• 2 months ago
Saviez-vous que certaines choses que nous avons apprises à l'école ne sont pas exactement pointues ? Comme, vous rappelez-vous quand on nous a dit que vous pouviez boire de l'eau d'un cactus en situation de survie ? Il se trouve que c'est plus une chose d'Hollywood que de la réalité - la plupart des cactus ont des fluides toxiques qui peuvent vous rendre malade. Et qu'en est-il de Pluton étant la neuvième planète ? Non, elle a été rétrogradée en "planète naine" en 2006. Oh, et ne me lancez pas sur la façon dont ils enseignaient autrefois que les dinosaures étaient à sang froid - il se trouve que certains d'entre eux auraient pu être à sang chaud comme les oiseaux modernes ! C'est incroyable comme la science continue d'évoluer et de découvrir de nouvelles vérités. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00 You are on a safari in the desert, but things are not going as planned.
00:05 Now, you have drained your water tank in one of the hottest and driest places on the planet.
00:10 You might think that you can get water from a cactus.
00:14 Sorry, it's just a myth.
00:16 In fact, most cacti contain protective chemicals that can make you sick if you try to eat them.
00:22 There are only a few exceptions.
00:24 The fig tree and a type of cactus called the Hamson cactus contain softer chemical products
00:30 and could give you water if you really needed it.
00:34 If you think you can escape a alligator by running in a zigzag, I must disappoint you.
00:39 It's not true either.
00:41 Run as fast as you can.
00:43 Alligators rarely chase humans on Earth.
00:46 They prefer to surprise their prey in water, where they are faster and more agile.
00:52 After all, they can swim at 16 km/h.
00:55 So, the probability that an alligator will chase a human on Earth is very low.
01:00 This zigzag running advice is more of a joke than a serious survival strategy.
01:05 Don't believe the myth that you could survive a wild animal attack by pretending not to be alive.
01:13 Okay, in the animal kingdom, killing is a common defense tactic.
01:17 Some animals even emit certain odors to reinforce the illusion and dissuade predators.
01:22 However, for humans, it's different.
01:24 A survey of 14 different types of animals in North America revealed that in most situations,
01:30 it is crucial to remain vigilant and well informed to be able to make the right decisions in time.
01:37 The next popular but false idea is that polar bears hide their nose with their paws during hunting.
01:43 People think they do it because their black nose is easy to see against the ice, while their fur melts.
01:49 However, experts have spent years using telescopes to watch polar bears hunt seals in the Arctic.
01:57 They observed them for long periods, even up to 24 hours, and have never seen them cover their nose in this way.
02:04 Unless they are born to be eternal, I'm kidding.
02:09 Another belief is that running down the slope will save you from a bear.
02:13 This is based on the idea that their shorter forelegs struggle to run down the slope.
02:18 In reality, bears are incredibly fast runners, capable of reaching speeds of more than 59 km/h,
02:25 and they can sprint down the slope as easily as they can climb it.
02:28 So, you will need another strategy.
02:32 The myth that vehicle headrests are designed to be detachable and pointy to break windows is false.
02:39 The main function of a headrest is to prevent injuries to the neck in the event of an accident.
02:44 Research and documents on the design of headrests do not mention any functionality to break windows.
02:51 In addition, all vehicles do not have removable headrests, and those that are detachable are not necessarily pointy.
03:00 Touching a baby bird will make its parents give up.
03:03 Birds have a limited sense of smell, so it is unlikely that they detect a human smell on their baby.
03:09 This false idea often leads people to leave juvenile birds alone, thinking they are helping.
03:14 But in reality, these young birds could need help.
03:17 In addition, it is common for young birds to leave the nest before being able to fly properly,
03:22 and their parents usually continue to feed them on the ground.
03:25 If you find a baby bird that has fallen out of its nest, it is better to leave it alone,
03:30 because the parents are probably nearby and will continue to take care of it.
03:35 The widespread belief that humans use only 10% of their brains is also a myth.
03:42 Advanced neuroimaging tools such as scanputs show that the entire brain is active, even during sleep.
03:48 These scans reveal a continuous activity through the brain,
03:52 involved in functions such as regulation, interpretation, and action.
03:56 This shows that most of the brain remains inactive.
04:00 The myth that shaving the hair of the body makes them thicker and darker is false.
04:09 When you shave the hair of the face or the body, it does not change their thickness, color, or growth rate.
04:16 Shaving simply leaves the hair with fuzzy tips.
04:19 These new cut and fuzzy tips can look rougher or more rough when the hair grows back.
04:25 During this phase, the hairs can look more visible and appear darker or thicker.
04:31 But it is simply a temporary effect, and not a real change in the properties of your body hair.
04:37 The popular story that long-legged parrots are the most venomous spiders in the world is a bit exaggerated.
04:45 These animals are not even real spiders.
04:48 They were falsely accused of having a dangerous venom.
04:51 In reality, they have no venom glands at all, and their tiny hooks can't even pierce human skin.
04:57 It seems that they have gained their frightening reputation more because of their disfigured appearance and a misinterpreted case of identity.
05:04 The belief that everyone in the Middle Ages passed the weapon to the left in the thirties is far from reality.
05:12 Life expectancy is just an average.
05:15 At the time, many people did not exceed childhood because of things like galloping infant mortality and risky childbirth.
05:22 But if you overcame these early life trials and reached your twenties, you had a decent chance of seeing your fifties or even your seventies.
05:32 Most of our data on medieval life expectancy comes from noble guys, who often ended up as statistics of battlefields, falsifying the numbers.
05:41 Soap is often considered the worst enemy of fountain kitchen utensils.
05:46 But let's break this myth with a little culinary science.
05:49 The fear is that soap will eliminate the precious seasoning that makes fountain hair anti-adhesive and brilliant.
05:56 Modern soaps are much softer than those that were heavily loaded with laundry, and that have initiated this rule of non-use of soap on the fountain.
06:04 Today's soaps will not damage the seasoning of your hair, especially if it is well established.
06:10 The old rule "wait an hour after eating before swimming" is more of a false idea than a medical necessity.
06:20 The idea was that swimming just after a big meal could cause cramps.
06:24 But in reality, this is not a strict rule.
06:27 Certainly, your body diverts blood to your stomach for better digestion, which could theoretically leave less blood for your muscles, thus increasing the risk of cramps.
06:36 But for most people, a light swim after a meal is not a recipe for disaster.
06:42 You are stuttering because you think that the cold causes rashes?
06:46 Well, it's not exactly the air that is to blame.
06:49 It is true that we often start to sniff when the temperature drops, but it is not the cold itself that is to blame.
06:56 The real culprits are the viruses that cause the rashes, which just love these lower temperatures.
07:03 So, while the cold offers a comfortable playground for these microbes, catching a cold still requires catching the virus.
07:11 In other words, it is not the ice age, but the viruses that love the ice age that you must watch out for.
07:17 Oh, look, it's still this period when a scam on Facebook is going around, convincing people that a simple copy-paste can magically protect their data.
07:29 Yes, the classic "I do not give Facebook permission" is back, seducing users by making them believe that this status update is a legally binding shield against violations of confidentiality.
07:43 Spoiler alert! This is not the case.
07:46 These messages claim that declaring sovereignty over your personal content on your timeline will prevent Facebook from using your photos, information and messages.
07:55 The real Facebook policy and user agreements that everyone has accepted by registering still hold true power.
08:03 Is it acceptable to shave a dog with two layers?
08:09 No, it's a big no, with its long-lasting disadvantages.
08:13 These dogs have a soft undercoat and a more resistant guard.
08:17 Shaving disturbs their growth balance, leading to poor-fitting and unattractive fur.
08:23 In addition, there is only a 50/50 chance that the double layer will return to its glory of the past, if at all.
08:30 Contrary to what is generally believed, shaving does not cool them down.
08:33 It actually destroys the natural system of air circulation of the fur.
08:37 Other risks include mold, sunburns and altered temperature regulation.
08:43 The fur can never appear or feel like before.
08:46 Choose a thickening treatment. It eliminates excess undercoat, helps your dog stay cool and keeps the fur in excellent condition.
08:55 All without the drama of a complete shave.
08:58 It's time to look at the false ideas and myths associated with the treatment of wrinkles.
09:02 Rubbing the skin with cold water can't help.
09:06 It can actually aggravate the condition and lead to tissue damage.
09:10 The idea that hot water should be used to warm up the affected areas is also wrong.
09:16 Use warm water instead to avoid burns.
