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El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:00I'll let you do your thing all right I appreciate it there it is all right
00:26Peter view time Roma this guy's father built the oven in there that I walked in
00:32caught my eye like those guys the solar panel guys I saw the oven I'm like that
00:36thing's a great-looking oven it is a masonry guy so he built it about 30
00:41years and that is we talked earlier on the coal fire because we had the coal
00:47fire from what was the place where it's almost like a new age it has the
00:50mozzarella and the tomato this has much more of like a the jerk the one that I
00:56love the what's the one Jersey delucious this has much more of a delucious vibe
01:05to it which I prefer kind of like the well done and even reading what he said
01:10on it airy light so let's see what we got here what did you make the first
01:16time that what was got it so the original loss and he thought it was
01:24with somebody else all right here we go one bite every knows the rules and you
01:27are what do you have connect your restaurant blog so a lot of pressure on
01:34this review we get to connect it we get the solar power guys the Iowa
01:41transplants we're driving by we're doing say knocking doors out here trying to
01:45find me now it's finally we sell uh we do solar panels you sell solar panels
01:51we do solar panels yep like roofs yeah oh yeah how'd you get that job it's not
01:57like no other job it's a family business or just like just a sales job a good
02:04summer job yeah what it is for me yeah I got Iowa you are your families from you
02:09know I moved out here to sell solar power yeah I'll get folks away from
02:14Eversource man so I knew it you moved here for the summer to sell solar you
02:19got it I did too I'm from Iowa we both went to university all right I just
02:25graduated but uh so you moved to we're in Torrington right now we're in
02:29Torrington we are in Torrington shut up wait so wait it's ridiculous we're at
02:35this Airbnb in some farm like 10 miles away see craziest location ever just in
02:41the middle of nowhere this barn you guys being human traffic
02:51students now you live in a farm 10 minutes away from Torrington selling
02:57solar panels it's insane I just left it almost sounds unbelievable I just I just
03:06left an appointment literally how'd you end up here what they're recruiting out
03:10in Iowa no so we started like our own dealer so we found an installer that was
03:15like already so you were already doing the solar panels yeah I was I got into
03:20it when I was in school just I like selling so I just found it's pretty
03:24lucrative and got into it and that's why that's why I came out here and hired
03:29like 25 dudes from Iowa to come out here in the summer they're like I brought
03:34them all out they're like bullshit we're coming out to Connecticut I was like
03:37dude let's give her a shot 25 Iowa guys selling solar panels in the streets of
03:42Connecticut that's what we're doing and then you're all over you got a guy who
03:46installs yeah so you found your calling you're like woke up I'm gonna be a solar
03:51power I'm gonna go sell solar panels out in the middle of Connecticut sometimes
03:56you see guys like they live in like the Cape or like they're looking to some of
04:00their jobs you don't find too many I don't think like solar panel guys
04:05floating around like that in Connecticut sunny estate all right so
04:10here we go one bite everyone knows the rules the undercarriage is pretty basic
04:15there could use maybe a little paper towel on it don't want to burn my face
04:23it's really good whenever you have an oven like that I don't like it it has
04:35that old kind of you can taste it the decades of oven everything's been cooked
04:40in it I'm gonna go give it another bite here one thing I like is more crunch so
04:51when you hear it it splatters but it's still great great taste everything
04:55right on point I go 7-7 on it I think it's a good score good good solid score
05:02so there you go Romans we are in Torrington Torrington Connecticut I'm
05:09still shocked by that that crew of Iowa guys but there you go 7-7 that's a
05:13review great stuff really good appreciate thank you very much oh yeah
05:18of course by the way keep it going lots of doing there's a lot body armor the
05:25official drink bar so sports they get the zero sugar this is all we have at
05:29the office my house you name it body armor the best so if you're drinking a
05:33buddy we call these sport drinks energy whatever you want to call them body
05:37armor that's what you get if you want to support bar so here you go that's a
05:40review when I saw the dude get out the car the camera I said I I said I know
05:44that's got a report going getting out of that car look at this you don't see this
