Panayam kay NSC Asst. Dir. General Jonathan Malaya kaugnay sa suporta ng NSC sa panawagang i-expel ang Chinese Embassy personnel sa likod ng umano’y recording ng "new mode deal" sa Ayungin Shoal

  • 4 months ago
Panayam kay NSC Asst. Dir. General Jonathan Malaya kaugnay sa suporta ng NSC sa panawagang i-expel ang Chinese Embassy personnel sa likod ng umano’y recording ng "new mode deal" sa Ayungin Shoal


00:00 Good afternoon to all of you and good afternoon to my partner, ADG John.
00:05 Good afternoon to you, partner. It's Monday again.
00:08 We're together again in Bagoong, Philippines.
00:10 Are you ready, partner?
00:13 Are you ready? Because I'll follow this up.
00:16 There are many plans.
00:19 Are there many plans?
00:20 There are many, partner.
00:22 And I know you can answer all of these.
00:24 I hope so.
00:25 Yes. Let's start with ADG.
00:28 The National Security Council supports the call to expel
00:33 the Chinese Embassy personnel behind the recording of the New Mode deal in Ayungin Shul.
00:40 Can you give us more details about this?
00:43 Yes.
00:44 This call came from Secretary Chodoro
00:48 when he asked the officials responsible in the Chinese Embassy
00:53 for all of this disinformation, fake news, misinformation, malinformation
00:58 has to be expelled from the Philippines.
01:00 And National Security Advisor Eduardo Año fully supports this initiative
01:05 because the call has already been made in terms of diplomatic practice
01:13 on the part of the responsible officials in the Chinese Embassy.
01:17 Because this New Model deal is a very hot issue.
01:22 They say that the West Commission is the one talking.
01:26 Now, partner, let's think about this.
01:29 Why is the West Commission talking to you?
01:31 It is a low-ranking official in the greater scheme of things.
01:35 Because there are so-called official procedures, official protocols.
01:39 If you are going to talk to a country, you won't be talking to the head of the Western Command.
01:44 You will be talking to the ambassador
01:49 who is the official representative of the Philippine government
01:52 or a cabinet member who is an alter ego of the president.
01:56 Those people who have authority to talk to you.
02:00 And then, the hard part is that they are talking to a low-ranking official.
02:04 And then, they expect that whatever agreement they have,
02:08 whether there is one or not, is binding of the Philippine government.
02:13 So, I think that system is a bit of a trap.
02:16 Our country is fighting against it.
02:20 And this is not just an issue.
02:22 Even the media, the Chinese Embassy also made it clear that it is manipulating
02:27 what is happening in the West Philippine Sea.
02:30 The government is being led by the media.
02:33 So, there is a lot of disinformation, fake news, and misinformation coming from the Chinese Embassy.
02:39 That is why we thought that it is the right time to call for the expulsion of these responsible officials
02:49 because they are violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
02:55 Diplomats should also be aware.
02:57 They are guests in our country.
02:58 They should also be aware of the internal affairs of the country.
03:03 Is the ambassador of China in this country not included in the calls of the Chinese Embassy personnel
03:13 that are being said to be expelled?
03:17 Well, for us, who is responsible for this disinformation and misinformation?
03:22 So, who spread that transcript, which is still a transcript until now,
03:29 and we still don't know if it is true or not?
03:33 Those are the things that we think should be expelled from our country.
03:38 Because if you are a diplomat, first of all, you should follow the laws of the Philippines.
03:43 Second, you are violating the Republic of the Philippines.
03:45 Third, you are not aware of the internal affairs of the country.
03:49 And for that reason, we are supporting the Secretary Gilbert Chonoro's call.
03:55 Alright. Thank you very much, ADG.
03:58 Now, let's talk about another topic.
04:00 There's still more?
04:01 I'm just on my second topic out of many.
04:03 It is possible that there is an island building activity in Escoda or Binashol
04:09 after the PCG saw the crushed corals there.
04:13 What can the NSC say about this?
04:15 Can you consider this as a reclamation attempt?
04:19 Well, we are alarmed by this, partner.
04:22 The National Security Council is alarmed by this.
04:25 When we received the report from the Philippine Coast Guard,
04:29 Secretary Eduardo Año immediately ordered to expose this to the public
04:33 in consonance with our transparency policy.
04:35 That's why we are not hiding what is happening in Binashol.
04:39 And this comes very close to the case 1, 2, and 3, partner.
04:44 Again, it's a crushed coral.
04:46 It's obvious that it's from another place.
04:49 It was placed there, and now we are seeing it in Binashol.
04:53 So we are alarmed by all of this development.
04:56 And that's why the National Task Force West Philippine Sea, led by Secretary Año,
05:00 has already directed a more strict monitoring of all of our features
05:06 and all of the features within the West Philippine Sea,
05:09 within our 200 nautical miles exclusive economic zone.
05:12 Because there is no monitoring there, but us.
05:15 It is our responsibility under international law to monitor and ensure
05:20 that the environment is safe and does not deteriorate,
05:23 and that there are no reclamation activities.
05:27 All right. We really need to monitor that.
05:29 There will be a beach later.
05:31 Correct.
05:32 All right. Still in connection with the West Philippine Sea, ADG,
05:35 Japan and Sweden National have a joint second civilian mission in the West Philippine Sea this week.
05:42 Yes.
05:43 So what is the detail of this?
05:44 Well, partner, our first mission is a civilian mission.
05:50 The government has no involvement.
05:53 Not any one of the government agencies are involved in the planning or organizing of this civilian mission.
06:00 So if they invited foreigners here, they are well within their rights to do so.
06:07 We at the National Security Council have no objections for them to hold this civilian mission
06:15 because the Bajo de Masinlo is a part of our ocean.
06:20 So they are free to do whatever they do here.
06:27 And hopefully, they will be successful in giving assistance
06:33 because the objective of this mission is to help our fishermen in the parting of the West Philippine Sea.
06:42 So they will bring supplies, food, and maybe donations.
06:48 They received donations before.
06:51 That's right, partner.
06:52 So donations, crude goods, food, they will bring to our fishermen,
07:00 particularly those who are in the balance and fishing,
07:03 who are fishing in the part of the West Philippine Sea.
07:06 But now, an ADG of a maritime expert said that China will send a huge force to Umanoy
07:15 to block the Scarborough Shoal from the civilian mission.
07:20 Is there any information about this from the NSC?
07:23 And what will be the steps of the government to prove this?
07:27 Well, partner, the responsibility of the government here is to ensure maritime safety.
07:33 We need to ensure that our fellow countrymen who joined the mission
07:40 and the foreign nationals that they have invited,
07:42 their condition is good during the civilian mission
07:46 because since it entered our West Philippine Sea, our 200 nautical miles inclusive economic zone,
07:53 we have the right and the mandate and responsibility to ensure that they are safe.
07:59 And I understand that our coalition has coordinated with the Philippine Coast Guard.
08:06 And they are talking about having protocols and to be monitored
08:15 because we have a regular patrol in the West Philippine Sea.
08:20 So, I think the Philippine Coast Guard will have an opportunity to join this convoy
08:26 at a certain point in the sea.
08:28 So, our Philippine Coast Guard is there to monitor and ensure the safety of our fellow countrymen in this civilian convoy.
08:36 How many people will participate in this civilian convoy? How many ships?
08:42 Well, I don't have the details, all the details, partner, but I read in the media
08:49 that there are 2 to 5 big fishing vessels that they will take
08:58 and there are also 100 or more small boats that will come from the Sambales that will be with them
09:06 because they have activities to do.
09:09 So, there are also many small boats that will be around there.
09:15 And this huge force, it's scary to say that there is a huge force that is blocking these activities.
09:24 So, what is that? If they see even one ship, and before it was not a huge force,
09:30 it's like they saw only one or two, they will immediately retreat.
09:34 Well, it depends on them.
09:37 It depends on them.
09:38 It depends on them. I'm sure they will coordinate with the Coast Guard on what they need to do.
09:45 Maybe, what we can talk to the People's Republic of China is to make sure that they are aware of the importance of these ships
09:53 because they are civilians.
09:55 They are not in any way connected to the government.
09:58 These are civilians and they are known.
10:01 These are personalities in our country.
10:04 They can check and recheck.
10:06 They know that these are civilian vessels that will go to the Bajo Dam Masinlok.
10:13 So, I don't think it will be good for them if there is an incident.
10:21 I hope so because these are people who only mean well.
10:25 They've been wanting to help.
10:26 That's right.
10:27 They want to volunteer.
10:28 Yes.
10:29 They just want to give supplies.
10:30 So, I hope that this mission will be successful.
10:33 Let's pray for that.
10:35 Yes, partner.
10:36 Yes.
10:37 And to our fellow countrymen, let's pray for the success of this mission.
10:41 This is a civilian mission and I hope that China will acknowledge the nature of this civilian mission.
10:51 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
10:57 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:00 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:02 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:04 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:06 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:08 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:10 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:12 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:14 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:16 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:18 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:20 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:22 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:24 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:26 I hope that they won't do whatever they are planning.
11:28 The Supreme Court said that the Regional Trial Court
11:32 immediately dismissed the case
11:34 and the Supreme Court demanded that the case be returned to the RTC
11:48 and to begin summary hearings.
11:50 In the course of the discussion, the Supreme Court said that red tagging is like this.
11:55 But let me just clarify, partner.
11:57 The Supreme Court decision never mentioned NTFL CAC as responsible for red tagging.
12:03 Nothing was mentioned there.
12:05 In fact, the NTFL CAC is not a party to the case.
12:09 It was not implicated in that case itself.
12:13 So how did the NTFL CAC get involved in this decision?
12:20 If you read the 39-page decision of the Supreme Court,
12:23 never did it say that the NTFL CAC is a red tagger.
12:26 These are the only groups that got involved in the Supreme Court's decision.
12:31 It was not mentioned in the NTFL CAC.
12:35 The National Task Force to End Local Armed Conflicts had no involvement whatsoever in this decision.
12:42 And never did the Supreme Court link or relate red tagging to NTFL CAC.
12:50 So, that's clear.
12:53 These are the only groups that are trying to force the NTFL CAC to be included in the red tagging.
13:00 Alright.
13:01 Speaking of these groups, what can the NSC say about the calls of the groups that you are saying that the NTFL CAC was dismissed?
13:11 Well, they want to dismiss the NTFL CAC because the Supreme Court said that
13:17 the NTFL CAC has nothing to do with the cases or the decision.
13:22 Secondly, they are imagining things.
13:26 They think that the President will abolish the NTFL CAC.
13:30 Because, first of all, we know that during the last NTFL CAC meeting in Malacanan,
13:35 the President said that he is happy with the accomplishments of the NTFL CAC.
13:42 Secondly, the amnesty program is being implemented by the NTFL CAC
13:48 so that those who are coming down from the mountains can receive amnesty and assistance from the government.
13:53 Thirdly, the President also said that he will help to add funds for all the barangay development program activities and barangays this year.
14:04 So, there is no… Is that… I'll just ask, partner.
14:08 Is that the action of a President who plans to abolish the NTFL CAC?
14:14 In fact, the President is the head of the NTFL CAC.
14:17 Yes.
14:18 Yes. So, I don't think that will happen very soon, whatever their calls are.
14:23 Secondly, these calls are really unfounded and uncalled for
14:30 because we are already at the point where we are about to finish the NPA.
14:35 Nine guerrilla fronts are left, all of them are on the weekend,
14:39 only 1,000 armed men are left, we will finish it.
14:43 So, these calls to abolish the NTFL CAC,
14:48 it is very obvious that they don't want the government to succeed.
14:52 They want the NPA to continue, they want our barangays to be in chaos.
14:58 And why is that? Why are they anti-peace? Why are they anti-development?
15:02 Let's ask them why they want the New People's Army to continue in our country.
15:07 Alright. Thank you very much, ADG John.
15:11 But before you leave, I have a question.
15:15 There is another question from Tuesday New of DZBB.
15:20 What will you do now that you saw an attempt to reclamation,
15:24 to the Escoda Shoal?
15:28 Well, Tuesday, maybe what we will do is,
15:32 well, it is very clear that the directive of Secretary Eduardo Año
15:36 is to look at our monitoring and surveillance of all of our features,
15:41 particularly our occupiers.
15:43 Second, the case 1, 2, and 3, and thirdly, the Sabina Shoal.
15:50 The mandate of our country under the 2016 Arbitral Ruling is clear,
15:55 to ensure that there are no reclamation attempts there.
15:58 So we will do what is necessary to stop whatever is happening there.
16:04 We will intensify surveillance in those areas and deploy more assets for maritime patrol.
16:10 What if we are the only ones who will reclaim?
16:14 Well, you know, partner.
16:16 You will be the first, right?
16:17 If there is a country that has the right to reclaim or to put artificial islands,
16:22 that is the Philippines.
16:24 So if you want to be the first partner, we will follow you.
16:28 Alright, thank you very much for your updates, ADG John.
