Azad Arakeen kisi jamat main Na gaye tou Seats kis kay Hissay main ayengi ?? Expert Analysis

  • 3 months ago
#supremecourt #reservedseatscase #ECP #CJP #SIC #qazifaezisa #khawarghumman #haidernaqvi #chaudharyghulamHussain #hassanayub

Azad Arakeen kisi jamat main Na gaye tou Seats kis kay Hissay main ayengi ?? Expert Analysis
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, the most important question is that if these people remain free,
00:06there is a legal argument in the Supreme Court,
00:09then where will the remaining seats go?
00:12In whose share will they come?
00:14Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, Senior Penal Judge,
00:16will also become our Chief Justice next year in October.
00:20When he asked this question, listen to the answer of Faisal Siddiqui.
00:24If you are not a political party, where will the reserve seats go,
00:29which are left outside the proportional representation?
00:32If they remain free, where will they go?
00:35They will go, then your Lordship will see who are these independents.
00:42Now the problem is, who are these independents?
00:46Obviously, they had gathered their affidavits, who had fought the election.
00:50Justice Muneeb Akhtar commented on this,
00:53how can this procedural issue be addressed?
00:57Then it seems to me that maybe we are focusing too much on issues of form and procedure.
01:05Maybe those seats can be, if I may now use the analogy,
01:10traced into wherever those PTI candidates, return candidates are going.
01:17And if they are ending up behind you for reasons of whatever,
01:23then maybe they can go to you.
01:26As a matter of form, as a matter of substance,
01:29once we have identified that here is a political party,
01:33entitled to those seats, where is that political party?
01:37Is it before us? Is it not before us?
01:39Well, of course, these are issues of procedure.
01:42But can procedure trump the constitution?
01:45Or are we allowed to trace those members?
01:49And it is not too difficult to trace,
01:51because everyone says that they are now standing behind Kurni Tehat Council.
01:57But there you have it.
01:59Fundamentally, Justice Muneeb Akhtar is saying that all these PTI supporters,
02:06initially they had gathered their affidavits,
02:09their nomination papers, that we are the people of justice in Pakistan.
02:13But of course, later they did not get the party symbol,
02:16then they declared independence on behalf of the Election Commission.
02:18So they are saying that if we go back to the original,
02:22then the solution will come.
02:24Justice Jamal Mando Khel has also commented on this occasion.
02:29Suppose, the petition of Salman Akhbar Raja is allowed,
02:32and it is declared that these were candidates of PTI,
02:36they were not free, and if they go back home,
02:39then where will you stand?
02:40Sir, I don't think the Sunni Tehat will have any problems.
02:43There you are conflicted. You are conflicted.
02:46You have washed all your arguments.
03:10Yes, yes.
03:12No, no.
03:31Justice Manohar Rao has also said that the interpretation of the Election Commission was completely wrong.
03:36Okay, let's come to the next question.
03:37Mr. Nagvi, the question here is that...
03:39Sir, the Election Commission is not responsible.
03:41Okay, the question here is that...
03:43No, the Election Commission is not responsible.
03:45Okay, the question here is that...
03:46PTI is responsible for this.
03:47Mr. Nagvi, your decision has come.
03:49Let me go ahead, Mr. Hassan Yuta.
03:51No, Mr. Chaudhary is in the middle.
03:52Mr. Chaudhary is talking, so you have no objection.
03:54If I talk in the middle, you will have an objection.
03:56What happened, Mr. Hassan Yuta?
03:57No, no, you can talk as much as you want.
03:59Okay, please go ahead.
04:01No, I am saying that when you make a mistake...
04:05Yes, I made a mistake. have to pay for it.
04:07Yes, I paid for it.
04:08Yes, so now it won't work.
04:10Okay, it's done.
04:11What about the country?
04:12You do it again.
04:13The country will work, God willing.
04:14Okay, Mr. Chaudhary, I will come to you.
04:16What's going on?
04:17I will come to you, Mr. Nagvi.
04:18What's going on in the country?
04:19Okay, Mr. Chaudhary, one minute.
04:21Mr. Nagvi, look, there is an issue.
04:23If you do this, you will say that you gave a good example that there is cancer.
04:27Now, its symptoms have also come in front of you.
04:30And cancer is a very serious...
04:31This is a joke between you and Mr. Nagvi.
04:33Okay, seriously.
04:34Mr. Chaudhary, there is a problem.
04:36Pakistan is in a political dilemma right now.
04:38There is a problem.
04:39The reason for that is very good.
04:40I was saying that we have...
04:41Okay, now Mr. Nagvi, there is a problem.
04:44There is a disease.
04:45Now, do you have to perform a surgery on that patient?
04:50Or do you have to do his chemotherapy?
04:54Or then, outside America or in the West, it is the same thing that the patient reaches such a place.
04:59He says, just relax, man.
05:01His law allows him to do the treatment.
05:03Then the next life...
05:05May Allah bless you.
05:07They are trying to solve it.
05:09Our judges are sitting to solve it.
05:11So, what do you think?
05:12What do you think is that a political party...
05:14Let's assume your argument for a while.
05:16Let's assume that there was a big mistake.
05:18They did not get their intraparty election done.
05:20If you have done any research on intraparty election, then definitely share it with us.
05:24Our party, intraparty election, let everyone know.
05:27Anyway, this matter is done.
05:28Now, what is the solution?
05:29Tell us the solution.
05:30We know about the disease.
05:31Everyone knows about the disease.
05:32Now, listen to my answer.
05:36Look, all this political, judicial...
05:39All this mess that is going on...
05:41And the mental debauchery that is happening on a daily basis...
05:45There is only a small solution to end it.
05:50Today, the decision of Islamabad High Court was made.
05:53PTI is very happy with it.
05:55The decision of appointing retired judges or making tribunals was approved.
06:02PTI is very happy with it.
06:04We are also happy.
06:05PTI will have to put a review.
06:07In fact, all political parties will have to put a review.
06:09That the decisions that come from the courts...
06:12They should accept it.
06:15They should accept it.
06:16Not that after the court's decision, you start a campaign against the judges.
06:21You start insulting them.
06:23You start giving them all kinds of nicknames.
06:26Today, when you can celebrate the decision of Islamabad High Court...
06:30After that, whatever decision these courts are giving...
06:33For God's sake, accept it too.
06:35Don't be so cruel to this nation.
06:37This is a small solution.
06:39The day you make a promise to yourself...
06:41That we will accept the decisions of the courts...
06:43No matter who has the final say...
06:45No matter who has the final say...
06:47Everything will be fine in this country.
06:49Everything will be fine.
