Former Sheppey United player Malcolm Longhurst marking his 65th year in the game

  • 3 months ago
Former Sheppey United player Malcolm Longhurst is marking his 65th year in the game
00:00Yeah, I started off when I was, left school, 14, 15, and just carried on from there till I was about 20.
00:09Then I left and went to somewhere else to play, wherever I could.
00:15Wherever they wanted me, I went and played for them.
00:18And do you think you ever stopped playing?
00:20No, never. Well, as long as I can.
00:25As long as I can enjoy it, that's the thing. You've got to enjoy it.
00:30I love it. Yeah, yeah.
00:34There you go. I suppose one day I'll stop.
00:38Yeah, Malcolm has always, always been a pleasure.
00:43Very, very good footballer.
00:45Still at his age, you give the ball to him, he gives it to you back.
00:48He's got a great touch, always available.
00:51Got a great footballing brain, even at 80 years old.
00:54Three generations, both of his sons have been playing.
00:58Matt and Nathan, both consistent players, regular.
01:04Yeah, he's just an absolute joy as a guy.
01:08And as a manager, you couldn't meet anybody else who's that committed.
01:14Yeah, Malcolm is the ultimate figure within the club.
01:19He's Gandalf of the football section.
01:23We think the world of him.
01:25Yeah, Malcolm, he's one of the boys as such.
