously.
24:49Why would I do that?
24:51You're just a silly little girl.
24:53I can see right through you.
24:55Not like those people that were in the restaurant.
24:57I need money now.
24:59It's not like you can't afford it.
25:05You need to watch yourself from now on.
25:07You need to watch yourself from now on.
25:09I will not put up with another stunt like this, do you understand?
25:13This is all I've got for now.
25:15I'll speak to you later.
25:21I reckon
25:23he's wasting our time.
25:25When he ran yesterday, he was adamant
25:27that he wanted to press charges and now he doesn't.
25:29Or maybe he just wanted to give the girl
25:31a second chance.
25:33She did bring the shoes back.
25:35She's gone away again.
25:37Well, after you left, I got a witness statement.
25:39We got chatting.
25:41What's even your case?
25:43I'm sorry if I stood on your toes,
25:45but I had an hour spare and I thought I'd show willingly
25:47and impress a new team.
25:49I could see you as having second thoughts
25:51about sending a struggling mum to prison.
25:53Yeah, cheers, mate.
25:55And don't worry about
25:57ever stepping on my toes.
25:59Thanks, officer.
26:01I'll never again, no bother, ever again.
26:07You know her?
26:09Someone who stole the shoes?
26:11Her family are really struggling.
26:13They never seem to have enough
26:15to pay the bills, even though they both work.
26:17I wouldn't want to be
26:19in a situation like theirs.
26:25Such a mad thing to do.
26:27Yeah, I arrived as Glenda was leaving
26:29and I asked her what she was playing at,
26:31but she just brushed me off and left.
26:33Bet she did.
26:35I mean, she can't just rip Dad's portrait off the wall
26:37and dump it here. It could have been damaged.
26:39Commissioned by
26:41the Guild of Embalmers and
26:43Associated Trades.
26:45Handsome chap, wasn't he?
26:47Very distinguished looking.
26:49That's why he took pride of place on my dining room wall.
26:51Like he was looking
26:53over us.
26:55Can't imagine I didn't want him looking down on us here.
26:57I didn't know you were into crown green bowling.
26:59I mean, did she say
27:01she dumped all my stuff?
27:03What's she playing at, Mary?
27:05Just some old clothes here and a couple of curios.
27:07Oh, that's a bronze
27:09pedestal. He won that in
27:112006 for best burial of his
27:13friend Mike Baldwin.
27:15I mean, she's obviously been to my house.
27:17How did she get in if there was
27:19no one there?
27:23She must have taken my keys.
27:25Oh, this is outrageous.
27:27What does she think she's doing, Mary?
27:31Well, that were a lot of money on an outfit.
27:33It's not just an outfit, Tim.
27:35It's a whole look.
27:37They're polished but relaxed.
27:39You see these celebrities on the red carpet
27:41and everything's very carefully chosen.
27:43We haven't got a red carpet. Ours is beige.
27:45And I don't want you dressing like a
27:47scruff and showing me up.
27:49I'm wearing a football shirt as a football player.
27:51It's the unveiling of his bust. It's all about glitzy
27:53glamour. Everyone who's anyone
27:55who's going to be there. Oh, we're going to that.
27:57Are we? Are you listening as well?
28:01Well, you better change
28:03the subject, Steve's here.
28:05Come on for a pat, mate.
28:07No, he can't. He's busy.
28:09Oh, right. Well,
28:11I'll ask Amy which fridge to work.
28:17Why can't I go?
28:19Because you're trying on your suit
28:21and I'm trying on the jacket that I've just bought to go with my new
28:23dress. Makes sense.
28:25I suppose it beats lying to it.
28:27I don't know why you just don't tell him the truth.
28:29What, that I'm going to celebrate the man that took his wife?
28:31Instead of seeing him on his birthday?
28:33That'd really ruin our friendship, that would love.
28:41thank you. I'd better
28:43go steady. It's still only lunchtime.
28:45It is a special occasion.
28:51how are things going with Glenda?
28:53Good, yeah.
28:55You don't sound it.
28:57Well, she's got a lot on with her brother
28:59and she's taking up a lot of her energy.
29:01So, have you got anything
29:03planned for your big day or
29:05is it still too early?
29:07You know, I've got a few ideas of how I'd like it
29:09but I do want Joel's input as well.
29:11Fair play to Joel.
29:13I mean, leaving a family meal to go
29:15and help someone. Yeah, he knows where his
29:17priorities are. He's not practising
29:19more to get rich. He obviously cares about
29:21people. Well, I hope he
29:23makes a good living. But we brought
29:25him up to put people first.
29:27He has a big heart.
29:29Well, he's ambitious too, so
29:31I mean, really, he's perfect husband material.
29:37Here he is.
29:43I'll have another top up, please.
29:47Anybody else want anything?
29:49No, thank you. Fine.
29:51Are you going to be sloping off again all year for good
29:53this time?
29:55I didn't want to miss this.
29:57We were just saying,
29:59all credit to you for dropping everything again
30:01about somebody and not
30:03a rich client either.
30:05Well, there are a lot of vulnerable
30:07people out there and they need our help.
30:09Well, I'll drink to that.
30:11Well, yeah, so will I.
30:13Chin, chin.
30:15Are you annoyed at me
30:17for organising this behind your back?
30:19Too much. No, no, don't be daft.
30:23It's fine.
30:39You alright?
30:43Dropped the charges. I've been released.
30:45Try and stay out of trouble.
30:47I'd never normally walk out of a shop
30:49without paying. I don't know why I was so stupid.
30:59I just feel like
31:01everything's going wrong.
31:03My brother's dying.
31:07We're getting evicted.
31:09The boiler's on its last legs and now this.
31:11Mr Ruskin hasn't lost anything.
31:13He got his shoes back.
31:17He was proper furious though
31:19when he'd gone picking his son up.
31:21I don't understand why he's dropped the charges.
31:23Well, he should think himself lucky
31:25he doesn't have to steal.
31:27Anyway, rich people don't always play by the rules either.
31:29How do you mean?
31:31He has no right to look down on you.
31:33Is he on the fiddle?
31:35I can't say any more.
31:39Well, that makes me feel loads better.
31:41See, him should be locked up, not me.
31:43Obviously, we have to deal with offences
31:45that we don't actually see.
31:47You're a weird cop, are you?
31:51It's like you're on my side.
31:53And I saw you talking to my mum the other day.
31:57Well, the courts are jam-packed with people like you.
32:01Craig mentioned earlier that you guys were struggling.
32:09Did you have something to do with him dropping the charges?
32:11You've really gone out of your way for me.
32:13I just don't understand why.
32:33I mean, I'm glad that you did,
32:35but I don't get why.
32:37That's what you do for...
32:39That's what you do for...
32:41For what?
32:45That's what you do for people who deserve a break.
32:49We can be sensitive in how we enforce the law.
32:57Better get back to my kids.
33:05Anyway, what good would it do to your family if you was in prison?
33:09So you did put the pressure on then?
33:11I asked him to show a bit of compassion.
33:15Dad's been trying to get hold of me.
33:17This is my mam.
33:19Hiya. Yeah, they let me off.
33:21I'm just talking to one of the coppers now.
33:23I'll ring you back.
33:25My mam wanted to know what's happened.
33:27She's dead relieved.
33:29Chiselby and all.
33:31Sounds a bit lively.
33:33Yeah. Hey, why don't you come in for a drink?
33:35Say thank you. Come on.
33:39I'll be back.
33:49You stole my keys and broke into my house.
33:51Can you hold it at my?
33:53Or you can have your keys back anyway cos they don't work.
33:55I've changed the locks.
33:57That is so petty.
33:59Dad's portrait was hanging in that dining room.
34:01It's like consecrated ground, a mausoleum.
34:03How dare you vandalise it?
34:05I didn't vandalise it. I just want your stuff out.
34:07You're evicting me from my house.
34:09You had no intention
34:11of doing right by Dad.
34:13You were just stringing me along.
34:15I came up with a simple solution.
34:19You get the business, I get the house.
34:21Oh, oh, and the rest of your things
34:23are going into storage, which I expect you to pay for.
34:25But this stuff to me,
34:27it's like the contents of Tutankhamun's tomb.
34:29He was so proud of this award.
34:31I just want it out
34:33and I want to deep clean my house.
34:37What's that?
34:39It's one of Dad's.
34:41It's called a creme.
34:43Like a Grammy.
34:45Where do they do that stuff?
34:47Well, they do if you're at the top of your profession, yeah.
34:49Only our Glenda here, she wants it all shipped out to a car boot sale.
34:51OK, well, they're going mad in there.
34:53They won't serve in.
34:55I'll be there in a sec. Hey, hey, we're done.
34:57What, hang on, you two had another row?
34:59She stole me keys and broke into me house.
35:01Then she took a load of me stuff and just dumped it round her island.
35:03Come on, that's a bit drastic, Glenda.
35:05Serves him right.
35:07Grow up, Glenda.
35:09I like Glenda.
35:11Look, I know you feel hard done by,
35:13but stealing his keys...
35:15I think it's a masterstroke.
35:17No, I think it's a low blow.
35:19I'd better get back to work.
35:21Yeah, we'll talk later, once you deal with those BAME punters.
35:29So, explain the shop owner
35:31decided not to take it any further.
35:33Oh, that's decent of him, isn't it?
35:35Yeah, it's great news.
35:37And thanks for your help. It won't happen again.
35:39We know the difference between right and wrong,
35:41even the kids. We drum it into him.
35:45Nice truck.
35:47Yeah, he's mad on lorries.
35:49I hope you've got a heavy goods licence.
35:51You have to sign.
35:53Oh, yeah.
36:01Thank you.
36:09Otherwise, I'm going to have to arrest you.
36:15I need one for one of these.
36:19That copper seems nice.
36:21Kids are taking to him and all.
36:27Do you want another one?
36:29Actually, Addy's asked me if I want to go to a gig tonight.
36:33Oh, well, go on, then. I'll be all right.
36:35Really? Yeah.
36:37See you.
36:39You all right, building old mates?
36:41Oh, I'm saving myself for tomorrow, aren't I?
36:43Oh, we're going as well.
36:45I'm very excited. I love Tommy Hunt.
36:47I once thought that was your cup of tea.
36:49Yeah, well, it's not. It's that you have a donkey more like.
36:51That's how he ended up playing.
36:53No, I've got something better to do.
36:55My Amy has organised a surprise
36:57birthday party.
36:59Oh, I didn't know.
37:01Yeah, Tim gave it away.
37:03He said he had an appointment to go to, but I'm his best mate.
37:05I know when he's lying.
37:07Yeah, I think so.
37:11You all set for this surprise party tomorrow?
37:17I don't know about a party.
37:19Me neither.
37:21Very good.
37:23Anyway, I was just going to say,
37:25I think it'll do Abi good, a couple of days off work.
37:27A break from everything is what she needs.
37:31She'll love seeing the twins.
37:33I got the impression she couldn't get away quick enough.
37:35Who can blame her?
37:39So I have to pick a silly snack
37:41and feed it to the weasel?
37:45Come and wash your hands, then you can have a snack.
37:47You as well, Cleo.
37:49Go and go with Daddy.
37:51Come back for the other two.
37:55I still can't believe what you did for us.
37:57Well, you got your hands full.
37:59I can see that.
38:03Oh, it's my dad again.
38:05I'll have to take this.
38:07Hi, Dad.
38:15This one.
38:19Here, you put this on.
38:23You pick this one.
38:25Well, she was fine this morning.
38:27See you now.
38:31Yeah, I'll be there now.
38:35Is everything all right?
38:39Our mum's just died.
38:41She died.
38:45She had a stroke. It came out of nowhere.
38:49Oh, I'm so sorry.
38:53I need to go.
38:55Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, Mum.
38:57We are having a party!
39:15I'm guessing you're here for that chat.
39:17Yeah, well, we can talk later if you're busy.
39:19No, no, it's fine. It's fine.
39:21OK, um...
39:23Well, you know, I was...
39:25I was on your side
39:27when your brother fell out, and...
39:29I tried to support you, but...
39:31I feel like you crossed a line.
39:35I see.
39:37Yeah, I mean, you can't take your brother's house.
39:39That's completely out of order.
39:41And I don't feel like I can go out
39:43with someone who's capable of doing something like that.
39:45Well, that's a...
39:47That's a bit drastic.
39:49I've had...
39:51I've been through enough drama
39:53with my family this year.
39:55OK, glory needs stability.
39:57I've had people I care about
39:59abuse my trust in the past,
40:01and I don't want to be in that same position
40:03where that happens again.
40:07But, look, I don't want to...
40:09I don't want to lose your friendship.
40:13Well, I have to do what I see fit
40:15to stop my brother from walking all over me.
40:19If that's the way you feel,
40:21there's nothing I can do.
40:37It's more like it.
40:43Why haven't you been answering my calls?
40:45You in trouble again?
40:49Why do you always think the worst of me?
40:51Where have you found money for chips?
40:53Are you looking for him?
40:55Get in the car.
40:59Get in the car. We're going home.
41:19I just wanted to say
41:21I'm going home.
41:23If you ever want to talk to anyone...
41:27You can't just switch it up when it suits you.
41:33I should have been with her today.
41:35Then I got caught up
41:37helping your dodgy family.
41:41Trying to get Gemma off a shoplifting charge.
41:43Yeah, well, thank you for that.
41:47I couldn't face it if she'd have gone to prison.
41:51It's a bit of a shock seeing you two together,
41:53imagining what could have been.
41:57I believe my mum would have loved us gone.
42:01But the one who abandoned me is still very much alive.
42:03And I will regret what I did
42:05till the day I die,
42:07but that doesn't mean we can't be a family in the future.
42:11Your brother's not got long.
42:13I need to go.
42:21Bernie, wait.
42:27I'm sorry.
42:29I shouldn't have spoke to you that way.
42:31I don't want to be angry anymore.
42:35Today's made me realise that
42:37life's too short.
42:39And I want to get to know my brother and sister.
42:43I want them to know who I am.
42:45I want them to know who I am.
42:47I want them to know who I am.
42:49I'd love that.
42:51Let's tell the twins tomorrow.