
  • 3 months ago
00:00Even the safest roads are still dangerous, which is why we fit our cars with safety technology
00:05like seatbelts and airbags.
00:08Even still, over a million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes.
00:13But some roads are more dangerous than others, and there are some roads out there for only
00:17the most daring of drivers.
00:19So join me for today's video as we look through 15 of the most dangerous roads in the world.
00:25Number 15.
00:26Guoliang Tunnel Road It only takes one look for you to see why
00:30this road is so dangerous.
00:32Let's start with the fact that it's literally carved into the side of a mountain, and not
00:37by an industrial city development project, we're talking about a road that was made by
00:41the villagers.
00:42Not that I can blame them, until the road was built there was no easy way for the villagers
00:46to reach the outside world, which highlights another reason why the road is so dangerous.
00:52If it fails and there's an accident, it's difficult for rescue workers to get to the
00:57And as if the mountain pass wasn't dangerous enough by itself, the road also goes through
01:01the inside of the Taihang Mountains.
01:03The village of Guoliang has an interesting history, taking its name from a rebel during
01:07the Han dynasty who was able to use the inaccessibility of the terrain to take on the imperial army.
01:14This worked well for the rebels, but it caused huge problems in the 20th century when the
01:18villagers needed easier access to the outside world.
01:22The Guoliang Tunnel Road is a real community project, with the villagers selling livestock
01:26to purchase the materials that they needed.
01:29They built the entire road using hammers and chisels, because they didn't have any power
01:33tools, and at one point, it was taking them three days for every meter of tunnel.
01:41The Road of 52 Tunnels This road is arguably worth the risk of driving
01:46along because it's home to some of the most stunning views you'll ever see.
01:50Stretching along a short route in the north of Italy, this crazy road is called Strada
01:54delle 52 Galleria in its native Italian, which translates into its English name of the Road
01:59of 52 Tunnels.
02:01In fact, I'm talking about a road that's so difficult to drive along that there are chunks
02:05of it where vehicles are either restricted or flat out not allowed, although that doesn't
02:10stop people from being drawn to it.
02:12Like most of the roads on this list, the Road of 52 Tunnels has an interesting history,
02:17with it originally being built for the military during the First World War.
02:21Perhaps that explains why such a dangerous road was allowed to be built, because soldiers
02:25are no stranger to danger, especially in the middle of a war.
02:28So as the name suggests, the Road of 52 Tunnels works its way through one tunnel for every
02:33card in a standard deck, taking drivers from the darkness to the light so often that it's
02:38easy for them to get disoriented, and if they do, there's a real risk that they'll veer
02:42off the road and fall down one of the many drops at the side of it.
02:48Sichuan-Tibet Highway The Sichuan-Tibet Highway is so dangerous
02:52that of every 1,000 people that drive it, 75 of them die.
02:56I'm talking about a death rate that's so high that nearly 10% of people who try to traverse
03:01this road end up being taken away in a body bag.
03:04So why is it so dangerous?
03:06Well, mostly due to the weather in the area and the fact that the road is often hit by
03:10avalanches, rock slides, and other natural events that can sweep the road and anyone
03:14driving along it away.
03:16As well as being known for its huge death toll, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is notorious
03:21for being at a high elevation, which brings a bunch of other issues of its own.
03:25It's also over 2,000 kilometers long, as well as a regular route for truck drivers.
03:30If you're crazy enough to want to drive the entire length of this road, it can take you
03:33a couple of weeks, and you'll see all sorts of landscapes and weather along the way.
03:38Just be sure to take care on the hairpin turns and to check the weather forecast before you
03:45Stelvio Pass Road Alright, we're heading back to Italy for
03:49this one, a short ride through the Alps that stretches for around two miles that makes
03:54it one of the shortest roads on this list, although that doesn't make it any less deadly.
03:59In fact, it's the wind that makes this pass so dangerous, as well as the 75 hairpin turns
04:04along the way that provide careless drivers with plenty of opportunities to crash and
04:10The Stelvio Pass Road is also at an elevation of nearly 10,000 feet, which can provide an
04:14extra challenge if you're not used to being that high.
04:17In fact, the Stelvio Pass Road is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and
04:21the second highest in the entire mountain range.
04:24It was originally built towards the beginning of the 19th century.
04:27The route remains largely the same as it was at its inception.
04:31This provides a lot of the challenge, because back in the day, people drove carts and rode
04:35horses instead of driving cars.
04:38Today, it's easy to make a costly mistake when driving at a high speed, with perhaps
04:42the most well-known incident happening when Sterling Moss came off the road at an event
04:46in the 1990s.
04:49Skippers Canyon Road Skippers Canyon Road is so dangerous that
04:54if you plan to cruise along it, you need to apply for a special permit.
04:58Let that be a warning if you were thinking about just showing up in your car and going
05:01for a little drive.
05:03Perhaps the most dangerous thing about this road is that if someone's coming the other
05:06way, there's every chance that both parties are going to come out of it with injuries.
05:11And that's the best case scenario.
05:13I'm talking about a road so dangerous that most insurance providers have marked it as
05:17an exception, refusing to provide coverage for it.
05:20You can find Skippers Canyon Road on New Zealand's South Island, where it has an impressive reputation
05:25as being one of the country's most beautiful roads, as well as one of the scariest and
05:28most dangerous.
05:29It's also yet another one of those roads that has a huge amount of history behind it.
05:34Skippers Canyon Road was first built in the 19th century, with miners carving it entirely
05:38by hand by cutting into the cliffs.
05:40The road itself is just over 10 miles long, and it's too narrow for cars to pass each
05:44other throughout the majority of the track.
05:49James Dalton Highway When you first look at, or even hear about,
05:54the James Dalton Highway, it doesn't seem too different to many of the other highways
05:58that are scattered throughout the United States.
06:01You might be surprised, then, to learn that it's easily one of the world's most dangerous
06:06One of the reasons for that is that it's full of potholes, and it's subject to harsh winds
06:10that sends debris flying across the road, and which have even been known to buffet cars
06:15off the road.
06:16And if that wasn't enough, the fact that it's in the middle of Alaska means that if you
06:20break down, you're in a lot of trouble.
06:22It's not exactly as though you're surrounded by civilization.
06:26It's also known as Alaska Route 11.
06:28The James Dalton Highway is a little over 400 miles long and was built as a supply road.
06:33It is one of the most isolated roads in the entirety of the United States, with only three
06:38towns along the route.
06:40Those three towns are only home to a combined 73 permanent residents.
06:44It didn't take long for it to start to develop a fearsome reputation, which is why it's been
06:48included on TV shows like America's Toughest Jobs and The World's Most Dangerous Roads.
06:54It's definitely not the kind of road that people go for a casual drive on.
06:58If you're on the James Dalton Highway, it's because you're trying to get somewhere.
07:03Number 9.
07:04Fairy Meadows Way.
07:07Fairy Meadows Way.
07:08Sounds nice, right?
07:10Sure, it's easy to think that this would be a picturesque little route, perhaps one that
07:14would take you to Middle Earth or Westeros, but the reality is very different.
07:18This highway is essentially a 10-mile stretch of road winding through the narrow sides of
07:23a mountain in Pakistan.
07:24Now, you're probably wondering what that mountain is called, and that tells you a lot about
07:28this road too.
07:30It's called Killer Mountain.
07:32This mountain is dangerous for an obvious reason, because if you slip up and fall off
07:36the side of the road, it's a long way down.
07:38The road is also unmaintained, with no railings to the sides and sections of it that are so
07:43narrow that you can only get through on foot.
07:46If you want to visit this insane road for yourself, you'll need to pay a visit to the
07:50Fairy Meadows National Park.
07:52Just bear in mind that it's not for the faint of heart.
07:54One 2013 list ranked it as the second deadliest highway in the world, but I think that there
07:59are plenty that are worse.
08:04Highway to Hell So I challenge anyone to learn about this
08:07road and to not have the ACDC song stuck in their head.
08:11Still, the Highway to Hell is more than just a name, it's an app description for Route
08:16431, which stretches through part of Alabama.
08:20If you're unlucky enough to find yourself driving along this road, one of the first
08:23things you're likely to notice is how many white crosses and floral tributes are dotted
08:28alongside it.
08:29They're a tangible reminder of just how dangerous this road is.
08:33Route 431 has ranked on a ton of lists of the worst highways in the world, with one
08:38website calling it the most unbelievably dangerous and spectacular road in the world.
08:43It only takes a short drive along it to see why that is.
08:47The Highway to Hell has a bunch of factors that all combine together to make it so dangerous,
08:51with some of them being man-made and some of them being naturally occurring.
08:55It's renowned for its low visibility, and the high speeds and the rapidly changing number
09:00of lanes lead to a lot of human error.
09:05Patiopoulo-Pardikaki Road This road's got a name that's a bit of a
09:09mouthful, and as you can probably tell from the way that it sounds, it can be found in
09:13the northeast of Greece, in an area called Aetolia Akarnania.
09:17You're probably not going to want to pay it a visit, though.
09:20What makes it so dangerous, then?
09:22Well, for a start, it's super narrow, and there are a ton of potholes, but that's not
09:26exactly unique in Greece.
09:28It also doesn't have any guardrails at the side, and it's known for being super slippery
09:32after a rain.
09:34If you do decide that you want to go for a drive along this road, you'll first want to
09:37travel to the Patiopoulo village, and then follow the signposts.
09:41I wouldn't recommend it, though.
09:43It's not a great idea to walk it, either, unless you're not afraid of out-of-control
09:48The road itself is almost entirely unpaved, and stretches for just under 30 kilometers,
09:53with winding areas and narrow tracks with huge drops on both sides.
09:57It's made even more dangerous by the fact that the road is steep, and there's not much
10:01grip, meaning it's not uncommon for cars to lose control and start slipping and sliding.
10:09The Road of Bones Officially called the Federal Automobile Highway
10:13Kolmia, the Kolmia Highway runs through the east of Russia and has such a fearsome reputation
10:19that it's earned the nickname of the Road of Bones.
10:22In this case, the nickname can be taken literally.
10:25That's because the road was built during Stalin's rule over the Soviet Union, with inmates from
10:30gulags and labor camps completing the work.
10:33It's believed that as many as a million slave laborers passed away during its construction,
10:38with the majority of them being buried beneath or around the road.
10:42The Road of Bones is built in a region that's known for its extreme cold, and so it was
10:46judged that it was easier to bury people within the road than it was to build special graves
10:50for them.
10:51On top of the cold weather, the road has deteriorated in many places, with bridges collapsing and
10:56rivers freezing over.
10:58The cold is such a problem here that it's a risk to travel along this road, and if your
11:02vehicle breaks down, you'll quickly find yourself in a lot of trouble.
11:06In fact, there's a town called Omyakon, which is only 100 kilometers away from the highway
11:10that holds the record for being the coldest inhabited place on Earth.
11:15Halcyma Highway The Halcyma Highway is a major road in the
11:20Philippines that leads to Sagada, a big draw for tourists.
11:24It's also known as the Benguet Mountain Province Road.
11:27It's a national highway in the Philippines, which formerly held the record for the country's
11:31highest altitude highway, climbing up to 2,300 meters.
11:35So, what makes this 150-kilometer highway so dangerous?
11:38Well, there's a few reasons, but perhaps the most obvious one is that it's badly maintained
11:43and that there are a ton of landslides.
11:46It's not uncommon for buses full of people to skid off the sides.
11:50Unfortunately, it's also a vital part of the country's infrastructure, and so even though
11:54it's super dangerous, it's not as though people have much choice.
11:57It's particularly important to the area's farmers.
12:00All in all, it's definitely one of the more dangerous roads on this list, which explains
12:04why it was included in the Discovery World Show called Hot Roads, The World's Most Dangerous
12:10It's also featured on a number of lists of the world's most dangerous roads, usually
12:13ranking in the top ten, like this one.
12:19Highway of Death Officially called the BR-116, the Highway of
12:24Death is Brazil's second longest road and the country's most dangerous, as well as one
12:29of the most dangerous in the world.
12:31It earned its disturbing sobriquet because literally thousands of people die on it every
12:36year, as well as the usual suspect, poor maintenance.
12:39The Highway of Death is also one of the few roads in the world that still falls victim
12:43to bandits.
12:44And I'm not talking about Dick Turpin shouting your money or your life, I'm talking about
12:48organized gangs of armed robbers.
12:51Stretching out for nearly 5,000 kilometers, the Highway of Death is also home to an unusually
12:56large number of road traffic collisions and a ton of adverse weather conditions that change
13:01from day to day.
13:02It stretches from Sao Paulo to Curitiba.
13:05And if all of that wasn't bad enough, the highway is often also used by truck drivers,
13:10with huge trucks passing each other at high speeds on narrow lanes, with no dividers between
13:15the two lanes of oncoming traffic.
13:1760% of all vehicles on the Highway of Death are trucks.
13:24Killer Highway The Killer Highway is another road from the
13:28Philippines and earned its nickname because of the large number of collisions that have
13:32taken place since its construction.
13:34It's properly called Commonwealth Avenue.
13:37This road in Quezon City is used by pedestrians and cyclists, who often fall victim to the
13:43There are quite a few reasons for this, although most people blame the authorities for the
13:46ability to police and regulate the area.
13:49It's also got a ton of traffic, and so because of that, there are more opportunities for
13:53accidents than there are on most other roads.
13:56The good news about this road is that at least it's paved, which is very different to a lot
14:00of the others that we've talked about.
14:02It's only around 8 miles long, but it's super wide, branching into as many as 18 lanes in
14:07some areas, and that's why it's believed to be the widest road in the country.
14:11The Killer Highway witnesses as many as 5 accidents every day, and the buses are particularly
14:17known for careless driving.
14:18It's got no street lights, which causes a lot of problems at night, and the lack of
14:22adequate drainage means that it often floods too.
14:27Mugia Pass The Mugia Pass winds through the Annamite
14:31Mountain Range between Vietnam and Laos, connecting major roads between the two countries.
14:37According to one estimate from the 1960s, three-quarters of all the trucks going into
14:41Laos went through the Mugia Pass.
14:44One of the interesting things about this road is that it's played an important role during
14:47the Vietnam War.
14:49It was the main entry point for the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and was described by the CIA as
14:54carved out of the steep hillside, for in most places, there's not enough room for both road
14:58and stream in the constricted bottom of the ravine.
15:01The pass is considered to be one of the more dangerous roads because of the high volume
15:06of traffic and the lack of room for maneuvering, as well as the fact that there are a whole
15:10bunch of trucks traveling along this pass.
15:13The Mugia Pass was also featured in an episode of The World's Most Dangerous Roads, featuring
15:18Sue Perkins and Liza Tarbuck.
15:20They traverse the pass before heading into some of the more remote parts to the east
15:23of Laos.
15:27Road of Death The Road of Death is a regular at the top
15:31of the list of the most dangerous roads in the world, and with good reason.
15:35It's alarmingly common to see large vehicles like trucks and buses trying to overtake one
15:40another and sliding over the edge.
15:43Located in Bolivia, this road is officially called the North Yungas Pass, and it's nicknamed
15:47by the locals as the Camino de la Muerte.
15:50Thrill-seekers can be found speeding along the road on the backs of mountain bikes too.
15:55Like many other roads on this list, the Road of Death peaks at a high altitude, although
15:59it drops over 3,000 meters along the way.
16:02As well as its steep sides, it's also known for being super slippery and for being covered
16:06with rocks, stones, and pebbles that can throw off bikes and cars alike.
16:11The Road of Death has an interesting history, with it initially being built around 100 years
16:15ago by Paraguayan prisoners of war.
16:17The good news for those who want to travel safely is that a new highway has been built
16:21that includes all of the safety features you could ask for.
16:24So these days, you only need to cruise along it if you want the thrill of it.
