Mele (Soi): "Correggere miopia si può ma occhiali più sicuri di lenti a contatto’"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Correggere la miopia si può grazie a occhiali, lenti a contatto, oltre ai sistemi chirurgici. Gli occhiali però rappresentano il sistema più sicuro e affidabile. Ne esistono di varie tipologie e geometrie, l’importante è che la correzione e la prescrizione della miopia sia fatta nel modo più preciso possibile, utilizzando tutti quei sistemi che la clinica ci mette a disposizione. Via libera anche alle lenti a contatto che, però, possono esporre il paziente a complicanze infettive, allergiche o tossiche’”. Lo afferma all’Adnkronos Salute Luigi Mele del Dipartimento di Oftalmologia Uoc Oculistica – Servizio Trapianti Corneali – Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli e membro della Società oftalmologica italiana, in occasione del corso Ecm Fad ‘Vista e miopia. La patologia oculare miopica dall’età infantile all’adulto’ realizzato con il contributo del partner scientifico Società Oftalmologica Italiana e in collaborazione con Fielmann.


00:00The glasses still represent today the safe and reliable system for the correction of myopia, there are various types, the important thing is that the correction and the prescription of myopia are done in the most precise way possible by the oculist.
00:16Luigi Mele of the department of ophthalmology of the complex operating unit of oculistics service Trapianti Gorneali of the university of the studies of Campania Luigi Vambitelli is a member of the Italian ophthalmological society on the occasion of the ECM-FAD course on myopia, the myopic ocular pathology from childhood to adulthood, carried out with the contribution of the scientific partner Italian ophthalmological society in collaboration with Filman.
00:46The glasses arrived before the contact lenses and the glasses still represent today the safe and reliable system for the correction of myopia, there are various types, there are various geometries, the important thing is to use glasses with specific treatments of specific geometry and of specific refractive index
01:12and that the correction and the prescription of myopia is done in the most precise way possible using all those systems that the clinic provides us.
01:25There is also the contact lens tool
01:55Is it possible to slow down the progression of myopia?
02:26Myopia has a multifactorial character, a multifactorial genesis, to try to slow down the progression it will certainly be necessary to act on these factors, therefore behavioral factors, environmental factors, food factors, through the ingestion of healthy substances, a healthy balanced diet.
02:44Technology currently provides us with lenses, contact lenses, with particular geometries that are called, with geometries that exploit the concept of de-focus, which, as reported in the literature, have a positive effect on the slowdown of myopic progression.
