Assessing Portland's Draft Strategy and Team Needs in NBA

  • 3 months ago
00:00Well listen, I don't know if you call it great selections because it's not the best travel
00:07of all time. But when you look at a team like Portland, they have the young guards, right?
00:12So you think they have to go somewhere in the frontcourt. I think a 3 and D4 would be
00:16something to look at. Some kind of defender would be someone to look at at Portland. So
00:21that's why when you look at a guy like Portland, you know, that's where I'm looking at a guy
00:26like Dijon Saloum going at that spot. He can improve his jump shot a little bit. He's 6
00:33foot 9. He's got long range. Could he end up being a 3 and D guy? That's where I like
00:40someone like him to go right around there. So that's where you probably go at 7. At 14,
00:47it's got to be a lot of it where the draft kind of runs. It's going to be interesting
00:51because when you get past, let's say pick number, I would say 10, right? You have interesting
00:58cases of you have a ton of guards, but do the teams really want guards, right? Utah at 10,
01:03I think you take a guard. Chicago at 11, they just got giddy. Are they going to go get a
01:08particular guard? Oklahoma City at 12, I don't think they need a guard. They're loaded at
01:12the guard spot, even getting Caruso. A team like 13 with Sacramento, they have Kevin Whiter,
01:16maybe you're not believing him on time, but you have Whiter, you have Malik Monk, and
01:20you have Darren Fox. So now you go to 14, like what do you do there? Do you go and take
01:25another guard there at 14, or do you trade out? I could see Portland maybe trading out
01:30for more draft assets if someone, let's say like a Devin Carter or someone, starts falling
01:35in the draft. Even though I think Devin Carter goes top 10, if he starts sliding, he gets
01:40past 10, he may be at 14 where a team wants to come get him. So I think that is where
01:44it becomes interesting is because of the draft, you may see teams drop back, but you may have
01:50teams start to come up because I think teams will draft more on need than actual potential
01:56at times.
