Dragon Tales Dragon Tales S03 E022 Sky Soccer Room For Change

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 ♪ But in the end Max knew what to do ♪
00:06 ♪ They climbed on the backs of their dragon friends ♪
00:08 ♪ Now the adventure's never-end ♪
00:12 ♪ Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales ♪
00:14 ♪ It's almost time for Dragon Tales ♪
00:17 ♪ Come along, take my hand ♪
00:19 ♪ Let's all go to Dragonland ♪
00:24 ♪ Then Ford, he said, "They cannot so brave a part" ♪
00:28 ♪ Then Cathy, so shy, oh so very smart ♪
00:31 ♪ Then Zack and Weezie, their tales were fun ♪
00:33 ♪ 'Cause you know two heads are better than one ♪
00:36 ♪ Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales ♪
00:38 ♪ It's almost time for Dragon Tales ♪
00:40 ♪ Come along, take my hand ♪
00:42 ♪ Let's all go to Dragonland ♪
00:47 C'est un jeu de balle que je t'ai dit. Regarde.
00:54 - Je peux essayer? - Bien sûr.
00:59 (musique douce)
01:01 (soupir)
01:03 - Oubliez-le. C'est trop dur.
01:07 - Allez, les gars, les dragons essayent de jouer au soccer.
01:11 - Allons les accueillir. - Bien.
01:14 (musique douce)
01:16 ♪ J'aimerais, j'aimerais avec tout mon cœur ♪
01:26 ♪ J'aimerais voler avec les dragons dans le parc du sol ♪
01:29 (musique douce)
01:31 - Salut, tout le monde. - Salut, Andy.
01:41 Salut, Max. Salut, Enrique.
01:43 - Vous êtes prêts pour vos essais de soccer du ciel?
01:46 - Soccer du ciel? Que c'est ça?
01:48 - C'est comme le soccer de la vie.
01:50 Vous devez tirer le ballon et le but.
01:52 - Except, bien sûr, vous ne pouvez jamais laisser le ballon tomber.
01:55 - Si?
01:57 - Wow!
02:01 - Bienvenue, les enfants, aux essais du soccer du ciel.
02:05 Je voudrais vous présenter votre coach,
02:07 le plus célèbre joueur du soccer du ciel,
02:10 El Pie.
02:12 - El Pie? - El Pie?
02:14 - Le pied? - Vous pouvez voir pourquoi.
02:17 (rire)
02:23 - Ya-boum!
02:25 (cris d'encouragement)
02:27 - Wow! Ça a l'air tellement amusant!
02:30 J'ai hâte d'être sur le team.
02:32 - Vous avez joué du soccer du ciel avant, Ord?
02:34 - Non, mais ça a l'air assez facile.
02:37 - Je vais demander à tout le monde
02:39 de faire des essais du soccer du ciel
02:41 pour voir qui est prêt pour être sur le team.
02:43 Dans ce premier essai, vous devez tirer la balle,
02:46 puis la passer à votre collègue,
02:48 qui tirera et vous la passera.
02:51 - Good luck, Ord!
02:53 - I hope you're ready!
02:55 - I sure am!
02:57 - Hi-ya!
02:59 - Wouah!
03:01 - Hey, don't you know how to play?
03:03 No hands! - Huh?
03:05 - That's right, compadre.
03:07 You're not allowed to use your hands or head in sky soccer.
03:10 - I didn't know. I never played before.
03:13 - Don't worry about it.
03:15 Now, show me how well you dribble and pass.
03:17 - OK.
03:19 Wait! I wasn't ready!
03:22 Oh, no!
03:27 Can I do it again, LPA?
03:29 - Lo siento. Many others are waiting.
03:31 There will be other drills in a little while.
03:33 - OK.
03:35 - Don't worry, Ord.
03:37 You'll do better next time.
03:39 - I sure hope so.
03:41 - The next drill will be kicking the ball into the goal.
03:45 Everyone, get ready.
03:47 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:49 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:51 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:53 - Well, don't take all day!
03:55 - OK, OK.
03:57 Here goes nothing!
03:59 Muy bien. Good preparation.
04:01 - Hmm.
04:03 (Whistle)
04:05 - Next!
04:07 - Take your time, Ord.
04:09 - OK. Here I go.
04:11 - Ooh!
04:13 - Ooh!
04:15 - Oh!
04:17 - Hmm. Poor Ord.
04:19 - Quelle lastima.
04:21 He's not looking too good up there.
04:23 - Are you hurt, Ord?
04:25 - No, Quetzal. I'm OK.
04:27 (Whistle)
04:29 Sky soccer is too hard!
04:33 I quit!
04:35 - Don't quit, Ord!
04:37 - Si, si. You can't expect to be good
04:39 at a game you've never played before.
04:41 It takes practice.
04:43 - I can help you play better, Ord.
04:45 - Nobody can help me.
04:47 - I may not be able to fly,
04:49 but I play soccer in school.
04:51 - Hey! - And I play back in Colombia.
04:53 - I'm not as good as they are... yet.
04:57 But I know how to play.
04:59 - You guys do look like good players.
05:01 Do you think you can help me make the team?
05:03 - Defin...
05:05 Well, not definitely,
05:07 but we'll do our best.
05:09 - And the rest of us will do everything we can
05:11 to help too.
05:13 - OK. I guess I won't quit... yet.
05:15 - Let's start with dribbling and passing.
05:17 I'll do it on the ground with my ball,
05:19 then you try it in the air with your sky soccer ball.
05:21 The first thing to remember is,
05:27 start slowly.
05:29 Once you get the hang of it,
05:31 you can do it faster.
05:33 (Giggling)
05:35 - Oh!
05:37 - That's OK.
05:39 - You got it right the first time.
05:41 Try again. And remember,
05:43 start slowly. - OK.
05:45 - Now try it a little faster.
05:53 - Oh!
05:55 - Don't be upset, Ord. You did it better that time.
05:57 - I did?
05:59 - Yeah! - You sure did!
06:01 - Try it again, just a tiny bit faster.
06:07 - That was great, Ord! Now pass it to Zach.
06:09 - I did it! Hooray!
06:13 - Right back at ya!
06:15 Remember, Ord, you can't use your hands or head.
06:19 - It's so hard to remember everything.
06:21 What am I gonna do?
06:23 - We know a song that helps us remember.
06:27 - A song? - Yeah!
06:29 The words of the song tell you which parts of the body
06:31 you're allowed to use.
06:33 - It goes like this.
06:35 - ♪ Tail, chest, knees and feet ♪
06:37 ♪ Knees and feet, knees and feet ♪
06:39 ♪ Tail, chest, knees and feet ♪
06:41 ♪ Knees and feet ♪
06:43 - I'm not sure I can remember all that.
06:45 - Sure you can.
06:47 Watch this.
06:49 - Hit it, Cassie!
06:51 - ♪ Tail ♪ - ♪ Chest ♪
06:53 - ♪ Knees and feet ♪ - ♪ Knees and feet ♪
06:55 - ♪ Tail ♪ - ♪ Chest ♪
06:57 - ♪ Knees and feet ♪ - ♪ Knees and feet ♪
06:59 - ♪ Tail, chest, knees and feet ♪
07:01 - ♪ Knees and feet ♪
07:03 - ♪ Tail, chest, knees and feet ♪
07:05 ♪ Knees and feet ♪
07:07 ♪ Tail, chest, knees and feet ♪
07:09 ♪ Knees and feet ♪
07:11 - Okay, let's see if the song helps you remember.
07:13 - ♪ Tail, chest, knees and feet ♪
07:15 ♪ Knees and feet ♪
07:17 ♪ Tail ♪
07:19 Oh!
07:21 I just can't do it!
07:23 - But, Ord, even if you didn't hit the ball,
07:25 you did remember to use your tail.
07:27 - I did, didn't I?
07:29 - Bueno!
07:31 - You can hit the goal now, Ord!
07:33 - Huh? Well, uh...
07:35 I hope I can.
07:37 (ball bouncing)
07:39 (grunts)
07:41 Why can't I get the ball into the goal?
07:43 That's the hardest part of all!
07:45 - Don't give up, Ord.
07:47 You know what my grandma always says?
07:49 "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
07:51 If you try, try again,
07:53 each time you'll get a little better.
07:55 - (groans) Try, try again.
07:57 Okay.
07:59 - If at first you don't succeed,
08:01 try, try again.
08:03 - If at first you don't succeed,
08:07 try, try again.
08:09 It didn't work!
08:11 - Try, try again, Ord.
08:13 - (sighs) Right.
08:15 If at first you don't succeed,
08:17 try, try again.
08:19 (grunts)
08:21 Oh! I did it! I did it!
08:23 I tried and tried again,
08:25 and I did it! (laughs)
08:27 (brouhaha)
08:29 (sifflement)
08:31 - We are now about to begin
08:33 our second round of drills.
08:35 - Well, Ord, what do you think?
08:37 Do you want to try, try again
08:39 to make the Sky Soccer Team?
08:41 - Uh, I guess so.
08:43 Yes! Let's go!
08:45 (ball bouncing)
08:47 - Remember, start slowly!
08:51 - Okay.
08:55 - Oops! Going too fast!
08:57 Better slow down a little.
08:59 (ball bouncing)
09:01 - Muy bien!
09:03 Now pass that soccer ball
09:05 to your compadre, compadre!
09:07 - Oh, right!
09:09 (ball bouncing)
09:11 - Tail, chest,
09:13 knees and feet.
09:15 Phew!
09:17 (laughs)
09:19 - Yay!
09:23 - Muy bien! Nice focus! Next!
09:25 - Here goes!
09:27 (ball bouncing)
09:29 Oh!
09:31 Try, try again!
09:33 (brouhaha)
09:35 - Excelente, compadre!
09:39 Good job!
09:41 Mookie,
09:43 Zach and Wheezy, Spike, Cassie
09:45 and Philo have all made the team.
09:47 But thank you all for coming out.
09:49 (sad trombone)
09:51 - Oh, Ord, we're sorry you didn't get chosen for the team.
09:53 - I tried really, really hard,
09:55 but I still wasn't good enough.
09:57 (sad trombone)
09:59 - Ord, would you come here, por favor?
10:01 - Me?
10:03 - I want to congratulate you, Ord.
10:07 - Why? I didn't make the team.
10:09 - That is true.
10:11 But you showed great improvement
10:13 in just un dia, one day.
10:15 If you keep practicing,
10:17 I bet you'll make the team the very next time.
10:19 - You really think so?
10:21 - I do.
10:23 And just between you and me,
10:25 the first time I played sky soccer,
10:27 I went head over heels right into the goal,
10:29 just like you.
10:31 - LPA said that I really improved,
10:35 even though it was my first time.
10:37 - And, Ord, you did not give up,
10:39 even though it was difficult.
10:41 I am proud of you, niño.
10:43 - Ord, your dragon badge is glowing!
10:45 - Yay!
10:47 - Yeah, it is!
10:49 Come on, everybody,
10:51 let's play sky soccer!
10:53 I want to practice,
10:55 so I'll make the team next time.
10:57 - I wish, I wish
11:01 to use this rhyme
11:03 to go back home
11:05 until next time.
11:07 - Hey!
11:09 I almost forgot about this bolero game.
11:11 I'm not giving up this time.
11:13 I'm going to keep trying until I get it right.
11:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:17 - If at first you don't succeed,
11:19 try, try again.
11:21 - Come on, Max,
11:23 let's get some juice pops from the freezer.
11:25 - Juice pops? Hmm.
11:27 Maybe I'll try, try again after snacks.
11:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:33 - Vroom, vroom!
11:35 - Vroom, vroom!
11:37 - Beep, beep!
11:39 Coming through!
11:41 - Vroom, vroom!
11:43 - Coming through!
11:45 - Vroom, vroom!
11:47 - Uh-oh!
11:49 I've run out of gas!
11:51 - Woo-hoo! Here comes the tow truck to the rescue!
11:53 - Don't worry,
11:55 I'll bring you to the gas station.
11:57 - Thanks, Mr. Tow Truck Man.
11:59 Hey, Max!
12:01 The dragons are calling us.
12:03 Come on!
12:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:09 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:13 - I wish, I wish with all my heart
12:15 to fly with dragons in a land of art.
12:17 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:19 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:21 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:29 - It's Cassie's cave!
12:31 - Oh!
12:33 I'm so glad you're both here!
12:35 Cassie needs you!
12:37 - Needs us? What's wrong?
12:39 - You'll see!
12:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:45 - Excuse us!
12:47 Coming through!
12:49 - Hello, Biz! Good morning, Dandy!
12:51 - Hi, Spudgy!
12:53 - Cassie sure has a big family!
12:55 - Yeah, really big!
12:57 (giggles)
12:59 - Cassie?
13:01 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:03 - Hi, Finn!
13:05 (giggles)
13:07 - Hi, you two!
13:09 - Hi, Emmy! Hi, Max!
13:11 - What's wrong, Cassie?
13:13 Why do you look so sad?
13:15 - And what happened to your bedroom?
13:17 It looks as messy as mine!
13:19 - Mommy and Daddy
13:21 told me something terrible!
13:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:25 - What?
13:27 - I have to move
13:29 to a whole other room in the house.
13:31 - Why? What's wrong with this room?
13:33 - Nothing.
13:35 - It's perfect!
13:37 It's just my big family
13:39 keeps getting bigger!
13:41 - Babies!
13:43 - That's right, Finn.
13:45 Mom and Dad need this room
13:47 for the new babies who are about to hatch.
13:49 Since I'm a big girl now,
13:51 I don't need to be so close
13:53 to Mommy and Daddy's room anymore.
13:55 I know it's important
13:57 for the new babies to be in here,
13:59 but I'm so sad
14:01 about leaving this room
14:03 that I don't know what to do.
14:05 Can you help me?
14:07 - Of course I'll help, Cassie.
14:09 We'll all help.
14:11 - Won't we? - Sure!
14:13 - You can count on us, Cassie!
14:15 - Thank you.
14:17 ♪ ♪ ♪
14:19 - I'll help!
14:21 - But what if my new room
14:23 isn't as nice as this one?
14:25 - Well, what is your new room like?
14:27 - Uh...
14:29 I don't know.
14:31 We haven't looked at it yet.
14:33 - Then I think the first thing we should do
14:35 is go and check it out.
14:37 You might even think it's nicer than this one.
14:39 - Well...
14:41 All right.
14:43 - Come on, Finn!
14:45 - Ah!
14:47 ♪ ♪ ♪
14:49 - Whoa, Cassie!
14:51 Your new room is so...
14:53 dark!
14:55 - Ah!
14:57 And it's so empty.
14:59 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:01 - Why are we whispering?
15:03 - (Rire)
15:05 I don't know.
15:07 - Want to explore your new room, Cassie?
15:09 That's okay, Ami.
15:11 Why don't you explore,
15:13 and I'll watch?
15:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:17 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:19 Ooh! It has pretty curtains!
15:21 - And it's still dark!
15:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:25 - That's better!
15:27 - A lot better!
15:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:31 - Ooh!
15:33 - Look, Cassie! Your own flower box!
15:35 - A flower!
15:37 (Rire)
15:39 - Cool! Purple!
15:41 And look! Unicorns!
15:43 - It's nice,
15:45 I guess.
15:47 Just not as nice as being in my old room.
15:49 - Why not?
15:51 - It seems so empty.
15:53 And...
15:55 I don't know.
15:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
15:59 - Maybe you're just not used to it yet.
16:01 - Or it's right.
16:03 That's how Max and I felt about our new house
16:05 when we first moved in.
16:07 - Really? - Uh-huh.
16:09 (clics)
16:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
16:13 - But once we got our things set up,
16:15 we felt better. - What do you mean?
16:17 - Well, our old toys
16:19 and all our other stuff made us feel more at home
16:21 in our new house.
16:23 - And all the cool new things in our new house?
16:25 We forgot all about how strange it felt.
16:27 - Like when we learned how to visit Dragon Land.
16:29 - It's just like my new shoes.
16:31 At first,
16:33 they were a little uncomfortable.
16:35 It took a little while to get used to them.
16:37 - Hmm.
16:39 Maybe that's why I feel so good in my old room.
16:41 I'm used to it,
16:43 and it has all of my favorite things in it.
16:45 - Like what?
16:47 - My stuffed animals,
16:49 my favorite blanket.
16:51 Je sais comment le rétablir !
16:53 Allez, tout le monde !
16:54 [musique]
17:19 Hey !
17:20 [musique]
17:25 Hum !
17:26 [musique]
17:51 [rires]
17:59 [musique]
18:10 [musique]
18:31 [musique]
19:00 [musique]
19:13 [musique]
19:42 Allez, les gars !
19:43 Mettons ces livres dans la salle secrète !
19:45 J'ai décidé que ce serait mon endroit spécial
19:48 où j'écris à mes petits frères et soeurs !
19:50 Ouais !
19:52 [rires]
19:53 Allez, Finn !
19:55 Tu veux m'aider ?
19:56 C'est parti !
19:58 [musique]
20:00 Attention à ton tête !
20:01 [musique]
20:05 Hum !
20:06 Oh !
20:07 Désolé !
20:08 [musique]
20:09 Ça va, Lloyd !
20:10 [musique]
20:13 C'est celui qui est le préféré de Finn et de Kiki !
20:16 Ouais !
20:17 Et comme le petit Red Riding Hood a sauté dans le forest...
20:21 Oh oh !
20:22 Je suppose que c'est sombre dans le forest !
20:25 Et comme le petit Red Riding Hood a sauté dans le forest brillant et soleil...
20:30 Grand-mères !
20:31 C'est ça, Finn !
20:33 Le petit Red Riding Hood a sauté dans la maison de sa grand-mère !
20:37 Oh, j'adore aller à la maison de ma grand-mère !
20:40 Elle fait le plus délicieux poudin de dragonberry !
20:43 [rires]
20:44 Ord, tu veux pas que Cassie termine de raconter la histoire ?
20:48 Oh !
20:50 C'est vrai !
20:51 Et comme le petit Red Riding Hood a sauté dans le forest brillant et soleil...
20:57 en pensant à son poudin de dragonberry délicieux de sa grand-mère...
21:00 Elle a tout d'un coup...
21:02 Un pont vert !
21:03 [rires]
21:04 Quoi ?
21:05 Eh bien, pour aller à la maison de ma grand-mère...
21:08 il faut traverser une très longue brèche qui passe par un énorme pont vert !
21:13 Et il y a des rochers pour les monter, et des poissons amicables partout, et...
21:18 Oh ! Je m'interromps encore, n'est-ce pas ?
21:24 Ord, peut-être qu'il serait mieux si tu as assis ici avec Finn et Kiki...
21:29 et t'as dit à eux d'aller à la maison de ta grand-mère !
21:32 Ils ont entendu le petit Red Riding Hood des centaines de fois !
21:35 Vraiment ?
21:37 Oh, merci !
21:41 J'aimerais, j'aimerais utiliser cette ligne pour aller à la maison...
21:49 Jusqu'à la prochaine fois !
21:52 [musique]
21:55 [musique]
22:21 [musique]
22:24 [musique]
22:25 [musique]
22:31 [musique]
22:36 *musique*
