Rupiah Kembali Melemah ke Level Rp16.220USD

  • 3 months ago
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah pada perdagangan hari ini ditutup melemah ke level Rp16.215 per USD. Mata uang rupiah melemah tipis 1,5 poin atau 0,01 persen dibandingkan penutupan perdagangan hari sebelumnya di Rp16.219 per USD.

Pengamat pasar uang, Ibrahim Assuaibi, mengatakan menguatnya dolar AS dipengaruhi ketidakpastian akan pemilihan presiden 2024, terutama setelah Presiden AS Joe Biden mundur dari pencalonan dan mendukung Wakil Presiden Kamala Harris sebagai kandidat dari Partai Demokrat.


00:00We move on to the other trading indicator information, where the Rupiah is weakening again and moving above the US$16,220 level in the middle of the investor's wait,
00:11also related to some US economic data indicators.
00:15Until the afternoon trade, the Rupiah in the sports market weakened by 0.08% at the US$16,227 level,
00:25whereas before that, the Rupiah opened weakening at 0.06% at the US$16,215 level.
00:33A few minutes after the opening, the Rupiah continued to weaken by touching the US$16,225 level.
00:41The Rupiah weakened, although the US dollar index in the morning was stable at level 104.45,
00:48the same as the closing position in the last trade.
00:52From the global market analysis, the US economic growth data will be released this coming Thursday.
00:59According to FUDSEN, the US GDP is expected to increase by 1.9%,
01:05where the report, according to the prediction, will mark an increase of 1.4% in the first quarter of 2024.
01:14We will immediately update on the movement of the Rupiah exchange rate to the main currency.
01:20The data collected by our team can be seen on your TV screen.
01:26The movement of the Rupiah exchange rate to the US dollar is still moving above the level of Rp16,220,
01:34precisely at Rp16,229.
01:37Then to the euro at Rp17,623.
01:41The pound sterling at Rp20,910.
01:44Then to the Japanese yen at Rp105.04.
01:50Thank you for watching!
