寻求在中国推自动驾驶 马斯克抵北京展开会面

  • 5 months ago
八点最热报 | 马斯克昨天抵达北京会见中国贸促会会长任鸿斌,讨论在中国推出完全自动驾驶软件。据了解,特斯拉自2021年以来,已经按照中国监管机构的要求,没有将任何收集到的数据传回美国,而马斯克的这趟中国行程,似乎发挥立竿见影的成果,为什么呢?(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Tesla's electric car in the US electric car factory
00:07 Because of the shooting lens problem of the ice mode
00:10 It may be a risk of leaking by the Chinese authorities
00:13 And in government agencies, local government agencies, etc.
00:15 Several venues are restricted entry
00:17 And it has been said that Tesla's CEO Musk, who intends to solve this problem
00:21 I visited China yesterday
00:23 And after meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiao
00:26 Make substantial progress
00:27 According to a person familiar with the road show
00:30 Musk's trip will also seek to meet senior Chinese officials in Beijing
00:35 Discuss the launch of fully automatic driving software in China
00:39 And seek approval to transfer the data collected in China to foreign countries
00:43 To train Tesla's electric car automatic driving technology
00:47 It is understood that Tesla has been following the requirements of the Chinese regulatory agency since 2021
00:52 The vehicle data they collected in China is stored in Shanghai
00:56 No data has been sent back to the United States
00:59 Musk's trip to China
01:01 It seems to have made a good impression
01:03 The Chinese Automobile Industry Association announced after meeting with Musk and Li Qiao
01:07 Because of the four requirements for the safety of Tesla's domestic vehicle data
01:12 Therefore, it was removed from all over China
01:15 That means Tesla's owner is no longer restricted in China
01:20 At the same time, Bloomberg also quoted a source
01:22 Tesla will strengthen cooperation with China's Baidu in terms of map and navigation
01:27 Let the full automatic driving system be introduced into China
01:31 At the invitation of the China International Trade Promotion Committee
01:35 Musk, CEO of Tesla, arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon
01:39 And communicated with the president of the Chinese Motor Association, Ren Hongbin
01:42 In addition to talking about the next step in the Chinese market of Tesla's electric car
01:45 The two also talked about the new neuralink, founded by Musk
01:50 The neuralink is very amazing there
01:52 Whenever you put something in a human, it takes a long time to improve the safety
01:56 But I think maybe in a year or two, it can be approved for general use
02:00 Musk also met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiao on the same day
02:04 Li Qiao said Tesla's development in China is a successful example of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation
02:09 At the same time, he emphasized that foreign companies are important participants in China's development
02:13 China's super-sized market will always open to foreign companies
02:18 The China-US Economic and Trade Partnership
02:23 China-US Economic and Trade Partnership
