Investasi Kendaraan Listrik di RI Terus Meningkat

  • 4 months ago
Indonesia akan memiliki pabrik sepeda motor listrik terbesar di Asia Tenggara, dan hal ini usai adanya kepastian investasi pembangunan pabrik kendaraan listrik asal China, dengan investasi mencapai USD150 juta. Perusahaan kendaraan listrik asal China, Yadea memastikan, akan menyelesaikan pabrik motor listrik terbesar di Asia Tenggara pada 2026.


00:00Indonesia will have the largest electric motorbike factory in Southeast Asia.
00:05This is due to the investment of China's electric vehicle factory,
00:09with an investment of US$150 million.
00:13China's electric vehicle company, Yadea, will finish the largest electric motorbike factory in Southeast Asia in 2026,
00:21where this year it will build an electric motorbike factory with an investment of US$150 million.
00:29The electric motorbike factory will produce 3 million electric motorbikes with domestic market target and export to neighboring countries.
00:37This step is expected to strengthen Indonesia as an automotive center by promoting environmentally friendly vehicles.
00:43Indonesia's General Chair of the Indonesian Electric Motor Industry Association, or AISMOLI Budi Setiadi, said
00:49this will have a major impact on Indonesia.
00:53One of them can strengthen Indonesia's position as a market leader in electric vehicles.
01:00This month, there are 3 electric motorbike factories that are groundbreaking.
01:05And these 3 factories, in my opinion, with the amount of land used for the factory,
01:10yesterday, two weeks ago, I was in Semarang, in the Pacific, for electric motorbikes.
01:15After that, in Kendal, there is Sunra, also for electric motorbikes.
01:19That's 10 hectares. And now, in Krawang, it's quite big again.
01:22So, in the future, I also communicated with 4 members of my association,
01:29to see that Indonesia will be better for electric motorbikes.
01:31And we hope, because the government is also very, very, maybe very prioritized,
01:38where there was the birth of the 55th press conference in 2019,
01:42the 7th press conference in 2022,
01:44where the 7th press conference, which I hope,
01:47because there was also the Menko Marfest,
01:48the 7th press conference is...
