Doctor Dolittle Doctor Dolittle E001 The Grasshoppers Are Coming, Hooray, Hooray!

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:02 [musique]
00:04 [musique]
00:06 [musique]
00:08 Pirates!
00:09 Pirates!
00:11 Pirates?
00:13 What a nuisance!
00:14 From what direction?
00:15 From the north!
00:16 From the south!
00:17 Coming about!
00:19 Nowhere! Push me, Pouyou!
00:22 From the east!
00:23 From the west!
00:24 Will you two make up your minds?
00:27 Where are they coming from?
00:28 From everywhere!
00:29 All hands on deck!
00:31 Tommy Stubbins!
00:32 Dab dab!
00:33 Chi chi!
00:34 Tootoo!
00:35 Man the poop deck!
00:37 What's a poop deck?
00:38 How should I know, Dab Dab?
00:40 I'm a doctor, not a sailor!
00:42 Look for it!
00:43 We're surrounded!
00:52 We're surrounded!
00:53 [musique]
00:58 [roar]
01:00 I love to talk to the animals!
01:03 It's incredible!
01:05 Chatting with a chimp in chimpanzee!
01:07 To sit and natter with a tiger!
01:09 Chatter with a cheetah!
01:11 That's a neat achievement, you'll agree!
01:13 If I could talk to the animals,
01:15 learn their languages,
01:17 I would be the greatest man on earth!
01:19 If I could only find a teacher,
01:21 I would reach each creepy creature,
01:23 and think what Scurvy's empire would be worth!
01:25 I can converse in polar bear and python!
01:28 Yeah, he can curse in fluent kangaroo!
01:31 If people ask me,
01:33 "Can you speak rhinoceros?"
01:35 I say, "Of course-erous!"
01:37 And do!
01:38 If I controlled our four-legged friends,
01:40 and all the universe,
01:42 what a wicked place the world would be!
01:44 Until then, only Doolittle talks with the animals!
01:48 He grunts, and he squeaks, and he squawks with those animals!
01:51 And they can talk to me!
02:02 Pirates! Pirates!
02:04 All right, I heard you, I heard you!
02:07 Here, Tommy, take the wheel.
02:08 Aye, aye, sir.
02:10 Mmm, what a dandy, dandy, dandy whistle!
02:18 Oh, thank you!
02:20 Those pirates, I do believe they intended to us harm.
02:23 Would you be so kind as to discourage them?
02:25 Why, sure, Doc!
02:27 Hope they don't mind me getting, ahem, a little nosy!
02:30 And away we go!
02:33 (vrombissement du moteur)
03:02 Good show! Thank you, sir!
03:05 Any time, Doc!
03:06 And away we go!
03:08 He is a bit of a cut-up!
03:10 May 21st, before the good ship Flounder.
03:13 It's been a stormy day indeed.
03:15 But by now, most of us have our sea legs.
03:17 Very helpful thing on a night such as this.
03:20 Dab-dab, is dinner ready?
03:22 Coming right up, Doctor!
03:24 (musique de la marseillaise)
03:27 Oh, boy!
03:34 Chi-chi, please!
03:36 We shall wait till everyone is served.
03:38 All right, begin!
03:40 You may serve dessert, dab-dab.
03:48 (vrombissement du moteur)
03:51 (toc-toc-toc!)
04:04 And now the members of the Democratic Order of Pirates International,
04:07 better known as DOPI or DOPI, will come to order.
04:12 Answer up as your name is called. Cyclops!
04:15 - Zit-zit! - Oui, mon chief!
04:17 - Noco and Nico! - I'm here, sir!
04:19 - Oh, a present! - OK.
04:21 Now, here is the way I see it.
04:23 Pragmatically speaking, we are all aware that too little can converse with the animals, right?
04:28 - Right! - Right!
04:29 - Ah, scurvy! What does converse mean? - Speak!
04:32 I just did. I said, "What does converse mean?"
04:35 - Talk, Cyclops, talk! - I am talking!
04:38 And you will stop talking!
04:41 Now, as I was saying, that Dr. Dolittle speaks to the animals, and we can't, right?
04:48 - Right! - Right!
04:49 Who wants to speak to animals? We want to!
04:53 Don't you bubble brains understand?
04:55 If we can gain control of the animals, we can rule the world!
04:59 Now hear this. This is your speaker speaking.
05:03 A whale is approaching Dr. Dolittle's boat.
05:06 A whale? All right, everybody, battle stations!
05:09 [musique]
05:15 Quick, energize the electronic circuit, thus radiating the sonic blips and blops,
05:20 so as to create a video image on the orthicon imagizer.
05:23 Now what does he mean?
05:25 Image turned on the radar, dummy!
05:28 [whale sounds]
05:30 You see that?
05:31 I'll wager he's about to converse with that whale.
05:34 Observe. Now, if we had all the whales on our side,
05:38 the whole ocean and all the ships at sea would be at our waist.
05:41 Magnifique!
05:42 Oh, he corrects good! Very smart, Bella!
05:46 Now, you see why we have to capture Dr. Dolittle?
05:49 Yeah, so we could converse with the animals too!
05:52 Right! Hey, he comprehends! Cyclops, turn off the radar!
05:56 [musique]
05:58 Nico, up scope!
06:00 [musique]
06:04 Down scope! Down scope!
06:07 [musique]
06:10 You are real winners! With foes like you, Dolittle must be downright delighted!
06:15 Okay, we gotta find out what Dolittle and that whale are up to.
06:19 Send out the sneaky snorkel!
06:21 [musique]
06:37 Good morning, Melby! How's the water?
06:40 Zit-zap, turn on a recorder! I wanna tape Dolittle's conversation with the whale!
06:45 [musique]
07:12 [inaudible]
07:15 Why, of course! Send him right up!
07:17 [inaudible]
07:20 Yes, yes, George! Welcome aboard!
07:22 You see, Dolittle understands!
07:25 If there's anything I can't understand, it's Dolittle understanding while I can't understand!
07:30 Understand?
07:31 Yeah, I don't even understand scurvy!
07:34 [musique]
07:38 Well, you seem to be somewhat better, George. Now, tell me what you can!
07:41 Yeah, Doc! Well, I'm here to get help for us all!
07:44 All the grasshoppers on Grasshopper Island! Something weird has happened!
07:48 What?
07:49 Out of it, man! Not rapping, not working, not eating, nothing!
07:53 My word! Very interesting!
07:55 Like even my rock group started losing their voices! Can't sing a note!
07:59 Oh! So you're a musician!
08:01 You got it, man! Like we were playing this rock concert, see?
08:05 The audience was digging our sound! And then, our lead singer, suddenly like she can't sing!
08:11 Then the other cats in the group!
08:13 You mean you have cats?
08:15 No, man! We're musician-type cats! Dig?
08:19 [musique]
08:22 This is your speaker speaking! All pirates report to the classroom!
08:26 Oh, boy! I get the crazy race!
08:28 No, no, it is my turn!
08:29 You did it last time!
08:30 I get the crazy race!
08:31 [inaudible]
08:33 All right, all right! Put those erasers down! And sit down!
08:37 [laughter]
08:39 Now then, stand and face the banner!
08:45 On my honor, as a member of the Democratic Order of Pirates International,
08:53 I promise to be greedy, tricky, mean, and nicky
08:58 in the pursuit of control over the animal kingdom
09:02 through its head and benefactor, Dr. Dolittle!
09:06 D-O-P-I!
09:08 Dopey! Yay!
09:11 We were going to address ourselves to controlling the animals for the purpose of ruling the world.
09:17 Let me elucidate.
09:18 Witness!
09:19 The elephant, strong!
09:21 The lion, ferocious!
09:24 The shark, evil!
09:26 The fox, smart!
09:28 Now, if we could talk to them like Dolittle, get them to do our bidding, we'd own the world!
09:34 That's why we must grab Dolittle. Get the whole picture?
09:38 No! Only half!
09:40 How come only half?
09:42 I only got one eye!
09:44 This is my bad eye! This is my good eye!
09:47 Boy, does that fool me!
09:49 [laughter]
09:51 Silence!
09:55 You will all remain after school!
09:58 So like soon, everybody's losing their voices!
10:03 My, my!
10:04 So like I volunteered to go for help, and here I am!
10:07 Well, most serious indeed!
10:10 We shall take immediate steps.
10:12 All hands on deck! Make sail for Grasshopper Island!
10:22 She's getting away! After them!
10:25 The flounder is setting sail!
10:27 Relax, Zit-Zat! Leave us not be too precipitous in our haste to circumambulate the dock!
10:32 What does that mean?
10:34 It means take it easy!
10:36 Dr. Dolittle, look! Land!
10:41 I think you're right, my George!
10:44 George here? Did you call me, Doc?
10:46 Oh, sorry. No, it's just an expression I use.
10:49 Doctor, there are animals on that island!
10:52 It looks like they're calling for help!
10:55 Oh, help! Yes, help also!
10:58 He is falling for my trap!
11:03 Doctor, something's fishy around that island!
11:07 Of course! There are fish around every island!
11:09 I don't mean that kind of fish!
11:11 I smell something rotten and dangerous!
11:15 Don't go, I warn you!
11:16 Tootoo, I want you to use those marvelous owl eyes of yours!
11:20 What kind of animals are they?
11:22 Those are pirate animals!
11:24 Pirate animals?
11:25 Those are only animal skins! Underneath are people! Pirates!
11:30 Pirates?
11:31 Turn the boat around!
11:33 All hands, stand by to come about!
11:36 Hard alee! All in the maze!
11:42 That's it, chap! Now, steady as she goes!
11:46 They're gaining on us! More sail! More sail!
11:49 It's all we've got, sir!
11:51 I'll call the swallows!
11:53 Swallows, help!
11:57 Look at him, calling for swallows! That's a laugh!
12:01 You said it, boss! That's a laugh! His last laugh, right?
12:05 Stop laughing!
12:10 Look at that! Thousands of swallows!
12:13 What are they doing with the string?
12:15 Those swallows are pulling that boat!
12:19 They are getting away from us!
12:21 Pull harder! We're losing them!
12:24 They are getting away!
12:27 Oh, no, they're not! Quick, get into our planes!
12:32 [MUSIQUE]
12:35 Ennemies planes! Ennemies planes!
12:50 Hurry, everyone! Down below! Move along! Move along!
12:53 Prepare to make a net! Follow me, men!
12:58 [MUSIQUE]
13:01 Hey!
13:08 Good show, swallows! Thank you!
13:17 Okay, doc! If you ever need us, call us a capistrano!
13:21 We finally came to Grasshopper Island.
13:25 Docteur Doolittle, Jip, Georgie Grasshopper and I went ashore,
13:28 leaving the others on board to guard the ship.
13:31 It certainly is quiet.
13:35 Man, like that's been the scene ever since the hopper stopped talking.
13:38 Which way?
13:45 Man, like, like I just don't remember.
13:48 If you'll all be quiet, I'll be able to hear where they are.
13:52 All right, Jip. He has the keenest hearing in the world.
13:56 Quiet, everyone!
13:58 I hear them. I can hear their breathing. Listen!
14:02 Well, I can't hear a thing.
14:05 Well, I can. And it's definitely grasshopper breathing. It's very faint, though.
14:10 We'd better hurry. Lead the way, Jip.
14:13 (musique douce)
14:16 (bruit de jet)
14:19 (bruit de jet)
14:23 (coup de feu)
14:26 (musique joyeuse)
14:34 All right, stick out your tongue and say "ah".
14:39 Ah!
14:40 Ah! Just as I thought. Have you been nibbling on some of this?
14:44 Oh, a nip now and then, Doc, but you know that's our bag. We are grasshoppers, man.
14:49 These plants have been sprayed with GHT, grasshopper toxin.
14:53 Fortunately, we have arrived in time and I have the proper antidote with me.
14:57 All right, everyone, queue up! Come and get it!
15:00 (bruit de jet)
15:08 (bruit de jet)
15:10 (bruit de jet)
15:13 (bruit de jet)
15:17 (bruit de jet)
15:22 Hey! Groovy, Doc! Like you did your thing, now we'll do ours.
15:26 Okay, group, let's hear it!
15:29 Oh, clickety-clickety-click, oh, clackety-clickety-click,
15:34 we're riding back on the track, clickety-clickety-click,
15:37 and we're feeling muddy, feeling muddy, feeling muddy good again.
15:43 Oh, clickety-clickety-click, oh, clackety-clickety-click,
15:46 we've found our way back, clickety-clickety-click,
15:49 and never will we have that crazy, tooty-fruity mood again.
15:55 No joking, no jolly, it's great to be alive, clickety-clickety-click,
16:01 and to know that every day will turn out fine, turn out fine.
16:08 Oh, clickety-clickety-click, you see we're right back on the track,
16:14 and we're headed for a free, free, happy time.
16:20 [Musique]
16:48 [Applaudissements]
16:51 [Musique]
17:19 [Musique]
17:48 [Cris]
17:50 [Musique]
18:01 [Musique]
18:16 [Musique]
18:43 [Musique]
19:11 [Musique]
19:16 [Musique]
19:29 [Musique]
19:42 [Musique]
