Systemic Injustice in West Bengal: Exploitation and Misuse of Power . #MisuseOfPower

  • 2 days ago
In West Bengal, appeals for justice to the highest authorities like the President, Prime Minister, and Home Minister are often redirected to state officials, triggering a chain of events that benefit the corrupt. Local police and district administrations, often compromised by vested interests, swiftly alter realities – from filling ponds with black sand to blocking emergency lanes with loud programmes at night. Despite confirming tests, complaints and witnesses remain absent.

Senior women face harassment with impunity, while politically connected individuals escape scrutiny. Retired government employees find their families unfairly labelled, despite clear records and media coverage. Maintenance records mysteriously vanish post-2006, as situations are manipulated for personal gain, dismissing concerns.

Basic services like unreliable lifts affect vulnerable residents, with impacts felt until 2019. The plight extends to false accusations of non-payment and exploitation by guards and residents, backed by moral, legal, and political support.

This systemic corruption demotivates and distracts, impacting lives irreparably. The broader issue reveals a dire need for accountability and justice in Bengal. This is a mere glimpse into pervasive injustices plaguing common citizens, demanding urgent redressal and reform.

#WestBengalInjustice #SystemicCorruption #MisuseOfPower #PoliticalExploitation #JusticeForAll