Time is revealing all secrets || Acharya Prashant, on Guru Granth Sahib (2019)

  • 4 months ago
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Video Information: Shabdyog Session, 17.04.2019, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, India

~ What is time?
~ Where does the time stops?
~ What is beyond time?
~ Who is plundered in life?

घड़ीआ सभे गोपीआ पहर कंन्ह गोपाल ॥
All the hours are the milk-maids, and the quarters of the day are the Krishnas.

गहणे पउणु पाणी बैसंतरु चंदु सूरजु अवतार ॥
The wind, water and fire are the ornaments; the sun and moon are the incarnations.

सगली धरती मालु धनु वरतणि सरब जंजाल ॥
All of the earth, property, wealth and articles are all entanglements.

नानक मुसै गिआन विहूणी खाइ गइआ जमकालु ॥
O Nanak, without divine knowledge, one is plundered, and devoured by the Messenger of Death.

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00 (Music)
00:07 Anuradha here.
00:11 Quoting from the Guru Granth Sahib.
00:28 (Hindi)
00:34 (Hindi)
00:39 (Hindi)
01:04 All the hours are the milkmaids. All the quarters of the day are the Krishnas.
01:13 The wind, water and fire are the ornaments. The sun and moon are the incarnations.
01:23 All of the earth, property, wealth and articles are all entanglements.
01:32 O Nanak, without divine knowledge one is plundered and devoured by the messenger of death.
01:49 Acharya ji Pranam. Kindly explain these verses.
01:55 Truth is obvious. The truth is obvious.
02:08 If your eyes are not layered with your concepts, attachments, moha and mamta.
02:31 So Guru Nanak Dev Sahib ji says, time itself will be the revealer.
02:41 If you know how to exist.
02:46 All the hours are the milkmaids. All the quarters of the day are Krishnas.
02:54 Time, which is your life, will itself be the revealer if you know how to exist in time.
03:01 The wind, water and fire are the ornaments. Sun and moon are the incarnations.
03:11 The sun, the moon, the planets, everything in the universe, every little speck of dust will be an expression of the almighty truth.
03:26 If you are humble enough and know how to kneel.
03:37 But that won't happen because we have something else. What do we have?
03:41 We have property, wealth, articles and these are entanglements.
03:45 And when you have these, then, O Nanak, without divine knowledge one is plundered and devoured by the messenger of death.
03:56 When instead of having an innocent eye, clear of concepts, clear of mental and physical vrittis, what you have is a lot of physical and social conditioning,
04:11 then Nanak Sahib puts it very bluntly.
04:16 He says, you would simply be consumed by time and taken away by the messenger of death.
04:24 You are just too attached.
04:26 To what? To obviously these things.
04:32 All the objects that are there in life.
04:36 Two kinds of attachments are there.
04:40 Physically, one is like an animal and is conditioned to be attached.
04:52 To the ones around him.
04:55 Especially to the ones one has blood relations with.
05:04 The calf is attached to the cow, the cow is attached to the calf.
05:10 And that is the great entanglement the Gurus have warned against.
05:18 They are saying you will totally miss Krishna if cow and calf is all that you know.
05:22 In fact, if your physical tendencies are so strong that you cannot look beyond the cow-calf business, then Krishna is not for you.
05:35 That's what the body does.
05:43 This person is mine, this person is mine, that person is mine, this is my family, or that is my friend.
05:51 That is the attachment, that is the entanglement.
05:59 And then there is the second level of attachment and entanglement.
06:04 Mental, money, my property, my wealth, my money.
06:13 Even in this second level there is an even more subtle attachment.
06:20 My prestige, my reputation, my fame.
06:24 It can become even subtler, my knowledge.
06:34 So from the most gross object to the most subtle object, you can get attached with anything.
06:48 Actually, we get attached with everything.
06:53 We do not even need to choose among the objects of attachment.
07:03 We randomly and generally, indiscreetly get attached to anything and everything that comes our way.
07:11 Therefore, you will find a person attached in all ways possible.
07:17 At the grossest level, she would be attached to her body, her babies.
07:32 And then she would be attached to parents, husband, friends, relatives.
07:40 Then she would be attached to money, furniture, car, bed, house.
07:46 Then she would be attached to reputation, self-esteem.
07:57 Then she would be attached to knowledge, including spiritual knowledge.
08:02 So objects keep varying in terms of their grossness or subtlety.
08:13 But the faculty of attachment remains the same.
08:18 The "I" is so lonely, it keeps finding something, rather everything.
08:27 To latch on to.
08:30 And when that happens, then the obvious truth is ignored.
08:37 Then time keeps passing away without delivering you the message.
08:43 Time, Anuradha, is the great messenger.
08:49 But you will miss the messenger if you are busy in your own little world.
08:56 My this, my that.
09:00 The messenger will keep knocking.
09:04 And you will say, "No, no, no, it is not the messenger knocking. It is just the tick-tock."
09:09 "Oh, it's not tick-tock, it is knock-knock."
09:14 "Oh, you never thought tick-tock is knock-knock?"
09:19 "But that's what all the Gurus have always told you. It's a great mantra."
09:28 "You can enter the practice of Jap, chanting with it. Tick-tock is knock-knock."
09:43 We keep missing the message of time.
09:46 We keep passing through one sour experience,
09:53 and enter into the other, and we never really learn.
10:12 Nanak says, "If that is how you are living,
10:17 then not liberation, just physical demise is your fate."
10:27 Nanak Saheb doesn't say that you will not be liberated, that will be your punishment.
10:40 He says your punishment will be that you will waste the great opportunity of liberation,
10:45 and would be instead taken away by the wrong one.
10:54 You could have escaped the world on the great chariot of liberation.
11:01 The angels could have come to take you.
11:09 The angels could have been your escorts to the other dimension.
11:13 Instead, now see who is taking you away.
11:16 You are being dragged away by the buffalo man.
11:21 How would you like to live?
11:27 Escorted by angels or dragged by the buffalo?
11:37 Hmm?
11:39 The angels are pretty tender creatures.
11:48 They cannot carry any weight.
11:51 But if you have attachments, you are very fat,
11:56 and then it requires a buffalo to take you away.
12:00 Now you know why a buffalo is needed.
12:05 When the myths came up, there were no cranes.
12:08 Otherwise they would have said that Yamraj is a crane driver.
12:14 Angels are such delicate little things.
12:21 Therefore, they carry only the ones who have lived lightly.
12:25 If you are very very light, without any attachment, then angels will take you away.
12:32 But if you weigh 200 kilograms with all your beliefs, concepts, and mamta and this and that,
12:38 then it requires the holy crane, the great buffalo to give you a ride.
12:47 Are you getting it?
12:54 Be very cautious.
12:59 Spirituality is about shedding all internal fat.
13:03 You know, they say, 'Satvam Guna' is the guna of lightness.
13:16 They said that the tamasic mind becomes heavy even in a physical way.
13:25 Even the body would become fat.
13:29 And 'Satvam Guna' is the guna of light. Light has no weight.
13:36 Just light, prakash. Prakash has no weight.
13:53 Be just light.
13:55 Be just light.
14:02 Good.
14:04 [silence]
14:06 [music]
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