To Deceive Our Parents, I Faked a Marriage with the Former Badass Girl I Used to Crash with

  • 3 months ago
To Deceive Our Parents, I Faked a Marriage with the Former Badass Girl I Used to Crash with
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00so today's lecture is I'm Ryu Saito just an ordinary college student you can find
00:07anywhere ain't got any standout features or anything just living that everyday
00:12campus life having a blast with love and friendship
00:16hey boss, looking lively as ever, huh?
00:23you took a nice fall there
00:25well I mean
00:27reminds you of your old self, huh?
00:32ugh, stop calling me boss
00:35I graduated from being a bad boy, remember?
00:38oops, my bad
00:40I did it on purpose though
00:43but you can't imagine it
00:46looking all goody two-shoes now
00:49who would have thought you used to be the scariest boss?
00:52just don't say that
00:55it's embarrassing
00:57just like Ron said, I used to be a bad boy called the scariest boss
01:01I didn't hang out with anyone
01:03I just picked fights all by myself
01:05I thought I was invincible
01:07but there were others scarier than me
01:10oh, hey it's Sarah
01:12she's as cute as ever today
01:14wonder if she's got a boyfriend
01:16who knows, you go ask her
01:19she's too cute, I can't talk to her
01:22she's way too cute, huh?
01:25who would have thought there'd come a day when Sarah couldn't be approached
01:28unless it was for something other than scary
01:31the beautiful girl who's catching every guy's attention on campus
01:34is Sarah Yamaguchi
01:36she used to be my rival
01:41in other words, she was a bad girl too back in the day
01:44though now she's a cool, beautiful college student in high school
01:48she was the leader of a famous all-female gang in our hometown
01:53Sarah and I had the same territory
01:55and every time we crossed paths
01:57we'd end up fighting
01:59it wasn't so much that we hated each other
02:01it was more about our pride
02:03only one person could be the scariest in our hometown
02:06I think that's how we felt
02:08huh? you, you're still hanging around here?
02:12who gave you permission to strut around with that big head of yours?
02:16this place is our turf, got it?
02:18shut up, barking like a bunch of puppies
02:21can't do nothing without your pack acting all high and mighty
02:24you ain't got the guts to do anything on your own
02:28you've been running your mouth all this time
02:31today, let's settle who's the real boss, once and for all
02:35don't go pulling that tough guy act on me, Miss Leader
02:40that's my line
02:41I won't hold back at all, so be prepared
02:44fine by me, bring it on
02:46grit your teeth
02:49man, remembering those days brings back memories
02:53man, being so hot-blooded back then is proof that I was young and reckless
02:58ah, those nostalgic and glorious days of youth
03:01covered in sweat and dirt
03:03can't even imagine that now, though
03:06we used to fight all the time
03:08but after graduating high school, we mellowed out
03:11now, even if we bump into each other in college
03:13it's like we don't know or recognize each other
03:16our relationship, which used to be all about throwing punches and stuff
03:20completely changed
03:22it's proof that we've grown up and moved on with our lives
03:25I thought we'd just go on living without getting involved with each other anymore, but
03:30one holiday
03:32today's movie was pretty good
03:34especially when Lily unleashed her full-on 8th grader syndrome punch
03:38it was freaking intense
03:40I wanna go see it again at the theater
03:43I told you it's impossible
03:45huh? a fight?
03:47hey, you okay?
03:51wait a sec, isn't that Sarah?
03:54what are you doing here?
03:56dating this guy with the intention of getting married, you know
04:00I'm sorry for keeping it a secret until now
04:03so, the arranged marriage with you
04:06what? what are you talking about?
04:09breathe the atmosphere and play along, you bastard
04:12ugh, is that how you ask someone for a favor?
04:16but if she's in trouble, it's a man's job to lend a hand, right?
04:20yeah, that's right
04:22we're a lovey-dovey couple, you know
04:24but we kept it as our little secret because we didn't want others prying into our business
04:29yeah, that's why even my dad didn't know
04:33and that's why the arranged marriage was set up
04:37I caused you a lot of trouble, I'm sorry
04:40I'll apologize formally later, okay?
04:43alright, for now, I'll go back
04:47it worked out somehow
04:50it worked out my ass
04:52we can't talk about it here, let's move somewhere else
04:55I'll explain everything there
04:5710 minutes later
04:59so, what was that all about?
05:01it'll take a bit longer if I explain
05:04Sarah slowly began to tell the whole story
05:08my family's actually pretty well off
05:11ugh, I hated the stuffy atmosphere
05:14so I rebelled against my parents in high school
05:17but right before graduation, I had a proper talk with them and reconciled
05:21we realized it was just a misunderstanding on both sides
05:25I quit being a wild child after high school and behaved myself as a college student
05:30after reconciling with my parents, I wanted to make it up to them, you know?
05:35for all the trouble I caused
05:37but then one day, my dad suddenly said
05:40marry someone from a good family
05:43he started setting up arranged marriage meetings for me
05:46thinking about my happiness and all
05:49I didn't want to be decided for me
05:52I surely didn't want to marry someone I didn't even know
05:55so I told him I didn't want this arranged marriage
05:58he didn't listen to me
06:00he's not a bad person, but didn't want to get married
06:03but even if I said so, he wouldn't listen
06:07so, things got heated when I tried to escape using force
06:11and that's when I come into the picture, huh?
06:14but seriously, is that really okay?
06:17but like, what if it actually turns into a legit marriage?
06:22let's fake a marriage, you know?
06:25don't worry, just until things cool down, alright?
06:28you gotta be kidding me, why go that far?
06:31you're the only one I can rely on
06:34please, I'm counting on you to save me
06:38don't give me that look
06:41I can't help it, guess it's payback for our old rivalry, huh?
06:45I'll put on the performance of a lifetime, just watch me
06:49thanks to you
06:52and so, me and Sarah started pretending to be lovers
06:55after that, we apologized properly to the arranged marriage partner
06:59and greeted our parents again
07:01but as expected, they didn't immediately approve of our marriage
07:04they were like, live together for a month and think it through
07:08and they gave us an apartment to cohabitate in
07:11and suddenly, the first day of cohabitation began out of nowhere
07:15I'm home
07:17welcome back, Ryu
07:19what are you doing all of a sudden?
07:21ain't it reckless for a pre-marriage girl to cling to a guy like that?
07:25do you really think this kind of thing is acceptable?
07:29Ryu, calm down and listen
07:32this room is filled with hidden cameras and bugs everywhere
07:37they're probably monitoring whether we're really lovebirds or not
07:41so let's act all lovey-dovey
07:44otherwise my parents will come and drag me back in no time
07:47got it, if that's the deal, leave it to me
07:51thanks, dear
07:53you're blushing, it's cute, you know
07:57I'm cooking, so let's eat
07:59oh, do you want to take a bath first?
08:02or maybe me, darling?
08:05I'd love to say, Sarah, but I'm starving, so let's go with food
08:11hey, Ryu, I'll feed you
08:13open your mouth
08:15are you trying to feed me?
08:17what's wrong? haven't I always been doing this?
08:20here, open wide
08:23here comes the plane
08:27is it good?
08:29wow, tasty, your cooking is the best
08:33I'm glad to hear that
08:36maybe this is what you call happiness
08:39a few minutes later
08:41why are you bringing me all the way here?
08:44let's take a bath, let's take together
08:48come on, hurry
08:50huh? you're going way too far
08:53but we gotta do it properly
08:56there's no way we're being watched this far
08:59hey, Ryu
09:01man, this is going too far
09:04an hour later
09:06Ryu, I'm sorry about earlier
09:09huh? yeah
09:11so let's sleep together?
09:15as an apology
09:17besides, it's normal for lovers, right?
09:20I'm tired today, so let's sleep separately
09:22good night, Sarah
09:24Ryu, you're so mean
09:26what the heck?
09:28going that far for the sake of pretending to be lovey-dovey?
09:31but well, this is only within the house
09:34at school or outside, things will surely go as usual
09:37that's what I thought, but...
09:40why on earth am I going on a date with this girl?
09:43hey, isn't it enough to be fake lovers only at home?
09:46do we really need to go on a date?
09:48listen up!
09:50you never know where the surveillance eyes are, you know?
09:53so we gotta keep this up for a whole month
09:56plus, if we're supposed to be lovebirds
09:59not going on a single date would raise suspicions
10:02yeah, you got a point
10:04that's why we're going on this date, got it?
10:07now let's go already, the movie's about to start
10:1030 minutes later
10:13but seriously, it's a commercial and poster scam
10:17who could imagine such a gory horror flick
10:20with cute sounds and visuals like that?
10:22no wonder the reviews are filled with
10:24got deceived kind of words
10:26by the way, is Emma alright?
10:30yep, thought so
10:32she can fight like cats and dogs, but her reaction
10:35it's kinda cute to be honest
10:37in times like this, if we were lovers
10:40maybe like this?
10:46you're actually kind, aren't you?
10:49well, we're lovers, ain't we?
10:51thanks to you, I feel relieved
10:56and so, we continued our daily life pretending to be lovers
11:00even though we knew it was just a pretense
11:02the more time we spent together
11:04the more our feelings grew
11:06before I knew it
11:07I found myself genuinely attracted to Sarah
11:10and wishing for more than just pretending to be lovers
11:14as the days went by
11:15and they entered the third week of cohabitation
11:18come to think of it
11:19Sarah's birthday is coming up, right?
11:21what should I get her as a present?
11:23she unexpectedly has girly tastes and all
11:29Sarah's dad!
11:30what are you doing here?
11:31I heard you're not really Sarah's boyfriend
11:35what's with the sudden...
11:37I had some doubts
11:38so I hired a private investigator
11:41turns out you two used to hang out as delinquents back in the day
11:47sure, maybe my daughter was a bad person like you back then
11:51but she's different now
11:52she carries the burden of the Yamaguchi family
11:55if you truly wish for Sarah's happiness
11:58would you consider breaking up with her?
12:01I can't argue with what he's saying
12:03this fake relationship, it's wrong to keep it going
12:08if it's for Sarah's happiness
12:09then I'll break up with her
12:11you're a sensible person
12:15from that day on
12:16I didn't go back to the house I shared with Sarah
12:18couldn't find a new place to move to
12:20so I ended up living in internet cafes
12:23I avoided her with all my might at school
12:25dodging her every day
12:27ignoring the calls on my phone was painful
12:29but I did it for Sarah's sake
12:31it doesn't mean I stopped having feelings for her though
12:34in the days without seeing Sarah
12:36I became a complete empty shell
12:39and then one day
12:41man, you gotta get your act together
12:43I can't stand the sight of you lately
12:45what's up with your spineless attitude?
12:50something happened between you and Sarah, didn't it?
12:53ugh, why do you...
12:56it's so obvious
12:59it'd be weird if I didn't notice
13:02are you trying to hide it?
13:04hey, if there's something bothering you
13:07you gotta face it head on, man
13:09don't run away
13:11don't be a chicken
13:12you're acting all scaredy cat with the girl you like
13:15when it comes to the person you're into
13:17you gotta confront them face to face
13:22you're right
13:23I... while I was saying it's for her sake
13:25I've been avoiding facing the reality of being apart from her
13:29thanks, Ron
13:30I'm going to Sarah's place
13:32yes, spirit
13:35an hour later
13:37ew, what are you doing here all of a sudden?
13:41you don't care about me anymore, do you?
13:43no, Sarah, listen to me
13:47I don't want anything to do with you anymore
13:49get out
13:51Sarah, I'm really sorry
13:52but you gotta listen
13:54Sarah, I'm really sorry
13:56your dad told me that if I truly cared about your happiness
13:58I should break up with you
14:00I listened to him and realized he was right
14:03a fake love will eventually come to an end
14:05but that doesn't mean...
14:08but I... I've fallen in love with you for real
14:11I hate pretending
14:13I wanna be your real boyfriend
14:14your husband
14:17I feel the same
14:19I like you too, do you?
14:21I've liked you since high school all this time
14:25I was attracted to your fighting spirit
14:27but our positions kept me from confessing
14:30do you?
14:31can you make me your real girlfriend?
14:34it's not a lie, I wanna be
14:36of course, duh
14:38from now on, we're a real couple
14:42after that, Sarah and I went to her parents' place and talked
14:45of course, we sincerely apologized for deceiving them
14:48Sarah's parents said
14:50if you're serious, then it's not a problem
14:53our happiness lies in Sarah's happiness
14:57they accepted our relationship
14:59and so, we officially got engaged
15:02I became a son-in-law of the Yamaguchi family
15:05and as soon as we graduated, we registered our marriage
15:08by the way, I've been studying like crazy to take over my father-in-law's business
15:13it's tough, but I can push through when I think it's for the sake of happiness
15:17and as time went by, it was Sarah's birthday again
15:20sorry I couldn't give you a present last year
15:23oh no, I mean, I'm receiving a really special present right now
15:28huh? is that...
15:30it's your life, darling
15:34from now on, let's rock it as husband and wife
15:37I'll treasure you for life
15:39I love you, Sarah
15:41me too, do you, my darling?
15:45hi, it's me, Mel
15:48thanks for watching my channel
15:51I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too
