• 6 months ago


00:00:30🎵Που πριν ανοίξει ο σαλαθός🎵
00:00:40🎵Και πριν ο σκότως βοηθήσει🎵
00:00:50🎵Τη γρήγια γέρας και καπνός🎵
00:01:01🎵Και αύριο νεμό ζωή🎵
00:03:11Τι λες, θέλει βάψιμο?
00:03:16Το ταβάνι, λέω, που το κοιτάς.
00:03:22Όχι κάτι καλό.
00:03:24Έχει δουλειά μας καλά?
00:03:25Ε, ναι, έχει μερικές φορές.
00:03:27Ας τα λένε καλό. Έχει και μια άσχημα.
00:03:31Παλεύουμε μια ζωή να κυνηγήσουμε τους εγκληματίες, τους παράνομους.
00:03:35Και πάντα τυλιτώνουμε έναν τρόπο.
00:03:37Κόβεις ένα κεφάλι, φυτρώνουν άλλα δέκα.
00:03:40Δυστυχώς το έγκλημα δεν τελειώνει ποτέ.
00:03:44Και εμείς έχουμε και το άλλο.
00:03:47Το καλό το δικό σου, είναι το άσχημα το δικό μου και το αντίθετο.
00:03:53Για νιώσε το αυτό.
00:03:55Σκέψου τώρα τη δική της Βασιλικής.
00:03:58Εσύ θέλεις να την βάλεις στη φυλακή και εγώ θέλω να αδωθεί.
00:04:00Ό,τι και να γίνει, κάνε τη θάνατο για τη μέρα σου.
00:04:02Γιατί πιστεύετε όλοι ότι θέλω να κλείσω τη Βασιλική φυλακή.
00:04:06Ενώ τι θέλεις, αγάπη μου.
00:04:08Να λάμψει αλήθεια.
00:04:10Να αποδοθεί δικαιοσύνη.
00:04:12Δεν θα ήθελα ποτέ να κατηγορηθεί ένας αδώς άνθρωπος.
00:04:19Ε, κι εγώ γι' αυτό είμαι εδώ.
00:04:20Για να σου λέω πότε κάνεις λάθος.
00:04:23Κι στην περίπτωση της Βασιλικής κάνεις λάθος.
00:04:26Ε, εύχομαι να έχεις πραγματικά δίκιο.
00:04:31Και πώς το νιώσεις που θα χάσεις από μένα.
00:04:35Εδώ έχω χάσει το μυαλό μου. Αυτό θα με πειράξει.
00:04:39Έχεις καταλάβει ότι αυτή θα είναι η ζωή σου από εδώ και πέρα.
00:04:43Ότι θα σηκώνεσαι, θα πηγαίνεις σε μια αίθουσα και θα προσπαθείς να νικήσεις την ίδια σου τη γυναίκα.
00:04:51Απ' την πρώτη φορά που σε συνάντησα, το ένστικτο μου φώναζε τρέχα να σωθείς, τρέχα να σωθείς.
00:04:57Δεν το άκουσα.
00:04:59Προσπάθησα στην αλήθεια, έτρεχα, έτρεχα, έτρεχα, αλλά δεν τα κατάφερα.
00:05:03Πάντα έμεινα κολλημένος στο ίδιο σημείο.
00:05:05Και σε τσάγκωσα.
00:05:19Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί ανησυχήσατε που βγήκαμε.
00:05:22Τι δεν καταλαβαίνεις μωρή σου, λέει ήρθαν περιπολικά, έγινε καταδίωξη.
00:05:25Πού ρε μάνα, μέσα στα στενά της ανοποριάς έγινε καταδίωξη.
00:05:28Ναι παιδί μου, βαράγανε σιρήνες. Πού είναι και αυτός ο πατέρας σου να μας πει τι έγινε.
00:05:33Ακούστηκαν πυροβολισμοί.
00:05:34Όχι, σιρήνες βαράγανε, πλησιάζανε, ακούστηκαν μέχρι εδώ και κάποια στιγμή σταματήσανε.
00:05:39Έλα, πού είσαι τόση ώρα.
00:05:41Είπα έστειλε Μανώλη, πήγε η ψυχή μας στην κούλουρη.
00:05:44Γιατί τόσο σπανικός ρε πατέρα, τι σχέση έχουμε εμείς με τα περιπολικά και τις καταδιώξεις.
00:05:48Σε βρήκα μια δέσποτη Μανώλη ασπρώγω γιατί τόσο σπανικός.
00:05:51Τι λες μωρέ Παντελή, σταμάτα.
00:05:52Αφού είπε ότι δεν ακούστηκαν πυροβολισμοί.
00:05:54Γιατί δεν έχει βρεθεί ο ύπαπτος ακόμη.
00:05:56Ποιος είναι ο ύπαπτος.
00:05:58Ναι μωρέ Παντελή μου, πες μας.
00:06:03Ο Αντρέας Ζευρουλάκης.
00:06:05Τι, ήρθε εδώ ο Αντρέας, έφτασε.
00:06:07Ή έφτασε βέβαια, εγώ σας τα είχα μενείς.
00:06:10Από τη στιγμή που ήρθε στην Ελλάδα ήταν θέμα χρόνου να βρεθεί και στο χωριό.
00:06:15Πού το μάθατε αυτό κύριο Παντελή.
00:06:16Είπε μου το Ιντίνα. Την έβρικα στο περιπαλληκό, απ' έξω απ' το ερχοντικό του σταματάκι του.
00:06:22Και στο απετσυχήμα. Συνήθως οι αστυνομικοί δεν δίνουν πληροφορίες στον οποιοδήποτε.
00:06:26Ρε συ Μανώλη, δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω για τι λογιάς τον Παντέλη ως για οποιοδήποτε.
00:06:29Αφού κάτες ότι όταν θέλω να αποσπάσω μια πληροφορία, δεν μπορεί να μου αντισταθεί κανείς.
00:06:35Από παέτην έφερνα, από κιάτην πήγαινα, μου τα ξεφούρνιζε όλα.
00:06:38Ε, πείτε μας.
00:06:40Τι να σου πω.
00:06:42Τι σας είπε.
00:06:44Ότι σχεδιάζει να επιτεθεί εκεί.
00:06:48Πώς στο ερχοντικό. Με την Καλλιόπη μέσα, αφού δεν χτυπάνε γυναίκες.
00:06:52Δεν είναι μοναχίτσι η Καλλιόπη. Είναι και ο Ρούσος εκεί.
00:06:56Και γιατί να θέλει να χτυπήσει τον άσχετο άνθρωπο.
00:06:59Εδώ υπάρχει παρασκήνη ο Μανώλη.
00:07:01Τι παρασκήνη υπάρχει Παντελή.
00:07:03Είναι μια φήμη που την έλεγε ο συγχωρεμένος του πατέρας μου.
00:07:05Τι έχει να κάνει με τον Ρούσο αυτή η φήμη.
00:07:08Με τον Ρούσο και με την μάνα του Ανδρέα.
00:07:20Πάντως, καλά θα κάνεις λίγο να αρχίσεις να το δουλεύεις μέσα σου.
00:07:24Ο διαδρομητός εδώ πέρα που ήρθε θα τον πακλαρώσουν.
00:07:31Και μην τα βάζει με την κυριαρίνη. Δεν φταίει. Δεν το κάνει για κακό.
00:07:34Δεν τα βάζω ματσίτσι.
00:07:36Την επιέσανε ο Παύλος και η Μαρίνα.
00:07:39Και στο φινάλι ο Ανδρέας δεν είναι ματσίτσι.
00:07:42Εμένα αδερφός μου είναι και μόνο εμένα έχει.
00:07:46Άμα τον επροδώσω θα τον αφήσω ξεκρέμαστο.
00:07:50Τι να σου πω ρε φίλε. Έχεις και εσύ τα δίκαια σου.
00:07:53Έχουν και αυτά δικά τους όμως. Να μην τα κάνεις.
00:08:03Δεν τα έγινε.
00:08:05Τι να μάθεις. Αφού ακούσαμε σιρήνες. Είτε τον πιάσανε είτε τους ξέφυγε.
00:08:09Τι αυτό θέλω να μάθω μπρε.
00:08:11Καλά λες.
00:08:13Να φέρω λίγο ρακί. Θα πάρω την τίνα τηλέφωνο.
00:08:16Θα μάθουμε.
00:08:18Ναι μπράβο να την πάρεις.
00:08:34Ιντάγυνε τηλέμαχαι. Ποιος με έδωσε. Εσύ.
00:08:37Για τέτοιο με έχεις. Έχω σε πήρα να σε προειδοποιήσω.
00:08:40Τότε ποιος. Ιθιά.
00:08:46Ιντάγυνε. Ακούσαμε τα περιπολικά.
00:08:48Με χάσαμε.
00:08:49Και που είσαι εδώ.
00:08:51Καλιά είναι να μην κατέσουν.
00:08:52Μόνο να κατέ ότι είσαι καλά.
00:08:54Καλά. Με χαρά.
00:08:56Με τον Ρούσο Ιντάγυνε.
00:08:58Πήρε μια αναβολή.
00:08:59Τιλέμαχαι μέχρι να μου φέρουν ένα καινούριο αριθμό.
00:09:01Δεν μπορείς να με βρεις.
00:09:03Όταν θα τον έχω.
00:09:05Θα σε πάρω εγώ.
00:09:06Προσέξε αδερφέ.
00:09:08Μην είσαι έγκνια για μένα.
00:09:10Πρόσεξε να μην πάνε και σε πλέξουν.
00:09:12Δεν με κατές. Δεν με είδες. Τίποτα.
00:09:14Κατένω ότι σε είδα.
00:09:15Τσιτώ παιδιά.
00:09:17Δεν πειράζει που λατρέλα.
00:09:23Έλα μπορείς να χαλαρώσεις.
00:09:24Εδώ μου βρήκανε.
00:09:26Αλλά του την έχουν όμως στημένη έξω από το σπίτι της καπετάνης σας.
00:09:29Δεν πιστεύουν ότι θα πάει από εκεί.
00:09:32Έλα πιες.
00:09:54Άντε τι κάνει η μάνα μου τόση ώρα μέσα.
00:09:57Το εγγονάκι της ήρθε στον κόσμο.
00:09:59Κάτσε να το ευχηθεί.
00:10:01Ναι να τελειώνει να πάρουμε και μείς σειρά σιγά σιγά.
00:10:04Θα πάρουμε. Περίμενε.
00:10:06Πάντως στενοχωρήθηκε πολύ ο Μαθιός και η Βασιλική που δεν τους άφησαν να την κρατήσουν στην αγκαλιά τους.
00:10:12Λογικό είναι.
00:10:14Πάντως δεν πέρασε εύκολα η Βασιλική αυτούς τους τελευταίους μήνες.
00:10:17Ναι ήταν χάλια η αλήθεια να λέγεται. Δεν έτρωγε.
00:10:20Δεν έτρωγε. Τίποτα.
00:10:21Δεν έτρωγε. Τίποτα.
00:10:23Εντάξει θα πάρει γρήγορα. Τα πάμε ξημοκλή.
00:10:25Στην Θεοδόρα πήγες.
00:10:27Που το κατάλαβες.
00:10:28Αφού μου έκανες ζωή μου.
00:10:30Τι έγινε. Πώς είναι.
00:10:32Όλα καλά.
00:10:34Να πάτε κι εσείς ένας ένας όμως να μην την κουράσετε.
00:10:38Και θα πας τώρα σπίτι να ξεκουραστείς.
00:10:41Να είσαι εδώ από το μεσημέρι. Να πας να ξεκουραστείς.
00:10:42Και αύριο το πρωί έρχεσαι να μας αλλάξεις.
00:10:44Να πάω εγώ στη δουλειά και να πάει αργυρό λίγο στο μικρό.
00:10:46Να μην μείνουμε όλοι μαζί.
00:10:48Είναι και ο Ρούσο σπίτι. Πήγαινε.
00:10:53Θα φώναξε τον Νεκτάνο να με πάει.
00:10:55Ωραία. Να πάμε να τη δούμε. Άντε.
00:10:57Αφήστε τους λιγάκι μοναχούς.
00:11:10Δηλαδή μαθαίνουν σε άφησα να τη δεις.
00:11:12Και μόλις σηκωθείς θα τη δεις και εσύ.
00:11:15Τώρα να πάμε ο γιατρός.
00:11:17Άλλως θα μου είπε να περπατήσω γρήγορα.
00:11:19Είναι καλό να το κάνω. Να σηκωθώ αμέσως.
00:11:23Αύριο το πρωί. Εντάξει.
00:11:25Μην ξεχνάς. Έχεις βγει από χειρουργία.
00:11:29Το κοριτσάκι μας.
00:11:31Πώς είναι.
00:11:35Και τόσο δουλειά. Μια σταλίτσα.
00:11:38Εγώ φταίω που βγήκε τόσο μικρούλα.
00:11:40Δεν την πρόσεξα όσο έπρεπε.
00:11:42Και έκανες ό,τι καλύτερο μπορούσες.
00:11:45Ό,τι καλύτερο μπορούσες.
00:11:47Και το παιδί είναι καλά τώρα.
00:11:49Είναι μισό. Το προσέχουν.
00:11:51Θα δυναμώσει. Θα το πάρουμε στο σπίτι μας.
00:11:53Και δεν το αφήσουμε ποτέ ξανά.
00:11:55Αφού θα φύγεις με αθιό μου πώς θα γίνει αυτό.
00:11:57Εσύ δεν θα είσαι εκεί.
00:12:04Με έκανες το πιο ευτυχισμένο άνθρωπο στον κόσμο.
00:12:08Και σε ευχαριστώ.
00:12:10Σε ευχαριστώ που με άφησες να είμαι δίπλα σου.
00:12:13Αυτήν την όμορφη στιγμή.
00:12:18Αυτό θα έχω μέσα μου.
00:12:20Αυτή τη στιγμή μας.
00:12:22Αξιοθήκαμε να ζήσουμε αυτό το θαύμα μαζί.
00:12:24Αυτό θα με κρατάει όσο θα λείπεις.
00:12:30Είναι δυνατόν να αφήνετε τον Θεό να περιμένει το παιδί σου.
00:12:33Αστέρι μου, έλα.
00:12:35Πώς νιώθεις?
00:12:37Περίεργα, γιατί δεν με αφήνουν να δω το κοριτσάκι μου.
00:12:40Εκείνη θέλει να σε λείπει πάνω σου.
00:12:43Την είδες.
00:12:45Είναι υπέροχη.
00:12:48Το κοριτσάκι μου, αστέρι μου.
00:12:51Γιατί δεν με αφήνουν να το δω εδώ.
00:12:53Θα το δεις, θα το δεις.
00:12:55Λίγο απογόνη.
00:12:57Λίγο απογόνη.
00:13:13Ήρθες, μωρό μου.
00:13:15Ναι, αγάπη μου, ήρθα και συγγνώμη που άρχισα, αλλά είχα διάφορα θέματα.
00:13:19Δεν πειράζει.
00:13:21Εσύ τι κάνεις?
00:13:23Καλά είμαι.
00:13:25Τι είναι αυτό?
00:13:32Αγάπη μου, τι σημαίνει, κρασί πίνεις εσύ?
00:13:35Πας καλά, μωρέ, δεν είναι δικό μου.
00:13:36Πας καλά, μωρέ, δεν είναι δικό μου.
00:13:40Δεν είναι δικό σου και ποιο είναι, αγάπη μου.
00:13:44Ποιο είναι, τι, θα μου πεις?
00:13:49Είχες τι?
00:13:51Είχα μια απρόσμενη επίσκεψη.
00:13:58Για πες, ποιος.
00:14:02Δεν με κοιτάς έτσι.
00:14:04Λέγε, ποιος εδώ είναι.
00:14:06Η Αργυρώ.
00:14:08Εσύ τώρα να δουλεύεις.
00:14:10Ποιο Αργυρώ, τι σχέση έχει η Αργυρώ εδώ πέρα, από πότε, πώς.
00:14:14Δεν ξέρω, ήθελε να έρθει να μου ευχηθεί για το μωρό.
00:14:18Για κοίτα με καλά.
00:14:20Όχι, μη γελάς, μη γελάς, όχι μη γελάς, υποτίθεται από ότι μου είχες πίσω στείλει τα συγχαρητήρια μέσω της Τζέννης.
00:14:27Ναι, και σήμερα πήγε και στους γονείς μου να ευχηθεί.
00:14:29Να ευχηθεί.
00:14:32Τι κυκλωδημική γυναίκα είναι αυτή τώρα, καταλαβαίνω.
00:14:38Όχι, όχι.
00:14:40Νομίζω πως το προσπαθεί.
00:14:43Στην υγειά της βασιλικής.
00:14:45Στην υγειά της και στην υγειά σου.
00:14:55Για πες.
00:14:57Πώς και από εδώ.
00:15:00Ναι, λοιπόν.
00:15:04Κοίτα, αυτή τη στιγμή που έμαθα ότι είσαι εγγύος, κάπως...
00:15:09Πώς να το πω...
00:15:12Κάπως μαλάκωσα και δεν θέλω να είμαστε έτσι.
00:15:17Είναι πολύ σημαντικό αυτό που λες.
00:15:21Δεν θέλω να κουβαλάς και αυτό το βάρος.
00:15:24Κουβαλάς ήδη. Έλα.
00:15:36Εμείς ήδη τώρα...
00:15:38Πού βρισκόμαστε.
00:15:41Κάναμε νομίζω στην αρχή.
00:15:44Κάναμε το πρώτο βήμα.
00:15:48Είμαστε σε καλό δρόμο.
00:15:52Μου αρκεί.
00:15:54Είδες, κορίτσι μου...
00:15:57Είδες, κορίτσι μου, ότι όλα θα πάνε καλά.
00:15:59Θέμα χρόνια.
00:16:01Είσαι ευτυχισμένη τώρα.
00:16:04Το μόνο που μένει τώρα για να κλείσει ο κύκλος είναι να γεννήσει η Βασιλική.
00:16:07Ναι, τώρα τα σουχαλάκια για την έκπληξη, αλλά μόλις γέννησε.
00:16:12Μόλις γέννησε.
00:16:13Τι εννοείς μόλις γέννησε?
00:16:14Πότε? Τι εννοείς?
00:16:15Ηρέμησε, ηρέμησε.
00:16:16Την ώρα που ερχόμασταν μαζί με τον Αντώνη, η Μαρίνα δέχτηκε ένα τηλέφωνο από τον Αργυρό και πήγε στο νοσοκομείο.
00:16:22Τι λες τώρα!
00:16:24Αχ, Θεέ μου, δεν το πιστεύω!
00:16:26Αγάπη μου, ηρέμησε. Τι χαρά είναι αυτή για τα ξένα παιδιά.
00:16:28Φαντάζομαι ότι θα κάνει με το δικό μου.
00:16:29Σταμάτα, βέβαια το μοιραστώ το με κάποιον.
00:16:31Ποιο να πάρω, να πάρω τον Μανολέ.
00:16:32Όχι, όχι, θα μην πάρεις κανέναν.
00:16:33Είναι πάρα πολύ αργά.
00:16:34Αύριο μέρα, είναι με την ησυχία σου, όλα με την ησυχία σου.
00:16:36Και πώς θα περιμένω εγώ, βρε μωρό μου, μέχρι το πρωί.
00:16:38Τι θα κάνω όλο το βράδυ.
00:16:40Να περιμένεις, γιατί έχουν πάρα πολύ ωραίο παγωτός και κατάψυξη.
00:16:42Το περιοδοποιώ μόνο για σένα.
00:16:46Σου κάνει κάτι βίντεο.
00:16:48Κάτι μου κάνει αυτό, ναι.
00:16:49Να πάω.
00:16:52Τι ωραίο.
00:16:58Άφηκα το βίντεο.
00:17:06Εδώ είμαι.
00:17:08Θάρρονα, πώς έθεσες.
00:17:09Τι έγινε, γέννησε βασιλίκη.
00:17:11Γέννησε και έκανε ένα ωραίο κοπελάκι, αλλά ταλαιπωρηθήκε λιγάκι
00:17:13Ταλαιπώρησε κι εμάς δύο φορές.
00:17:14Δύο φορές, γιατί.
00:17:15Αφού του έκανε.
00:17:55Το βάλανε στη θερμοκοιτήτα?
00:17:57Όλα τα κατέστωρο.
00:17:59Ναι, μπορεί να μην έχω ζήσει εγώ την πατρότητα,
00:18:01αλλά έχω φίλους παντρεμένους, με παιδιά,
00:18:04και μου τα έχουν εξήγησει αυτά.
00:18:06Είδες μωρέ τις ημερνές.
00:18:08Ούλες θέλουν να γεννούνε μοντέλα.
00:18:11Και λυσσούν έτσι πείνας.
00:18:13Δεν τρώνε μια μπουκιά, να πιάσουν μια ολιά κρέας πάνω.
00:18:17Μόνο τους σφραγίζουνε.
00:18:19Και δεν έχουν με τα γάλα να δώσουν στα μωράντονε.
00:18:21Τέλος πάντων, όλα καλά.
00:18:23Όλα καλά.
00:18:24Ας είναι ευλογημένο το όνομα της Παναγίας.
00:18:26Δεν θα ξανατσανάψω μια λαμπάδα.
00:18:29Είσαι με το δικό σου boy, Ρούσο μου.
00:18:31Να τη χαίρεστε.
00:18:33Να τη χαιρόμαστε.
00:18:34Οικογένεια είμαστε.
00:18:35Και εσύ οικογένεια είσαι.
00:18:44Γιατί είσαι έτσι.
00:18:46Στενοχωρήθηκες με το μικρό μου στο νοσοκομείο.
00:18:49Την Άννα που σου είπε.
00:18:50Δεν θα περάσουνε μωρέ.
00:18:52Μην το σκέφτεσαι.
00:18:53Δε θα έχουμε χαρές.
00:18:57Είδα τον Ανδρέα.
00:19:00Ήρθε εδώ.
00:19:03Στο σπίτι μου?
00:19:04Ναι, πριν.
00:19:06Και είδα πάτε.
00:19:08Φαίνεται υπολόγιζε ότι θα με βρει μόνο μου.
00:19:11Αλλά ήμουνα με τον παπά και σε αυτόν χωριστά ότι ζω.
00:19:16Ίσα μου λες Φούσο.
00:19:18Ίσα έκανε.
00:19:20Πήγε να σε ξεκάνει.
00:19:22Έβγαλε όπλο.
00:19:24Αλλά μπήκε ο παπάς μπροστά και...
00:19:29Αφού το σχήλο πήγε να μακελέψει μωρέ τον κύριο του σατανάς.
00:19:34Μην τον λες έτσι.
00:19:35Δε φταίει αυτός εγώ φταίου για όλα.
00:19:38Και καλύτερα να με σκότωνα να εσύ χαζά και εγώ και αυτός.
00:19:43Πάω να φέρω κι εγώ μια κούπα.
00:19:46Να πιούμε τσεκουριά.
00:19:48Αλλιώς την πιάσουμε την νύχτα.
00:20:08Αξενιτήσαι δεν πήγες ακόμα να θέσεις.
00:20:12Για να τσιμηθώ, Αντώνη.
00:20:15Για να έρθουν πάλι οι εφιάλτες που με κατατρέχουν ημέρα-νύχτα.
00:20:20Μην δίνεις σημασία στα όνειρα και τα ήλιμα.
00:20:23Η ψυχή σου τα γεννά.
00:20:25Και ανταστρέψε συνεχώς το κακό.
00:20:27Και ανταφέρεις και λίγο και τα καλά.
00:20:29Κι ακαλά.
00:20:30Που τα δεις τα καλά.
00:20:33Όταν μοίρασε ο Θεός καλά, εμάς μας εξέχασε.
00:20:38Να, σήμερα ας πούμε είναι μια ωραία μέρα.
00:20:40Η κοινωνία μας επέκτεισε ένα καινούργιο μέλος.
00:20:42Ε, μαθάτε.
00:20:45Να είναι γερό και απίκρονο το κοριτσάκι τώρα.
00:20:49Η Μαρίνα μου.
00:20:52Καλά είστε.
00:20:54Εδώ, Αντώνη μου.
00:20:58Η Ντάινη με τον Ανδρέα μας.
00:21:00Ακούσαμε τις ειρήνες. Τον επιάσατε?
00:21:04Ούτε τον είδαμε καθόλου.
00:21:07Ηρέμησες τώρα, ε?
00:21:09Με ψάξαμε, παιδί μου, παντού.
00:21:11Παντού. Δεν τον εβρήκαμε πόθες.
00:21:13Μάθημε να ζουν, να ξεκλειστράει.
00:21:16Πίστευα, ρε παιδί μου, ότι θα είχε πάει να βρει τον πατέρα του,
00:21:19τον Ρούσο, στις Καλλιόπης.
00:21:21Αλλά δεν κατορυντάγηνε.
00:21:23Δεν τον εβρήκε μοναχό και έφυγε.
00:21:25Για μας πήρε χαμπάρι και τον πήρε στα πόδια.
00:21:28Ήταν με κάποιον, δηλαδή?
00:21:30Με ποιον?
00:21:31Με τον παπά.
00:21:32Και οι δυο τους αρνιόντουσαν να τον είχαν φροντισμένο.
00:21:35Δεν τον είδαν ελέη.
00:21:37Αλήθεια ψώματα, να σε γελάσω.
00:21:39Τι γένναι να λένε ψώματα, Αντώνη μου?
00:21:41Όπως και να το κάνουμε και να ενημερωθούν,
00:21:43είναι ο πατέρας του. Μπορεί να μην του πηγαίνει καρδιά να καταδώσει τον γιο του.
00:21:47Και ο παπάς να τον εγκάλυπτε, δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω αυτό.
00:21:50Αυτό θα το εξακριβώσω αύριο.
00:21:53Αντώνη, δεν θα σας αφήσει να τον πιάσετε.
00:21:57Πρώτα θα τελειώσει το έργο του.
00:22:00Στο είπα, Μαΐνα μου.
00:22:02Από τη στιγμή που έκανε το λάθος,
00:22:04να πατήσει το ποδάρι του Αντρέας,
00:22:06επάει, δεν πρόκειται να τον αφήσω αλιμπερτό.
00:22:09Θα τον εδέσω χειροπόδαρα και θα τον οδηγήσω έτσι από ανήκη. Τέλος.
00:22:22Φύγε, Αντρέα παιδί μου, φύγε!
00:22:24Μην με ξαναπείς, παιδί σου.
00:22:26Δεν ξεταλείψαμε. Σταματάκι.
00:22:28Φύγε, Αντρέα. Φύγε!
00:22:57Συναντιούνται εκεί που σβήνει ο ήλιος
00:23:05Που φυλάει ο θαύματος
00:23:11Εκεί γίνεται εχθός κι ο φίλος
00:23:18Κι ο χαμένος εαυτός
00:23:23Εκεί που κλαίνε οι αέτη
00:23:30Εκεί που σβήνουν οι θεοί
00:23:37Εκεί θα πάω να κοιμηθώ
00:23:41Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:23:52Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:23:59Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:24:06Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:24:13Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:24:23Εκεί που κλαίνε οι αέτη
00:24:30Εκεί που σβήνουν οι θεοί
00:24:37Εκεί θα πάω να κοιμηθώ
00:24:41Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:24:49Εκεί που κλαίνε οι αέτη
00:24:57Εκεί που αγιάζει ένα παιδί
00:25:04Εκεί για πάντα θα χαθώ
00:25:08Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:25:18Καρδιά μου αγνή, ψυχή μεσή
00:25:29Ωστέ χτες δεν προλάβω να ψήσω τα κουλουράκια
00:25:33και έχουνε στην κεφαλή σου μέσα στο φούρνο για να τα χαφτανήσεις
00:25:36και θα τα έχω μπρος στη μύτη σου και θα τα αργίζεις
00:25:44Να, τον Αντρέα συλλογάζει
00:25:49Τον αναγνώρισα αμέσως, Καλλιόπη
00:25:53Είχα να τον εδώ από μικρό παιδί
00:25:57κι όμως, μόνις παρουσιάστηκε μπροστά μου
00:26:01αμέσως κατάλαβα ποιος ήταν
00:26:06Δεν μπορώ να σας περιγράψω τα συναισθήματά μου
00:26:09Μια έκρηξη συναισθήματων
00:26:19Όλα στον υπέρτατο βαθμό
00:26:22Γι' αυτό δεν εκκλάβησες μάτι όλη νύχτα
00:26:27Ξέρω ότι σας έκανε πολλά
00:26:30και ευγνωμονώ το Θεό που δεν πέτυχε τα σχέδιά Του με το μαθειό
00:26:34γιατί αυτό το κρίμα θα ήταν μόνο δικό μου
00:26:40και δεν ξέρω αν θα μπορούσα να ζήσω μετά από αυτό
00:26:48Ρούσου, γι' αυτό πρέπει να πας να αποκαλύψεις συντάγια νεψές
00:26:54να μην τον ειχώνεις, ούτε να του τη χαρίσεις
00:26:59γιατί αν εξανάρθει θα βρει πάλι κανείς να σταθεί μπροστά σου να σε κλειτώσει
00:27:05και τι θα τα κάνουμε τότε
00:27:08Δεν μπορώ να τον προδώσω καλό
00:27:12Τον προδίδω όλη του τη ζωή
00:27:19Καλώς ήρθατε
00:27:36Καλώς ήρθατε
00:27:37Καλημέρα, καλή μέρα
00:27:39Ρούσου, εδώ είμαι
00:27:41Κι εγώ είμαι
00:27:44Έλα, κάτσε να σου σάξω καφέ
00:27:47Όχι, όχι, δεν πιω καφέ
00:27:48Ήθελα απλώς δύο κουβέντες να πω το Ρούσου
00:27:51Έχεις την καλότητα, σε παρακαλώ, να μας αφήσει σαν μονάχους
00:27:53πέντε λεπτά μονάχα
00:27:55Συντά θα του πεις που δεν κάνει να βρει κόγγο
00:27:58Σε παρακαλώ, καλή όπη μου
00:28:00Εδώ μου σου λέω πέντε λεπτά
00:28:01Δεν θα καθυστερήσω άλλο
00:28:03Θέλω να μιλήσω
00:28:18Τι είναι, γιατί με κοιτάζεις έτσι
00:28:21Γιατί ψές
00:28:23Δεν τα είπαν μου όλα
00:28:25Και θέλω να σου δώσω μια δεύτερη ευκαιρία
00:28:27Πες μου λοιπόν
00:28:29Ήταν ο Αντρέας Επαέ
00:28:31Πριν από μας
00:28:43Θα μου πεις εγώ έντα γίνα χθες το βράδυ
00:28:46Γιατί δεν σου λέω
00:28:48Μια ώρα με πιλατεύεις τώρα
00:28:50Και σου λέω συνέχεια
00:28:52Όχι, κάτι μου κρύβεις πάλι
00:28:54Παναγία μου, Παναγία μου
00:28:56Γιατί αμα ρε Κατερίνα
00:28:58Πιστεύεις μια ζωή
00:29:00Ότι κάτι συνέχεια σου κρύω
00:29:03Γιατί χθες
00:29:05Μου είπες να έρθω στο αρχοντικό
00:29:09Και μετά με πήρες τηλέφωνο ξαφνικά
00:29:11Και μου είπες να μην έρθω
00:29:14Σε όλες τις ώρες να γυρίσεις
00:29:18Ή τα έκαναν στόσας ώρες
00:29:20Επαίημονα και προσευχόμουν
00:29:22Προσευχόσουν ώρες
00:29:24Άρα κάτι συμβαίνει
00:29:26Έχεις σκοπό να μην το πεις
00:29:28Ναι, προσευχόμουν για την Πέμπα του Ματιού
00:29:31Και της Βασιλικής
00:29:33Γιατί, δεν έχεις πρόβλημα το παιδί
00:29:35Όχι, ούχι, κανένα
00:29:37Οι προσευχές μου ακουστήκαν
00:29:39Ξέρω το θέλω
00:29:41Και τα περιπολικά
00:29:42What did they do last night in the village with the sirens on? Who were they hunting?
00:29:51Look at what you're telling me now.
00:29:54You said that Andreas was going to come to the village.
00:29:59So you didn't expect him to come?
00:30:02Why did you come back to the country?
00:30:04To come back to the village and make a scene.
00:30:08How many times have I told you not to make unnecessary moves?
00:30:12Since you don't tell me, tell me.
00:30:14What were you talking about with Roussos for so many hours?
00:30:18And you, how do you know that I was with Roussos?
00:30:22Yes, I have my information too.
00:30:24Tell me, what were you talking about with Roussos for so many hours?
00:30:30Oh my.
00:30:31What happened to you?
00:30:33I forgot.
00:30:34I was supposed to go to the orphanage to make him a wish for the house.
00:30:38And with the talks I forgot.
00:30:40I'm going.
00:30:41Take care.
00:30:42Do you think you're fooling me now?
00:30:57Why are you insisting, Antonis?
00:31:00You asked me a question and I answered you.
00:31:03As we told you yesterday, Andreas never came here.
00:31:07Are you satisfied with this answer?
00:31:10What I'm not satisfied with is that you're covering for him.
00:31:15Grigas, I understand and I feel, and how you feel, and your guilt.
00:31:21I understand everything.
00:31:23But I came to tell you the root of the danger.
00:31:26Because if Andreas does something that he has in his mind,
00:31:31then it won't be just guilt that will destroy you,
00:31:35but it will be peace.
00:31:38Because our village, Penthos, will be flooded.
00:31:41Before we get through the previous one.
00:31:45So tell me the whole truth, and don't hide anything from me.
00:31:49Don't get into your neck of the woods.
00:31:54Andreas was just yesterday.
00:32:01No, Antonis. He wasn't.
00:32:19Here we are.
00:32:21And where is Andreas?
00:32:23Wherever he is, he will show up.
00:32:26Good to see you.
00:32:28Hello, Andreas. Welcome.
00:32:31I'm here because of you.
00:32:35How are you, Miki?
00:32:37Hello, Andreas.
00:32:38Come here, let me hug you.
00:32:41Manos, how is the boy?
00:32:44You don't owe me the beating, except for the part where I hit the girl.
00:32:48No, it was your fault.
00:32:49It was a stroke of luck.
00:32:51We did some more beatings while you were away.
00:32:54But it's the night owl's fault.
00:32:57They saved her twice.
00:32:59But luck doesn't last forever.
00:33:01It comes and goes.
00:33:03And this time it came.
00:33:05Do you have a plan?
00:33:06I do.
00:33:07No, there's no one left.
00:33:09They'll go all the way to where there's no wind.
00:33:12And who do you think we'll start with, man?
00:33:14The Russian.
00:33:16Do you have any objections?
00:33:18And this is the place where Yagir became the leader.
00:33:21And if the leader falls, the castle will collapse.
00:33:24But you're with me.
00:33:25We've reached the end.
00:33:27For Lazaros' soul.
00:33:28Manos, I wanted to talk to you.
00:33:30Let's make a plan.
00:33:32No one will get in our way.
00:33:35Let's go.
00:33:36Let's go.
00:33:50You're hungry, aren't you?
00:33:52You ate all your food.
00:33:54Are you hungry to talk to me?
00:34:01Do you want something else?
00:34:19Are we going to play this game for a long time?
00:34:25Are we sending it?
00:34:29My mother?
00:34:32We agreed not to talk.
00:34:36What kind of surprise is this?
00:34:38How long have I been waiting for you to ask me this question?
00:34:42It was an agreement.
00:34:45You'll go to prison and in 10 days you'll be back, Mina.
00:34:51I'm ready by 5 o'clock.
00:35:00So, a slave escaped again.
00:35:02He didn't escape. He wasn't at the chief's house when we arrived.
00:35:06This simple thing can drive me crazy.
00:35:09He wasn't at your captain's house.
00:35:11The Russian and the priest assured us that there was no suspicious movement.
00:35:16We searched the whole house, the whole area, everything.
00:35:20So he's not in the village. You got the wrong information again.
00:35:22If you want my opinion, he's in the village and he's hiding.
00:35:24I don't want your opinion. I want you to find Andreas Voulakis and bring him to me.
00:35:28We'll do what we can.
00:35:29Do what you can't.
00:35:31We don't have a whole unit that can't find a person.
00:35:34The whole Interpol couldn't do it here.
00:35:36Why are you comparing Europe to us?
00:35:38Are you comparing Interpol to a village of 400 inhabitants?
00:35:41I don't want more blood to be shed.
00:35:43And as long as Andreas Voulakis is free, he'll shoot us all in the air.
00:35:46We're trying to do our best.
00:35:48What about the investigation and the death of Giannakis?
00:35:50We're waiting for your answers from the laboratory.
00:35:52Nothing from there either.
00:35:54Haven't the Stamatakis been notified that Voulakis is free?
00:35:57They obviously know, but they're all on the phone right now.
00:36:00What are they doing?
00:36:01The royal family yesterday, girls.
00:36:03It's good for them to live.
00:36:04We want the rest of the family to live there, because in my opinion,
00:36:07I don't want more blood to be shed.
00:36:09We don't want it either.
00:36:10You're free.
00:36:28Come on, eat.
00:36:29I don't want to eat, uncle. You're pressuring me.
00:36:33You have to eat.
00:36:34You have to get stronger. You'll be fine now.
00:36:36I want to see my little one.
00:36:38That's what I need to do. I can't take it anymore.
00:36:40My heart is about to break.
00:36:42I know, baby. You'll see her soon.
00:36:44Okay, I'm going.
00:36:49The blood will grow now.
00:36:51And I came straight to my Vasiliki to tell you.
00:36:53Thank you, Stella.
00:36:54Thank you very much.
00:36:55You're welcome, my girl.
00:36:57Where is she? Will they bring her?
00:37:01What happened? What's going on?
00:37:03She's in the thermal chamber.
00:37:06Vasiliki had to do a caesarean section,
00:37:08and the baby went a little weak,
00:37:10and they put her in there.
00:37:13It's okay, don't worry.
00:37:14And I'm overweight, two kilos.
00:37:16Two kilos?
00:37:17And she weighed about two or two hundred kilos.
00:37:20And she's pregnant.
00:37:22Come on, Vasiliki.
00:37:24Don't worry.
00:37:26Don't worry at all.
00:37:28They'll keep her, they'll make her stronger,
00:37:30and then she'll be yours again.
00:37:33But time won't be on our side, Stella.
00:37:36Don't forget that the baby
00:37:38will do what he wants to do for so long.
00:37:41His duty.
00:37:46When are you going to Antonis' place?
00:37:48As soon as we get your little girl home.
00:37:52Stella, do you have a good lawyer to introduce us to?
00:37:57I've been thinking about that.
00:38:00What are you thinking about?
00:38:02I became a lawyer because I love justice.
00:38:06And I believe that every person
00:38:08has the right to defend themselves
00:38:10and represent the best they can.
00:38:14Where do you want to end up?
00:38:17I don't want to be unfair to you, Mathios.
00:38:19I don't want to be unfair to you
00:38:21because I have other expectations than you.
00:38:24Stella, I understand.
00:38:26Do you mean that you're going to represent Mathios?
00:38:29Yes, Vasiliki, I will.
00:38:32Stella, thank you.
00:38:33Thank you very much.
00:38:35Don't thank me.
00:38:36It's my duty.
00:38:37That's what I should have done from the start.
00:38:40But you're not coming to Rixi with Isaggelea?
00:38:46Yes, I can come to Rixi with Isaggelea.
00:38:48That's the truth.
00:38:50But not with my husband.
00:39:03Here it is.
00:39:05Thank you for coming.
00:39:06I'm sorry for bothering you.
00:39:08Is it possible?
00:39:09You didn't have to go and get a gift.
00:39:11We didn't need it.
00:39:13It's ok.
00:39:14I'm not tired.
00:39:15We ordered it on the internet and Yoros took it.
00:39:18Stella will go to Vasiliki.
00:39:20But as soon as she heard the news, she left.
00:39:22We'll send it to them.
00:39:23Don't worry.
00:39:24We'll stop and leave it in the village.
00:39:25That's what we'll do.
00:39:26Thank you.
00:39:28You look tired.
00:39:30We're not incomplete.
00:39:31We sat there all night.
00:39:32Now my mother came and changed our shoes.
00:39:35But she's very happy.
00:39:38It's a big event.
00:39:39She's very happy.
00:39:41Vasiliki was tired, of course.
00:39:44Everything was fine.
00:39:46She just held her breath.
00:39:48But she and the baby are fine.
00:39:50They're all fine.
00:39:51Yes, yes.
00:39:52Come on.
00:39:53It's your turn now.
00:39:55First God.
00:39:57First God, yes.
00:39:58And we'll all be very happy with the gift.
00:40:01I'm very happy to see you coming close again.
00:40:04It's Argyros' job.
00:40:06You're very lucky to have her by your side.
00:40:10You put her in your pocket, too.
00:40:19Come on.
00:40:20Come on.
00:40:22Do you want some tea?
00:40:26Thank you.
00:40:29Cheers to Vasiliki and Beba.
00:40:32Cheers to Mathios.
00:40:34Cheers to everyone.
00:40:36Cheers to us.
00:40:38Cheers to the whole village.
00:40:40Cheers to our births.
00:40:44Is Anithodora ready to go to the hospital?
00:40:46Fortunately, Argyros and Astelios picked her up from there.
00:40:51Argyros again?
00:40:53I don't get it, kid.
00:40:55Why do you care so much about Argyros?
00:40:57She's our daughter-in-law.
00:40:58You do things and you don't tell me.
00:41:00It's not that I don't care.
00:41:02I'm just happy to have such a good friend.
00:41:05And you remembered to thank me.
00:41:07You're a bit late, kid.
00:41:08Don't worry about me.
00:41:10Anyway, should we go to the hospital to thank them?
00:41:13Yes, of course we should.
00:41:14You should go, kids.
00:41:15But only one day.
00:41:16With the light of day.
00:41:17When the moon rises, you should go home.
00:41:20What are you talking about, kids?
00:41:23Why, dad?
00:41:24What happens when the moon rises?
00:41:25Does a lizard come?
00:41:26There is a lizard.
00:41:28And he's called Andreas.
00:41:30And when the darkness falls,
00:41:32he comes out
00:41:33and whoever finds him in front of him,
00:41:35he chases him away.
00:41:36Stop it. Stop it.
00:41:37Thank me. Make a picture.
00:41:39Let's hope he doesn't cooperate with the mutants.
00:41:41We'll be in trouble later.
00:41:43At least he should thank the one who caught him
00:41:45and tell him his own names.
00:41:46Then we'll be safe.
00:41:48Don't open his mouth, demon.
00:41:49They've turned him into gold.
00:41:50Palaces of Tazos.
00:41:51He's nothing, kid.
00:41:52A sphinx.
00:41:53You, Pantelis, how do you know that?
00:41:57Itina told me.
00:41:59So, he's the one who told Itina?
00:42:01Since I found her, I know everything.
00:42:03So, Mr. Pantelis,
00:42:05I have an idea.
00:42:07Since you have the talent
00:42:09to make everyone tell you everything,
00:42:12why don't you go and report
00:42:14what they've caught?
00:42:16Even though you're a citizen,
00:42:18you're right.
00:42:27I'm sorry.
00:42:36Come in, Antonis.
00:42:38Antonis, have you informed
00:42:39Giacovac and Minas?
00:42:40Are they ready to talk?
00:42:42I'll call them right away.
00:42:44I'm the only one available.
00:42:46I didn't want to be in front of them.
00:42:48It's our business.
00:42:50It's our success.
00:42:52How brave.
00:42:54I see.
00:42:56What deal are we going to make?
00:42:58Whatever comes our way,
00:43:00we'll do it.
00:43:04Welcome, guys.
00:43:06Welcome, Minas.
00:43:08Itina told me.
00:43:09She decided to tell us everything
00:43:11about Manos and Mundas.
00:43:13If you make me a good deal,
00:43:15I'll tell you about someone else.
00:43:20About Andreas Vroulakis.
00:43:27Come on.
00:43:29I'm hungry.
00:43:46What now, Mila?
00:43:50I'll tell you now.
00:43:52Put your shoes on,
00:43:54and I'll tell you everything in detail.
00:44:19Good morning, worker.
00:44:21Hi, Pavlis.
00:44:24What's up, man?
00:44:27I'm sorry, Andreas.
00:44:29I can't see.
00:44:31I was eating.
00:44:33How's it going?
00:44:35Are you going to be late again?
00:44:39I came here for the exact opposite reason.
00:44:41I came to apologize for lying.
00:44:43I didn't mean to.
00:44:45What's wrong, man?
00:44:49I was thinking.
00:44:52You've been through a lot, too, my father.
00:44:54All your life.
00:44:56A little girl, a monk.
00:44:58Without a mother.
00:45:00He cut you off from the vizitza
00:45:02when you were six months old.
00:45:04You grew up like a monk.
00:45:06With a father, a monk.
00:45:08And when he got married,
00:45:10he lost his mind.
00:45:13All these years,
00:45:15I had lost hope
00:45:17in my great-grandfather Andreas.
00:45:19Only a monk, not a monk.
00:45:21I used to say that one day
00:45:23I would have by my side
00:45:25the man we raised with the same milk.
00:45:27I know how much you love your brother.
00:45:30And I'm sorry to say this,
00:45:32but with this expectation
00:45:34of having your brother by your side,
00:45:36you let your guard down, my boy.
00:45:38And you turned your back on him
00:45:40so you wouldn't lose him.
00:45:42Isn't that right?
00:45:44I don't want him to feel like I betrayed him.
00:45:46Like I betrayed his father, our Turkish mother.
00:45:48I don't want to lose him.
00:45:51Do you understand?
00:45:55Andreas is lost for lost.
00:45:58That's the truth.
00:46:01Those who love him,
00:46:03and I know how much you love him, Andreas,
00:46:05we have to do everything we can
00:46:07and everything we can do
00:46:09to save his life and his soul.
00:46:11So that through prison
00:46:13he can count the days ahead of him.
00:46:16And not the crimes he has committed.
00:46:22That's right, Pavlis.
00:46:25That's how you see it.
00:46:29So, will you help us find him?
00:46:31So we can save him?
00:46:43I told you.
00:46:45To hear such an important news from a police officer
00:46:47and not from my own wife.
00:46:49I ran into Thodora by chance and she told me.
00:46:51I left the house and went to the office.
00:46:53Anyway, my love, you don't know how happy I am.
00:46:55How nice. How was Yianna?
00:46:59She had a lot of complications, difficulties.
00:47:01In the end, they made a mess.
00:47:03But in Kaisariki, in the end, everything is fine.
00:47:07I wanted to tell you that I asked for a discharge for Vicky.
00:47:09Because because of Kaisariki
00:47:11she will be staying at the hospital
00:47:13so I thought that as soon as we get out,
00:47:15you don't have to go to court.
00:47:17No problem.
00:47:21I wanted to tell you something else.
00:47:25Why don't I like this look now?
00:47:27So I can hear.
00:47:31In case
00:47:33in the investigation you will do
00:47:35about the death of Stefanis Stamatakis
00:47:37there are evidences that allow you
00:47:39to file charges against the mafia
00:47:41you have to know
00:47:45I will take it.
00:47:51You can't imagine
00:47:53how happy I am that Stella will take you.
00:47:55I was praying for this, my child.
00:47:57It is very important that you have her by your side, my son.
00:48:01I will go to thank her.
00:48:03As long as she doesn't have a problem with Giacobas, I am afraid.
00:48:05I don't think so.
00:48:07She says that they have separated in their relationship.
00:48:09I am not sure.
00:48:11Stella is a mature person
00:48:13and she is very good at her job.
00:48:15Before she decides, I am sure
00:48:17that she calculated everything well.
00:48:19Mrs. Stamatakis,
00:48:21it is time
00:48:23to get up from your bed
00:48:25and see your daughter.
00:48:27Really? Can I see her?
00:48:31Are you happy, Nida?
00:48:37Oh, my God,
00:48:39may this happiness last.
00:48:41I hope so.
00:48:55I am glad that Andreas came
00:48:57with big plans.
00:48:59They will succeed.
00:49:01Vroulakis is brave
00:49:03and if we all work together,
00:49:05we will succeed.
00:49:09Who is here?
00:49:11One of us. Didn't you hear the signal?
00:49:21Come on, let's go!
00:49:23Let's go!
00:49:25Let's go!
00:49:27Let's go!
00:49:29Let's go!
00:49:31Let's go!
00:49:35Let's go!
00:49:37Let's go!
00:49:41Marcos, call Charly to take the gun.
00:49:53THE GUN
00:50:13Are you staring at me?
00:50:17I want everything to be ready
00:50:19when I leave.
00:50:21Don't leave anything behind.
00:50:23But you don't have a problem
00:50:25with the baby.
00:50:29See, now it works.
00:50:33Did the little one sleep?
00:50:37But as soon as I kissed her,
00:50:39she fell asleep.
00:50:41She looks like her mother
00:50:43in character
00:50:45and in beauty.
00:50:51I was very happy when they put her
00:50:53in the thermometer.
00:50:57I saw you until they brought her.
00:50:59I thought she would suffer
00:51:01because of me.
00:51:03But she didn't.
00:51:07My daughters were fine
00:51:09and I was the happiest man
00:51:11in the world.
00:51:15you gave me
00:51:17the most beautiful moments
00:51:19in the world.
00:51:23Today is our last day.
00:51:25I will lose you tomorrow.
00:51:29It can't be. You know that.
00:51:31It can't be.
00:51:33We have to leave, Mathios.
00:51:35We have to go.
00:51:37We have to take our daughter and go somewhere
00:51:39where no one can find us.
00:51:41It can't be. We have to go out
00:51:43in search of a baby.
00:51:45I don't want tomorrow to come.
00:51:47I don't want tomorrow to come.
00:51:49It has to come tomorrow.
00:51:51It has to come soon.
00:51:53So that tomorrow can come soon
00:51:55and the time can pass
00:51:57and I can come back
00:52:01without the memories of the past.
00:52:03So that we can be together.
00:52:07I just want you to be careful.
00:52:09Be careful.
00:52:11Because the police caught the thugs
00:52:15Andreas is still free
00:52:17somewhere out there.
00:52:21And that worries me more than anything.
00:52:33They shouldn't have found Andreas,
00:52:35my father. They shouldn't have.
00:52:37That night you should have told me
00:52:39that Andreas had gone to the mansion
00:52:41and was threatening Roussos.
00:52:43Don't lie to me, Roussos.
00:52:45I don't want to testify.
00:52:47So you heard him?
00:52:49I don't know how you say that.
00:52:51You say he threatened the criminal
00:52:53and he is being punished by the law.
00:52:55I say it in circles.
00:52:57Don't give me ideas, my father.
00:52:59Don't give me ideas.
00:53:03I have something better
00:53:05than everyone else.
00:53:07Either you have a soul
00:53:09or if you were in front of me
00:53:11because the two of us
00:53:13may not act like girls
00:53:15but we understand
00:53:17the agony of a parent
00:53:19for their child.
00:53:21Michalis, we are talking about Andreas.
00:53:23He went to the village
00:53:25to kill his father
00:53:27and anyone else in front of him.
00:53:29He killed her
00:53:31and now Roussos is in danger.
00:53:33I couldn't do it otherwise, Antonis.
00:53:37I saw tears in Roussos' eyes
00:53:39when he saw his son
00:53:41after so many years.
00:53:43I saw it, Antonis. I hurt him.
00:53:45If you had hurt him
00:53:47you would have
00:53:49protected him.
00:53:51But Andreas is innocent
00:53:53and Roussos is in danger.
00:53:55He insists that he hasn't killed him.
00:53:57Don't expect him to accept it.
00:53:59Even if you tell him
00:54:01that I told you
00:54:03he will try to drive me crazy
00:54:05rather than give it to him.
00:54:07You have increased my pressure.
00:54:09I consider her as my mother
00:54:11and you have taken her away from me.
00:54:13All right.
00:54:15Tell me, Antonis,
00:54:17is it possible?
00:54:19Yes, it is possible.
00:54:21There is a penalty code
00:54:23on her back.
00:54:25Did she accept
00:54:27the death penalty?
00:54:29Yes. Andreas planned it
00:54:31and Giannis executed her.
00:54:33My God!
00:54:35I am still thinking about Tina.
00:54:37I saved her from Charles.
00:54:39Please, don't remind me.
00:54:43Don't you remember
00:54:45the fire in Alomenadikos?
00:54:47Did they accept it?
00:54:49Yes, they accepted the fire
00:54:51and the poisoning of pharmacies.
00:54:53They even tried to poison
00:54:55Asteris in the hospital.
00:54:57That's right, Giannis.
00:55:01Asteris is a son of God.
00:55:03Asteris is a son of God.
00:55:05My father is old.
00:55:07His moustache
00:55:09is even worse
00:55:11than yours.
00:55:15I don't want to do this.
00:55:17I don't want to be involved
00:55:19in this mess.
00:55:21No, mother, calm down.
00:55:23How can I calm down?
00:55:25They burned you alive
00:55:27and then they wanted to kill you.
00:55:29It's over now.
00:55:31They won't see the light of day again.
00:55:33That's it. It's over now.
00:55:35What does Roussos say?
00:55:37He said that when he came to you
00:55:39there were deaths and things.
00:55:41I thank you
00:55:43and your brother
00:55:45that you say to him
00:55:47a typical good morning.
00:55:49Roussos changed his attitude
00:55:51especially after the birth of the little one.
00:55:53For as long as we waited
00:55:55for the princess to be born,
00:55:57he was there every day,
00:55:59waiting for the birth of his son
00:56:01against us.
00:56:03If he felt guilty,
00:56:05he would have stopped Andreas then.
00:56:07He would have given him to him
00:56:09before he hit his eye.
00:56:11Asteris is his son.
00:56:13He remembered it early.
00:56:15But he explained it to you.
00:56:17Honestly, I don't care anymore, Roussos.
00:56:19I don't want to talk about him.
00:56:21Tomorrow my brother will be born.
00:56:23I don't care about anything else right now.
00:56:25Anyway, Stella, fortunately,
00:56:27you made me light the candle
00:56:29so that it wouldn't break
00:56:31on my eye.
00:56:43Why do you and Antonis
00:56:45try to lead me somewhere else
00:56:47every time I ask for something
00:56:49specific about a case?
00:56:51I don't understand.
00:56:53You don't understand.
00:56:55Don't stop asking questions.
00:56:57We have something newer.
00:57:03How long have I been asking you
00:57:05to look for information
00:57:07about this case?
00:57:09Don't answer.
00:57:11It's a rhetorical question.
00:57:13From the first moment
00:57:15I set foot in Crete,
00:57:17my number one priority
00:57:19was this case.
00:57:21What have you done?
00:57:23I don't want to make assumptions
00:57:25so that if there is evidence,
00:57:27we won't be ruined by any evidence
00:57:29we can find.
00:57:31Christos, I don't...
00:57:33You are trying to tell me
00:57:35that Stefanis was drugged.
00:57:37How convenient it is to load the case
00:57:39in the trunk and solve it.
00:57:41I would never do such a thing.
00:57:43There were indications of this.
00:57:45We won't agree.
00:57:47Fine, tell me about the mutt.
00:57:53We slowly open our mouths
00:57:55and learn the secrets of the mutt.
00:57:57Do we have any news about his boss?
00:57:59No, we can't catch him easily
00:58:01because he has connections with the high-levels.
00:58:03Because we are not for that.
00:58:05We are only for the easy ones.
00:58:07I didn't say anything like that.
00:58:09How come you didn't say anything like that?
00:58:11When something difficult comes up,
00:58:13it sticks.
00:58:15Am I wrong?
00:58:17You have so many successes in your body.
00:58:21We have news about Andreas Tothoulakis.
00:58:25We are looking for him.
00:58:27We have a drone again.
00:58:29Find him yesterday.
00:58:31Because he is a clockwork puppet
00:58:33and if he gets into my hands,
00:58:35the devil will take us all.
00:58:43Where can Andreas be hiding, Pavlos?
00:58:46I can't tell you, Mariam.
00:58:48I have searched the whole area
00:58:50and I can't find him.
00:58:52But there are hiding places in our mountains
00:58:54that only the locals know about.
00:58:56Isn't Antonis a foreigner?
00:58:58No, but Antonis runs and doesn't get there.
00:59:00I can't see him anymore.
00:59:02He turns around, eats a bun and falls.
00:59:04I am afraid that nothing will happen.
00:59:06Don't be afraid of him. He is a beast.
00:59:08But beasts have limits, Antonis.
00:59:12How can he do it alone?
00:59:19If they hadn't caught the puppets,
00:59:21wouldn't they have helped them?
00:59:23Thank God, we got rid of them, Mariam.
00:59:25But then...
00:59:27Who feeds him?
00:59:29Maybe the telemarketer?
00:59:31It's impossible.
00:59:33They are watching him.
00:59:35Why are they watching him?
00:59:37Ms. Rini told the police that the telemarketer
00:59:39agreed to give him to them.
00:59:41It's impossible.
00:59:43I am sure they are watching him.
00:59:49What do you think?
00:59:51Does he know where I am?
00:59:53I don't think he even knows where I am.
00:59:55Andreas didn't show up
00:59:57because he was afraid they wouldn't give him to us.
00:59:59He has been missing for a week now.
01:00:01I don't know.
01:00:03How can he do it then?
01:00:05Who helps him?
01:00:14I swear to you, Roussos.
01:00:16No one in our family
01:00:18said a word against you to Andreas.
01:00:21We didn't have the heart
01:00:23to hate our son for his father.
01:00:25I always told him
01:00:27how much he loved Maria.
01:00:29I swear to you.
01:00:31You don't have to swear, Rini.
01:00:33I believe you.
01:00:35I know you are not to blame.
01:00:37He had seen you
01:00:39with his own eyes.
01:00:41You and his mother
01:00:43were answering him
01:00:45in secret.
01:00:47He listened to you
01:00:49and gave you a kiss.
01:00:51He understood
01:00:53and left.
01:00:55The more I think about it,
01:00:57the more pain
01:00:59I felt in his soul,
01:01:01the more I hurt him.
01:01:03We should have talked to him.
01:01:05His mother was dying.
01:01:07The girl should have known the truth.
01:01:11I chose the worst way.
01:01:13I hate him.
01:01:15And now I'm paying for it.
01:01:17Don't be sad, Edas.
01:01:19What's done is done.
01:01:21Don't you want
01:01:23to be exiled?
01:01:25No, no.
01:01:27I'm waiting for him.
01:01:29I'm sure he will give me
01:01:31the chance to tell him
01:01:33what I owe him.
01:01:35I'm sure he will do it
01:01:37and I will feel it.
01:01:39You and I
01:01:41have to take care of him.
01:01:45Good morning.
01:01:47Good morning, father.
01:01:49Good morning, my son.
01:01:51It's a blessed thing
01:01:53to have a little mouth
01:01:55and a little arm
01:01:57to call them peace.
01:01:59We have nothing more to say
01:02:01to each other.
01:02:03The opposite.
01:02:05I'm not worried about the other.
01:02:07I'm worried about Andreas.
01:02:09I can't stand
01:02:11that you both
01:02:13want to see him free.
01:02:15We want him to leave, father.
01:02:17We want him to be saved.
01:02:19We don't want him to do
01:02:21anything bad again.
01:02:23We don't want him to take
01:02:25any more blame.
01:02:27Mr. Erin,
01:02:31did not come for a good reason.
01:02:33He was bewildered.
01:02:35You noticed it yesterday.
01:02:37His eyes were
01:02:39in flames.
01:02:41That's why it would be
01:02:45for all of us
01:02:47to catch him
01:02:49so that no bad thing
01:02:51happens to him.
01:02:53Don't give me
01:02:55such pain.
01:03:03You had a great time.
01:03:15I've come now.
01:03:17Performed anything you had asked
01:03:19of me.
01:03:21Thank you.
01:03:23He600 %.
01:03:25It's your father who should thank you.
01:03:27What can I do for you?
01:03:29Let's follow the Russian
01:03:31It's been a week, hasn't he been alone?
01:03:34No, he's always with someone.
01:03:38Be careful, don't get hurt.
01:03:40The time will come.
01:03:42Open your eyes, don't lose sight of him.
01:03:47And if he's not guarded, let me know.
01:03:49Okay, do you want anything else?
01:03:51Okay, go.
01:04:01It's self-evident to defend your husband.
01:04:04In the opposite case, you defend everyone else.
01:04:07Are you out of your mind, Donna?
01:04:09I don't want to talk about this anymore.
01:04:11Thank you very much.
01:04:12Christos, seriously.
01:04:13Very seriously.
01:04:16What's going on with Vroulaki and Kalliomi?
01:04:19What's going on?
01:04:21I don't know. They're together, they're careful.
01:04:25It's like they've come close to each other.
01:04:27Now that I'm going to surrender,
01:04:29I want you to know that your little girl in the middle
01:04:31was sure when I told her that you know and you don't talk.
01:04:34I'm telling you the truth, son.
01:04:35Don't call me your son again!
01:04:37When were you not my mother?
01:04:39Was I your father when we were together?
01:04:41Or when you were looking for a place to live?
01:04:43Mathios, quick.
01:04:46Andreas is outside the mansion.
01:04:48He's fighting with Roussos a lot.
01:04:50He's threatening.
01:04:51Mathios, it's going to be bad.
01:04:53Come on, Vasiliki.
01:04:55What happened?
01:04:56Calm down.
01:04:57Calm down.
01:04:58What happened?
01:04:59Kalliomi, what happened?
01:05:01What happened to Andreas?
01:05:02He's outside the mansion.
01:05:03He's threatening Roussos.
01:05:05My son.
01:05:06Asteris is going that way.
01:05:07Mathios is already there.
01:05:08I'm scared, mom.
01:05:09Giorgos, run to the village.
01:05:11Andreas is outside the mansion.
01:05:13He's threatening Roussos.
01:05:16I'm telling you to go.
01:05:17Go, or you won't pay.
01:05:19Let him go.
01:05:25Let him go.
