
  • 3 months ago
00:00Hey guys, today's video is on the top 5 longest trucks.
00:04Number 5.
00:05Sin City Hustler
00:06Monster trucks are undoubtedly the coolest type of truck, but one couple in Las Vegas
00:11managed to take the extreme to a whole new level.
00:15They designed the $1,000,000 Sin City Hustler, which is an incredible 32 feet long, making
00:20it by far the longest monster truck in the world.
00:24It's 12 feet tall, weighs 15,000 pounds, and has room inside for 12 passengers.
00:30Constructed by hand, it took more than 15 months to complete, but this effort was worth
00:36They built it using parts from racing vehicles, and even with its 66-inch custom wheels, the
00:41750 brake horsepower John Cassie engine allows it to reach impressive speeds.
00:46It's obviously not street legal, but it is a popular attraction for party groups to hire,
00:51where they're taken through the canyons and hills of White Hills, about 45 minutes
00:54outside of the city after which it's named.
01:03Number 4.
01:04The 16-Wheel Kitchen
01:06Any city you visit in the world has a variety of food trucks offering up cuisine on the
01:10go, but what if one truck just isn't enough?
01:13An entrepreneur in India came up with the perfect solution and created the world's
01:18called the Kitchen on 16 Wheels.
01:22It's essentially a flatbed truck with a shipping container that contains all of the cooking
01:27There are six independent food stalls inside, each of which has their own full-time expert
01:31chef and include a waffle house, a fries and cones outlet, and a few more gourmet options.
01:37In all, it's 50 feet long and moves to locations in Hyderabad, the capital city of the country
01:42state of Telangana.
01:43With so many choices in one place, no longer will you face the dilemma of deciding which
01:47stall most of your group wants to go to.
01:50Everyone will be able to get what they want and hopefully, designs like this will come
01:53to a street near you.
01:59Number 3.
02:01Electric vehicles are becoming all the more common, but the technology still isn't powerful
02:05or efficient enough for truck manufacturers to fully embrace.
02:09But that's all about to change.
02:11Tesla has announced its own truck, but it's the Swiss-made E-Dumper that currently holds
02:15the record for being the longest and biggest electric truck in the world.
02:20It's 30 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 14 feet tall and began life being powered by a six-cylinder
02:26turbo-diesel engine.
02:28This has now been removed and replaced with a 9,000-pound, 600-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion
02:33battery, which is six times that maximum size currently on offer from Tesla.
02:39The amazing thing about this truck is that its range is virtually infinite.
02:43This isn't because of any new designs in battery technology, but because of the way
02:47that it's installed with regenerative braking technology.
02:51Where it's used, the 45-ton vehicle drives up a 13% incline hill to pick up 65 tons of
02:57lime and marl to take it to the local cement factory.
03:00As it descends the hill, the braking system generates enough energy for it to go back
03:04up the hill again once it has deposited its cargo.
03:08The creators estimate the adaptation saved more than 50,000 tons of diesel every year
03:12and so could have a major impact on emissions if it were to be used elsewhere.
03:22Number 2.
03:23The Crawler Transporter
03:25During the height of the space race in the 1960s, NASA developed the Saturn V, the largest
03:31and most powerful rocket ever to have been designed.
03:34But in the operation of these monstrous vehicles, equally large support structures were required.
03:40In 1965, they constructed two crawler transporters to move the rockets from the Vehicle Assembly
03:46Building to one of two launch sites about three or four miles away, and they remained
03:50in use for decades, becoming a familiar sight in the build-up to space shuttle launches
03:55between 1981 and 2011.
03:58Built to carry huge structures, these transporters became some of the most powerful in the world.
04:03Each one was built with four trucks, one on each corner.
04:07Each truck has four 375-horsepower locomotive traction motors, which are powered by both
04:13diesel engines and DC generators.
04:16In total, the entire structure is 131 feet long, 114 feet wide, and weighs a massive
04:223,150 tons.
04:25All this power and size means that they are able to carry huge loads and would be more
04:29than double in weight when carrying a space shuttle.
04:33With all these impressive numbers, the crawler transporter's speed is a little less exciting.
04:38Without any cargo, their top speed is about two miles per hour, and when they are carrying
04:42equipment to launch, this reduces to around one mile per hour.
04:46Throughout the three- or four-hour journey to its destination, it burns 165 gallons of
04:51diesel per mile, which only goes to show quite how large and heavy the vehicles used to travel
04:56to space are.
04:58The intention is for each of the crawlers to stay in service for a long period of time,
05:03so they have been undergoing a series of refits to be ready for the future needs of space
05:08This includes adding a new AC power generator to increase the available power from 750 kilowatts
05:14to 1,500 kilowatts, and upgrading all the hydraulics, fuel tanks, and other systems.
05:20This should make them much more reliable and able to handle whatever shape and size of
05:24rockets are required for the exploration of our solar system in the next few decades.
05:34Number 1.
05:35Australian Road Trains In Australia, the long distances that have
05:40to be covered, along with the low number of road users in some area, have led to something
05:44that you won't see on a similar scale anywhere else on Earth – road trains.
05:49These trucks can be made up of multiple trailers attached to a single engine at the front,
05:53and in some cases, they can be huge.
05:56The record for the longest was set in February of 2006 in southern Queensland.
06:01With thousands of spectators looking on, this road train consisted of 112 trailers and was
06:06a total length of just under a mile.
06:09While the 1,300-ton train only managed to move about a distance of 328 feet, it showed
06:14quite how extreme these model convoys can be.
06:18It was pulled by a tri-drive Mack Titan, which is a model of truck designed specifically
06:22to transport huge loads.
06:24Usually, road trains are much shorter, with around three or four trailers being attached,
06:29but this is still much longer than anything used on the roads elsewhere.
06:33It's legal on Australian roads to have loads up to 200 tons, and they can travel at speeds
06:38of up to 62 miles per hour.
06:40As well as being a focus for record-breaking attempts, they are a more efficient way of
06:44transporting materials and cargos across vast distances and have been credited for the economic
06:49development of the remote areas.
06:51They are often used to carry livestock, fuel, mineral ores, and general freight, and some
06:56communities in the Australian outback are completely reliant on them for their supplies.
07:01Road trains are somewhat of a tourist attraction, especially near Darwin, which is the only
07:06city in the world where trucks with four trailers are allowed within a mile of the central business
07:12And there's nothing quite like trying to overtake one on a dusty outback road.
07:16When the trailers have been emptied at their destinations, things get even crazier because
07:20then they can be stacked as many as three high to allow a single cab to move a large
07:25number of them to where they'll next be needed.
07:33Honorable Mentions
07:34Bell AZ-75710
07:35In 2013, Bell AZ, a state-owned company in Belarus, revealed the Bell AZ-75710, the largest
07:45dump truck in the world.
07:47This huge machine is 68 feet long, 27 feet high, and 32 feet wide.
07:53It has two 65-liter, 16-cylinder engines that produce 2,300 horsepower each and a peak torque
08:00of 13,739 pounds per foot, which makes it more than 24 times as powerful as a Formula
08:061 car and able to carry loads of up to 450 tons.
08:11These weights mean that a range of new technology has to be designed, such as the transmission
08:15that handles the power, and it's fitted with eight tubeless pneumatic tires that are
08:20so big that if you stood next to one, you wouldn't even reach halfway.
08:24All of this comes at a price, though.
08:26The vehicle itself costs $6 million, and it burns 13 liters of fuel per kilometer.
08:32Luckily, the designers have thought about this and given the option to use only one
08:36of the engines when not carrying cargo, so that'll save on some of the operating costs.
08:44Mars Truck
08:47With our aims of exploring and colonizing worlds other than our own, designers have
08:51begun to plan the types of vehicles that we might come to rely on for transport and construction
08:55on faraway planets.
08:57As far as their preparations for imminent voyage to Mars, NASA revealed their Mars rover
09:01in 2017, which looks futuristic enough to be in a sci-fi movie.
09:06The truck is electrically powered and fitted with solar panels to recharge.
09:10It's made from carbon fiber and aluminum, and the chassis is 28 feet long and 13 feet
09:16It's big enough to carry four passengers and comes complete with a detachable laboratory
09:20that can be left at sites of interest.
09:22It's been specifically designed to traverse rocky terrain of Mars and should be able to
09:26comfortably move about 15 miles per hour.
09:29If astronauts come across open flats while they're exploring the red planet, though,
09:33they could open up the rover's full capability and reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour.
10:04I hope you all enjoyed today's video, narrated by Zach this time.
10:08Be sure to subscribe for more and check out some of our recent uploads.
