D5-MN English

  • 5 months ago
Why Morning Nutrition? -
The Deep Dive Continues

Our bodies operate on a circadian rhythm, an internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. Eating is best done within a specific window in the earlier part of the day. ⏰

Studies Show:
• Eating a healthy and nutritious first meal of the day helps higher daily intakes of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, compared to those skipping it

• On the other hand skipping can increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.

Effects of Skipping a Healthy and Nutritious First Meal of the Day

️ Our Stomach, the Workaholic:
• It secretes gastric juices to aid digestion. Regularly skipping first meal can decrease stomach acid production, potentially shrink the stomach, and cause bile stagnation in the gallbladder, leading to gallstone formation.

❤️ Cardiovascular Health:
• Skipping the same can increase blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and abnormal lipid metabolism. ❤️

❗ Alertness:
• Skipping the same can also reduce alertness, leading to inadequate blood supply to the brain.

Physiological Benefits of having healthy and nutritious first meal of the day:

• Sugar balance, metabolism, better digestion, maintenance of muscle mass and hormonal balance⚖️

Psychological Benefits:
• Improved memory, cognition, mental clarity, and reduced stress.

• Regular healthy and nutritious first meal consumption leads to improved cognition, memory, and attention. ✨

In Summary: Eating a healthy and nutritious first meal of the day in alignment with our circadian rhythm supports our health on multiple levels—from physical and metabolic health to cognitive function and psychological well-being.

Let’s make morning nutrition a priority and start our days on the right note!

#MorningNutrition #HealthyHabits #BreakfastBenefits #CircadianRhythm #StayHealthy ️

