AI Political Candidates Coming, Analyst Matthew Baum Weighs Pros and Cons

  • 3 months ago
Political analyst Matthew Baum can understand the allure of an AI-powered candidate for office -- but he warns that kind of ultimate political outsider could pose some unexpected threats.


00:00If you could argue that we're sick of traditional politicians and this AI version does not have hatred toward half the country,
00:13if this AI version in some way can process information in a non-emotional way, I see this connecting. What say you?
00:23It's hard to argue with the fact that some voters probably would find it appealing to throw all the bums out and vote for a computer program instead.
00:33But there are some real limitations. The reality is that AI, generative AI models are only as good as the data sets underlying them,
00:43the large language model data sets underlying them, and there are all kinds of potential problems there.
00:48Bad data is entered into LLM models along with the good data. So in fact, LLMs through generative AI models provide misinformation along with the useful information.
01:02And it's a challenge often to determine which is which, to separate the wheat from the chaff.
01:07It's classic American politics to want outsiders and non-professional politicians and people that have no links at all to politics to get into office and fix our broken system.
01:20We've been hearing that trope as long as we've had politics in the United States. It's in our DNA.
01:28So I think there's no doubt that this is basically a twist. Well, I would say this is a twist on that longstanding theme.
01:35And I don't want to go so far as to say no doubt, but I agree with you. It's very plausible that somebody could use a pitch like that pretty effectively.
