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💧 Voici la bouteille d’eau du futur !

🌍 Et si l’eau potable pouvait ĂȘtre emballĂ©e sans plastique ? C’est l’idĂ©e derriĂšre Ooho, une bulle d’eau comestible dĂ©veloppĂ©e par la start-up Skipping Rocks Lab (aujourd’hui Notpla). InspirĂ©e de la cuisine molĂ©culaire, elle est fabriquĂ©e Ă  partir d’algues et de plantes, formant une membrane 100 % biodĂ©gradable. đŸ§Ș

🍃 Elle se dĂ©compose en quelques semaines seulement, contre plusieurs siĂšcles pour une bouteille en plastique.

Son coĂ»t de production est bien plus bas que celui d’une bouteille classique, ce qui la rend prometteuse pour une adoption Ă  grande Ă©chelle. 💰

đŸƒâ€â™‚ïž DĂ©jĂ  testĂ©e lors d’évĂ©nements comme le marathon de Londres en 2019, elle pourrait bientĂŽt remplacer les bouteilles en plastique dans les festivals, les Ă©vĂ©nements sportifs et bien d’autres contextes. Une avancĂ©e majeure contre la pollution plastique.

Source : Notpla.com 📰

Pour plus de vidĂ©os sur les innovations Ă©cologiques, abonnez-vous Ă  Omniscience. đŸ“Č

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00:00Here is Uo, a edible bottle that could change our way of consuming water and fight against plastic pollution.
00:05Developed by the London-based startup Skipping Rocks Lab, which has become Notepla,
00:09this edible water bubble is composed of a natural membrane made from algae and plant extracts.
00:13Its goal is to replace plastic bottles with a single use, thanks to a biodegradable and ecological solution.
00:18The principle of Uo is based on the spherification, a technique derived from molecular cooking,
00:22popularized in the 2000s by the Spanish chef Ferran Adria.
00:24The process is to lock a liquid in an edible membrane using natural agents such as sodium alginate and calcium chloride.
00:31This technique allows to create small, flexible, easy-to-consume water bubbles.
00:34Unlike plastic bottles, it leaves no waste behind, since it is entirely biodegradable in a few weeks if it is not consumed,
00:40unlike traditional packaging, which takes centuries to decompose.
00:43One of the other advantages of Uo is its low cost of production.
00:46Creators believe that this water bubble is much cheaper to make than a classic plastic bottle,
00:50which could facilitate its large-scale adoption.
00:52Since its conception, it has been tested at several events.
00:55In 2019, it was distributed to the London Marathon runners,
00:58an initiative that has saved thousands of plastic bottles.
01:01Thanks to this success, the company is currently working on its wider deployment,
01:04notably for festivals, sporting events and sales points.
