90 Day Fiancè Liz on What She Saw in Big Ed and His Criticism Over Her NEW Boyfriend -Exclusive-

  • 3 months ago
90 Day Fiancè Liz on What She Saw in Big Ed and His Criticism Over Her NEW Boyfriend -Exclusive-


00:00Well, word around town is that you have a new boo, a new boyfriend.
00:04I know we can't go into all the details, but I'm curious, what was his response when he
00:09learned that your ex is bigoted?
00:12He, like the truth, can I tell the truth?
00:15Yeah, tell the truth, girl.
00:16He said it.
00:17Relationships are our biggest teachers, right?
00:19And you're 32.
00:21You've experienced two failed marriages.
00:23And a failed engagement.
00:26When you look back at those relationships, is there a pattern that you notice or that
00:31you recognize?
00:33What is that?
00:34I love red flags.
00:35Liz, you're looking good, girl.
00:36Talk about a post-breakup glow up.
00:39You look great.
00:40Thank you.
00:41All right, well, you wanted to come here mainly to tell your side of the breakup with Ed.
00:46What is the most important thing you want people to know about your side of the story?
00:51I think my side of the story is that it had a lot to do with the way my daughter was treated
00:59over taco pasta.
01:02Ed made dinner taco pasta, but then Riley's dish was just way too spicy for her.
01:12And Ed pretty much just told her, stop being a baby.
01:17I don't appreciate that.
01:19And I called him out on it.
01:20Then he attacked me back, saying, look at you, you're crazy and everything.
01:24We literally ordered our wedding bands the day before taco pasta.
01:29And a lot that had happened this night was Ed was supposed to watch my daughter.
01:34I was taking my real estate test.
01:36And then it just was a lot, coming home to no help, cleaning the house, intoxicated family
01:43members over, calling my daughter a baby over taco pasta, and then me defending her
01:48and then sticking up for her and then me kind of getting chewed out for it.
01:53So there's a lot that happened on taco pasta night.
01:57Well, despite him being rude to Riley, your daughter, and calling off the wedding without
02:01telling you.
02:02Yesterday I received a text message from our patient telling me how sorry he was that the
02:11wedding was called off.
02:13Ed canceled our wedding without even telling me.
02:18You still wanted to be with them, Liz.
02:20I know.
02:22We all want to know why.
02:23I think once you get comfortable in a situation, it's hard to like leave.
02:28You don't want to meet anybody else.
02:35I was actually paying rent on an apartment still out here to make sure I kind of had
02:41a backup in case something didn't happen.
02:44And I actually gave up that apartment officially one month before the wedding.
02:47So it kind of was a lot thrown in my face.
02:50I stayed in this relationship because I just feel like Ed and I were attacked and bullied
02:58so much in our relationship that they think that our love wasn't real and it really was.
03:02So I just kind of wanted to fight for that.
03:04And also I wanted to like fight for him.
03:07So what do you mean when you say that?
03:10I'm more like, oh, are you with him because like, are you a gold digger?
03:13Do you need money?
03:14Mind you, I've worked.
03:16I'm the only one who worked throughout our whole three and a half year relationship.
03:20The only one?
03:21The only one.
03:22Like, Ed did not have a job when I met him.
03:24I was the one who wanted to move to Arkansas.
03:27I was the one who wanted to start fresh.
03:29He didn't want that in the beginning.
03:31I pushed for it.
03:32So to like give up everything and like have to come back has been really hard.
03:36My daughter is involved.
03:37It's a whole different emotions of not wanting to go back.
03:43I don't know why I wanted to stay with him, but I also know that I'm a people pleaser
03:48and I just invested so much into him.
03:51I saw a lot of people in the comments saying, Liz, take care of you.
03:56Go to therapy.
03:59Have you done any work after this breakup?
04:02Any inner work?
04:03So the first two months after the breakup were the absolute worst and that is where
04:08I was like, okay, now I need to get myself together.
04:11I've done therapy.
04:14I have worked on myself so much.
04:17I got back into health and fitness right away.
04:21And it's a continuous process.
04:22It is a continuous process.
04:24I have put so many boundaries down and I don't let people cross those anymore for me.
04:28Ed can be a very charming person.
04:30He did help me with my daughter and I go to pick up Riley after like an eight hour shift.
04:34She didn't want to come home.
04:35Like Ed's doing her nails, Ed's like feeding her.
04:39Ed tends to also spoil a lot.
04:42He would take her out to like the mall or to like walk around or times he would come
04:49in to visit me at work and he would bring a pack of Uno cards and then I take my break.
04:54So he was a very, very, very helpful person.
04:57Just over time it changed.
04:58Well, there are a number of viewers who think Ed is a horrible person.
05:02In hindsight, now that those rose colored glasses are off for you, what do you say to
05:07those viewers?
05:08I think that Ed is a good friend.
05:11I don't think he's a good partner.
05:13I don't think he'll ever make a great partner, but I do think he is a good person.
05:19He does truly want the best for himself, but he is just, he only loves himself.
05:27So he can only make changes for him.
05:29There's a reason why he's been single for such a long time.
05:33And if I couldn't even change that and I never gave up one time, I don't know who can.
05:38Well, apparently now he's looking for a Christian woman.
05:42I want a conservative, you know, conservative Christian woman is who I'm looking for.
05:48Christian women are taught to be submissive, so I wouldn't be shocked.
05:53So what's your advice to the next person who dates Ed?
05:56Just run.
05:57He told you to do that.
05:59If you ever meet anyone like me, just run.
06:02Ed, please take Ed's advice on that.
06:08Well, word around town is that you have a new boo, a new boyfriend.
06:10I know we can't go into all the details, but I'm curious, what was his response when he
06:15learned that your ex is big Ed?
06:18He, like the truth, can I tell the truth?
06:21Yeah, tell the truth girl.
06:22He said, if I ever speak to you the way that Ed has ever spoken to you, you better go tell
06:26my family and walk away from me right away.
06:29He said, I don't ever have to worry about feeling the way that I did and that he'll
06:33always grow with me as a person.
06:34And he's actually been by my side and allowed me to heal and grow as a person without asking
06:39me to change one thing.
06:40He's allowed me to go through every emotion.
06:43When he found out, it was a lot to take in, but he's been nothing but like a blanket for
06:50Well, Ed reveals to us that he met your new boyfriend.
06:53He's a hunk.
06:55He's a pretty good looking guy.
06:57He also said this.
06:59My concern is if, and we all have things that we need to work on and deal with.
07:05And if we don't, they're going to rear their ugly head.
07:09And that's my fear is that it's not going to, it won't last because Liz will not have
07:15dealt with the same things that I have to deal with.
07:18What's your response to that?
07:19I don't think Ed's walked past a mirror.
07:22What do you mean?
07:23Expand on that.
07:24You can't, don't give advice if you can't take your own advice.
07:28I don't appreciate those comments.
07:31It's not like, he's been broken up with me the same amount of time I've been broken up
07:35with him.
07:36I just, I think he needs to take that self-reflection.
07:41Whether a relationship is set out to fail, like if you're already speaking on my relationship,
07:47there's obviously something you're still holding onto.
07:50Well, I am curious, for learning purposes for all of us, relationships are our biggest
07:58teachers, right?
08:00And you're 32.
08:02You've experienced two failed marriages.
08:04And a failed engagement.
08:06When you look back at those relationships, what is, is there a pattern that you notice
08:11or that you recognize?
08:13What is that?
08:14I love red flags.
08:15You love red flags.
08:16No, there is a pattern.
08:17There is a huge pattern.
08:19I think I, there's something for me that, I think since I've always been like independent
08:24too, but then growing up, I've always like, I grew up so fast that I felt like I didn't
08:30really have even maybe like a father figure in my life too.
08:33So maybe there's some type of issue there.
08:37Daddy issues.
08:38I would probably, yeah, it could be daddy issues.
08:42There just has been a pattern with me being in a more of a submissive relationship, um,
08:51being kind of told what to do.
08:52It's easy, it's easy for me to take direction and I can give direction, but definitely in
08:58my relationships, I've always letting like the man be the upper hand and the more controlling
09:04person I've never, I've never felt like an equal.
09:07And I know that I, I know that there's a pattern there.
09:12What are you doing this time differently?
09:14Definitely boundaries.
09:16I have set a lot of boundaries.
09:19Um, I speak my mind all the time.
09:22I don't hold things in.
09:23I don't wait for, I think the hardest part is addressing something that bothers me right
09:31then and there instead of letting it, um, bottle up.
09:36I definitely feel like I'm in a free space now to be able to speak my emotions and say
09:41how I feel.
09:42But, um, yeah, as far as the pattern, I've definitely not chosen, I've not chosen like
09:52healthy relationships.
09:53I think I've been in relationships where I'm also helping the other person change, not
10:01You get people you have to fix.
10:04I like to fix people.
10:06That's a common thing, girl.
10:07That's a common thing.
10:08So what do you say to viewers who feel like the experience you had with Ed calling off
10:12your engagement, that was a traumatic experience.
10:15It was very traumatic.
10:17And then shortly after you find yourself in another relationship, what do you say to viewers
10:21who say, Liz, have you taken any time for you?
10:26So that's where I want to get back and say too, I wasn't looking for a relationship right
10:31Um, it's still new.
10:34This person has allowed me to go through all my emotions, allow me to change.
10:40He's never asked me to change.
10:42He never said, Hey, like there's been times I've actually cried to this person over Ed
10:48in the beginning.
10:49Cause like a friends and stuff, always a support system.
10:53So, um, even recently seeing Ed at the tell all, I, I don't need permission.
11:01I wasn't given permission, but I was told you need to go through every emotion, say
11:05what you need to say, do whatever you need to do to close this chapter.
11:08I think that takes a lot for someone to come into your life and do that.
11:12I've never been asked to change.
11:14I work, I can go out, I can hang out with my friends.
11:18Um, I can talk about how I'm feeling.
11:20So who's to say where I would be if I didn't get a relationship right away, but I definitely
11:27feel like I've healed a lot.
11:28I'm smiling, I'm glowing.
11:30I feel motivated every day to get up.
11:32Well, do you have any moments where you miss big Ed?
11:35There are moments now where it's like, I never thought I wouldn't be with him.
11:39I'll never regret loving him.
11:41I thought I'd be married to him right now.
11:43Um, but I would be lying if I said there weren't moments when I miss him or certain things
11:49cause he was my friend.
11:50We started off as friends.
11:51We didn't, I didn't just fall in love with them overnight.
11:53That took a lot of time.
11:55Did you buy a wedding dress?
11:56Uh, yeah, yes I did.
11:59What did you do with it?
12:00Um, it's still hanging in the closet.
12:02Are you going to keep it?
12:04I've kept it right now, not for sentimental reasons.
12:07I'm holding onto it at a moment because, um, I have a big move coming up and from there
12:13I want to donate it to a charity.
12:16Well, you and Ed, you guys, I think, what, broke up 13 times throughout your relationship?
12:22Oh, more than that, but I don't know how many.
12:26Is this it?
12:27Could you ever see yourself getting back with Ed?
12:29I don't see myself ever getting back with Ed.
12:31I actually don't ever see myself being friends with Ed.
12:35Um, there was a lot of hurt in that, so, um, we had our closure at the tell-all and that's
12:42where it needs to stay.
12:45What can you tease about the tell-all?
12:46It'll be the first time you see me really happy.
12:50What's the biggest lesson that this experience has taught you?
12:53The biggest thing is, um, I'm never going to let anyone back into my life who's not
12:57going to be a good example or role model for my daughter, so she's the one that I'm
13:02focused on.
13:03She's, if my energy means a lot, like, as a mom around her, I gotta be the best mom
13:12I can for her, so I think that's what I learned because I could have just done so much more,
13:16um, for myself and her if I would have just, you know, worked on myself a long time ago.
13:22And I will say, your daughter is so sweet, so kind, and well-spoken.
13:27I just want to apologize.
13:29I'm not sure when I might get to see you again.
13:35Can I accept your apology?
13:39She's really impressive.
13:40Yeah, she's, she's who I aspire to be when I finally grow up.
13:44Has she met your nubu yet?
13:47Okay, okay, okay.
13:49Are you done with reality TV?
13:52That's a question I can't really answer, but I don't want anything to ever come in the
13:56way of what is healthy right now in my life, and it took a long time to get here.
14:01Yeah, yeah.
14:02Well, you are glowing.
14:04You look good, Liz.
14:05Thank you.
