Aiteraz Hai | Aniqa Nisar | ARY News | 22nd June 2024

  • 3 months ago
#aiterazhai #shahidkhaqanabbasi #awampakistan #budget2024 #saleemmandviwalla #pmshehbazsharif #nawazsharif #asifzardari #imrankhan

(Current Affairs)

- Aniqa Nisar

- Senator Saleem Mandviwalla PPP
- Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (Former PM)

Will PPP vote in favor of budget 2024? - Saleem Mandviwalla Told Inside Story

Awam Pakistan - Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Told Important Things Regarding New Political Party

Saleem Mandviwalla reacts to Mustafa Kamal's statement

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ARY News is a leading Pakistani news channel that promises to bring you factual and timely international stories and stories about Pakistan, sports, entertainment, and business, amid others.
00:00In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful, Peace be upon you, as you can see, the program is a protest.
00:15Ladies and gentlemen, if we want to give Pakistan stability, then we have to go towards a multi-pronged strategy.
00:20On one hand, there is a need for political stability, on the other hand, there is a need for economic stability.
00:24On the third hand, there is a need for stability in matters of security.
00:28Today, there was an important meeting of the National Action Plan.
00:31In that important meeting, the federal and provincial governments met, all the leaders of security met,
00:38and it was decided that the new wave of terrorism in the country would have to be crushed from the head,
00:45and for this, the launch of Operation Azam-e-Istikam was resumed.
00:50All the provinces, including KPK, which is currently the most affected by the security situation in Balochistan,
00:59were present there, and it was decided that there is no good Taliban or bad Taliban.
01:05The CM of KPK said that only the good Taliban are those who have died.
01:11No living Taliban, which obviously harms Pakistan, does not come under the umbrella of the good Taliban.
01:17In that meeting, all the leaders of security met, and it was decided that the launch of Operation Azam-e-Istikam would have to be crushed from the head,
01:23and for this, the launch of Operation Azam-e-Istikam would have to be crushed from the head,
01:30and for this, the launch of Operation Azam-e-Istikam would have to be crushed from the head,
01:35and for this, the launch of Operation Azam-e-Istikam would have to be crushed from the head,
01:42because if that Azam-e-Istikam comes and the rest of the Azam-e-Istikam does not come,
01:46then how will this permanent Azam-e-Istikam happen?
01:48This question will remain on everyone's mind.
01:51And with regard to this Azam-e-Istikam, there are some signs that are being talked about.
01:56On the budget, the allies and the people of the government are also looking unhappy.
02:02There are questions arising with regard to passing the budget.
02:05Why is this Azam-e-Istikam not being made in Pakistan People's for PMLN?
02:10Why is there no news of a breakthrough?
02:13Even after three days have passed, wait. What is the condition?
02:17Mr. Hanif Abbas has also raised questions with regard to this,
02:20that it is not right to impose taxes on the paid class.
02:25This is a problem with the PPPs.
02:27They have stopped.
02:28They have made a lot of money from Pakistan.
02:30Stop it.
02:31They have completed the plant.
02:32Thousands of Arabs will be saved in Pakistan.
02:34Motors are being made in our country.
02:3660% parts are being imported.
02:38Look at the condition of the trade.
02:40If we don't put our hands on them, who are we going to put our hands on?
02:43Those who are taking a salary of 50,000.
02:46On the other hand, Mr. Mustafa Kamal has also given a unique solution.
02:51A financial emergency should be declared in Pakistan.
02:55It should start with this house.
02:57Mr. Nawaz Sharif has the palace of Raiwand.
03:00Mr. Imran Khan has Bani Gala.
03:02Mr. Zardari has Bilawal houses in all the cities.
03:06So give all the houses to Pakistan.
03:09All the journalists, politicians, politicians.
03:12All of them together should deposit Rs. 1,000 billion to pay this loan of Rs. 78,000 billion.
03:19After that, go out of this crowd and talk to people, sir.
03:25On the other hand, Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel has also said that now let's get together for the poor.
03:30Let's unite.
03:32Let's end the income tax.
03:34Let's move towards the total wealth tax.
03:37A house worth 10 crores, 20 crores, 50 crores says that I am unemployed.
03:41Let's make a model from today.
03:43I have seen houses here and I am surprised.
03:45The price of houses here is even 30 crores.
03:48Now let's unite for Pakistan.
03:50Now let's unite for the economy.
03:52Now let's unite for the poor.
03:56These voices can be heard from all the ruling parties.
03:58But the opposition party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
04:00which is under the banner of SIC and is present in the parliament at this time,
04:03the same kind of voice is being heard.
04:05Mr. Asad Qaisar has said very clearly that the day this budget is passed,
04:09the situation will be even worse.
04:12Why will this happen?
04:14This is a question, but first listen to Mr. Asad Qaisar.
04:17Mr. Naveed Qamar, you have just brought him.
04:19What is he doing?
04:20This is the parliament.
04:21Is this how the parliament works?
04:22This is completely inappropriate.
04:23The way the parliament is run, the way it is done.
04:25This is an insult to the parliament.
04:26This is an insult to the government.
04:27The MNAs of the government who are sitting here,
04:29the MQM, the People's Party, the Muslim League,
04:31they have nothing to do with this budget.
04:34This is how the budget has been made.
04:36And I understand that the day this budget is passed,
04:38you will see that the entire public will come out.
04:41Their heads will be on the stones of people.
04:43Whose heads will they hit?
04:46On the other hand, talking about government unity,
04:49he said that the government is not running for long.
04:51In the beginning, it is said that the government will not run.
04:56It will not run.
04:57It will not be able to complete its term.
04:59But Mr. Asad Qaisar, while targeting the difference of opinion
05:03or the difference of opinion between the unions,
05:06he said that the government is not running.
05:10The government is doing a great drama.
05:12First of all, the people's party, which is currently doing a drama,
05:15they are not taking care of their union.
05:18So I don't see this government running for a long time.
05:22And the atrocities they have committed in the budget,
05:24the taxes they have imposed,
05:26in the MNAS assembly of the Muslim League and the People's Party,
05:29no one wants to speak in favor of this budget.
05:33We will talk about this.
05:34Senator Salim Mandviwala is with us.
05:36He is the senior leader of the Pakistan People's Party.
05:38He is also the chairperson of the Finance Committee of the Senate.
05:42And he has also been a former finance minister of Pakistan.
05:45Thank you very much, Mr. Salim Mandviwala, for joining us.
05:47First of all, the first question at this time is that
05:50the mutual issues of the unions regarding the budget,
05:54the uncertainty was clear or not?
05:58Because the difference of opinion on the budget of the People's Party and PMLN,
06:03there is no clarity about whether the resolution was made or not.
06:06It's been three days, meetings are going on.
06:11I am seeing that in any political process,
06:15in coalition government, all these things happen.
06:19This is not so unusual.
06:23When I remember our government,
06:25we used to have disagreements with PMLN.
06:28When it was their government, you know, so on.
06:31This is not something unusual.
06:34So now I think that things have been resolved to a large extent.
06:39And God willing, it will be resolved in a day or two.
06:43But Mr. Mandviwala, there is no such list coming forward.
06:46There is a list of demand.
06:48There is a list.
06:49There is something that has certainly come to light.
06:53Yes, this was the thing.
06:54There were issues on it.
06:55This was the thing.
06:56There were no issues on it.
06:57On which aspects of the budget was the Pakistan People's Party actually confused?
07:02Or was there a disagreement with it?
07:04Look, there are some issues related to the budget in some areas.
07:09Not in every area of the budget.
07:11There were some salary people,
07:14who are imposing taxes on milk,
07:18who are taking some measures
07:22by which the public will further be taxed
07:26and indirect tax will increase more in Pakistan.
07:30The argument is that we are going to end exemptions.
07:33The culture of exemptions in Pakistan is because
07:38the system of subsidy doesn't work in Pakistan.
07:42In developed countries, they collect taxes
07:46and then give subsidies to that sector.
07:49In our country, this system could not work over a period of years.
07:53So what did we do?
07:54We adopted a culture of giving direct subsidies.
07:58And today, there is a direct exemption on 750 odd things.
08:07And it has reached 1.3 trillion.
08:10So, I think we need to change this
08:13and we need to collect taxes and then give subsidies.
08:18So, there were some concerns on that.
08:21There were some sectors in which we wanted them not to impose taxes
08:26because the government is not geared up to give subsidies in that area.
08:56People's Party and PMLN were also raising questions on this.
09:26Let's say, the value used to be Rs. 1 lakh.
09:29Now, it is Rs. 60,000.
09:31What will you get by further taxing them?
09:34The government has received it well.
09:37The Finance Minister has assured us that we will review it
09:41and we will tax the people who can afford to pay more tax.
09:46On the other hand, you have talked about subsidies.
09:49Unfortunately, subsidies have not worked in our country as you have rightly pointed out.
09:55Our direct subsidies have not worked.
09:58We subsidised exporters but there was no increase in our exports.
10:03We did not increase the tax net in many sectors.
10:09As such, we did not benefit from it.
10:12There is no policy shift in this budget, Mr. Mandwala.
10:15Instead of a policy shift, we will keep giving knee-jerk reactions in our budget.
10:19So, how can we expect the economic situation of Pakistan to change?
10:25Firstly, there is a policy shift in terminating exemptions.
10:29Now, we have to see whether we can subsidise those sectors by terminating exemptions
10:36or if we can do it next year.
10:38If we cannot do it, then this means that this measure has failed.
10:43Secondly, as I have told you, why have we gone in this direction?
10:50We have already tried to take tax and then subsidise.
10:55Now, we are going to try again.
10:58But for this, you need a mechanism.
11:01You need a proper operating body which will do this work.
11:07Because most of our federal organisations are more or less dysfunctional.
11:15So, as long as you do not properly set them up, provide them with proper resources,
11:23do not build proper capacity, then whatever measures you take, they will fail.
11:30Because these people do not have the capacity, nor can these people do this work,
11:36nor do they have an understanding of it.
11:38So, I think this is the bigger challenge to the government.
11:42And this has been a challenge for successive governments.
11:45It has not only been a challenge for this government.
11:47Successive governments have failed to adopt this system.
11:52Mr. Mahindra, there is a blame on you, on the People's Party,
11:56that when it comes to accountability,
12:01when it comes to being a part of the government,
12:03you are on the side that we are not a part of the government,
12:05we are not a part of the cabinet, we are not a part of the government.
12:07We are just giving a push to run the government.
12:10But when it comes to taking credit, the Pakistan People's Party comes forward.
12:16PMLN is complaining that if you are a part of the government,
12:20and you are taking perks and privileges in the government,
12:22that is, you have those positions, which are ceremonial,
12:27but they are important, they are constitutional,
12:30then take responsibility too.
12:33Look, we are taking responsibility to the extent
12:38to which the Parliament takes responsibility.
12:42When you are not a part of the cabinet,
12:45then how can you take responsibility for the administrative decisions?
12:50As far as the Parliament is concerned,
12:53as far as supporting the government in the Parliament is concerned,
12:56we are their allies, we will support them.
12:59But to say that you support the actions of the government,
13:04they are not taking action by asking us,
13:06they are not taking decisions by asking us,
13:09so when they are not taking decisions by asking you,
13:12then why do anybody expect us to support those decisions?
13:17We will support the good decisions,
13:19we will criticize the wrong decisions.
13:22But Mr. Hanif Abbasi has to say that
13:24basically the budget was made with the advice of the People's Party.
13:29They were not kept in a blind spot by the People's Party.
13:32Is that true?
13:33I think Mr. Hanif Abbasi does not know
13:36that the budget was not made by asking us,
13:39nor have we been given a briefing on the budget.
13:42But he did not ask us anything,
13:44that which project to put in the PSDP,
13:47who to tax, who to do what,
13:50he did not ask us anything, this is wrong.
13:53He is misinformed.
13:55So he thinks that we have been asked,
13:58there is nothing like that, but we were given a briefing.
14:01Okay, a very interesting suggestion has come from Mr. Mustafa Kamal,
14:04he says, and I quote,
14:06that Mr. Nawaz Sharif should give the palace of Raiwind,
14:10Bani PTI, Bani Gala, Asif Zardari should give the Bilawal House to Pakistan,
14:15all the generals and politicians together,
14:17first of all, collect 1000 billion rupees,
14:20and then show it to the public,
14:23and then go out of the palace and talk to the people.
14:26Is this possible, Mr. Nawaz Sharif?
14:28Look, this is Mr. Mustafa Kamal's own opinion,
14:32other people have been giving such suggestions,
14:36that Mr. Imran Khan had said,
14:39I will bring 200 billion,
14:41I will change the fate of the whole of Pakistan,
14:43he could not bring a single dollar.
14:45So what I mean to say is,
14:47these can be personal wishes,
14:49but in the real sense,
14:50you know, they don't make any sense.
14:53So what makes sense, Mr. Manwala,
14:56considering that now…
14:58One thing is that,
15:00you are selling trillions of rupees from your retail sector,
15:05from which 5 billion years of tax is collected,
15:09which you are saying,
15:10gives you the highest salary class,
15:14correct this,
15:16you should recover at least 400-500 billion,
15:23from the retail sector,
15:24you do 5 billion.
15:26What is stopping you, Mr. Manwala?
15:27What is the hurdle?
15:29There is no will.
15:30So look,
15:31this is what I am trying to explain to you,
15:34that it is not that,
15:35your country does not have the capacity to pay taxes,
15:38the problem is,
15:39you do not have the capacity to pay taxes.
15:42Neither do you have a political will,
15:44nor do you have the capacity,
15:46in your administration,
15:47to recover tax from people.
15:49So as long as you don't do these two things right,
15:53till then your country will be like this,
15:55you will only see the conventional budget.
15:57The one who is paying taxes,
15:58give him more taxes,
15:59give him more taxes,
16:01because your tax system,
16:03that is not functional.
16:05He just sees,
16:06on whom can I impose more taxes.
16:08He doesn't know anything,
16:10that how many people are in your country,
16:13who don't pay taxes.
16:14They do business in your country,
16:16they own property in your country,
16:18they own immovable property in your country,
16:21they maintain bank accounts,
16:23in which there are transactions of lakhs and crores,
16:26they are not taxpayers.
16:27Can this happen in any country?
16:29It cannot.
16:30So as long as you don't correct these things,
16:33you will keep saying,
16:34sell the house,
16:35sell the land,
16:36do this and that,
16:38this will not run the country.
16:41Mr. Khanwal,
16:42as long as the government's internal issues are not solved,
16:46as long as the budget is not approved,
16:49then the negotiations with IMF are also in limbo.
16:51The more delay,
16:52the more problems there will be.
16:54When should we expect this delay,
16:56this breakthrough?
16:57You said that a lot of things have been settled.
17:01on Monday,
17:02we will present the budget to the Senate,
17:05and God willing,
17:06on Monday,
17:07the budget will go from the Senate to the National Assembly.
17:10Then the National Assembly will take their time,
17:13whatever time they take to approve the budget,
17:16and I feel that they should be able to reach consensus very soon.
17:23And after IMF,
17:24the matters after that will be in smooth sail,
17:27Mr. Khanwal?
17:29there is no dispute on IMF,
17:32because there is a consensus with the government and the allies,
17:38that we need to go into IMF,
17:40until we put our house in order.
17:43Once we put our house in order,
17:45after that,
17:46we can decide whether to leave IMF or not.
17:50Mr. Manwal,
17:51let's talk about Mr. Asad Qasef's statement,
17:54which I mentioned in the beginning.
17:56You know,
17:57after this difference of opinion,
17:59there is a lot of speculation,
18:01that this government is not going to last long,
18:03the allies are not managing each other,
18:05they are not able to sit together and settle the matter,
18:08so how will the government last?
18:09It will last for a year,
18:10or a year and a half,
18:11some are saying it will last for a few months.
18:13Mr. Manwal,
18:14can you tell us how long will this coalition last?
18:19Mr. Asad Qaser is talking about something amazing,
18:22he has become a speaker,
18:24he himself does not remember how his budget used to be passed.
18:28He himself does not remember,
18:30what difficulties he used to face,
18:33and how he used to pass his budget.
18:36I don't want to remind him,
18:38he should remember,
18:39you should ask him,
18:40when he says such things.
18:43such things should not be said.
18:44This is a political system,
18:46it's a democracy.
18:47In every democracy,
18:48this happens.
18:49Do you think that in the UK,
18:50in passing the budget,
18:51there are no issues with the allies?
18:53They are not in the United States Congress,
18:55they are not in other countries,
18:57they are everywhere.
18:59this is not that,
19:00you will not have any discussion,
19:03you will not have any disagreement,
19:05you will not have any talks with the allies,
19:08and everything should happen on its own.
19:12This does not happen.
19:14this difference of opinion,
19:15was it handled properly,
19:17considering that…
19:19It is not necessary,
19:21that everything should be handled 100%.
19:26there is a compromise.
19:28And that is how,
19:29things are concluded.
19:31Let me rephrase it.
19:33Couldn't these issues be discussed in closed rooms,
19:37rather than the media's adornment?
19:40better than being in the news?
19:42I think,
19:43the media's adornment did not do anything.
19:45Our senior people,
19:47of the government,
19:49and our party,
19:51they did not come in the media.
19:54if someone decides,
19:55to go to the media,
19:56and go to statements,
19:57it is his own opinion.
19:59no statement came from,
20:01either PMLN,
20:02or from People's Party,
20:04as a party.
20:06we will not talk to PMLN,
20:08or we will not discuss our issues with them.
20:11There was no such thing.
20:12Fair enough.
20:15one more thing,
20:16because the issue,
20:17the discussion is going on,
20:18among the allies,
20:19in Punjab,
20:20regarding the People's Party's space,
20:24there is a concern,
20:25regarding the People's Party,
20:27we are not getting space,
20:28in Punjab.
20:29What kind of space,
20:30is the People's Party,
20:31wanting in Punjab,
20:32at this time?
20:34what does space mean?
20:36Space means,
20:38the people who have won,
20:40the people who have lost,
20:42the people who have lost,
20:44they want space,
20:46in their constituencies.
20:49in their constituencies,
20:50have to work on development,
20:52in their constituencies,
20:56that is the only space,
20:58we are talking about.
20:59Fair enough.
21:01even people in Punjab,
21:02are talking about the same thing.
21:04in this,
21:06there is no such thing,
21:07which cannot be addressed.
21:08In Punjab,
21:09there is a PMLN government,
21:11they can sit down with them,
21:12and work it out,
21:13that if there is something,
21:15which is not happening from our side,
21:17so they can provide that space to them,
21:19there is no issue.
21:20Fair enough.
21:22last question,
21:23Sindh's government,
21:24Pakistan's People's Party,
21:25Balochistan's People's Party,
21:27Punjab's PMLN,
21:29these three are the ones,
21:30which are part of the coalition.
21:32With KPK,
21:34since this government was formed,
21:35there has been a tiff
21:36between Wafaq and KPK.
21:38in Pakistan's economic matters,
21:40will not come as an obstacle,
21:42or a barrier?
21:44How should the federal government
21:45settle this?
21:47I don't understand,
21:48the issues of KPK government,
21:52are politicised,
21:53we realise that,
21:55but there are no issues,
21:57which you saw with the federal government,
21:59that KPK's chief minister,
22:01came and met the prime minister,
22:04he meets the premier minister,
22:07politics is a different thing,
22:09working out issues,
22:11between the provinces,
22:12and federal government,
22:13is a different thing.
22:15their statements,
22:17do not mean,
22:18that there is a problem,
22:20in KPK government,
22:22dealing with federal government.
22:24I don't see any issue.
22:26Fair enough.
22:27Senator Salim Manjwala,
22:28thank you very much,
22:29for joining me in the programme,
22:30I was having you.
22:31We will go to the break.
22:32After the break,
22:33Shahid Khan Abbas will be with us.
22:34See you after the break.
22:39Welcome back,
22:40after the break.
22:41Shahid Khan Abbas is with us.
22:42Former PM of Pakistan,
22:44former prime minister,
22:45and now,
22:46he will be the convener,
22:47of Awam Pakistan Party.
22:48Thank you very much,
22:49Shahid Khan Abbas,
22:50for joining us.
22:51It's a pleasure,
22:52having you in the programme.
22:53Shahid Khan Abbas,
22:54I always ask you the same question,
22:55about your party.
22:56Last time,
22:57you gave me the date,
22:58that it will come,
22:59in the beginning of July.
23:00And people were not expecting,
23:01that you will bring the party,
23:02so soon.
23:03In fact,
23:04even those people,
23:05were not expecting,
23:06that they would be with you.
23:07I will come to them.
23:09you have decided,
23:10that on 6th July,
23:11you will officially announce,
23:12that you will be the convener,
23:13Miftah Ismail will be your deputy,
23:14and who else will be there?
23:16first thing,
23:17you forget,
23:18that this is not my party.
23:19You remember,
23:20but you don't remember,
23:21that this is not your party.
23:24this is not my party.
23:25This is the basic difference,
23:26that this is not a party,
23:27of a person,
23:28of a family.
23:29This is a thought,
23:30and some people,
23:31are together on it.
23:32Till now,
23:33we have not gone to anyone.
23:34The people,
23:35who have contacted us,
23:36have said,
23:37that they want to join us,
23:38in this initiative.
23:40those people,
23:41are with us.
23:43this is a thought,
23:44and some people,
23:45are together on it.
23:47this is a thought,
23:48and some people,
23:49are together on it.
23:51this is a thought,
23:52and some people,
23:53are together on it.
23:55this is a thought,
23:56and some people,
23:57are together on it.
23:59this is a thought,
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24:01are together on it.
24:03this is a thought,
24:04and some people,
24:05are together on it.
24:07this is a thought,
24:08and some people,
24:09are together on it.
24:11this is a thought,
24:12and some people,
24:13are together on it.
24:15this is a thought,
24:16and some people,
24:17are together on it.
24:48this is a thought,
24:49and some people,
24:50are together on it.
24:52this is a thought,
24:53and some people,
24:54are together on it.
24:56this is a thought,
24:57and some people,
24:58are together on it.
25:00this is a thought,
25:01and some people,
25:02are together on it.
25:04this is a thought,
25:05and some people,
25:06are together on it.
25:08this is a thought,
25:09and some people,
25:10are together on it.
25:12this is a thought,
25:13and some people,
25:14are together on it.
25:16this is a thought,
25:17and some people,
25:18are together on it.
25:20this is a thought,
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25:22are together on it.
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