• il y a 5 mois


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:26 - Ah! C'était une superbe fête de rue!
00:29 - Et énorme!
00:31 - Oui, le quartier entier est venu pour la fête!
00:34 - Oh! C'était tellement amusant!
00:37 - Et tu as pris de bonnes photos aussi, Annabelle!
00:40 Je vais montrer au Club d'expédition mondial
00:43 la plus grande fête qu'ils aient jamais vue!
00:46 - Qui est-ce?
00:48 - Mon ami Claude, du Caribé!
00:50 - Et il nous invite à une fête encore plus grande!
00:53 - Wow! Il dit qu'il a hâte de la fêtere!
00:56 - Pas du tout!
00:58 - Même moi, je peux pas fêter autant de temps!
01:00 - Moi non plus!
01:01 - Quelle sorte de fête se passe pendant des jours?
01:04 - Je ne sais pas, mais je veux bien savoir!
01:07 - Moi aussi! Qui veut aller à une autre fête?
01:10 - Oui!
01:11 - C'est l'heure de l'expédition!
01:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:14 ♪ Let's go! Hey Team Jokie! ♪
01:16 ♪ Everybody get ready ♪
01:18 ♪ Now it's time to go! Let's go! ♪
01:21 ♪ We're Team Jokie, we've got a question ♪
01:24 ♪ Something we need to know ♪
01:27 ♪ Caribbean Islands, here we come! ♪
01:30 ♪ Hey Team Jokie, everybody get ready ♪
01:32 ♪ Now it's time to go ♪
01:35 ♪ There's something we need to know ♪
01:38 ♪ It's expedition time! ♪
01:39 ♪ Let's go! ♪
01:41 [rires]
01:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:48 - There's the Caribbean Islands?
01:49 - There's the Caribbean Islands!
01:50 - I mean, there's the Caribbean Islands!
01:53 - The Caribbean is actually made up
01:55 of more than a thousand islands,
01:57 some big, some small,
01:59 divided in many different countries.
02:01 Speaking of big, get a load of that parking lot!
02:04 With a party going on, I'm surprised
02:06 there's any space left to park the plane.
02:08 - Oh, hold on, everyone!
02:10 [plane engine roaring]
02:13 [all exclaiming]
02:16 [all exclaiming]
02:19 [all exclaiming]
02:21 [all exclaiming]
02:24 - So, where's the party?
02:26 ♪ ♪
02:29 - I'll bet they know!
02:31 ♪ ♪
02:34 - Whoa! - Oh, yeah!
02:36 ♪ ♪
02:40 - What kind of party is this?
02:42 - The best one in the world!
02:44 - Welcome to the Caribbean, Team Jokie.
02:46 Come on, I can't wait to show you our mask camp.
02:49 - Your what here?
02:51 - Mask camp. It's short for masquerade.
02:53 It's where we get our costumes ready.
02:55 - Costumes? Are we going to a costume party?
02:58 - Yes, one that happens every year.
03:01 We call it Carnival! - Carnival?
03:04 - It's a big party to celebrate life,
03:06 and the highlight is the Carnival Parade,
03:08 with music and costumed dancers.
03:10 The parade lasts for two days,
03:12 but the party lasts for much longer.
03:15 - We can't stay that long,
03:17 but we'd love to see the parade.
03:19 - Yeah! - I love a parade!
03:21 - Me too! - Me too!
03:23 - This is mask camp, where we make our costumes
03:26 and decorate our music truck.
03:28 And now that the other mask bands are busy getting ready too,
03:31 I can show you my super secret costume.
03:33 Ta-da! - Wow!
03:35 - You look like a bird!
03:37 - I'm king of the birds. We're all dressing as birds.
03:40 But I'm leading our band, so I'm called the king.
03:43 That's why my costume is bigger and brighter than the others.
03:46 - Wow! You look great, Your Highness,
03:49 especially your wings!
03:51 - Yeah, I wonder if I can rig this
03:54 so you can really fly.
03:56 - I've never seen a costume do that before.
03:58 Want to try it on? - Sure.
04:00 I want to see how it's made.
04:02 - Mm! Hmm!
04:09 - It's kind of heavy,
04:11 but it's pretty easy to move in.
04:13 - It has to be.
04:15 - When the parade starts, we dance the whole way.
04:18 - It's really well made, and it's, uh...
04:21 - Mm! Mm! Mm!
04:23 - (gasps) It's stuck!
04:25 I can't get out.
04:27 - Here, let me try.
04:29 - Mm! Mm!
04:31 - Don't worry, Otto! We'll pull you out!
04:33 On the count of three!
04:35 One, two, three!
04:38 (all cheering)
04:40 - The parade will start soon, and I don't have another costume!
04:43 - Let me down!
04:45 - I know!
04:47 Remember when Fico got his hand stuck in the cookie jar?
04:50 - Huh? - You promised you wouldn't bring that up anymore.
04:53 - He put butter on his hand, and it slid right out.
04:56 - Hmm!
04:58 - So maybe something slippery will slide Otto right out of the costume!
05:02 - What about sunscreen? We have lots.
05:04 - Oh! Back at the plane.
05:07 - Good idea! Mundi and I will go and get it
05:10 while you guys keep trying to get the costume off.
05:13 - Ah!
05:17 - Whoa! What happened?
05:21 - It looks like the plane is sinking into the parking lot!
05:24 Quick! Let's hook the plane and try to pull it out!
05:27 Whoops!
05:29 - Oh!
05:31 - The parking lot ate the hook!
05:33 What's going on?
05:35 Ew! This stuff looks...
05:38 and smells just like what roads are made of!
05:41 - Doki, this isn't a parking lot.
05:46 It's called Pitch Lake, a lake of sticky asphalt!
05:50 - Careful! If you stand on it too long, you'll start to sink!
05:54 - Then we'd better figure out how to rescue the plane!
05:57 And fast!
05:59 - Ah! Ah! Ah!
06:02 - It's OK, Otto. We'll get you out!
06:05 - But please stop flapping!
06:08 You'll flap all your feathers off!
06:10 - Ah!
06:12 - Fico, what are you doing?
06:18 - Trying to scare Otto out of his costume.
06:21 I figured this dented old pot wasn't good for anything else.
06:25 - What dented pot? It better not be one of mine.
06:28 - It isn't! It's not even a pot.
06:31 It's a pan. A steel pan!
06:33 - Is that what the bands were playing earlier?
06:36 - Yep. They're made out of old oil drums.
06:38 We dent the metal so that different spots play different notes.
06:42 - Neat!
06:48 - It's the perfect instrument for calypso music.
06:50 The sound of carnival!
06:52 - Ooh! Can we hear some?
06:54 - Oh, you'll hear lots at the parade.
06:56 - We're just starting any minute!
06:58 Then we've got to get this thing off!
07:00 I can't be a carnival king!
07:02 - You might have to be.
07:04 That costume is really stuck, and someone has to lead our mass band.
07:07 - You mean you want me to dance in front of a zillion people?
07:11 No way! - Why not?
07:13 Carnival isn't about being the best dancer.
07:16 It's about celebrating life, having a great time with friends and family.
07:20 - That does sound kind of fun.
07:23 Do you really think I can do it?
07:25 - We know you can!
07:27 All you need is a little help with your dance moves.
07:30 - I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.
07:32 - That's the spirit! Hit it, Fico!
07:35 - OK, Mundy, the ramp's ready!
07:50 - Stand back!
07:52 - A little more! Give it all she's got!
07:58 (Bruit de moteur)
08:00 - You did it! Way to go, Mundy!
08:03 OK, you can stop now. Mundy?
08:08 - I can't! The brakes are full of asphalt!
08:11 (Grognement)
08:13 - That's it! - Good!
08:15 The point of Limbo is to dance under the stick without touching it.
08:19 - My turn!
08:21 - Oh, no! The costume!
08:27 - Otto, you're free!
08:29 - I am? Oh, right, I am.
08:32 - Aren't you happy? - Yeah.
08:34 But I was kind of getting excited about being in the parade.
08:37 - Look out! Run away, plane!
08:40 - Mundy, pull the emergency brake!
08:44 (Scream)
08:46 - Ah!
08:50 - The plane looks like a giant bird!
08:52 - That gives me a great idea!
08:55 - Is everyone ready to play mass?
08:57 - You bet!
08:59 - You got it!
09:02 - Then let's roll!
09:04 - What a party!
09:11 - Totally worth it, even if it takes all week
09:14 to scrub the sticky asphalt off the plane.
09:17 It was nice of Claude to send us video of the parade.
09:20 Now we can show all our friends in the Worldwide Expedition Club.
09:24 - And speaking of sharing with friends...
09:26 - You made expedition stickers!
09:29 - Nice job, Annabella!
09:31 - And here's yours, Otto!
09:34 - Thanks, Anna! Hey!
09:36 - Looks like the plane isn't the only thing that got sticky!
09:40 (Giggling)
09:42 *musique*
