Intelligenza artificiale e diritto, convegno di Tor Vergata

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Qual’è e quale sarà il rapporto tra diritto e sviluppo dell’intelligenza artificiale? Questa la domanda a cui si è cercato di rispondere durante il convegno: “Intelligenza artificiale e responsabilità umana. Uno spazio non libero dal diritto. Nuova disciplina europea e ordinamento interno”. L’evento è stato organizzato dal Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’università di Roma Tor Vergata e dal suo innovativo Centro di Ricerca su Intelligenza Artificiale e Diritto (C.R.I.A.D), in collaborazione anche con l’ Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma.


00:00What is and what will be the relationship between the right and the development of artificial intelligence?
00:09How to discern the choices attributed to the will of the programmer by those of the IA systems implemented?
00:16And what opportunities can come in the field of law thanks to the development of artificial intelligence?
00:22These are some of the questions that have been tried to answer during the Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Responsibility,
00:29a space not free from law, new European discipline and internal order.
00:34The event was organized by the Department of Jurisprudence of the University of Tor Vergata in Rome
00:40and by its innovative Research Center on Artificial Intelligence and Law,
00:45in collaboration with the Order of the Lawyers of Rome.
00:48The Rector of the Athenaeum, Nathan Levial of Giron,
00:51in fact, emphasized how important it is to provide students with new skills in the use of the IA,
00:56so as to also create new job opportunities.
00:59Artificial intelligence is already in our society
01:02and the initiatives carried out within the university aim to promote the cultural and skills aspects
01:10necessary to be able to face, understand and potentially use these new technologies
01:15for the development of society and for the creation of new jobs.
01:19The coordinator of the project, CRIAD, is Professor Stefano Preziosi,
01:23Orderly of Criminal Law at the Athenaeum,
01:26who told how the project was born and its fundamental interdisciplinarity.
01:31It is an initiative aimed at coagulating the different legal disciplines
01:37on the subject of the automation of artificial intelligence.
01:41The great difficulty is, first of all, the understanding of these mechanisms of the current technoscience
01:49and therefore also the difficulty of importing and managing these mechanisms
01:55according to the instruments of law, according to the paradigms, the schemes of law.
02:00So we noticed this need and we decided to establish a legal departmental research center
02:09which, of course, will have to have strong relations with other branches of knowledge,
02:15especially with computer science, computer engineering, etc.
02:21Rosaria Giordano, Counselor of the Court of Cassation,
02:24then remarked the usefulness that artificial intelligence can represent for magistrates
02:30to have a more efficient justice.
02:32I think that we jurists, and in particular we magistrates,
02:37must not have a prior distrust of artificial intelligence
02:43because we must understand that it is not a tool that will ever be suitable
02:53to replace the decision that remains human,
02:58that remains also from the constitutional point of view of the responsibility of the judge,
03:04but will certainly be of assistance for a more targeted search of the precedents,
03:11both on our part and on the part of the lawyers,
03:15and therefore both to allow a stability of the jurisprudence
03:20and an evolution of it when it is really necessary.
03:26And this in order to provide a service to the community
03:31that is more suitable than what is given in the present time.
