Systemic Injustice in Bengal: Corruption and Exploitation Unchecked . #ExploitationUnchecked

  • 2 days ago
In West Bengal, appeals for justice to the highest authorities like the President, Prime Minister, and Home Minister are redirected to state authorities, triggering a chain that alerts compromised local police and district administrations. This enables swift changes to the ground reality, such as the clandestine filling of ponds with black sand overnight, later exploited for lucrative multi-storey construction. Despite confirming soil and water tests, no complaints or witnesses emerge, even as emergency lanes to hospitals are blocked by noisy programmes till late at night.

Senior women endure harassment without witnesses, while politically connected individuals evade scrutiny. For example, a senior lady was stalked for six months by an apartment night guard and a renter, yet justice eluded her. Opposition leaders receive central government protection during protests, a privilege denied to ordinary citizens who suffer without recourse. Retired government employees face stigma, their wards labelled as psychics despite their credentials and media coverage.

This systemic corruption includes missing apartment maintenance records since 2006, manipulated situations benefiting specific individuals, and unreliable basic services like lifts until 2019, impacting seniors and the disabled. The resulting demotivation and distraction among affected families underscore the urgent need for accountability and compensation in Bengal.

#BengalInjustice #CorruptionInBengal #ExploitationUnchecked #JusticeDenied