• 2 months ago
đŸ•”ïž La chanson la plus mystĂ©rieuse d’Internet 🌐

🎧 En 2007, une femme publie sur Internet une chanson qu’elle avait enregistrĂ©e depuis une radio allemande dans les annĂ©es 80. Le problĂšme ? Elle ne connaĂźt ni le titre, ni l’artiste.

🔍 Pensant que quelqu’un pourrait l’identifier, elle lance un appel Ă  l’aide en ligne. Rapidement, cette simple question devient un phĂ©nomĂšne : la communautĂ© Internet s’empare du mystĂšre. đŸ•”ïžâ€â™€ïž

đŸŽŒ La chanson est surnommĂ©e "la chanson la plus mystĂ©rieuse d’Internet" et alimente des forums, des vidĂ©os YouTube, et des milliers de thĂ©ories.

đŸ•°ïž Pendant plus de 17 ans, personne n’arrive Ă  l’identifier. Les hypothĂšses fusent : groupe obscur oubliĂ©, dĂ©mo non publiĂ©e d’un artiste cĂ©lĂšbre, ou mĂȘme canular. 💡

📅 Ce n’est qu’en 2024 qu’un utilisateur de Reddit trouve enfin la rĂ©ponse. AprĂšs des recherches approfondies sur des groupes ayant jouĂ© dans des festivals allemands des annĂ©es 80, il dĂ©couvre FEX, un groupe underground oubliĂ©.

En contactant un ancien membre, il reçoit une vieille cassette contenant la chanson : Subways of Your Mind. Ce morceau Ă©tait bien l’Ɠuvre de ce groupe, perdu dans le temps. ⌛

📣 La dĂ©couverte fait grand bruit. Les membres de FEX, dĂ©sormais septuagĂ©naires, se rĂ©unissent pour rĂ©enregistrer le morceau, disponible sur YouTube. đŸ–„ïž

Source : CBS News 📰

Pour plus d’histoires fascinantes sur la musique et les mystĂšres d’Internet, abonnez-vous Ă  Omniscience. đŸ“Č

#Omniscience #music #subwaysofyourmind #reddit #redditstories #mystÚre #Internet #chansonmystérieuse #SubwaysOfYourMind #années80 #Reddit #community #storytime #musique #énigme
00:00One of the biggest internet enigmas has been solved after more than 17 years.
00:02What was this enigma?
00:03In 2007, an unknown song was put online on the internet.
00:06The person who published it was the sister of a man who had recorded it from a radio in the 80s.
00:10Not knowing neither the title of the song nor the name of the artist,
00:13she asked the internet to help her identify this music,
00:15which led to a worldwide search that lasted for years.
00:17The online community quickly became passionate about this mystery,
00:19and in 2019, it was nicknamed the most mysterious song on the internet.
00:22Over time, many theories have been issued about it.
00:25Some thought it had been recorded by an obscure group never known to the general public,
00:28while others suggested that it was an unpublished song from a famous band.
00:32This led to countless YouTube videos.
00:34Then in 2024, a major breakthrough took place.
00:36After searching for bands who had played in a music festival in Germany,
00:39a Reddit user discovered an underground band from the 80s called Fex.
00:42He contacted one of the members who sent him old songs.
00:45Among them, a song called Subway of Your Mind turned out to be this famous mysterious song.
00:49This discovery led to a major media coverage
00:51and the reunion of the band members after 40 years
00:53to re-record the song that you can now listen to on YouTube.
00:56And for more videos on the subject, subscribe to Omniscience.
