Superjail! S02 E003

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00C'est bon, c'est bon...
00:30C'est bon, c'est bon...
01:00C'est bon, c'est bon...
01:30C'est la différence entre la soupe et le stew, n'est-ce pas?
01:32Comment je peux mettre ça de la bonne façon, Jared?
01:34Je m'en fous!
01:36Prattleron est quelque chose que seulement un ami devrait puiser.
01:39Et un homme de ma position n'a pas d'amis.
01:44Qui est-ce?
01:45Pas un de nos ennemis!
01:47Regardez comment il perd son pouvoir!
01:50Le sens de la mode!
01:53Va le chercher!
01:56Soyez gentil!
01:57Bien sûr, un homme de ma position exaltée n'a vraiment pas le temps pour des appels sociaux.
02:01Mais avec ma propre forteresse d'île, juste sous l'archipel,
02:05j'ai dit à moi-même, Stingray,
02:07c'est l'heure de faire la chose du quartier et de me dire bonjour!
02:11Dites-moi, quel genre de travail êtes-vous dans, Stingray?
02:14Vous m'appellerez Lord Stingray!
02:17Bien sûr!
02:18Qu'y a-t-il?
02:19Vous voulez faire un tour, Stingray?
02:21Lord Stingray!
02:24Pas de signe de Stingray, sir!
02:26On dirait qu'il nous a donné le slip encore!
02:28Scotch et soda!
02:30Désolé, sir!
02:31C'est de ta faute, fils!
02:33Va-t-en au quartier,
02:35et ramasse tes sacs,
02:36parce que ta vraie carrière est terminée!
02:40Je reçois un signal d'un volcan de l'île proche!
02:43On dirait Stingray, sir!
02:44Je ne reconnais pas ce slip!
02:46Dozen stripes!
02:48Settle up!
02:55C'est quelque chose d'intéressant, Warden!
02:58Deux murs de titanium!
03:01Je me demande pourquoi je me suis arrêté pour deux!
03:06J'aime mon Joe comme j'aime mes minions!
03:08Simple et fort!
03:10Moi aussi!
03:12Deux cups!
03:14Warden, on t'aime!
03:15Silence, Drone!
03:18Vous laissez vos proches vous poser des questions?
03:20Bien sûr pas!
03:22D'accord, Drone!
03:24C'est parti, les gars!
03:26On va chercher Stingray!
03:29Écoute, Warden!
03:31J'ai un problème avec toi!
03:32Je ne suis pas un mec ordinaire!
03:34Je suis un visionnaire!
03:36Un maverick!
03:37Juste comme toi!
03:38Comme moi?
03:39Et tu sais ce qui se passe quand deux mavericks s'unissent?
03:42Une amitié de vie?
03:45L'homme essaie de nous tuer!
03:47Tu vas laisser l'homme faire ça à nous?
03:49Pas possible, Stingray!
03:51C'était le Seigneur Stingray!
03:53Regardez mon échec impénétrable!
04:13Bien joué, Warden!
04:15Oh mon Dieu!
04:16J'ai des jambes et des jambes!
04:18Le Seigneur Stingray devrait rester la nuit!
04:21Est-ce que je peux inviter quelques amis?
04:24Ma maison est ta maison!
04:26C'est le plan!
04:39BD! BD!
04:40On est en danger!
04:44Vous êtes tous arrêtés?
04:58All right, listen up, men!
05:00We're only six deep, but we're skulls and stripes, dammit!
05:03That's the baddest, meanest, most elite...
05:07Oh, I'm sorry!
05:09Come on!
05:10Pictures didn't lie about this place, right?
05:12Oh boy, here comes Captain Kling.
05:15Check me out, buddy!
05:16Look, like we're twins now, huh?
05:18I want you to meet my wife, Mistress Kilda!
05:22No touching!
05:23And this is her boyfriend, slash my assistant, Katastro!
05:28No touching!
05:30Say, Lord Stingray, when I said invite some peeps over,
05:32I was thinking just a few.
05:35I think it's time we talked.
05:38What do you mean?
05:39We're buddies, right?
05:40Look, I'm what you might call a tyrannical ruler, okay?
05:43I plunder stuff, nuclear weapons, international space stations,
05:47presidents' daughters.
05:48I see something I want, I take it.
05:51Now, take Super Jail, for example.
05:55Oh no, actually, I'm taking Super Jail!
06:12I see one of Stingray's henchmen.
06:13Real big son of a bitch.
06:16Tracker, he can lead us to the eagle's nest.
06:19I've lost vision.
06:33Take us to your leader.
06:38Warden, you're alive!
06:39Oh, Jared, how could I have been fooled by a fancy outfit and a bunch of sweet talk?
06:43Stingray wasn't my real friend.
06:44You're my real pal, Jared!
06:46Oh, Warden, do you really mean it?
06:49Not really, but those guys look pretty pissed,
06:51and I think I'm gonna need a human shield.
06:53This is all your fault, Warden.
06:55Payback's a bitch, and so am I!
06:58Way to run, Warden.
07:00You're in our house now, little man.
07:03Your house?
07:04Your house?
07:05This isn't your house.
07:07There's your house!
07:08Super Jail, where you live like privileged veal rather than wallowing pigs!
07:13Super Jail, where the inmates are free to shiv one another in clean, glistening shower stalls!
07:18Super Jail!
07:20It's your home, creepy tattooed man,
07:22and it's your home, serial rapist,
07:24and yours, too, white supremacist guy!
07:26And damn it, it's worth fighting for!
07:30Now dig! Everybody dig!
07:32Together, dig!
07:36All right, all right!
07:38Team, nice job relocating the outfits.
07:41Oh, and sweetie, love the new ottoman.
07:45Thank you. I had some left over, so we're making art.
07:51Am I interrupting, buddy?
07:54Everyone freeze!
07:56Who the hell are you?
07:57We're the good guys! We're with you!
07:59Oh, we're not good. We're naughty.
08:02Wait, you're with Stingray?
08:04I'm a little confused here.
08:06Idiots! Attack!
08:11Oh, cool. I knew we'd miss some s*** going away this week.
08:42I knew it. Fake. Euro skank.
08:56Super Jail Residence victory is yours!
09:06Come on, baby! Let's be real.
09:09Come on, baby! Work with Stingray!
09:11Work with Stingray!
09:16You're not still mad, are you, buddy?
09:18Come on! So we had a little tip.
09:20That's what friends do.
09:23Yes, the simple basics to begin my new foray into prison domination.
09:29Want to be my assistant?
09:32Shut the f*** up.
09:33Is that a yes?
09:39To be continued...
