La Promesa Capítulo 376

  • 3 months ago
La Promesa Capítulo 376
00:30Things are changing for you.
00:32And in your case, I think they're changing for the better.
00:36Maybe it's time for you to stop asking me
00:39how things are going in the palace and...
00:41for you to find the answers yourself.
00:44María Antonia, why don't you join the family photo?
00:46Of course. It'll be a nice portrait.
00:51You'd better leave together.
00:54As you wish.
00:55But let's take this picture already, please.
00:57The child of Bailtudet has not returned!
00:59But why isn't he with his mother?
01:01Virtute has lost her mind.
01:03But if Virtute is a piece of bread?
01:05She's been kneaded by any man who would pay for her service.
01:08Poor girl.
01:09Norberta was Antonito because they picked her up from the street.
01:12And Adolfito stayed with Virtute's father-in-law.
01:15And now Mama Henry.
01:16Simona is visiting her grandson.
01:18What do you have against María Antonia?
01:20Me? Nothing.
01:21I was referring to your husband.
01:24A little tense with her, don't you think?
01:27If it's something that neither comes nor goes,
01:29it's better if you do it.
01:30Yes, but if it comes and goes,
01:32what if it's about Mrs. Simona?
01:34Then, dear, would you talk to her?
01:36Yes, but we have to think about what we tell her.
01:39I want her to keep the agreement she had with Mrs. Pia.
01:42Are you going to ask Mrs. Marquesa for money?
01:45Who's going to grab me with a whip?
01:48Look at how well, since you caught her on a bad day,
01:50she's capable of kicking you in the street.
01:52María, I assure you that I'm not doing it for myself.
01:54I'm doing it for that child who has nothing to do with it.
02:07See you, Doquesita.
02:12I have to talk to you, ma'am. Urgently.
02:15Well, I'll decide the urgency, right?
02:25Well, you tell me.
02:27I hope it's important for you to have interrupted me like that.
02:31It is for me.
02:33I want to talk to you about the agreement I had with Mrs. Darre
02:36so that Dieguito won't be short of anything.
02:39And what do you care about that?
02:41A lot.
02:43I promised Mrs. Pia that I would take care of Dieguito,
02:46so I see myself obliged to remind her that I cannot break her agreement.
02:51But who do you think you are to tell me what I have to do?
02:54That Mrs. Pia has passed away does not free her from fulfilling.
02:56But what is this?
02:57Since when does a whore tell me what I have to do or not?
03:00Will you be impertinent?
03:01You can't leave that child to his fate.
03:03Listen to me, shameless.
03:05That agreement was between Pia and me.
03:08She is the only one I owe explanations to.
03:10But it turns out that she is no longer there.
03:13And she can't fulfill her part of the contract either,
03:15which was to continue working on the promise.
03:17So ...
03:20I can't do that.
03:22Who do you think you are to keep talking to me like that?
03:25Do it again and you can pack your bags.
03:27Well, no, I'm not leaving.
03:29Because that child deserves to be fought for.
03:31He has already lost his mother.
03:33What does he want? For him to lose more things?
03:36As you will understand, I have not been able to take responsibility for all the children
03:39that the servants are having out there happily.
03:42You had an agreement with Mrs. Darre.
03:44And it was to take care of that child until he grew up and became worth for himself.
03:48And I also had an agreement.
03:49That is, that child does not lack anything.
03:52Now I understand everything.
03:54Now I understand your interest in that child.
03:56Rather, now I understand your interest in my money.
03:59What you want is to take advantage of this situation to take you to the rooms that I gave you,
04:02isn't it?
04:03I don't want to touch his money.
04:05All I want is for him to keep his promise.
04:08But what happens? Don't you calm down?
04:10Don't you realize that you are giving me reasons to fire you right now?
04:14Do it.
04:17Do it and I will tell everyone that you and Mrs. Arcos
04:21stole the child from Mrs. Pia and then gave it to a convent.
04:26Do you want there to be a new scandal in the promise?
04:46The lights that have danced through our garden
04:50The new rumors
04:52Between the heart and the walls
04:56In the promise
04:58There will be particles of love in motion
05:02There will be secrets that will never come out
05:06It will be as beautiful as the flight of a plane
05:12In the promise
05:14The farewells are turns on the ground
05:18Even the flowers will dance in their own way
05:22Balancers between fear and passion
05:29We are like a jump to the D3
05:33We are love when you live life to death
05:37A long way to go
05:41In the promise
05:43You will be a matter of luck
05:45We are like a jump to the D3
05:49We are love when you live life to death
05:53A long way to go
05:57In the promise
05:59You will be a matter of luck
06:12Are you going to tell me right away why you had me come?
06:22Because we know
06:24What do you know?
06:26Well, about your son and everything that has to do with him
06:30And as we know, we are willing to help you with whatever you need, Virtudes
06:34No, I don't know what D3 you're talking about
06:38Come on Virtudes, don't worry
06:41We know that your son is alive and that your mother-in-law is taking care of him
06:45So let's not hide it anymore
06:47We are not blaming you for anything
06:49Sometimes life twists and you have to make difficult decisions
06:52Of course, everything has happened to us
06:54But the two of us are here to help you
06:56But above all, don't pay for it with your mother
06:58Mrs. Simona is having a terrible time
07:00Yes, because by making her suffer, neither you nor she nor your son will gain anything
07:06She sent you, didn't she?
07:08She couldn't be quiet and keep her mouth shut
07:11Wait a minute, we didn't force anyone to do anything
07:14She has nothing to do with it
07:15It was our initiative, nothing more
07:17So how did you find out?
07:19That doesn't matter, Virtudes
07:21What matters is that you have to deal with her
07:25Candela told you then?
07:29Another one who dances, always getting into other people's lives
07:32If she hasn't said it, it's because she wants to help you
07:35Help? I didn't ask for your help
07:39So don't get your noses into my life
07:41Virtudes, here at La Promesa we all help each other
07:44It's like a family
07:46You're full of that story, but it's not true
07:49Virtudes, let me help you
07:51You can't keep coming back to your mother all your life
07:53And have compassion for her, she's having a very bad time
07:56Why should I have?
07:58She was the one who betrayed me, no
08:00I'm not going to forgive her
08:03Virtudes, it's always better to forgive than to hold a grudge
08:06The grudge only affects you
08:08It's over
08:10I'm not going to let anyone tell me what to do, let alone you
08:13Get into your own business
08:22This doesn't look good
08:24No, not really
08:47Did you send for me, ma'am?
08:49Yes, come in
08:51And close the door
08:57Tell me, Petra
08:59How are things down there with Pia's death?
09:03Well, ma'am
09:05All the maids seem to be crying
09:07Little by little you find one crying in the corners
09:10But we do our homework
09:12Yes, but because I'm always behind so they don't stop working
09:15And the truth is that it's hard for me
09:17Well, tell the maids that when it comes to work, they cry
09:21I keep telling them, ma'am
09:23And I've told them that the cloths are for cleaning, not for drying tears
09:26Very well said
09:28In that case, if any of them whines more than necessary, don't hesitate to punish them
09:32Be careful, ma'am
09:34Don't let them get away with it
09:36We can't go on like this, not for another day
09:39Let them learn from us
09:42When you lost your son, you were already working, as God commands
09:46And when my father died, I did the same
09:49Yes, ma'am, but you're made of a different kind of cloth
09:52Very different from those of those maids
09:54There's no doubt about that
09:57And tell me, did you go to Lujan?
10:01Is there any talk there about Pia's death?
10:04No, ma'am. Fortunately, no one has spoken
10:07And the few who have commented on something believe that Pia has left the house and left suddenly
10:12Well, let's hope everything continues like this
10:15We just needed to know that a member of the promise service has taken his life
10:20Committing a mortal sin
10:23If no one spoke, there would be no need to know anything
10:30You say it as if someone had already spoken
10:33Yes, Simona has already told Catalina
10:36What are you telling me?
10:38You can't even control them for a few days
10:41And how do you intend to prevent that cook from going to the hangar to gossip with her stepdaughter?
10:47You're the key master for a reason, aren't you?
10:53I notice you more restless than usual with the service, ma'am
10:57Well, as if I wasn't
10:59They're all out of their minds
11:01I already had it with Hanna today
11:03She has allowed herself to demand that I comply with the agreement I made with Pia
11:07To raise her bastard
11:09But how dare you say that?
11:12Well, because we have allowed her too many insolences
11:15That's why she did it
11:17And she's getting on our nerves
11:19The right thing to do is to cut her short and give her a good beating on time
11:22That agreement was something between you and Pia
11:24She has no right to meddle
11:26I told her that
11:30Although it is true that ...
11:32What's going on, ma'am?
11:35Well, even if it bothers me
11:39That cook has some reason
11:43I promised to take care of the boy until he went on his own
11:48I see
11:49But his mother is not here to demand anything from him
11:52She doesn't have to give more money
11:54It's not her responsibility
11:56I wouldn't like anything more, Petra
11:58But I know that if I do it, I will tell everyone why I reached that agreement with Pia
12:05Elsa is capable of giving you a pregón and a luxury if she goes to Monaster
12:09And the last thing I need now is to talk about Pia's death in the village
12:13Or how that boy got to the nuns' convent
12:16No, it's not good for me, it's not good for anyone
12:18Unfortunately, you are right
12:28I didn't think she would take it so badly
12:31Me neither
12:32She has become like a rabid puppy
12:35She hasn't been able to spit garlic out of her mouth
12:38And that we have been like an intention
12:40If we go with bad faith
12:42Well, she didn't think so
12:46I don't know who said that the helping hand never returns empty
12:49Or not empty, we haven't returned
12:51We have brought a good collection of screams
12:56Although, well, we can't do more, we have tried
13:00And if you think about it, you have a good side, you already have the material to write the novel
13:04Just by changing the names of Simon, Candela and Virtudes, you don't even have to fantasize
13:09I see
13:10Think about it, it's a good story
13:12The mother and daughter separated by fate
13:14And years later, they reunite
13:17A good comic book
13:18Of the ones that have a hundred chapters
13:21Don't you like it a lot?
13:24It's just that it sounds like a sad story
13:26And I don't like stories that end badly
13:28Well, but you are the writer
13:30You can make an ending of these
13:32They were happy and they ate perdiz
13:39Is something wrong?
13:41I don't want to write again, Salvador
13:45But why not? You were very happy with your roles
13:48That was before
13:50Now writing would be like not having two fingers in front
13:54With Doña Pia dead and Simon bitter because his daughter doesn't speak to him
14:00And I writing romantic love novels
14:02Or not?
14:04Well, but it entertains you
14:08No, not anymore
14:09I don't stop thinking about Doña Pia
14:12But we are all like this, María
14:15And I don't stop thinking about that poor creature
14:18That has been left alone in this world
14:20She is not alone
14:22She is not alone, she has us
14:24All of us
14:26She also has Hanna, Beni
14:29We have to do something for the boy
14:30If Hanna is even thinking about standing in front of the Marquise
14:34And ask her to pay what she agreed with Doña Pia
14:37Is she going to do that?
14:38No, no, no
14:39I already told you that I was thinking about it
14:41Luckily I could talk to her and I took the madness out of her head
14:44I told her that the lady could fire her, period
14:49That's normal
14:50We just needed Hanna from La Promesa
15:10France and England do not intend to lift the maritime blockade they have imposed
15:14Does that affect us a lot?
15:17Especially the companies in the north that are running out of supplies
15:21And they can't export what they make either
15:23Well, you can also take things to France by rail, right?
15:26Rail connections are very damaged
15:29Well, let's hope this damn war doesn't get too long
15:31I don't care how long it lasts
15:34I don't care
15:35Let's hope this damn war doesn't get too long
15:37I don't care how long it lasts
15:39As long as Manuel comes back
15:46My business has almost only lost since this conflict began
15:49Not being able to sell the monster to the French is a disaster
15:52And what are you doing?
15:55Selling it badly around here, I have no other option
15:57I like that blockade
16:02Because if ships with passengers to the seas can't leave, the Germans can't sink them either
16:09Yeah, but this way it also leaves people who might want to reunite with their families without traveling
16:14Yeah, but I think it's a little smarter to stay without traveling than to risk drowning
16:20Seen that way?
16:22Anyway, if this lasts long, the blockade will get very hard
16:25Could you stop talking about this war?
16:27In such a technical and cold way
16:29Maria, can you put yourselves in my place, please?
16:36I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you
16:40Neither did we, we were just commenting the press
16:43Manuel is risking his life there
16:45And meanwhile, you are here, very warm, filling your guts and fixing the war from the couch, right?
16:52Cruz, don't bother, please, because we are also very worried about Manuel and Cruz
16:56The point is that we are suffering for them, that's why the war comes to our heads every now and then
17:00Well, let's stop talking about it for a moment
17:03Because I need my head to rest
17:05I can't spend the day talking about the same thing, for God's sake
17:10If I understand what you're going through
17:12No, sister-in-law, there are things that are not understood, they are lived and suffered
17:20Let's hope that Manuel and Cruz will return soon, and safe, above all
17:25They are strong and fearless, so let's trust them
17:33God be with you
17:42This is one of his uniforms from when Doña Pia was still a keymaker
17:48He kept it in case things improved and he could return to his position
18:02It still smells like her
18:06Do you want me to stay a few more days with you in the room?
18:10No, the sooner we recover the routine, the better
18:18I really don't care about virtues
18:20If you don't want to be alone, I can stay
18:24You don't have to, Hanna
18:27I appreciate it
18:32Look, I know these are hard days, but we have to make an effort
18:36Doña Pia wouldn't want us to be sad
18:39That's why I want you to sleep with María Fernández again
18:42María Fernández?
18:45She wanted everything to go back to normal
18:49She also wanted you to be happy
18:55I know, and I really try to smile, but I can't
19:06She had such a big heart
19:09She's the best person I've ever met
19:13I love you
19:27A patoquito from her son
19:33I saw how she was knitting it
19:35She wanted to give it to her son on his next visit, but I guess she quit the job
19:42How did she live?
19:46Oh my God
19:51Mrs. Darre will never see Dieguito grow up again
19:56She gave her life for him
20:01She even confronted Mrs. Marquesa so that Dieguito had a future
20:07Yes, I loved talking about her son
20:11She drew a big smile on her face
20:16If I ever have a son, I'd like to be like Mrs. Darre with Dieguito and devote myself to body and soul
20:24She was an example of a good mother
20:30If you don't mind, forgive me
20:32No, don't worry
20:34I was remembering when Mrs. Pia interviewed me to see if I would hire her or not
20:42I wasn't up to it, and I came without experience
20:46But she still took the risk for me and gave me the job
20:51She was very generous
20:54I think I made her sad
20:58Well, Mrs. Simona interceded for you
21:03Maybe I shouldn't have done it
21:21Do you mind if I come with you?
21:23I promise not to tell you about the farm as my brother-in-law did yesterday
21:28What a way to bore a woman
21:31Why do you talk to women to be pleasant?
21:35Since you ask, I'll tell you that I consider myself a man of action
21:41How about I invite you to dinner in Villalquino?
21:44We could get to know each other better
21:47A dinner?
21:49Yes, a restaurant specializing in meat has just opened
21:52They bring the best from all over the country
21:55I thank you honestly
21:57Is that a yes?
21:59I'm not very fond of going to restaurants
22:02Come on, woman
22:04I'm going to treat you like a queen
22:07And I'm going to invite you to everything you like
22:09I don't need you to invite me to anything
22:13Of course
22:16I was just saying that as a gentleman I wouldn't allow you to stop
22:21A gentleman doesn't need to say something like that
22:25I'm sorry
22:26I'm sorry
22:28I'm sorry because it was the emotion of the possible dinner
22:32Don't take it into account and tell me you accept
22:37Meat? For dinner? I really prefer much lighter things
22:42I don't know if you told me
22:44You had to accept because of my clumsiness when I invited you
22:49I just don't feel like it
22:51Maya, I thought a widow and uncompromising woman would want to go back to social life
22:59Because you don't have any commitment
23:02Of course I don't
23:04But why are you taking me?
23:06I remind you that my husband died recently
23:11Second clumsy in a minute
23:13Today I'm especially unlucky
23:18Don't bother
23:43Are you coming to wash the clothes?
23:45No, I've come to be quiet here
23:48I haven't rested since dawn
23:52What's in your hand?
23:55A duckling, he found virtues in his room
23:59Probably Mrs. Pia was weaving it for her son
24:03And where is the other one?
24:05I wouldn't give him time
24:09I can't stop thinking about that boy, Moria
24:12And me?
24:14Well, at least you've taken it out of your head to introduce yourself to the Marquise
24:19To demand that you keep Mrs. Pia's agreement
24:24Ana, tell me who talked to us with the Marquise
24:29Ana, look at me and tell me who talked to us with her
24:32Are you crazy?
24:34Didn't we agree that you would shut up?
24:37Yes, Maria, I know
24:39I couldn't stand that I did it for that boy because I think it's not fair
24:43That that boy is left helpless
24:47It's just that Mrs. Marquise is not a fair woman
24:50Or did you think it was fair when she kicked me in the street without proof because of the watch?
24:54No, it wasn't
24:56Did you think it was fair that even though I knew I hadn't stolen it, she wouldn't let me go back?
25:00Maria, I've understood
25:05And how did you react?
25:07She didn't fire you, did she?
25:09No, she didn't fire me
25:11No, but she didn't free you from the punishment
25:14The truth is that she hasn't punished me yet
25:18She said that she had an agreement with Mrs. Pia and that Mrs. Pia was now dead
25:24And that I had to keep the pact
25:27Like a head-to-head duel
25:30And you were a teacher in that
25:32No, look who's talking
25:34And who took the cat to the water?
25:37Well, it seems that for now she's going to keep the pact
25:43And who's the head-to-head?
25:45Anyway, don't trust that woman. She's very resentful and she's keeping it
25:49I know
25:51And you stay with this
25:53I don't want him to see it again, Virtudes, and I give him another supposition and he starts crying
25:57Crying when he sees it?
25:59Like a madeleine
26:01I think that Zagala is not okay
26:03Why do you say that?
26:05Because she's not okay with her mother
26:07And they're going to get worse
26:09I see. That relationship has too many ups and downs
26:12I mean...
26:14They're going backwards like crabs
26:17Well, the truth is that I don't understand it because to me...
26:20Mrs. Simona seems like a good person and I think Virtudes is too
26:23I didn't understand it either
26:27Candela explained it to me
26:29What did she tell you?
26:31She told me that the son of Virtudes is alive
26:34And that the grandparents took him from the child because for a while he wasn't even taking care of himself
26:41And now look at you
26:43Because of that he didn't let go
26:45And if Virtudes was in a bad life...
26:48That she came to offer her body
26:51To relieve the man, you understand me, right?
26:54And then it was when brother Antoñito took her to his house to see if she was getting better
26:59I don't understand why she was crying
27:02Actually, she wasn't crying for Mrs. Pia
27:05She was crying because I told her that Mrs. Pia had died because of her son
27:08And she must have felt very bad
27:11Because you have put your finger in her wound and very deeply, Hanna
27:15María, but how can I get so much money? I just don't understand it
27:18Well, at least this time it was unintentional
27:21Not like showing up before Mrs. Marquesa
27:24Don't go back to the subject
27:27I promised Mrs. Pia that I would take care of her son and that's what I'm going to do
27:31Fight for Diego
27:39How is that chicken going?
27:41It's almost ready, Mrs. Simona
27:44I need Mrs. Candela to bring me the eggs, saffron and almonds to start with the broth
27:49What do you want the eggs for?
27:51Cooked? To decorate?
27:52No, no, no
27:54I'm going to use the yolks to give some substance to the broth
27:57And I'll save the whites to make a cake
28:00I'm going to use the yolks to give some substance to the broth
28:04And I'll save the whites to make a cake
28:06I'm going to use the yolks to give some substance to the broth
28:08And I'll save the whites to make a cake
28:11Who do I turn to?
28:14Perfect, I need you to prepare the almonds
28:21As Mrs. Pia liked
28:26Do you remember when she told us to take them out of sight so they wouldn't fall into temptation?
28:31I took them out because I thought they were for the gentlemen
28:33We were toasting them just for her
28:35She wouldn't have approved them
28:37She wouldn't have given us a good response
28:40I think she thought it was unfair
28:42But with her everything had to be fair
28:45What a good woman she was and how soon the gentleman took her away
28:49Are you talking about Pia Darre again?
28:51Well, it's over talking about that woman, is that clear?
28:54We were remembering when she came
28:55Well, stop remembering
28:57And before that, did you hear what Mr. Marquez said?
29:00Pia Darre is leaving for her town and that's it
29:02End of story
29:04Yes, ma'am
29:07Well, tell the story
29:09Because not only is the reputation of the promise at stake
29:12But also that of Pia herself
29:14Or what do you want?
29:15To be remembered there because ...
29:17Because she took her life
29:18She took her life?
29:28What a façade
29:30Now she's going to worry about Mrs. Pia's reputation
29:34The Marimandrejos have no limits
29:36If Mrs. Darre heard her
29:38She would come out of the grave and I would give her four fresh ones
29:41And since she neglects herself, I'm still going to say it to her face
29:44Without a doubt, without shame
30:05Miss, I bring you some fresh lemon
30:09Thank you, Maria
30:10That's all
30:13Before I was thinking that it is very sad that Pia has gone to her town
30:22Yes, it is a pity
30:25Because she has returned to her town, right?
30:31There she is
30:34And is she okay?
30:50She is very well
30:53And then why are you crying?
31:00Don't say that, miss
31:01Maria, please don't lie to me
31:02Tell me what's going on
31:12I don't want to lie to you, but they have ordered us not to go to the movies
31:16But about what?
31:22Promise me, miss, that you are not going to the movies
31:24Of course
31:26Promise me that I will hear you
31:28Maria, I promise you that I'm not going to say anything, but tell me what's going on
31:36That Mrs. Pia is nowhere
31:39But what do you mean by that?
31:45That Mrs. Pia has taken her own life
31:54It can't be
31:57It can't be
31:58It can't be
32:05That's what we all thought
32:07That it couldn't be
32:09But it has been
32:12But why?
32:15What happened?
32:29Simona, did you want something?
32:32Just to say hello
32:34I'm going to the village to do some errands
32:36I passed by the door and I wanted to see you
32:39I hope you don't mind
32:41No, woman
32:42How can you bother me?
32:45As ...
32:47She prefers to be alone
32:49And to be bothered as little as possible
32:52You've been behaving like an ungrateful person, haven't you?
32:56I wouldn't say that
32:59You've only been a little ...
33:00A little grumpy, grumpy ...
33:05Don't cut yourself
33:07Don't get mad
33:10I know you don't tell me anything because you value me a lot
33:14But there are those who have told me
33:16And rightly so
33:18And who has told you anything?
33:20It doesn't matter
33:23You can trust me, miss
33:24It doesn't matter
33:27Maybe it's not that big of a deal
33:28But I'm not well
33:30And I hate everyone
33:34The fact that he told you the truth
33:36Has left you quite touched
33:40They just told me the truth
33:42They told you?
33:45So there have been several people who have told you the truth about the boatman
33:51Tadeo and Adriano
33:55Who is Adriano?
33:58One of the main landlords of La Promesa
34:01He is one of the youngest
34:03And they give land for rent to a vagabond?
34:06To his father
34:07But he died recently and he takes care of it
34:10Wow, for God's sake
34:12We don't sell for fun
34:14The fact is that Tadeo encouraged Adriano to come
34:16So that I could advise him on how to take the land
34:18Because the poor man is a bit lost
34:23Your advice is priceless
34:25Although men don't like a woman telling them what to do
34:30In this case it was the other way around
34:34It was me who didn't like what they told him
34:37I was very unfair to him
34:39And to Tadeo too
34:41Because you were with him to break a pinion
34:45But he came to blame me for how badly he had treated me with Adriano
34:50And he told me that if I continued like this, I would be more alone than Laguna
34:54That will never happen, miss
34:57We will always be here
34:59No, Simona
35:00Tadeo is right
35:02I'm already being alone
35:04I'm moving everyone away with my decision to lock myself here
35:08It is true that this situation does not help
35:11But it is easy to solve
35:15Why don't you leave the hangar and go back to the palace?
35:20It is easier to say it than to do it
35:23I don't think so
35:25You just have to pack your things
35:28Take them to your room
35:30And go back to your old life
35:33No, that's the problem
35:34My life can't be like it used to be, Simona
35:39It can
35:42But that new life will always be better than this
35:48Which is neither life nor nothing
35:53Well, thank you for always being so honest with me
35:57I've always been with you since I was a little girl
36:01I'm not going to change now
36:04Well, I'm going to go to Lujan now
36:06Because I don't want you to be late
36:08Wait, Simona, something has happened to me
36:11Can you do me a little favor?
36:14I'm afraid, miss
36:16Tell me
36:19Do you want a lemonade?
36:22Should I order a shot?
36:25You can order it for me, I'm already 12
36:27But how am I going to ask you, Maria?
36:29I'll ask anyone else
36:31No, no, how are you going to ask something for me?
36:34Since I don't see Mrs. Petra, she's bothering me
36:36No, besides, I'm already afraid
36:39Well, I don't see you better
36:46It's going to be hard for me
36:49To get the idea that I'm not going to see her again
36:55It's going to be hard for all of us
37:03Promise me you're not going to say anything
37:06And that you're not going to notice what she knows
37:08No, I'm not going to notice, Maria
37:09Besides, I understand that you've been asked to keep it a secret
37:18Well, I don't know about that
37:20I do know
37:22That there's a lot of gossip in this house
37:27Yes, there's gossip to give and to give away
37:30Yes, and I'm fed up with that gossip
37:33Especially the ones that have to do with me
37:36Are you referring to the other day when you went to the opera with that young man?
37:46Well, it has to do, but no, I'm referring to what happened with the Count of Ayala
37:51Something was also given to him
37:57I'm not proud
38:01And what does it have to do, miss?
38:02What does it have to do with that young man going to the opera with the bouquet?
38:07Well, the idea of inviting me wasn't that young man's idea
38:10It was the Count of Ayala's idea
38:12He was a friend of his parents, the Marquises of Caicedo
38:15So it was the Count's idea and Selectin's idea
38:18But against my will
38:23And don't make me angry, Sisi
38:26Yes, but maybe I went a little too far
38:28A little bit
38:30Better than nothing
38:34The thing is that the Count and I have decided to make peace a little
38:40Well, then it's better. Don't slap me
38:46It's better to stop slapping Counts for life
38:54Are you better?
39:19Come in
39:21I was told you wanted to see me
39:23Sit down
39:28Sit down
39:36I have received several complaints about the service in the last few days
39:39Related to your manners
39:41I will try to worry when those Aragons stop complaining about me
39:45The workers of this house are not Aragons, Mrs. Arcos
39:48Well, if you say so
39:50The thing is that they should have already gotten used to my way of working
39:54But of course, Pia got them used to it, and now it's my turn to get them into trouble
39:57In this case, your complaints are not related to your methods of work
40:03With your attitude after the death of Mrs. Darrio
40:07And what do you want? For me to cry in the corners?
40:10You can do whatever you want
40:13They complain that you reprimand them simply for talking about her
40:18Yes, they do it at work hours
40:20Because they start talking about her and end up crying
40:22And a person can't work and cry at the same time
40:25You don't realize, you just don't realize what you're doing
40:28I'm just trying to get the staff to carry out their task
40:31And a person, if they don't go through their mourning, can't heal their damage
40:35Well, let them go through it when they go to their bedrooms to sleep
40:38That's not something that can be controlled
40:42Or did you only remember your son's death when you left your room?
40:49Don't get things mixed up, Mr. Baeza
40:51Feliciano's death has nothing to do with it
40:54Because his death was public and everyone could talk about it
40:57But Mr. Marquez doesn't want to talk about Pia's death
41:00And he made it very clear
41:01I know exactly what Mr. Marquez's orders are
41:04And you are confusing them when interpreting them
41:09What Mr. Marquez didn't want was for this to transcend
41:13From doors to the outside, but from doors to the inside
41:16Unless there is a guest or a stranger
41:18Everyone has the right to remember Mrs. Darrio as they want and wherever they want
41:22No, not if they mourn at work
41:24You can't deny anyone the right to mourn a loved one
41:29So don't reprimand anyone for something like that again
41:43Miss, did Simona tell you she wanted to see me?
41:46Yes, thank you for coming so soon
41:48I was here on the farm, in the blocks
41:51Leaving some forage cars
41:54If I'm honest, I thought you wouldn't want to come
41:57I have my reasons
42:00But you know I prefer to talk and try to fix things
42:03So here I am
42:04I promise I won't argue with you
42:07If I called you, it's to give you the reason
42:11Oh yeah? And in what?
42:14In what you told me about me behaving like a coward
42:18Here locked up
42:20Away from everyone who loves me
42:24I also wanted to thank you
42:26Because despite my ways, you are always there for me
42:30Willing to help me
42:33I've already told you more than once
42:36We came to this world to try to help each other
42:44Do you forgive me?
42:46If I'm honest, I don't think I'm the one you should apologize to
42:54I know I should apologize to Adriano but...
42:56But what?
43:00What? It's hard
43:03It's hard
43:05Don't worry
43:07I'll talk to him and tell him to come here
43:12Thank you
43:13There's no need
43:40You have to be more careful
43:42It's just a box
43:43But if you're not where you need to be
43:45Salvador, it wasn't that bad
43:47Lope, you left a box of food outside, at the door
43:50What's wrong? Have you never forgotten anything?
43:52No, not such a big thing
43:55And it was you who offered to help me
43:57That's why you shouldn't keep reprimanding me
44:02Lope, when someone offers to help you, you should do things right, right?
44:08Well, damn the time I offered to help you with the work I have to do
44:11If you had told me, I would have looked for someone else
44:13Salvador, I'm not telling you how I feel
44:15No, that's pretty clear
44:16Salvador, don't start
44:18Lope, what you can't pretend is that after finding you here, on this same floor, I'll make a rag and don't ask questions
44:23You can do whatever you want
44:25Another thing is that I'll answer you
44:27Are you really going to talk to me like that now?
44:29Salvador, my life is mine
44:31I don't know what part you don't understand
44:33I understand it perfectly, I can't talk to you
44:36Do you know what I'm telling you?
44:43That you're going to do your work by yourself
44:47I have a lot to do in the kitchen
45:08It looks like you've refreshed a bit today
45:13Maybe tomorrow it will be hot
45:18I can handle the heat, however, the humidity ...
45:35You will have noticed that when we are with your aunt and your mother, the conversation flows more
45:41Yes, of course I've noticed it
45:42Between us ...
45:45Words come out with drops
45:48However, it is a great advance that we are playing pacifically to the backgammon
45:54Much better the silences than the reproaches
45:57Well, I would wait for the game to end before talking
46:00I don't know what ...
46:02From here to in a few minutes we want to throw the board to our heads
46:07No, I hope we don't get to that point
46:19Well, while we're not talking about ...
46:23Wars, like today at breakfast
46:27In the end, your aunt ended up covering up the conversation with her complaints and her laments, as always
46:32Well, don't be cruel either, because the poor girl is having a bad time
46:42Is there a particular topic you want us to talk about?
46:49No, the truth is that I am satisfied with ...
46:52With not talking about anything, as until now
46:55After all, friendship and love cannot be forced, right?
47:00No, but a little diplomacy helps
47:03Does that mean I'm not a diplomat?
47:06No, no, don't take it all the wrong way, no
47:09On the contrary, I appreciate the effort you make
47:13You mean a lot to me, believe me
47:17It's so terrible to spend a little time with me
47:24They say you have to shut up
47:28No, I shut up because I'm thinking what moves to make
47:32I almost have the game won, maybe if I focused a little more on playing and less on talking
47:38Well, I was ... I was trying to be kind
47:42Well, little by little
47:44We can't go from constantly arguing to being intimate friends, just like that
47:49You're right, sometimes I get carried away by the rush, but I promise you I'll go with more time
47:56Well ...
47:59And ...
48:03Well, the conversation wasn't exciting, but at least I won
48:07Don't you want to play another one?
48:09No, no, I don't think we've spent enough time together today
48:13Let's not force it
48:23Very well
48:27You were here
48:28I was coming here and Alvarez didn't know what to do, follow me or intervene
48:33You've seen, you can't talk to him
48:35Yeah, yeah, I've seen you argue
48:37You could have come in to put a little peace
48:40Well, as things are between Lope and me right now, I think it would have been counterproductive
48:46It's just that he's doing worse, and not just at work, also outside of it
48:50Have the cooks complained about his performance?
48:52No, they won't
48:54They don't have to go all the way to complain
48:57But if he continues like this, I don't doubt he'll have a negative impact on his work
49:01Well, I don't know, Salvador, if you talk to him again ...
49:04Have you seen how he gets?
49:06Yeah, he's crazy, but there's something we have to do
49:08Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll see if I'm his friend, I'll be with him until the end, but ...
49:12Yeah, and you're a good friend
49:15We're a marriage, more like, you'll see
49:18We're together in the hard times and in the hard times
49:20And now it's the hard times
49:23No, why do you think Lope can be so resentful?
49:27Maybe something's going on and he doesn't want to tell us
49:31No, I don't know, maybe it's a bad streak, maybe he's upset about Mrs. Pia's death, I don't know
49:38It's true that all this sadness in the environment is not helping anyone, but ...
49:42But we're all suffering, Salvador, and no one is acting like Lope
49:46I'm not stupid
49:47I'm not stupid
49:49And a few days ago he fought with Santos and right now I've heard you tell him that you found him made a rag
49:54What's going on?
49:57No ...
49:58Come on, Salvador, please tell me
50:00I think I have the right to know, right?
50:03Lope and I were dating and I appreciate it a lot
50:08Tell me, come on
50:11It's okay, it's okay
50:12It's okay
50:14I don't know anything
50:16The only thing I suspect is that he may be in a mess, and the fat guys
50:20What do you mean fat?
50:22Well, like playing hide and seek
50:26The worst thing is that I want to help him, but he won't let me
50:34Well, we have to do something
50:42What do you mean?
51:13The Marquis' shirts are already ironed
51:20You've been in a bad mood lately, father
51:23You can tell what's going on in your head
51:27Where did you get that portrait?
51:30I've been cleaning things up
51:34I don't know
51:36I don't know
51:38I don't know
51:39I don't know
51:45Are you sure you're still thinking about her?
51:48Of course I'm still thinking about her
51:50That woman doesn't deserve to be forgotten, and not so soon
51:53If you want, we can put a monument at the entrance of the promenade
51:58But why do you have to be so disrespectful?
52:01So that you stop dramatizing and whining about a woman who is no longer there
52:05You know, you said that about the monument to show off
52:10But actually, we should pay tribute in some way
52:13Stop talking nonsense, father
52:15It's not like it was a general who won a war or something like that
52:17It was a good woman
52:18You want to pay tribute to her because you lost your mind because of her
52:21It's obvious that she doesn't rule well
52:23I don't care what you say, she's going to be paid tribute because she deserved it
52:28Ok, good
52:29And when we do, it would be better if you didn't show up there
52:32Because if you don't, we're going to have her
52:34Don't worry
52:36I have no interest in showing up in such pantomime
52:39Much better
52:40Because those of us who really loved her, we will be very grateful not to see you there
52:46Of course
52:48I'm not the one throwing the party
52:50Enjoy it and have a great time
53:04Good night
53:22Aren't you going to bed?
53:25It's hard for me to sleep
53:27So I extend the time to retire
53:31And why can't you sleep?
53:34Manuel Icurro
53:38I know it doesn't dawn on you to have a son in the war
53:41I'm used to many battles
53:43I know how to cape this better than you
53:47You know, I thought it was something else that dawned on you
53:52Oh yeah?
53:58Your marriage
54:00I don't think it's going through its best moment
54:03Now you're worried about my marriage
54:05It's obvious
54:08Besides, your wife dropped something
54:11Oh, that our intimacy is counting?
54:13Don't take it to heart
54:15She was sick, she needed to vent
54:17It's a shame you're going through this
54:20Although, on the other hand, it's quite common for marriages to go through a crisis over the years
54:25That's not consolation
54:27With Manuel in the war, we should be more united than ever
54:30Of course, it would be more bearable
54:32But this is not planned
54:34You know, when relationships fall apart
54:36Couples start looking for what they can't find in their own bedroom
54:40I don't think you're talking about our intimacy
54:42I'm not talking about anyone in particular
54:44I'm just saying what happens to marriages when they go through a crisis
54:49Don't tell me you haven't thought about looking for consolation in other arms
54:54Are you having fun with this, Lorenzo?
54:56How dare you ask me something like that?
54:58I'm not judging you
55:00I'm not questioning your loyalty
55:02Don't even think about it
55:04But you won't deny that there are other weaker men than you
55:07Who fall into temptation when they find themselves alone
55:10I don't feel alone
55:12I have my wife and my family
55:15I would never blame anyone for looking at another woman
55:18That's enough!
55:20I'm not blaming you
55:21I would never blame anyone for looking at another woman
55:23That's enough!
55:25It's in our nature, Alonso
55:27You know I'm not a virtuoso
55:29And I sometimes succumb to my instincts
55:36Maria Antonia
55:40I've always seen her as a friend of the family
55:44But lately I've been looking at her with different eyes
55:48She's an attractive woman, isn't she?
55:51Look at her
55:53I know how to identify beauty when I have it in front of me
55:58Do you think I have a chance with Maria Antonia?
56:02With you?
56:04I miss you
56:06She's a widow, she doesn't have a commitment
56:08Do you think I can get something out of her?
56:14I notice something about you, Alonso
56:17Have I said something that bothers you?
56:19I guess you wouldn't mind if I tried to seduce her
56:26Unless what?
56:29Unless you're interested in her
56:32Or that you're the one who's interested in her
56:34Who's interested in her?
56:46How can you talk about a woman who suffered and who succumbed to despair?
56:50She doesn't have a heart
56:52Don't you see that this question is answered by itself, Mr. Pellicer?
56:54What did you say?
56:56That you're a scoundrel
56:58And that you're still jealous of Mrs. Pia even after she's dead
57:00Don't despair, Concurro
57:02It's never all lost
57:04I've thought about something
57:06It's not out of danger
57:08But I think it can change your way of thinking
57:10I'll take care of Corre Labo
57:12I'm sure everyone will want to participate
57:14Including Mari Mandrago?
57:16Let's see what she comes up with
57:18To annoy him this time
57:20No, she won't be able to
57:22Because we're going to do it in such a way that it doesn't alter the promise
57:24And that way she won't be able to make any objections
57:26That woman seems to be determined to bury
57:28Not only Mrs. Pia's body, but also her memory
57:30They had no right to hurt my misery
57:32I assure you that they didn't
57:34I know they've been talking about me
57:36And about my life
57:38To people who didn't care about them
57:40Well, I won't forgive you for this
57:42For these
57:46I bring bad news, I'm afraid
57:48From Adriano
57:50Has something happened to him?
57:52No, the boy is fine
57:54He just told me that he doesn't want to come see him
57:56My first thought in the morning is always for her
58:01I dream that he has changed
58:04With what he has understood
58:06That some of his behaviors were not right
58:10Whatever he has done
58:14Embraces his differences
58:16You can't change it forever, donkey
58:18Is it a diamond necklace?
58:20Can I see it up close?
58:24You see it?
58:26It's a unique piece
58:28Of that, there is no doubt
58:31And who sent it to you?
58:32I have to get to the advanced post of the English
58:35And deliver this map
58:37With the exact place where the mines are located
58:39And pass the contacts
58:41That's crazy
58:43To get to them, you have to cross the forest
58:45Through enemy territory
58:47That's right
58:49I would like the three of you to accompany me on this mission
