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Pourquoi sortons-nous souvent avec des personnes qui ressemblent à nos parents ?

Une série d'études révèle que les traits physiques comme la couleur des yeux ou des cheveux, et même l'âge des parents, pourraient déterminer nos attractions futures.

️ Selon la recherche de A.C Little, c'est la couleur des yeux du parent du genre opposé qui influence le plus le choix des yeux de nos partenaires.

Et ce n'est pas tout, les caractéristiques comme l'âge ou même la pilosité sont aussi des facteurs clés.

️‍♂️ D'après d'autres recherches, voir souvent les visages de nos parents depuis notre naissance pourrait nous pousser inconsciemment à choisir des partenaires qui leur ressemblent. On appelle ça l'imprégnation et l'effet de simple exposition.

Cela signifie que plus vous voyez quelque chose, plus cela va influencer vos décisions.

Ainsi, voir fréquemment les visages de nos parents dès la naissance pourrait nous faire préférer des visages similaires de manière inconsciente.

Sources : Qoves, DailyMail, Psychology Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences

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00:00Why do some women go out with men who look like their father and some men with women who look like their mother?
00:05According to a study conducted by AC Little, the color of the eyes of the parent of the opposite gender was the best predictor of the color of the eyes of the partners of the two genders.
00:12The color of the hair of the parent of the opposite gender was the strongest predictor of the color of the hair of the male partner.
00:17Also, the color of the mother's hair also has a positive impact on the color of the hair of their female partner.
00:22Another study also found that the age of our parents can play a role in the formation of our preferences for certain features of the face.
00:27They evaluated male and female faces of participants to identify what they found most attractive.
00:32And they found that people born in their thirties often prefer older faces, unlike those whose parents were in their twenties.
00:38For women, the age of the two parents at birth influences their attraction, while for men, the age of the mother is more decisive.
00:43Other studies show that morphology, size and even the pilosity of parents can determine our attractions.
00:47So why does this happen?
00:49Well, there are two explanations.
00:50The impregnation and the effect of simple exposure.
00:52This means that the more you see something, the more it will influence your decisions.
00:55Thus, seeing frequently the faces of our parents from birth could make us prefer similar faces unconsciously.
01:01And to learn more about the science behind attractiveness, subscribe to Omniscience.
