00:00 You got an extra hour of sleep, the body is happy, very happy.
00:03 Had you actually woken up at 5 am,
00:06 the face would have been a bit swollen and the eyes would have been a bit red.
00:10 And people would have asked you, "Oh, are you short of sleep?"
00:13 It shows on the face, right?
00:14 So the body would have felt bad, had you woken up in time.
00:18 But the consciousness would have felt great.
00:20 And that would have shown up on your mark sheet.
00:24 So what is good for the body but bad for consciousness is not acceptable.
00:28 Fear is that.
00:30 Fear is something that is good for your physical survival.
00:33 Fear is an evolutionary tool.
00:35 Helps you live a longer life.
00:38 But it is not good for your consciousness.
00:40 What's the point in living a long life if life is full of fear?
00:45 Please tell me.