• 2 months ago
La tombe du Père Noël découverte en Turquie ? 🎅

📜 Des chercheurs pensent avoir localisé la tombe de Saint Nicolas, la figure historique ayant inspiré le Père Noël.

⛪ Cette découverte a été faite près de l’église Saint-Nicolas à Demre, en Turquie, une ville ancienne connue sous le nom de Myra. 🌍

📖 Saint Nicolas, un évêque grec du IVᵉ siècle, est célèbre pour sa générosité et ses miracles. Ces qualités sont à l’origine de la tradition des cadeaux associée à Noël. 🎄

⚔️ Après sa mort en 343 apr. J.-C., il aurait été enterré dans cette région, mais au XIᵉ siècle, ses restes furent prétendument déplacés en Italie par des croisés, dispersant son héritage à travers l’Europe.

Cependant, des fouilles récentes ont révélé un sarcophage en calcaire correspondant aux descriptions historiques du cercueil de Saint Nicolas. 📜

🔍 Bien que les archéologues n’aient pour l’instant excavé que l’extérieur, cette découverte alimente l’espoir de confirmer qu’il s’agit bien de la tombe originale.

Source : Euronews 📰

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00:00The tomb of Santa Claus would have been discovered in Turkey.
00:02Archaeologists have announced that they could have discovered the sarcophagus of Santa Claus
00:05near the church of Saint Nicholas in Demre in Turkey, which is supposed to be his original burial site.
00:09Saint Nicholas, long before being associated with the modern figure of Santa Claus, was a Greek bishop of the 4th century.
00:14He is known for his generosity and his many miracles, hence the tradition of gifts associated with Christmas.
00:18He lived in the ancient city of Myra, today in Turkey.
00:20During the Middle Ages, and later in the modern era, many miracles are attributed to Saint Nicholas.
00:24After his death in 343 AD, a church was built on the site where he had served as an officer and where he had been buried.
00:30However, during the crusades of the 11th century, his remains would have been moved to Italy,
00:33first to the Basilica of Saint Nicholas in Bari, then distributed in various sacred places throughout Europe.
00:37Since then, it is thought that his bones were scattered and lost.
00:40But recent excavations have revealed a limestone sarcophagus measuring about 2 meters long with a triangular, elevated lid.
00:45This detail corresponds to the historical description of the coffin of Saint Nicholas.
00:48Although only the outer parts of the tomb have been excavated for the moment,
00:51this discovery fosters the hope of finding inscriptions or funerary objects that could confirm that this is indeed Saint Nicholas.
00:56And for more videos on the subject, subscribe to Omniscience.
