Punto de Vista | Prof. Contreras: Mga tumayong testigo sa senate hearing ng 'PDEA leaks', dapat may kredibilidad

  • 4 months ago
Punto de Vista | Prof. Contreras: Mga tumayong testigo sa senate hearing ng 'PDEA leaks', dapat may kredibilidad
00:00 We will now return to Professor Antonio Contreras to explain his point of view on the Fidelics and the Senate's investigation here.
00:09 Professor.
00:10 Thank you very much, Diane.
00:13 I'm sorry if we had a technical glitch earlier.
00:16 I repeat, we will now have a discussion on the current investigation
00:26 on the Fidelics led by Senator Bato de la Rosa in the Senate.
00:32 What is the purpose of this?
00:34 Because all investigations in the Senate aim to either end legislation or to exercise its oversight functions.
00:42 Now, if this is an end of legislation, Senator de la Rosa should clarify what laws he wants to do
00:48 and if there is a lack of our laws.
00:52 What is lacking? What law should be remedied because it is lacking?
00:57 As for its oversight functions, it is clear that the Senate should be monitoring when conducting an investigation.
01:10 And we should also increase the level of its credibility by ensuring that the witnesses or resource persons that we call have credibility.
01:26 It is being revealed here that the testimonies, especially those of the whistleblower, are like a double hearsay.
01:38 I'm not saying that he's lying. I'm just saying that we, as witnesses, should not forget the name of his informant or not remember him.
01:50 So if this is a court case, we should make sure that our witnesses are reliable.
01:58 Even if the Senate is not a court, this is a part of the court of public opinion.
02:04 This is being watched especially now that you don't have to go to the Senate to watch hearings.
02:10 Now, you just have to go to YouTube and you can see it.
02:13 So what can this achieve?
02:16 What good will be the outcome of this?
02:20 A "di omano" is a phenomenon that happened in 2012.
02:26 So what does this mean?
02:31 Senator Bato de la Rosa is the only one who can answer this.
02:34 But I am saddened because as a political scientist, I am looking at the history of our political institutions.
02:43 And it seems that the Senate is no longer relevant to our senators,
02:48 but if you include it in the time of big and gigantic names like Salonga, Tolentino, Giocno, Manglapos,
03:01 now, when you watch hearings like this, you will be asked, "What happened?"
03:08 I am thankful to other senators, like Senator Jesus Codero, Senator Genco Estrada,
03:15 who found out the direction this investigation is heading.
03:19 But the Senate has nothing to do?
03:23 Can't we say that we are not stopping the investigation,
03:30 but we are fixing the procedure, the credibility of the resource persons, the believability?
03:38 Because if not, what we are spreading in the country is noise.
03:43 We are adding chaos.
03:45 Then, we will say that this is not in aid of destabilization.
03:49 We will prove that this is not in aid of destabilization.
03:53 We will prove what is the purpose of this.
03:56 We will prove what law is intended to be enforced.
03:59 And we will fix it, to make sure that the people whom we will invite to speak, are trustworthy.
04:10 Because the country is not expecting anything from the senators,
04:15 but a real service, a service that will help the needs of the country.
04:22 So again, I am asking, what is the purpose of Senator Bartolomeo Rosa here?
04:26 There are many things to say, but he is just a pawn in the game.
04:31 Mr. Senator, please fix our work.
04:35 That is my point of view for now.
04:37 Diane, thank you very much.
04:38 Back to you in the studio.
04:40 Thank you very much, Professor Contreras.
