• il y a 4 mois


00:00Sous-titrage FRN
00:30Oh, I forgot you people are so remote out here, you haven't seen a movie before.
00:34I haven't seen a movie because there is no such thing, and you, sir, are skulking.
00:38So as I was trying to tell this Mowdy, sir, I am a talent scout for Majestic Pictures, and I'm looking for a new silent matinee idol.
00:45A man who is brave, stalwart, handsome, strong.
00:48I'm your man.
00:49Trustworthy, cute. Say, this is him. Look at that profile.
00:54Why, that's Snidely Whiplash.
00:56Snidely Whiplash, eh? Has a nice ring to it. Good box office. Just the man I'm looking for.
01:01He's just the man we're looking for, too.
01:03Majestic Pictures can do much more for him than you can, sir.
01:06Don't stand in the way of the boy's career. You haven't signed a new contract yet, have you?
01:09Not exactly. You see, he's the most wanted man in Canada, and I can see why, too.
01:14That chiseled nose, that firm chin. Where can I get a hold of this boy?
01:18Do you suppose we would be standing here if we knew?
01:20Hard to get, eh? Well, I must have that boy.
01:23How can you, a mere flatlander, hope to get Snidely Whiplash
01:26when the Royal Canadian Mounties have been trying to get him for years?
01:29What do you have that we haven't?
01:32Inspector Fenwick?
01:33Yes, Gladly?
01:34What's a movie?
01:36And Majestic will make me a star?
01:38That's right, Snidely, baby. You will be the idol of millions. Sign right here, sweetie.
01:42Halt! In the name of the RCMP, I have come, Snidely Whiplash,
01:45to bring you in because the Mounties always get their man.
01:48Well, you're not getting this man. I just signed him to a 15-year contract with options.
01:52Gee, 15 years. That's a pretty stiff sentence.
01:55Snidely Whiplash went to Hollywood to star in silent movies.
01:58Overnight, he became a sensation.
02:00He was known as Snidely Whiplash the Great Profile.
02:02He introduced the tango which swept the country.
02:04Everybody was doing his famous tango.
02:06However, in Northern Canada, Snidely Whiplash laid a bomb,
02:09mainly because the people there had never seen a movie.
02:12But his absence was sorely felt by members of the RCMP.
02:15They were becoming disenchanted.
02:17Without Snidely Whiplash, Inspector, there's no incentive to being Mountie,
02:20for Mounties have lost their golden life.
02:22Why, to bring in Snidely Whiplash was the dream of every young Canadian boy.
02:26I know, Dudley, but we must go on somehow.
02:29But on the brighter side, a new movie house has been constructed in town.
02:33Why don't we run over and take in a movie, Dudley?
02:35What's a movie?
02:40You are under arrest, Snidely Whiplash, in the name of the Mountie police!
02:44Oh, come, Dudley, it's only a movie.
02:46So that's a movie. It seemed so real, Inspector. There he was.
02:49Archvillain Snidely Whiplash.
02:55Oh, Dudley, I hate to be a nag,
02:57but don't you think just occasionally you could bring in a man?
03:00With Snidely Whiplash gone, they just don't seem important enough to bother with.
03:04But then the one thing happened that none of them had foreseen.
03:08Oh, Snidely, tell me again that you care for me. A little.
03:12Me? Me? I would move heaven and earth for you.
03:15I would swim the deepest river, scale the highest mountain.
03:20Why are they laughing at Snidely, Inspector?
03:22It's the voice, Dudley, can't you see? The voice is so funny.
03:27I don't find that it's funny at all. In fact, I think he has rather a pleasant voice.
03:31Well, Dudley, I think this washes up Snidely Whiplash in Hollywood.
03:34I certainly don't see why.
03:36But you can't tear up my contract. I'm a star. And besides, my 15 years aren't up yet.
03:41You didn't read the fine print, Snidely baby.
03:43It says, quote, in the event of talkies,
03:45if the party of the first part, that's you, talks in any manner, way or form like Dudley Do-Right,
03:50the party of the second part, that's us, has the option to tear up the contract.
03:54Curses spoiled again. That's what happens by associating with the Do-Right.
03:59You do wrong, wrong.
04:01So Snidely Whiplash had to return to Northern Canada with no more than what he left, except a scrapbook.
04:05There were no cheering crowds, no band, no welcoming committee.
04:09Just one lonely figure standing on the platform, Dudley Do-Right.
04:13Well, Dudley, I suppose you want to bring me in.
04:16Why no, Mr. Whiplash. All I want is your autograph.
04:43Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
