00:00 [Musique]
00:17 [Voix-off] When Paddington arrived at number 32 Windsor Gardens, the first person he met was the Brown's housekeeper, Mrs. Bird.
00:24 "Good afternoon," he said, "I'm from darkest Peru and I've come to stay."
00:30 "Peru!" exclaimed Mrs. Bird. "Good gracious, whatever next!"
00:34 "Don't worry," called Judy, "he's going to have a bath."
00:37 "Hold on Paddington, I'm just coming."
00:39 "Did you say you're from Peru?" called Mrs. Bird.
00:42 "Darkest Peru," said Paddington, "in that case I'd best be getting some more marmalade in."
00:47 "Fancy knowing I like marmalade!" exclaimed Paddington.
00:50 "Mrs. Bird knows everything about everything," said Judy.
00:53 "She sounds just like Aunt Lucy," said Paddington.
00:56 The next person Paddington met was Judy's brother, Jonathan.
01:02 And while Jonathan put some bubble mixture into the bath, Paddington listened carefully to his instructions.
01:07 "There's some soap," said Judy, "and a towel and a brush so that you can scrub your back."
01:13 Paddington felt he would sooner just sit in a puddle, but he didn't like to say so.
01:18 "It sounds very complicated," he announced.
01:21 "Well," said Judy, "don't forget to wash your ears. They look very black."
01:25 "Black?" said Paddington hotly. "Black?"
01:28 "They're meant to be black. At least, I think they are."
01:35 For a moment or two, he toyed with the idea of whitening his ears with a toothpaste, but he soon gave that up.
01:41 There were other, much more interesting things to do.
01:46 [Music]
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01:57 [Music]
02:00 [Music]
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02:24 "What was that?" exclaimed Mr Brown. "Perhaps it was Mrs Bird," said Judy.
02:29 "Bang went our tea, by the sound of it."
02:32 Unaware of the alarm he was causing, Paddington busied himself making a foam map of South America.
02:38 Some of the mountains were very high indeed, and he was about to mark in darkest Peru when he suddenly remembered the bath.
02:51 "What is going on?" exclaimed Mr Brown. "Don't tell me Mrs Bird's fallen in the washing-up water now."
02:57 "That's funny," said Jonathan. "Talking of water."
03:00 "Gosh!" cried Judy. "Look!"
03:03 "Paddington, he's in trouble."
03:07 To say that Paddington was in trouble was to put it mildly.
03:11 He tried calling out, "Help!" fairly quietly, so as not to disturb anyone, and then much louder.
03:17 "Help!"
03:20 "Help!" "Paddington," said Judy, "you've still got your duffel coat on."
03:25 "I didn't want to get too wet," grasped Paddington, "only I think I have done after all."
03:31 "Help!"
03:34 "Why ever didn't you pull the plug out?" exclaimed Jonathan.
03:38 "Pull the plug out?" repeated Paddington.
03:42 "Nobody said anything about that."
03:44 "I shall never, ever have a bath again," he said firmly. "It's much too complicated."
03:49 But before he went to bed that night, Paddington did have one more go.
03:53 "It's what's known as a dry bath," he announced.
03:57 "It's safer than using water, and it's much less messy."
04:01 [musique]