• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Pompei: “L'obiettivo che ci siamo posti con lo studio, e tutta la collaborazione che abbiamo avviato con il Dicastero per l’Evangelizzazione, è stato quello di stimolare l'attenzione su grandi sfide come povertà, fame nel mondo, flussi migratori, guerre, cambiamenti climatici l'invecchiamento della popolazione, concentrazione della ricchezza” ha detto Fabio Pompei, CEO Deloitte Central Mediterranean, durante l'evento “Giubileo 2025 - 100 giorni all’apertura della Porta Santa” presso la sede Deloitte a Roma, che ha visto la presentazione della ricerca “Globalizzare la solidarietà”.


00:00What do you think about the challenges facing the world today?
00:04Compared to the great challenges that we have tried in some way to announce,
00:10that go from those historical, from poverty, from fame in the world,
00:14from migratory flows, from wars,
00:16to the new challenges, which are climate change,
00:18rather than the aging of the population,
00:20or the concentration of wealth,
00:23we have a perception that we are in a very difficult period.
00:28We are probably not facing these issues in the best way,
00:32these great problems.
00:35On the other hand, however, there is hope.
00:38Young people, above all, believe that we are still in time to do something,
00:42to face these challenges to the best.
00:45This optimism is not shared, above all, by the elderly.
00:50So, as age increases, it goes from 62% of the Gen Z,
00:56which therefore sees a positive expectation in this sense,
00:59to 29% from the BAMI Boomers.
01:03And this, in some ways, can be considered natural,
01:10because young people always have a more optimistic expectation of the future.
01:14On the other hand, undoubtedly, it deserves some reflection,
01:17because the people who, at this moment,
01:19are probably the ones called to face these challenges,
01:22are less optimistic.
01:24The reason why we got together with the studio
01:27and, let's say, all the collaboration that we started
01:30with the Dicastero for evangelization,
01:34was to try to stimulate everyone's attention to these issues.
01:41And, of course, the Jubilee event will be an even greater opportunity
01:46to focus attention, and above all, to stimulate a debate,
01:50a discussion, to find, if possible, as many ways as possible,
01:56actions to try to face, in the best possible way,
02:00each of these challenges.
02:02This is the goal we have set ourselves.
02:04We try to give our support of skills,
02:08let's say, in the management of major events.
02:11We have already done this in the past,
02:14and, of course, the Jubilee is a great event,
02:17it involves an extraordinary number of people,
02:2030 million visitors are expected in the city of Rome,
02:24so all this involves a whole series of problems,
02:28and we obviously try to give our support of skills,
02:33of know-how, of experience that we have matured in the past.
