Art et designTranscription
00:00Ticket please! All right! Ticket please! Sure! Ticket please!
00:18High four! And high four to you too!
00:23High four!
00:30Four square! Four square!
01:00Four square! Four square!
01:31Fresh out of the garden, ripened by the sun
01:37What a treat, all the food we eat
01:42Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum yum
01:51Some food grows on trees or on plants that come from seeds
01:57And some food we can't see, it's growing secretly
02:03Hidden from our eyes, a garden vegetable surprise
02:09What a treat, the food we eat
02:14Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum yum
02:26Some food we can't see, it's growing secretly
02:33Hidden from our eyes, a garden vegetable surprise
02:40What a treat, the food we eat
02:46Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum
02:53Some food we can't see, it's growing secretly
03:00Hidden from our eyes, a garden vegetable surprise
03:07What a treat, the food we eat
03:13Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum
03:20Some food we can't see, it's growing secretly
03:27Hidden from our eyes, a garden vegetable surprise
03:34What a treat, the food we eat
03:40Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum
03:47Some food we can't see, it's growing secretly
03:54Hidden from our eyes, a garden vegetable surprise
04:01What a treat, the food we eat
04:07Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum
04:14Some food we can't see, it's growing secretly
04:21Hidden from our eyes, a garden vegetable surprise
04:28What a treat, the food we eat
04:35Cause for everyone their favorite food is yum yum yum yum
04:41A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket
04:46I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way I lost it
04:55I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way I lost it
05:03A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket
05:07I wrote a letter to my friend, and on the way I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, and on the way I lost it, I wrote a letter to my friend, and on the way I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, and on the way I lost it, I wrote a letter to my friend, and on the way I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, and on the way I lost it, I wrote a letter to my friend, and on the way I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, and on the way I lost it, I wrote a letter to my friend, and on the way I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it
05:37I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I
06:07lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost it, I lost
06:37C'est drôle, il n'y a personne ici
06:39Mais quelque chose d'autre est ici
06:44Oh mon dieu, il y a tellement de boîtes
06:46Celui-ci a écrit dessus
06:48Il dit, à Barney, de la compagnie Enjoy Your Toys
06:52Oh mon dieu
07:00Mais celui-ci est vide
07:02Et celui-ci ?
07:03Il n'y a pas de jouets dans celui-ci
07:06Je pense que c'est juste un paquet de boîtes
07:08Eh bien, tout ce que Camille avait était une boîte de tissu
07:12Et elle l'a transformé en un très joli jouet
07:15C'est vrai, on peut faire plein de choses amusantes avec ces boîtes
07:18Elles peuvent être n'importe quels jouets que l'on veut
07:20Allons-y, commençons
07:22Oh, c'est ce qu'il va y avoir...
07:24C'est une boîte ! Oh mon dieu
07:28Voyons voir ce que tout le monde a fait
07:30Oh, on dirait que tu as été occupé, Scott
07:32Qu'est-ce que tu as fait ?
07:33J'ai fait une tortue de boîte
07:35Une tortue de boîte comme celle-ci
07:37Tu voudrais lui dire bonjour ?
07:39Oh, bien sûr que oui
07:41Il y avait une petite tortue
07:43Elle vivait dans une boîte
07:45Elle nageait dans un trou
07:46Elle s'étendait sur la roche
07:51Elle a frappé un mosquito
07:52Elle a frappé un poulet
07:54Elle a frappé un minot
07:55Et elle a frappé moi
07:57Oh mon dieu
08:00Il a frappé le mosquito
08:01Il a frappé le poulet
08:04Il a frappé le minot mais il ne m'a pas frappé
08:09Il y avait une petite tortue
08:10Elle vivait dans une boîte
08:12Elle nageait dans un trou
08:13Elle s'étendait sur la roche
08:18Il a frappé un mosquito
08:19Il a frappé un poulet
08:21Il a frappé un minot
08:22Et il a frappé moi
08:24Attention !
08:27Il a frappé le mosquito
08:28Il a frappé le poulet
08:30Il a frappé le minot
08:31Mais il ne m'a pas frappé
08:34Il a frappé le poulet
08:36Il a frappé le poulet
08:38Il a frappé le poulet
08:40Il a frappé le poulet
08:42Il a frappé le poulet
08:44Il a frappé le poulet
08:46Il a frappé le poulet
08:48Il a frappé le poulet
08:50Il a frappé le poulet
08:52Il a frappé le poulet
08:54Il a frappé le poulet
08:56Il a frappé le poulet
08:58Il a frappé le poulet
09:00Il a frappé le poulet
09:03Il a frappé le poulet
09:05Il a frappé le poulet
09:07Il a frappé le poulet
09:09Il a frappé le poulet
09:11Il a frappé le poulet
09:13Il a frappé le poulet
09:15Il a frappé le poulet
09:17Il a frappé le poulet
09:19Il a frappé le poulet
09:21Il a frappé le poulet
09:23Il a frappé le poulet
09:25Il a frappé le poulet
09:27Il a frappé le poulet
09:29Il a frappé le poulet
09:31Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory, Hickory Dickory
10:31Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
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