Area 51 All Bosses (PC, PS2) HD 1080p

  • 4 months ago
00:00 [Distant growling]
00:04 [Growling continues]
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00:48 [Growling continues]
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01:50 [Growling]
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02:54 [Growling]
03:10 [Music]
03:19 The end game begins, Ethan Cole.
03:24 Feast your eyes on this menagerie of decay and corruption.
03:29 My people were sacrificed to birth this unholy virus.
03:34 Abused and diseased, they died in agony.
03:39 The elites have labored for years to make me the grand experiment that feeds their weapon.
03:46 I am the bringer of death.
03:49 This mechanical prison before you serves one purpose.
03:54 To extract the virus from within me.
03:58 Used to corrupt your kind and mine.
04:01 It is a potent weapon indeed.
04:05 In me runs the disease and the cure.
04:11 To restore your humanity, you must inject my blood.
04:16 In time, my DNA will combine with yours.
04:20 Cleansing you of the virus.
04:23 Dr. Kray thought releasing the virus would stop the elites and their unholy pact with my kind.
04:31 You must seek out the departing vessel and destroy it.
04:35 If it escapes with its deadly cargo, your world will perish.
04:48 Ethan Cole, you must now play your part.
04:52 Go now.
04:54 Leave this hell and save your world.
04:57 But know my blood binds you to me. Forever.
05:10 World annihilation. Is that what we deserve?
05:14 I don't think so.
05:16 It's my turn now.
05:18 To finish the deal.
05:20 I have a message they won't forget.
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