Ultra City Smiths E006 - Family of Orphans

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Le jour où je me retrouve avec le nouveau emploi.
00:03Heureux de te rejoindre.
00:05Ultracity, un mauvais endroit pour être seul.
00:08Demande à Grace, elle te le dira.
00:11Je ne vais pas être avec toi pendant ce temps.
00:13Je t'ai mentionné que l'autre emploi m'invite à des sauts.
00:25Où es-tu chérie ? Je me fais un peu peur.
00:30Je suis là pour les sémis sous-terrain.
00:32C'est génial, viens !
00:34Tu vas te battre contre une série de chiottes.
00:42Danella Smith, as-tu réussi à le faire ?
00:44Oh, ça c'est fait.
00:46Maintenant, nous devons faire quelque chose avec ce salaud homicide.
00:50Il est un salaud.
00:51Euh, non, non, je ne le connais pas.
00:53J'ai dit salaud comme en détective.
00:55J'étais en train d'utiliser mon lingo de la rue de tous les gars parce que tu m'as effrayé.
00:59Je m'occupe des policiers.
01:01Mais je ne veux pas discuter de ça dans l'ouverture.
01:03Tu sais quoi, on se retrouve plus tard.
01:05Je connais le lieu parfait.
01:07Même arme.
01:08Smith, dix heures plus tard, toi.
01:10Qu'est-ce que c'est que le tie-in, Tim ?
01:12Tu as des pensées sur qui t'a mis dans cette chaise ?
01:14Parce qu'ils ont probablement mis Smith sous le sol.
01:17J'ai ennuyé l'actrice cette semaine.
01:20J'ai coupé sa vie pour des nouvelles chèques, ce McSapphire.
01:23Oui, ma station de police l'a bébé.
01:26J'ai jamé sa tête, McSapphire.
01:28Peut-être qu'elle m'a jamé de retour
01:30pendant que j'étais en train d'obtenir du bubblegum dans le parc.
01:32Ça devient intéressant, là-bas.
01:34Dans Ultra City.
01:37Qu'est-ce que c'est que le bubblegum ?
01:39Oh !
01:40C'est quand l'autre gars...
01:59Ladies and gentlemen, our featured men's of the night,
02:02former women's heavyweight champion,
02:04Lady Andrea, the Giant !
02:07And in this corner, our series of champs,
02:10Mr. Stevenson,
02:12Buck Thompson,
02:16and his wife,
02:18Mrs. Johnson.
02:20Ladies and gentlemen,
02:22our featured men's of the night,
02:24former women's heavyweight champion,
02:26Buck Thompson,
02:28Big Buck Thompson,
02:30Cocaine Lottie,
02:32Windsor the Chinese Nightmare,
02:36the old and also insane Cheater Sister.
02:41Let's get it on !
02:46Oh, tweens, I'm so excited to have you
02:49at Tween Appreciation Day today, tweens.
02:52I have a big surprise for you, tweens.
02:55Oh, tweens, I'm so excited to have you
02:58at Tween Appreciation Day today, tweens.
03:02There's a darkness here, an ultra city.
03:05Smith was fighting against it,
03:07and now he's dead.
03:09Nico was trying to solve it,
03:11and he's dead too.
03:13Something heavy's coming down,
03:16and Mills has to figure it out and stop it.
03:19And now he's all alone.
03:21Good cop ?
03:23Good cop, tough cop.
03:26He's a fragile young man.
03:28Something's wrong inside.
03:46It's all coming down on this kid.
03:49Where is he going ?
03:51He might be going Lime, yeah.
03:54Not the best time, kid, to go Lime.
03:57When you're in their sights,
03:59next in line.
04:01Better to stay sharp
04:03than to go all Lime.
04:08That's a search and arrest warrant request
04:10for a Paula Smith, alias Trish McSapphire.
04:13You got it.
04:14What's the basis ?
04:15The basis is I may find her with a gun
04:17that knocked down our carpenter Smith.
04:19He was gonna make this a gentler place.
04:22I'll get back to you.
04:26Hey, sweetheart.
04:28I guess you're at mommy and me.
04:30I just, uh...
04:32I just needed to talk.
04:34I'm just here in a bar,
04:36doing work with a Lime.
04:39I'm really looking at this Lime a lot.
04:42I am just really getting into looking at it.
04:45I don't know.
04:47I don't want to do this again.
04:49Honey, you know, get all into Limes.
04:52And I lost my partner today,
04:56the hard way.
04:58And now, shit, I'm with this Lime.
05:00God damn it.
05:02And I know how hard that is, babe,
05:04when I go distant.
05:06Your job is tough.
05:07Nurses are totally where it's at,
05:09and I know it.
05:11And when you come home,
05:12and you want to tell me
05:13about how Melissa Ramirez
05:14wouldn't take your shift,
05:15and you took two of hers,
05:16and she's being a bitch,
05:17and I'm just sitting there
05:18at the kitchen table
05:19looking at a Lime,
05:21and all I say is,
05:23man, Limes are weird.
05:25And then I go quiet.
05:27And then,
05:28I say weird in a good way,
05:30I know how hard that is for you,
05:42Who's this person?
05:44Oh, that man's my handy-ass clown.
05:46I decided to hold meetings here,
05:48as no one would expect
05:49something dead serious
05:50was taking shape.
05:51And have things become
05:52dead serious
05:53for our feisty
05:54turnip truck homicide cop?
05:56They have.
05:57The plan involves
05:58his former partner's son.
06:00Tell me more.
06:02I got it.
06:03I got a grip.
06:05Please leave a message.
06:06Hey, I'm just...
06:08Listen, I'm gonna try
06:09to take the afternoon off.
06:10I'm gonna try to get you
06:11after school,
06:12and we'll go do
06:13something fun, maybe.
06:14Maybe we can go to the boardwalk,
06:15to the arcade.
06:16Robbery at First Eastern Bank.
06:17Madison and 110th.
06:19Suspects are several
06:20armed old male prostitutes.
06:22Robbery at First Eastern Bank.
06:30What are you doing?
06:31Why aren't you coming?
06:32Come to what?
06:36My mom's coming.
06:37Just tell me about it,
06:38all right?
06:39She wants to go play arcade.
06:42she's just kind of cycling
06:43through there.
06:44Excuse me.
06:46I have a gun?
06:53Who called the cops?
06:55We've been standing here
06:56with our guns up
06:57for eight minutes.
06:58Place your weapons
06:59on the floor.
07:00Oh, my God!
07:01Step away
07:02from your weapons.
07:03Lay on the floor.
07:04You're surrounded.
07:08I need a hostage.
07:10Juste one.
07:11I'm gonna let
07:12everyone else go.
07:15is there...
07:16Which one of you guys
07:17is like...
07:18Is there
07:19one of you
07:20who isn't cool?
07:21Or who's
07:22maybe like a dick
07:23or is mean
07:24or something?
07:25One of you?
07:30She like...
07:31She's kind of a dick.
07:32What are you talking about,
07:34You're kind of a dick.
07:36Dick how?
07:37You're a dick in the way
07:38that you write your name
07:39on your food
07:40in the break kitchen fridge.
07:41It's because someone's
07:42been taking my food.
07:43Yeah, it bothers me too.
07:45On all of her food.
07:46On her f***ing cupcakes.
07:48Yeah, me too.
07:50Every time I open the fridge
07:51just to get like
07:52my f***ing half and half,
07:53it's Angela.
07:55Tina starts rumors.
07:57No, I don't.
07:58Oh, come on.
07:59All day
08:00with the rumors.
08:01Oh, Denise is having
08:02a really hard time
08:03getting pregnant.
08:05I told you that in private!
08:06Really hard time
08:08getting pregnant.
08:12Man, now we have a total S.O.
08:14to cool handmade
08:15friendship bracelets.
08:16Just like the mayor wanted.
08:18The city is ours.
08:19Through friendship bracelets.
08:21Yeah, there they go.
08:22With the big bag
08:23that caused some big trouble
08:25for the little one.
08:27Crazy man.
08:28They used that money
08:29to make 40,000 friendship bracelets
08:32for the mayor.
08:33Crazy man.
08:35maybe not so crazy
08:36here in Ultra City.
08:37I guess we'll see
08:38what that's all about.
08:40Another job.
08:42Private dick.
08:43Just kidding.
08:44I don't call it that.
08:45Private investigator.
08:46One client.
08:4730 years.
08:48Famous case.
08:49You may have heard of it.
08:50Police station baby.
08:52Mom wants
08:53very badly.
08:55Mom wants to know
08:57who and where he is.
08:59Been checking fingerprint
09:00matches every day.
09:02Hospitals, universities,
09:03police stations,
09:0430 years.
09:05You get it?
09:07Thanks for holding.
09:08You still there?
09:09I am.
09:10We actually have
09:11a match today.
09:12Only found a snack.
09:15What's the latest
09:16on the money
09:17and little Grace?
09:18No latest.
09:19Just the same.
09:22I don't feel good
09:23about that at all.
09:24I'm trying to make
09:25a way for us, honey.
09:27I don't want to hurt Grace.
09:29But man,
09:30you should have seen
09:32when the most dangerous
09:33man walked up.
09:34Tough man.
09:35The maximum Krieger.
09:38Do you know how
09:39he got paroled?
09:40The dangerous man?
09:42Not because he got nice.
09:44Every member
09:45of every parole board
09:46he went up against,
09:47year after year,
09:48murdered six hours
09:50after their no vote.
09:52So eventually,
09:53they get the message
09:54and he gets paroled.
09:57That's hard
09:58and these are
09:59the men in my world.
10:00They're scared of him
10:01because that's who he is.
10:03That's not you.
10:04I don't think
10:05you can hurt little Grace
10:06if you tried.
10:07Yeah, well,
10:08people can't say
10:09people can take things
10:10from me in Ultra City.
10:11So I have to try.
10:25Are you the senior officer?
10:26Dale Johnson.
10:28We're gonna set up tactical?
10:29I don't know
10:30what we're gonna do yet?
10:31But I'm leaning towards
10:32storming these
10:33400 strong.
10:38That's my brother.
10:43You were magnificent
10:44against those chimps.
10:46You saw the match?
10:47You're my sister.
10:48I wouldn't miss your semis.
10:50Were you harmed?
10:51It was hard to determine
10:52what was taking place
10:53beneath them at times.
10:54They ate my toes.
10:58I want you to think
10:59about running for mayor.
11:00My chance is over,
11:01but you're a smith too.
11:03And you can carry on
11:04Carpenter's wish
11:05for a gentler Ultra City.
11:07Yeah, I can't.
11:09I had that Patty Hearst thing
11:10when I was kidnapped
11:11then lived in a closet
11:12then joined the kidnappers
11:13and their violent group.
11:15Get on the ground, whites!
11:18Oh, yeah.
11:20We were alone a lot too,
11:22Donovan and I.
11:23I don't know if I really knew
11:24who I was
11:25for a lot of my life.
11:27you have a new family
11:29You know,
11:30Donovan is a smith too.
11:31Oh, man,
11:32I was really hoping
11:33I wouldn't have to ask
11:34your brother to run for mayor.
11:38Hey, Donovan.
11:39Hey, Sissy,
11:40it's Dono.
11:42I just woke up.
11:44I'm in someone's house
11:46and I can't find my clothes
11:48and I don't have any money.
11:50Can you please meet me
11:52with 8,000 clean singles?
11:58Hey, Gail, it's David.
11:59I'm going lime
12:00and I just wanted to call you
12:02because I need you.
12:03Gail, you were the best cop
12:04on these bad streets
12:05and I'm going lime now.
12:07My eye's not going to be
12:08on those dark corners.
12:09I need you.
12:15Search and arrest warrant
12:16for Trish McSapphire granted.
12:18I need you.
12:19I need you.
12:20I need you.
12:21I need you.
12:22I need you.
12:23I need you.
12:24I need you.
12:25I need you.
12:26I need you.
12:28Oh, twins!
12:30Little Grace?
12:31She's gone, Trish.
12:32She didn't go to school
12:33but she's not home.
12:34She's gone somewhere.
12:35She's in...
12:36We're in trouble.
12:38That's why I'm fighting chimps.
12:40I think she might have run off.
12:42Could she have gone to her father?
12:43She asked about him
12:44yesterday morning
12:45out of nowhere.
12:46Is that bad
12:47if she's gone to him?
12:50Her father's
12:51Pepito Cuatro.
12:52The gangster?
12:55Je me suis élevée dans des maisons.
12:57Je n'ai jamais été sélectionnée
12:59par mes parents adoptifs
13:00à cause de mon gigantisme.
13:01Je veux dire,
13:02pourquoi prendre le plus grand ?
13:03Je n'ai jamais maltraité personne.
13:05Malgré tout,
13:06j'ai toujours voulu
13:07et j'ai toujours eu besoin
13:08de mes compagnons.
13:10J'ai terminé l'école
13:11puis l'université
13:12sans un ami, vraiment.
13:13Et j'ai pris des cours
13:14à l'école de sonographe.
13:17Et, bien,
13:18une nuit,
13:19le 63ème,
13:22j'ai été impliquée
13:23par la première personne
13:24qui m'a montré l'amour.
13:26Pepito pensait grand,
13:27même à l'époque.
13:29Son travail ne m'a jamais
13:30beaucoup inquiétée.
13:31C'est l'Ultra City.
13:32Il faut choisir
13:33une poche ou deux.
13:34Et, bien,
13:36on s'est amoureuses.
13:38On s'est amoureuses,
13:41quelques fois par jour.
13:42Comme l'amour jeune.
13:44Et puis ?
13:45Et puis, on a eu
13:46un petit Grace.
13:49Et puis ?
13:50Et puis, il a tué
13:51un jeune homme.
13:52Le travail est lié,
13:54Les jurés ont été en colère.
13:55L'État a dit qu'il était innocent.
13:57Mais il m'a dit que oui.
14:01Et on l'a laissé.
14:03J'avais un petit Grace.
14:04Et je ne ressentais plus
14:05l'espoir et la nécessité.
14:07Et je savais qu'on ne devait pas
14:08vivre dans la douleur comme ça.
14:20Tu l'as tué !
14:21Tu l'as tué !
14:22Tu l'as tué !
14:52Hey, je me demandais
14:53où tu étais, maman.
14:55J'ai hâte d'aller à l'arcade avec toi.
14:58OK, au revoir.
15:00Oh, salut, Tween.
15:04Tu ne sais pas
15:05ce qu'est une histoire ?
15:07Je sais que quand je regarde des films,
15:08les gens font ça,
15:09et ça, c'est...
15:10C'est de la pornographie.
15:13Et c'est quoi ?
15:15Un film ordinaire
15:16qui n'a pas de pornographie.
15:19Tu es Trevor, non ?
15:20Comment sais-tu ça ?
15:21Oh, tu es l'un des top Tweens
15:22de la ville.
15:23Dis, tu viens
15:24à la Journée de l'appréciation des Tweens ?
15:26Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
15:28Tween Team Building.
15:29On met les Tweens ensemble
15:30pour dire
15:31« Hey, Tweens,
15:32je suis amoureux de vous
15:33comme vous êtes important
15:34pour la ville. »
15:35Et j'apprécie ça.
15:36Oh, bien,
15:37je vais avec ma mère
15:38à l'arcade.
15:39Est-ce que tu voudrais savoir
15:40la chose la plus douce
15:41d'un Tween ?
15:42Eh bien, tu vois,
15:43la chose la plus douce
15:44d'un Tween
15:45c'est que le Tween
15:46sera un Teen.
15:47Puis le Teen sera
15:48un YA.
15:49Puis l'ADULT.
15:52Oh, oui.
15:53Et c'est si mignon
15:54si un jour
15:55tous les A de Ultra City
15:56sont mes amis spéciaux.
15:57Eh bien, tu vois,
15:58mon Tween Battalion
15:59devient une armée adulte.
16:01Traîné depuis la vie de Tween
16:03pour, eh bien, travailler avec moi
16:05et, eh bien,
16:06mes designs pour la ville.
16:07J'aimerais vraiment
16:08que tu rejoignes
16:09les autres Tweens de la rue
16:10à la Journée de l'appréciation des Tweens.
16:13j'ai un cadeau pour toi.
16:15mais toi en particulier, Trev.
16:20quel plaisir qu'on aura.
16:26Eh bien,
16:27bonjour, mon amour.
16:31J'ai fait ma décision.
16:32On va affronter
16:33ces 400 Tweens.
16:35Il sera tué.
16:36On va affronter.
16:44Le parentage est délicat.
16:46La question,
16:48le débat,
16:49le bazar,
16:50les blagues,
16:51le math,
16:52les robins,
16:53et si tu as une fille,
16:55alors il y a
16:57de la boule partout
16:58sur les téléscopes,
17:00les toits,
17:01et dans les crânes.
17:02Quand tes enfants étaient 6 ou plus
17:04et entendaient maman prisoner dans sa chambre,
17:06ils viennent très doucement
17:07avec des bandages de Power Puff
17:08et ils se sentent mieux.
17:10Mais ils ne faisaient plus
17:12de bandages
17:13pour le coeur maman
17:14maintenant qu'elle a vieilli.
17:17Well, I have this little notion
17:21And it might be quite welcome
17:24If you've been screaming in your pillow
17:27Cause your favorite little fellow
17:29You've heard him down the hall whisper
17:35It ain't that rich
17:38After all those Legos
17:41Listen sister, you might dig this scheme
17:43I will take all your tweens, especially that Trevor one
17:46Well, he's my little clever one
17:48Now turn up truck policeman
17:49I will lure him through his friendship
17:51To that good cop we demoted
17:53Through the tween that I recruited
17:55To ensure that Mills gets dusted
17:57And I will take your tweens
18:05This is your neighborhood?
18:08What is it?
18:09I just thought it would be more movie star
18:12Well, that's just a means
18:14My work
18:15To an end
18:16Finding my boy
18:17Oh my
18:22That's my investigator
18:25Will you pardon me a moment?
18:27Of course
18:45Nous l'avons trouvé
18:48Hey Gail
18:49Est-ce que tu m'as dit que ton petit frère
18:51Était une sorte de prostituée
18:53C'est-à-dire un cowboy
18:55Parce qu'il robe cette banque
18:57Et on dirait qu'il va faire
18:58Cette merde de 400
19:00Je peux l'envoyer pour un moment
19:02Je suis Space Bitch
19:03La championne de la lutte des femmes du monde
19:04Mais je ne sais pas combien de temps
19:06D'accord, je t'aime
19:08All right
19:09We're coming to storm you
19:10400 strong
19:13Hey, c'est Street Hustler Boy
19:15Je vais à la prison
19:16Je pense
19:17Ou à la merde
19:18On dirait qu'il y a une tempête en moi
19:20400 strong
19:21Je suis en trouble
19:23Je t'appelle parce que tu es un policier
19:25Et que tu es ma soeur
19:27Alors, ok
19:29Ok, à plus tard
19:31Ou pas
19:33Maman, je ne sais pas
19:34Tu devrais avoir été appelée au travail
19:36Ok, je vais aller à la maison du maire
19:38Je te vois plus tard
19:39Hey Gail, c'est David
19:41Je vais à la prison
19:42Et je voulais juste t'appeler
19:44Parce que je t'ai besoin
19:57Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire maintenant que tu connais son nom ?
20:00Tu vas lui dire ?
20:09Oui ?
20:10Détective David Mills, Mesmec Sapphire
20:13J'ai un ordre pour ton arrêt
20:40Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
