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00:00P.B.S. Kids. Opening the door to all the fun and joy of learning.
00:05P.B.S. Kids. Where a kid can be a kid.
00:09And by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.
00:15P.B.S. Kids.
00:45P.B.S. Kids.
00:49P.B.S. Kids.
01:03P.B.S. Kids.
01:08Hey, Mario!
01:09Oh, hi, Scott!
01:13What are you doing?
01:23Euh, Tammy, tu vas bien?
01:26Je vais bien. Je regarde quelque chose de très joli.
01:33Oh! C'est un oiseau!
01:37Et ici, il y en a encore!
01:39Mais c'est trop pour moi de regarder tout à l'heure!
01:42Mais ce n'est pas trop pour nous de compter!
01:46Trois petits oiseaux vous regardant
01:49Un s'est éloigné et il y en a eu deux
01:52Oiseau, oiseau, heureux tout le jour
01:55Oiseau, oiseau, s'éloigner
02:01Deux petits oiseaux assis dans le soleil
02:04Un s'est éloigné et il y en a eu un
02:07Oiseau, oiseau, heureux tout le jour
02:10Oiseau, oiseau, s'éloigner
02:16Un petit oiseau s'est éloigné
02:19Un s'est éloigné et il y en a eu neuf
02:23Oiseau, oiseau, heureux tout le jour
02:26Oiseau, oiseau, s'éloigner
02:32Oh! Bonjour à tous!
02:36Alors, que faites-vous?
02:39Nous avons regardé les oiseaux!
02:41Mais je pense que cet oiseau vous regarde!
02:44Je crois que vous avez raison!
02:46Et quand elle est tombée sur mon nez,
02:48oh, ça a fait mal!
02:51Peut-être que l'oiseau pense que vous êtes une fleur
02:53à cause de vos couleurs brillantes!
02:55Oui, peut-être!
02:56Alors, peut-être que nous devrions aller à l'intérieur
02:59et qu'elle peut chercher une vraie fleur ici!
03:02Bonne idée!
03:03Au revoir, oiseau!
03:05Au revoir!
03:06Vous m'avez certainement fait rigoler!
03:15Regarde, oncle Grady, un oiseau!
03:20Oh, et c'est un beau oiseau aussi!
03:22Bien sûr, nous voyons beaucoup d'oiseaux ici!
03:25Ça doit être amusant de travailler dans un parc!
03:27Eh bien, Colleen, ne dis pas à personne,
03:30mais c'est un parc!
03:33Et c'est particulièrement amusant
03:34quand j'ai un bon aideur comme toi!
03:45Je suis un bon aideur
03:47Montre-moi ce que je dois faire
03:49Je suis un bon aideur
03:52J'aime t'aider
03:54Oui, je suis un bon aideur
03:59Donner de l'aide est tellement amusant
04:01et ce n'est pas difficile à faire
04:03Rappelez-vous juste de comment ça se sent
04:05quand vos amis t'aident
04:08Je suis un bon aideur
04:10Montre-moi ce que je dois faire
04:13Je suis un bon aideur
04:15J'aime t'aider
04:17Oui, je suis un bon aideur
04:24Tu peux montrer que tu t'en soucies
04:26avec toutes les choses qui t'aident
04:29Aider les autres, c'est une façon de dire
04:32Je t'aime!
04:34Je suis un bon aideur
04:36Montre-moi ce que je dois faire
04:38Je suis un bon aideur
04:40J'aime t'aider
04:42Oui, je suis un bon aideur
05:13C'est la fille de mon frère
05:15et sa famille vient de loin pour me visiter
05:19C'est gentil, Colleen
05:21Je m'appelle Barney
05:23et ce sont mes amis
05:25Cammy, Mario et Scott
05:29Est-ce que vous êtes vraiment un dinosaure?
05:32Vraiment et vraiment
05:36C'est ok
05:38Oh, ça fait mal
05:40Colleen, tu n'as qu'une main
05:42Oui, c'est comme ça que je suis née
05:44mais ce n'est pas un problème
05:46Non, ça ne l'est pas
05:47Colleen peut faire tout ce qu'elle veut
05:49En fait, elle a été un bon aideur pour moi toute la matinée
05:52Oh, M. Grady
05:56Je pensais que ton premier nom était monsieur
05:58Grady Boyd est mon nom
06:00Et prendre soin du parc est mon boulot
06:03et je devrais le faire
06:04Est-ce que Colleen peut rester et jouer avec nous, M. Boyd?
06:07Qu'est-ce que tu penses, Colleen?
06:08Est-ce que tu voudrais rester et jouer un peu?
06:10Je pense que oui
06:12D'accord, je reviendrai bientôt
06:14À plus tard, tout le monde
06:15Au revoir, M. Boyd
06:17À plus tard
06:19Oh, mon dieu
06:21Aujourd'hui, nous devons faire quelque chose d'extra spécial
06:26Nous devons faire un nouveau ami
06:29mais parfois, il faut un peu de pratique
06:32C'est vrai? Qu'est-ce que nous devons faire?
06:34Oui, qu'est-ce que nous devons faire?
06:36Eh bien, la première chose que nous devons faire, c'est facile
06:39et amusant
06:43Tôt le matin, quand je me veste
06:46parce que j'ai toujours envie de m'apparaitre le mieux
06:49La première chose que je fais pour que tout le monde puisse voir
06:52c'est de mettre un grand sourire sur moi
06:55Oh, mon dieu
06:56Je mets un sourire sur
06:58un sourire sur mon visage
07:00Je mets un sourire sur
07:02Je le porte partout
07:03Je mets un sourire sur
07:05et bientôt, je vois
07:06le monde entier sourire à moi
07:09Oh, c'est une bonne idée
07:12Un sourire est beau, un sourire est libre
07:15Un sourire est un cadeau pour toi de moi
07:18Un sourire est un cadeau d'une manière spéciale
07:21parce que tu peux le garder quand tu le donnes
07:26Je mets un sourire sur
07:28un sourire sur mon visage
07:29Je mets un sourire sur
07:31Je le porte partout
07:32Je mets un sourire sur
07:34et bientôt, je vois
07:36le monde entier sourire à moi
07:39Le monde entier sourire à moi
07:43C'est bon
07:46Oh, c'est mieux
07:48Regarde tous ces sourires heureux
07:51C'est vrai, Barney, c'est facile et amusant
07:53Mais il y a plus à faire des amis que de sourire
07:57La prochaine chose que tu dois faire
07:58c'est dire bonjour à quelqu'un de manière amicale
08:02Colleen, aide-moi à montrer à tout le monde ce que je veux dire
08:05D'accord, qu'est-ce que je dois faire?
08:10On va prétendre que nous ne nous connaissons pas
08:13et mettre des vêtements amusants
08:16Quelque chose comme ça?
08:17Oh, très bien
08:19Et peut-être un casque
08:23Comment je me sens?
08:25Très bien
08:26Barney, que vas-tu porter?
08:28Oh, voyons
08:30Quelque chose là-bas
08:31Oh, trop flash
08:32Oh, trop stylé
08:34C'est trop petit
08:36C'est trop grand
08:37C'est drôle, je n'en peux plus
08:38Barney, regarde-moi
08:39Oh, c'est trop dégueulasse
08:41Ah, parfait
08:45Oh, merci
08:47Et maintenant, Colleen et moi
08:48allons nous amuser à dire bonjour de manière amicale
08:54C'est parti
08:56Un mardi mouillé et mouillé
08:58Lorsque la pluie était la température
09:00J'ai rencontré un ami
09:02Qui m'a dit que c'était génial d'être ensemble
09:04Il a commencé à me complimenter
09:06Et j'ai commencé à pleurer
09:08Comment allez-vous?
09:10Et comment allez-vous?
09:11Et comment allez-vous?
09:13Alors, vous savez tous ce qu'il faut faire?
09:18Oh, je suppose que vous le savez
09:20Très bien
09:21Alors allons-y dire bonjour à tous nos nouveaux amis
09:25Un mardi mouillé et mouillé
09:27Lorsque la pluie était la température
09:30J'ai rencontré un ami
09:32Qui m'a dit que c'était génial d'être ensemble
09:34Il a commencé à me complimenter
09:36Et j'ai commencé à pleurer
09:38Comment allez-vous?
09:40Et comment allez-vous?
09:41Et comment allez-vous?
09:43Comment allez-vous?
09:44Et comment allez-vous?
09:45Et comment allez-vous?
09:47Oh, comment allez-vous?
09:49Et comment allez-vous?
09:51Eh, vous chickenhouse!
09:52Je ne reconnaissance plus jamais
09:55Un mardi soirлет
09:56Quand on se remercie et on dit aujourd'hui bonjour
09:58qu'appelle-on d'autre pour qu'on leur donne des amis?
10:00Oh mon dieu!
10:01Maintenant, il n'était qu'un de mes trucs préférés
10:04En parler à quelqu'un nouveau pour savoir tout
10:06Comme quoi Barney?
10:15T'aimerais aller tout d'abord?
10:18I like to ride horses and I have nine toy horses in my room.
10:23So many!
10:27Last week I got a gold star on my library card for reading so many books.
10:31Mario is always reading books.
10:34Your turn, Barney.
10:36I like going to the beach and making footprints in the sand.
10:39Big footprints!
10:42That's right. And what about you, Cammy?
10:45I like to play the piano and I can play Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
10:49I'd love to hear you play sometime.
10:52Scott, what's something that you like?
10:55Movies. Especially funny ones.
10:57Really? So do I.
10:59I like action movies.
11:01I like cartoons best.
11:03Or movies about animals.
11:05Barney, what do you like best at the movies?
11:08I could tell you, but it'll be more fun to show you.
11:13Oh, boy!
11:16What I like best at the movies is...
11:21Oh, boy!
11:27That's right. I love popcorn.
11:31Oh, you can hear it. You can see it.
11:34You can smell it. You can eat it.
11:37You can hear it. See it. Smell it. Eat it.
11:39Touch it. Crunch it. Taste it. Lunch it.
11:42Popcorn is really neat.
11:44Fun to make and fun to eat.
11:46Popcorn is a pop, pop, paper-bopping, nipper-tapping,
11:49joy-stopping, zany kind of treat.
11:52Oh, I love it.
11:54Oh, it's so yummy.
11:57The corn starts little, then it pops
11:59to a popping popcorn beat.
12:02Fills the popper to the top,
12:04and then it's time to eat.
12:07Popcorn is really neat.
12:09Fun to make and fun to eat.
12:12Popcorn is a pop, pop, paper-bopping, nipper-tapping,
12:15joy-stopping, zany kind of treat.
12:18Oh, you can hear it. See it. Smell it.
12:21Eat it. Touch it. Crunch it. Taste it. Lunch it.
12:24Popcorn is really neat.
12:26Fun to make and fun to eat.
12:29Popcorn is a pop, pop, paper-bopping, nipper-tapping,
12:32joy-stopping, zany kind of treat.
12:35It's a pop, pop, paper-bopping, nipper-tapping,
12:37joy-stopping, zany kind of popcorn.
12:40All right.
12:43Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mario.
12:46Barney, I have a question.
12:48What's that, Cammy?
12:49Well, when we were talking about movies,
12:51we didn't all like the same kind.
12:53Shouldn't friends like the same things?
12:55Well, friends can like the same things,
12:58but they don't have to.
13:00In fact, we can learn a lot from friends who are different.
13:03That reminds me of a story I just read.
13:06Thank you, Mario. It's always reading books.
13:08Oh, boy.
13:10Here it is.
13:12Oh, The Story of the Lion and the Mouse.
13:15Oh, this is a good one.
13:17Would you please read it, Barney?
13:19Oh, I'd be delighted.
13:22Once upon a time,
13:25in a jungle deep and green,
13:28there lived a mighty lion,
13:30the strongest ever seen.
13:33And also in this jungle,
13:35down in the grasses,
13:37lives a tiny little mouse
13:39who hides when lion passes.
13:41I'm afraid he'll eat me.
13:43Brrr! Yuck!
13:46The lion caught the mouse
13:48and held his paw upon her back.
13:51You're too small for a meal,
13:53but you'll make a tasty snack.
13:55Don't eat me.
13:56I'd rather be your friend,
13:58and someday I can help you if we ever meet again.
14:01Help me?
14:03You're much too small and weak,
14:05but I think I'll let you go.
14:07Oh, thank you.
14:09Mousey squeaked.
14:11Now elsewhere in this jungle
14:13were two hunters with some rope.
14:15We'll catch a lion for the zoo.
14:17At least that's what we hope.
14:19And when the lion took his nap,
14:21the hunters quickly caught him.
14:23But when they went to get their truck,
14:26the mouse crept up beside him.
14:28Lion, I will help you get away.
14:30I told you I would help you
14:33The lion said quite sadly,
14:35How can you help at all?
14:37I'm strong and mighty, but you're weak and small.
14:40And even though the lion was sure there was no hope,
14:43his eyes grew wide
14:45when Mousey started chewing on the rope.
14:51Oh, and just a moment later,
14:53the rope broke with a snap,
14:55and the lion and the mouse
14:57quickly left the hunters' trap.
14:59You did it, Mouse. Thank you very much.
15:01You're welcome. Now let's get out of here.
15:03Yeah, let's go.
15:07And somewhere in that jungle,
15:09there's still the best of friends
15:11living happily ever after.
15:15And that's how our story ends.
15:18Good story, buddy.
15:20Oh, it is a good story.
15:22The lion and the mouse were just as different
15:24as they could be,
15:26but they still became good friends.
15:29Oh, hi there.
16:00Friends are special, so important,
16:03they make the world go round.
16:05We like helping one another
16:08in school or on the playground.
16:11Friends are there to help each other
16:14when one is feeling sad.
16:16Being friends is very special,
16:19be a friend and you'll be glad.
16:22Being friends is very special,
16:25be a friend and you'll be glad.
16:27Oh, yes, you will.
16:30I'm very glad to have new friends
16:32as nice as you are.
16:34We feel the same way about you, Colleen.
16:36Yeah, we do.
16:38Say, we should show Colleen more of the park.
16:41Yeah, there are lots of fun things around here.
16:43Come on, over to the pond.
16:45I'll show you my toy boat.
16:46Maybe you'd rather play on the play set.
16:48It's so cool.
16:49But first you should see what we've got over in the gazebo.
16:51The pond. Play set.
16:52Definitely the gazebo.
16:54Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not so fast.
16:56When people are friends,
16:58they remember to take turns, right?
17:00Yeah, that's right.
17:02Well, if you take turns playing with Colleen,
17:05I think she'll have a lot more fun.
17:07Oh, and you will, too.
17:09Yeah, you're right.
17:11Colleen, what would you like to do first?
17:13Well, I guess I'll go to the pond with Scott
17:17and the play set with Mario
17:19and then we can go to the gazebo, Cammy, okay?
17:21Very okay.
17:22Sounds good to me.
17:23Me too.
17:24Oh boy, that's more like it.
17:55Oh, we take turns when we play a game
17:57Cause that's a rule that stays the same
17:59Oh, we take turns when we play a game
18:07Oh, we take turns
18:08Oh, we take turns
18:09So we'll all have fun
18:10So we'll all have fun
18:11And we include
18:12And we include
18:14Yes, everyone
18:15Oh, we take turns
18:16So we'll all have fun
18:17And we include everyone
18:19Oh, we take turns
18:21So we'll all have fun
18:22So we'll all have fun
18:23Oh, now you got it
18:29Oh boy, oh boy, that was lots of fun.
18:32It sure was.
18:33There really are a lot of things to do here in the park.
18:36And there's even more things we can show you tomorrow.
18:39But I won't be here tomorrow.
18:44You won't?
18:46Today was the last day of our visit with Uncle Grady.
18:49We've talked about maybe moving here someday.
18:52But tomorrow, I'm flying home with my mom and dad.
18:55But does that mean we won't be friends anymore?
18:58Of course you'll still be friends.
19:01It's nice to have friends you can see every day and play with.
19:04But it's also nice to have friends who are far away.
19:08Can you really do that?
19:10You sure can.
19:13Friends can stay friends by calling each other on the phone
19:17or sending email
19:19or by being pen pals.
19:21Yeah, Colleen can be one of our pen pals.
19:24But our pen pals, we send letters and pictures to other kids
19:27and they write back to us.
19:29We have pen pals all over the world.
19:31Bernie, we haven't checked the mailbox today.
19:33Well, let's go check it now.
19:36I can't wait to see what's in there.
19:42Oh boy, you've got some letters right here.
19:46Mail call!
19:48Let's open them at the picnic table.
19:55Everyone take a seat.
19:58Let's see what we have here.
20:00Oh, here's some for you, Mario.
20:02Thank you.
20:03You're welcome.
20:04Oh, and you, Cammie.
20:06There you go.
20:07Thank you, Bernie.
20:08You're welcome too.
20:09Oh, Scott, here are some of your pen pals.
20:12Thank you.
20:13You're welcome.
20:14You can open some letters too, Colleen.
20:16Thank you, Bernie.
20:17You're welcome too.
20:18Some of these come from very far away.
20:21But they're all from friends.
20:44Loving you is what they like to do.
20:46Oh, they truly do, we do.
20:50You might call your friend amigo.
20:52Mon ami or mate.
20:54Or even tomodachi too.
20:57But no matter what the name, they love you just the same.
21:01Because loving you is what they like to do, do, do.
21:05No matter what the name, they love you just the same.
21:09Because loving you is what they like to do.
21:12And no matter where they are, it might be near or far.
21:16Just loving you is what they like to do, do, do.
21:20No matter where they are, it might be near or far.
21:24Just loving you is what friends like to do.
21:32Hi, everyone.
21:33Hi, Mr. Boy.
21:34Hi, Mr. Boy.
21:36Are you having fun?
21:38Oh, Uncle Grady, I've had the very best day.
21:41And I made lots of new friends.
21:43Well, I sort of thought you would.
21:45And we're all going to be pen pals.
21:47So we can still be friends when Colleen goes home.
21:50Well, that's a terrific idea.
21:53Thank you for all the fun today.
21:55And thank you, Barney.
21:57I hope you won't forget me because I won't forget you.
22:02I never ever forget the people I love.
22:08I love you.
22:10You love me.
22:12We're a happy family.
22:16With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
22:21Won't you say you love me too?
22:26Oh, Mr. Boy.
22:30I love you.
22:31You love me.
22:33We're best friends like friends should be.
22:37With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
22:41Won't you say you love me too?
22:50Bingo, we love you too.
22:52Yes, we do.
22:53Say, would you kids like to see the flowers I planted?
22:55Bingo helped dig the hole.
22:57Come on.
22:58Bye-bye, everybody.
22:59Have fun.
23:00See you later.
23:08Hey, everybody.
23:09It's time for Barney Says.
23:16Hello again to all my friends.
23:18I'm glad you came to play.
23:20Our fun and learning never end.
23:22Here's what we did today.
23:24I'm glad you came to play.
23:26Our fun and learning never end.
23:28Here's what we did today.
23:30I'm glad you came to play.
23:32I'm glad you came to play.
23:34Our fun and learning never end.
23:36Here's what we did today.
23:38Today, Mr. Boy introduced us to his niece, Colleen.
23:42And we all made a brand new friend.
23:45We smiled.
23:47We said hello and shook hands.
23:49And we talked about things we liked.
23:52Like crunchy, munchy popcorn.
23:55Everyone took turns playing with Colleen.
23:58Scott shared his toy boats with her.
24:01And Cammy showed her around the gazebo.
24:04We read mail from our pen pals.
24:07Colleen promised she would be our pen pal, too.
24:10Oh, I love making new friends.
24:13And remember, I love you.
24:18To learn more about Barney and Friends,
24:20visit PBS online at
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