Rupiah Melemah Dekati Rp16.300/USD

  • 3 months ago
Nilai tukar rupiah melemah mendekati Rp16.300 per dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada perdagangan Senin (10/6/2024). Mata uang Garuda melemah 0,62 persen di level Rp 16.289 terhadap the greenback.

Rupiah tumbang menyusul ketidakpastian penurunan suku bunga bank sentral AS The Federal Reserve (The Fed) imbas perekonomian negeri paman Sam yang masih kuat.


00:00 We move to the information of other trading indicators,
00:02 where the Rupiah has weakened again and touched the new lowest level in early trading in the week
00:07 and tried to approach the US $ 16,300 level.
00:12 Quoted from the RTI data until the trading on Monday afternoon,
00:16 the Rupiah still weakened quite deeply at 0.69% at the US $ 16,290 level.
00:23 Where previously at the opening of the trading on Monday morning, the Rupiah immediately unclogged at 0.46% at the US $ 16,265.
00:34 Even intraday, the Rupiah had touched the US $ 16,291 level, which is the new lowest level since April 2020.
00:45 The Rupiah weakness responds to the US dollar index, which again rebounded at 0.75% at 104.88 at the end of last week,
00:53 after the US labor data in May was stronger than expected.
00:57 Meanwhile, from the domestic, the head of the Department of Monetary Management and Securities Assets of the Bank of Indonesia,
01:03 Edi Susianto said,
01:04 "The Bank of Indonesia ensures that it is in the market, maintaining the value of the Rupiah exchange so that it does not fall further,
01:10 in the middle of the fall of the value of the asset-asset emerging market worldwide."
01:15 Let's just check, we will try to update how the Rupiah exchange value movement is towards the next major currency.
01:22 You can see the graph on your TV screen.
01:25 The Rupiah movement towards the US dollar is still moving at the top level, precisely at Rp 16,285.
01:33 Then towards the euro at Rp 17,516.
01:37 Pound Sterling at Rp 20,700.
01:40 Then towards the Japanese yen at Rp 103.66.
01:44 [Music]
