• 11 hours ago
Full video : Life is uncertain, unpredictable. How do I remain at peace? || Acharya Prashant, with IRMA (2023)
00:00You made something or somebody a part of your life, your existence, your identity and that person walked away, it hurts, does it not?
00:08And that's a situation common to all human beings.
00:11We all want good things to last, don't we?
00:15Once you get something that you like, love, desire, whatever, you want it to stay.
00:21And you want it to stay not only in this lifetime, you also say if there are other lifetimes,
00:26I want it to be with me even then, even there.
00:30There have been cases, rich people have tried to somehow seek an assured place in a luxurious heaven.
00:39They will enter after death and they have said we are prepared to pay the price.
00:43You tell me how much donation do I need to make and to which temple, which Baba, which ashram and I'll happily donate.
00:49And Babas have been making Meri and money.
00:53That's the urge to have security.
00:57Why can't we give the mind what it wants?
01:00It wants security, it wants something that does not change.
01:03Can't there be something in life that truly does not change?
