• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo in un momento di evoluzione normativa fortissima, potremmo dire uno tsunami normativo per le aziende. Le aziende impattate dalla direttiva europea che impone una rendicontazione di sostenibilità, al momento sono circa 11.000 ma diventeranno più di 50.000 con la prossima direttiva che dovrà essere recepita dagli Stati membri entro quest'estate”. Lo ha dichiarato Roberto Giacomelli, responsabile del team Climate Change and Sustainability Services di EY, a margine della presentazione del Rapporto di sostenibilità 2023 del CONOU, il Consorzio Nazionale degli Oli Minerali Usati.


00:00We are in a moment of very strong regulatory evolution, we could say a tsunami of regulations
00:10for companies, a moment in which the results of a regulation on the classification of environmental activities
00:19are somehow maturing on the one hand, and on the other hand a regulation that will bring
00:24homogeneity and greater transparency in what is the accounting at the level of European companies.
00:31The companies impacted by the European Directive that imposes an accounting of sustainability
00:37at the moment are about 11,000, they will become more than 50,000 with the next Directive,
00:44which will have to be accepted by the Member States within this summer, and it is a leap
00:49not only from the point of view of the quantity of information and accounts, but also a cultural leap,
00:56because we have an approach requested by the company, which is a more strategy-defining approach,
01:02of policies, of a clear definition of governance, of a clear definition of control,
01:07and therefore a level of complexity and also of approach to financial issues,
01:12to the ways of dealing with financial issues is very, very important.
01:15This, clearly, at the level of our country, is reflected in an impact on many companies,
01:22on about 4,000 companies, so the challenge we have compared to these European regulations in Italy
01:28is a rather important challenge, which concerns first of all the large-scale companies that already accounted,
01:33but above all the almost 4,000 companies that will have to account from scratch,
01:39let's say, according to this new standard, from next year.
01:43It is a challenge that can be taken as an opportunity,
01:47because there is certainly a strong demand for transparency from the market, from investors,
01:52for access to green capital, there is a strong demand for transparency from the large companies
01:58along their supply chain, and therefore the fact that companies are, in quotation marks,
02:03forced in the coming years to make this effort to account will also facilitate the passage of information,
02:09will facilitate access to capital, and will also facilitate the assessment of opportunities
02:14related to sustainability that are inherent in the business model but that have not yet been taken into account.
