• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “P&G contribuirà al Summit EIIS 2023. Per fare in modo che la sostenibilità sia un’opportunità e non un costo, bisogna integrarla all’interno del modello di business dell’azienda. I consumatori si chiedono cosa c’è dietro un prodotto e vogliono vedere le azioni concrete realizzate dalle aziende. P&G ha un piano di transizione energetica con benefici anche per il territorio, inoltre sensibilizziamo ad un uso più virtuoso dei prodotti”. Lo ha dichiarato Paolo Grue, presidente e amministratore delegato di P&G, in occasione della presentazione dello European Innovation for Sustainability Summit 2023 che si terrà a Roma il 21 e 22 aprile. 


00:00 The contribution of P&G to this summit is to tell our vision of sustainability
00:06 and what we are doing to do our part on this very important issue.
00:11 Sustainability aims to improve the lives of everyone, today and for future generations.
00:17 Companies have a fundamental role in this.
00:21 Companies must be part of the solution to the problem,
00:24 because sustainability should not be seen as a cost, but as an opportunity.
00:29 To do this, we must fully integrate sustainability
00:34 into the business model of the company.
00:38 Consumers, people who choose products,
00:42 are not limited to knowing whether a product works well and performs well,
00:48 but what is behind that product?
00:50 There are people, there is a company, that does something for the territory,
00:54 for the environment, to solve the social problems that affect everyone.
00:58 The consumer wants to see what is done,
01:01 not just hear stories.
01:03 We must support storytelling,
01:06 to have a narrative made of concrete facts, of concrete actions.
01:10 We do this in P&G through three vectors.
01:13 The first is the things we control,
01:15 that is, to put the house in order,
01:16 and therefore to have a concrete ecological transition plan
01:20 that touches all the elements of the product life cycle.
01:24 The second element is to play our role of influencing people
01:29 to use the products in the right way.
01:31 If you think that 80% of the environmental impact
01:35 in the goods of large consumption,
01:37 such as detergent, house cleaning,
01:39 happens at home, while I use the product.
01:42 So, a correct use, or less correct,
01:45 makes a huge difference in the environmental impact.
01:47 A company like P&G, which is present in two-thirds of Italian companies,
01:51 has the role of informing the consumer
01:54 about a more virtuous use of the products.
01:57 We also do this through partnerships,
01:59 because sustainability alone does not go anywhere.
02:02 It is necessary to make partnerships.
02:03 The circular economy needs partnerships.
02:05 And finally, like any company,
02:07 we must give back to the territory in which we operate,
02:11 having concrete citizenship and business actions
02:14 that help solve the concrete problems of the territory.
