00:00:00 [music]
00:00:10 You can have my heart. You can have my heart. You can have my heart. Jesus.
00:00:25 You can have my heart. You can have my heart. You can have my heart. Jesus.
00:00:41 Father, we give you praise.
00:00:47 Lord, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind.
00:00:54 None of me and all of you. I give you glory today, Lord.
00:01:03 Think through my mind. Anoint every ear to hear.
00:01:10 And we give you praise ahead of time.
00:01:14 Jesus' name we pray. And everybody said, "Amen."
00:01:21 Would you give the Lord a big hand clap of praise?
00:01:25 Hallelujah. Give it up.
00:01:27 [speaking in tongues]
00:01:32 You may be seated.
00:01:37 If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of
00:01:40 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 2 through 7 in the NLT.
00:01:47 Last week, I began a series of teachings entitled
00:01:52 "Finding Purpose in Your Discomfort."
00:01:57 I thought it would be safe to start it last week since it was raining and not
00:02:00 many of you showed up, so I took a shot at it.
00:02:09 But I'm not ready to let it go yet because I still believe
00:02:16 that we've got to be careful that faith is not being defined as denial.
00:02:28 And that we pray to God to show us his will for our lives,
00:02:33 but we rarely pray to God to show us his will for our pain.
00:02:40 So, I want you to listen to me very carefully.
00:02:42 This is going to be a little raw.
00:02:47 You'll be all right. You're used to it.
00:02:51 You don't love me this many years.
00:02:53 Praise God. If you'd have been gone, you'd have been gone.
00:02:55 Amen?
00:02:58 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verses 2 through 7 in the NLT,
00:03:04 he says, "May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
00:03:09 give you grace and peace."
00:03:13 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:03:18 God is our merciful Father, and he is the source of all comfort.
00:03:26 Now, that's big to know because when you're in discomfort,
00:03:30 you need to know that God is the source of all comfort.
00:03:34 You have to be careful not to run to things that appear
00:03:38 to be comforting.
00:03:41 You gotta be careful that when you're depressed that you don't
00:03:44 run to a bottle of alcohol that appears to be comforting.
00:03:49 You gotta be careful that when you're lonely,
00:03:51 you don't run to pornography 'cause it appears
00:03:54 to be comforting.
00:03:56 It's important to know that God is the source of all comfort,
00:04:01 and if we're going to want to be comforted,
00:04:04 we need to go to the source of all comfort.
00:04:09 He comforts us in all our troubles.
00:04:13 Hmm.
00:04:15 So, you're gonna have some trouble, but he says,
00:04:17 "I'm the source of all comfort, and I'll comfort you
00:04:20 in all of your troubles so that we can comfort others."
00:04:24 Now, notice the objective.
00:04:26 I'm gonna comfort you so you can comfort others.
00:04:31 As the church, we gotta learn how to be more empathetic.
00:04:35 Wonder what happened to cause that guy to be homeless.
00:04:40 Wonder what went on with that guy that caused him to be hooked
00:04:44 on drugs rather than passing judgment so quick.
00:04:48 Wonder what happened here.
00:04:52 He says, "When they are troubled,
00:04:55 we will be able to give them the same comfort
00:04:58 God has given us.
00:05:02 For the more we suffer for Christ,
00:05:04 the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ."
00:05:08 So, there's not gonna be any discomfort in your life
00:05:11 where you're not gonna have Christ to get in there with you,
00:05:14 so stop praying that God will remove the fiery furnace.
00:05:17 He's not gonna remove the fiery furnace.
00:05:19 Stop praying that he gets the lions out of the lion's den.
00:05:22 The lion's gonna stay in the lion's den.
00:05:24 See, what God says is, "The fiery furnace is gonna be there,
00:05:28 but I am gonna show up in the furnace with you because the
00:05:32 furnace is gonna help you to grow.
00:05:34 The furnace is gonna help you to mature.
00:05:36 I'm not gonna remove those things and take away the
00:05:39 opportunity for you to grow and mature.
00:05:41 I'm gonna show up, and I'm gonna get in there with you as you
00:05:45 grow and mature," because as Christians, we gotta grow,
00:05:47 and we've got to mature because God's trying to get us
00:05:50 somewhere, and you can't show up at your destination.
00:05:54 You can't show up as a baby.
00:05:58 He's wired you a certain way, and he says,
00:06:02 "The more God will shower us with his comfort through
00:06:05 Jesus Christ," verse 6.
00:06:07 He says, "Even when we are weighed down with trouble."
00:06:12 Now, I've got to warn you, life is interesting.
00:06:15 Life to me is an experiment.
00:06:17 It's a journey, and on this journey,
00:06:20 you're gonna see trouble.
00:06:22 On this journey, you're gonna sit in discomfort.
00:06:25 On this journey, you may be weighed down
00:06:28 with a lot of trouble.
00:06:31 Somebody says, "But I operate by faith."
00:06:33 You're still gonna be weighed down with some trouble.
00:06:36 Somebody said, "But I've been doing good."
00:06:38 You're still gonna be weighed down with some trouble.
00:06:41 Somebody said, "I ain't did nothing wrong."
00:06:43 You're still gonna be weighed down with some trouble
00:06:46 because God knows how to use trouble to mature us
00:06:52 and to cause us to grow.
00:06:56 It's about learning how to grow, and as Christians,
00:07:00 we want to still stay stuck as babies,
00:07:02 babies walking unforgiveness, babies walking strife,
00:07:10 babies go around, "I ain't speaking to you
00:07:13 because you did--" That's a baby.
00:07:15 That's poop in the pamper baby,
00:07:21 and certainly babies can't handle certain things
00:07:24 that God needs to be done because you're a baby,
00:07:28 and the Bible says as long as you are a child,
00:07:31 you're no more than a servant.
00:07:34 I got a design for you.
00:07:36 I've wired you a certain way,
00:07:38 and I need you to grow up.
00:07:40 I need you to mature so that you can fulfill your design,
00:07:45 but some Christians remain babies, slandering people,
00:07:49 babies being in unforgiveness, babies.
00:07:52 That's baby stuff.
00:07:56 "I'm gonna leave the church 'cause I don't like
00:07:58 the way they talk."
00:07:59 They babies.
00:08:03 Even when we're weighed down with trouble,
00:08:05 it is for your comfort and salvation.
00:08:10 What?
00:08:11 Even when we are weighed down with trouble,
00:08:14 it is for your comfort and salvation,
00:08:17 so there is a purpose in discomfort.
00:08:23 There is a purpose in pain,
00:08:30 and pain and discomfort will visit us all.
00:08:37 No one is exempt.
00:08:43 "For when we ourselves are comforted,
00:08:46 we will certainly comfort you.
00:08:48 Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer.
00:08:55 We are confident that as you share in our sufferings,
00:08:58 you will also share in the comfort God gives us."
00:09:06 I want to talk to you about finding purpose
00:09:09 in discomfort and pain,
00:09:12 finding purpose in discomfort and pain.
00:09:18 If you're experiencing a season of--and I got the audacity
00:09:22 to call this divine discomfort.
00:09:30 Listen to what God wants to say to you,
00:09:32 or maybe God's trying to, you know,
00:09:34 get you to do something.
00:09:36 Your uncomfortable heart may mean God is trying to--several
00:09:42 things--maybe have you to unlearn some old ways of
00:09:46 thinking or behaving, maybe to stretch you into a new area
00:09:51 of increased effectiveness.
00:09:54 Maybe you're in that place of discomfort to uncover an
00:09:59 ungodly character trait that's in you,
00:10:03 and he wants to transform you, maybe to raise your sights
00:10:07 beyond yourself to see others in their need instead of just
00:10:11 always seeing yourself.
00:10:13 Maybe it's to push you to become someone capable of much
00:10:16 greater responsibility.
00:10:17 Maybe it is to invite you to be an effective agent
00:10:22 in spiritual warfare.
00:10:25 What is it that God is trying to do by allowing you to be
00:10:30 in this place of discomfort?
00:10:33 Now, almost everyone is trying, or everyone that is living
00:10:39 with some kind of discomforting pain,
00:10:41 that's like almost everybody.
00:10:44 If I were to have to call and say,
00:10:47 "Anybody who's ever been in discomfort, come down,"
00:10:49 it'd be the whole church.
00:10:50 Somebody said, "Not me."
00:10:51 You're just lying.
00:10:52 It'd be the whole church.
00:10:53 Well, why?
00:10:57 Why is that?
00:10:58 Well, number one, we live in a world broken in sin.
00:11:02 We live in a fallen world.
00:11:05 Life is tough and sometimes painful.
00:11:09 Situations show up.
00:11:18 Most of us came to Jesus through the door of hell.
00:11:24 What do I mean by that?
00:11:25 Somebody said, "You need to get saved once you go into hell."
00:11:29 Somebody said, "You better get saved if you're going to hell."
00:11:31 So, most people got born again by walking through the door
00:11:34 of hell.
00:11:35 And I'm saying to you that no one is exempt from discomfort
00:11:40 and pain; however, there's a lot of truth learned through
00:11:43 discomfort that should not be wasted.
00:11:48 There's some wisdom that you get in the midst of discomfort
00:11:52 and pain that we don't want to waste.
00:11:54 We don't want to leave behind.
00:11:56 We don't want to leave the wisdom that was gained,
00:11:59 the lesson that was learned, the situation.
00:12:02 We don't want to leave it back there.
00:12:04 We don't want to come out--you know, some people,
00:12:06 we believe the story we tell ourselves.
00:12:08 "Well, you don't understand.
00:12:09 You know, they fired me because they didn't like me."
00:12:11 That's the story you tell yourself, but the reality is,
00:12:14 you ain't been showing up for work on time in the last month.
00:12:23 Let's look at a few Scriptures before I get started here.
00:12:27 I'm going to ease into this.
00:12:28 I'm going to say, "Get started."
00:12:32 I'm going to ease into this now.
00:12:34 Let's look at 1 Peter 4 and 12.
00:12:36 I need to let you know that this is in the book.
00:12:40 1 Peter 4 and 12, and he says here, he says,
00:12:47 "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial,
00:12:53 which is to try you."
00:12:56 That's almost a certainty.
00:12:59 And he says, "I want you to know that it is going to try you,
00:13:03 so don't think it strange when it happens."
00:13:08 "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial,
00:13:11 which is to try you, as though some strange thing
00:13:14 happened unto you."
00:13:17 Please understand something.
00:13:18 Following Christ doesn't exempt you from suffering
00:13:22 and discomfort, so don't think it's strange.
00:13:28 Most of us go to people and we make these false promises.
00:13:31 You know, "If you come to my Jesus,
00:13:33 you'll never have any more problems anymore."
00:13:36 And I say, "Oh, to the contrary.
00:13:38 When you come to Jesus, you may experience more hell than you've
00:13:41 ever experienced before in your life,
00:13:44 but he's going to redeem the pain."
00:13:48 I'll show you what that means in a minute.
00:13:51 So, don't think it's strange.
00:13:52 And some people think it's strange.
00:13:54 They say, "Well, you know, I got all the principles together,
00:13:56 and I'm a woman of faith, and I pray for two hours a day,
00:13:59 and I fast once a week, and I come to church,
00:14:03 and I do all of these things that you think will exempt you
00:14:09 from discomfort."
00:14:12 And you think it's strange when somebody slandered you.
00:14:17 You think it's strange when somebody lied about you.
00:14:21 You think it's strange that sickness hit your body.
00:14:26 Think it's strange when your heart got broke.
00:14:28 You thought it's strange, and immediately you blame the devil.
00:14:32 And let me say something about this.
00:14:33 This is so interesting.
00:14:34 Here's Jesus coming to the earth,
00:14:36 and the Bible says, "The Holy Spirit led Jesus in the
00:14:40 wilderness to be tempted by the devil."
00:14:47 Now, if the Spirit of God led Jesus in the wilderness to be
00:14:52 tempted by the devil, how do you think you're exempt?
00:14:56 So, maybe it came from the devil,
00:15:01 but God sure enough knows how to use it.
00:15:04 He not gonna waste the devil, nor anything he can throw at you,
00:15:11 'cause if he throws it at you, God let him throw it at you.
00:15:14 And while he's throwing it at you, he says,
00:15:16 "I'm gonna use all of this for your maturity and your growth."
00:15:21 And the devil don't even know he's being pimped out,
00:15:26 'cause Jesus said if the devil knew that by crucifying him on
00:15:30 the cross would cause all of this to happen,
00:15:33 he would've never did it.
00:15:41 John 16:33 tells us not only to not think it's strange,
00:15:46 but in John 16, 23, he says, "We're told to expect it."
00:15:54 It's only a problem when you didn't expect it.
00:15:56 It's only a problem when you told it wasn't supposed to
00:15:58 happen.
00:15:59 It's only a problem when you got saved on the promise that
00:16:02 everything in your life from that point on is gonna be
00:16:04 perfect.
00:16:05 Now, think about that scenario.
00:16:07 What if everything--think about it.
00:16:09 What if you live your life in a comfort zone?
00:16:13 Please understand me.
00:16:14 You can't grow in a comfort zone.
00:16:16 You cannot and will not mature in a comfort zone.
00:16:23 You have to be agitated in order to come out the way you need to
00:16:31 come out.
00:16:32 If you got a dirty cloth or something,
00:16:34 you gotta put it in the washing machine,
00:16:36 you gotta put it in the washing machine,
00:16:39 you gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:41 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:43 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:45 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:47 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:49 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:51 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:53 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:55 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:16:57 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
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00:27:17 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:27:19 You gotta put it in the washing machine.
00:27:21 And I want you to go through, not only to believe on Him,
00:27:25 but also to suffer for His sake.
00:27:27 We believe on Christ, and we're ready to suffer for His sake.
00:27:33 My part of the suffering is to maintain the victory
00:27:40 that He's already obtained.
00:27:43 He died, suffered, bled, and died to obtain the victory
00:27:48 that I can, through my suffering, maintain it,
00:27:52 which means that hard time and discomfort
00:27:56 won't change what I believe.
00:27:59 I maintain what I believe in the midst of what I'm going through.
00:28:03 Let me say that again.
00:28:04 I maintain what I believe in the midst of what I'm going through.
00:28:09 Haven't you met so many people who let go of what they believe
00:28:13 because they're in a place of discomfort?
00:28:15 No, no.
00:28:16 That's not the time you let it go.
00:28:17 You keep it.
00:28:18 You keep it more so at those times.
00:28:22 Maintain it.
00:28:23 Maintain it.
00:28:24 I still believe it.
00:28:26 I still believe the Word.
00:28:27 I still believe you're good.
00:28:29 I still believe you're awesome.
00:28:33 You're growing.
00:28:34 You're getting ready for something.
00:28:36 Look at this, 1 Peter chapter 4, 19 in the NLT.
00:28:39 Even submitting to God's will doesn't protect you from
00:28:46 suffering.
00:28:47 Doing right things create pain and discomfort.
00:28:50 You can do right things and it puts you in a place
00:28:54 of discomfort.
00:28:55 Well, I'm gonna go ahead and forgive her and speak to her
00:28:58 anyway, and then you say, "Praise God, I forgive you,"
00:29:00 and you speak to her, and she'll tell you, "Go to hell."
00:29:02 That's discomforting, isn't it?
00:29:07 What's discomforting about it is you won't get back with her.
00:29:12 So, doing right is not a promise that you won't suffer some
00:29:16 things or operate in discomfort.
00:29:18 Just 'cause you're doing something right,
00:29:22 that's not gonna excuse that.
00:29:24 1 Peter 4 and 19 in NLT says, "So,
00:29:26 if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God,"
00:29:30 that's the key, "keep on doing what's right and trust your
00:29:35 lives to the God who created you,
00:29:42 for he will never fail you."
00:29:44 Here's the key.
00:29:45 "So, if you're suffering in a manner that pleases God,
00:29:49 keep on doing right."
00:29:51 The temptation is stop doing right.
00:29:56 You know, he asked us to learn how to love our enemies.
00:30:00 Keep on doing right.
00:30:03 Trust your lives to God who created you.
00:30:08 Well, that's hard to do.
00:30:09 Ain't nobody said that was easy.
00:30:11 If it was easy, everybody have some of it.
00:30:13 This is how you grow.
00:30:16 You grow through the thing that's uncomfortable.
00:30:20 You go through, "I'm doing what's right.
00:30:22 I feel like I'm being used."
00:30:24 You go through all of those weird emotions.
00:30:27 You go through all of that stuff that happens when you chose to
00:30:30 do right.
00:30:32 You're growing.
00:30:33 You're maturing.
00:30:34 You're not gonna keep acting like babies,
00:30:36 going tit for tat.
00:30:37 You're not gonna keep doing that.
00:30:39 Yeah, you mad at me, but I'm gonna bless you.
00:30:41 He's working on something.
00:30:46 He's getting you ready for something.
00:30:48 As Christians, we have hope even in suffering,
00:30:53 discomfort, and in pain.
00:30:55 Our hope is that God can and will bring us out of anything if
00:31:01 we depend on him and if we trust him.
00:31:03 That's what we're doing in the midst of discomfort.
00:31:05 God's gonna bring me out of this.
00:31:07 I depend on him.
00:31:08 I'm leaning on him.
00:31:09 He's gonna bring me out of it.
00:31:11 I'm leaning on him.
00:31:12 I'm dependent on him, and he will.
00:31:15 Now, look at Romans chapter 8 and 28.
00:31:18 We're gonna look at something here because probably need to
00:31:22 deal with some things concerning interpretation
00:31:25 on this Scripture.
00:31:26 8, 28, "And we know that all things work together for good."
00:31:31 "All things work together for good to them that love God,
00:31:37 to them who are called according to his purpose."
00:31:41 All things work together for good.
00:31:44 Now, it does not say all things that happen to us are good,
00:31:51 right?
00:31:52 It doesn't say everything that happens to us are good,
00:31:56 and neither does it say all things will have a happy ending.
00:32:02 That's not what it said.
00:32:05 See, not everything is good, but God is always working for our
00:32:09 good in everything.
00:32:11 Everything's not good, but God is always working for our good
00:32:15 in everything, so God works for the good.
00:32:19 God's working for the good.
00:32:23 He's working for the good.
00:32:26 That's why you don't wanna quit in the middle of discomfort.
00:32:29 That's why you wanna keep on doing good because he's working
00:32:32 for the good.
00:32:34 So, you had to--you had to get--you had to go through a
00:32:36 place of discomfort to see the work that God did for the good,
00:32:41 and you won't really be able to appreciate it until you get to
00:32:43 that place where you see, "Oh, God was working that for the
00:32:47 good, so now it's all right that I had to experience that
00:32:50 discomfort.
00:32:51 Now it's all right that I had to go through that particular
00:32:54 thing 'cause I now see the good.
00:32:56 I now see the good."
00:33:00 God can bring good out of discomfort.
00:33:04 I mean, he turned crucifixion into resurrection, didn't he?
00:33:11 He turned blindness into sight, didn't he?
00:33:13 He turned water into wine, and he turned sinners into saints.
00:33:16 He specializes in that.
00:33:18 God, he can do it.
00:33:20 Look at Proverbs 16, verses 18 and 25, verses 18 and 25.
00:33:28 "So all things work together for the good to them that love him,
00:33:32 to them that love him."
00:33:35 This is something I want to show you before I talk about that
00:33:37 next phrase, "them that love him."
00:33:39 He says, "Pride goeth before destruction,
00:33:41 and a heart of spirit before a fall."
00:33:44 Verse 25, "There's a way that seems right unto a man,
00:33:49 but the end thereof are the ways of death."
00:33:53 Now, what about this phrase, "of them who love them"?
00:33:58 "But if I reject God's love," hmm, "if I reject God's love,"
00:34:04 you know what happens?
00:34:08 Destruction and death, it's a result because you don't believe
00:34:12 the love that God has for you.
00:34:15 "I reject God's love."
00:34:16 And you know what discomfort is designed to do?
00:34:19 To try to tempt you to reject his love.
00:34:24 "Oh, but if God loved me, then this wouldn't have happened.
00:34:28 Oh, if God really loved me, then he would not allow
00:34:30 this person to die.
00:34:32 Oh, if God really loved me, then why did he--you know,
00:34:37 why my back hurt?
00:34:38 If God really loved me, why did I get cancer?
00:34:42 If God really loved me, why did I lose my house?
00:34:44 Why did they repossess my car?
00:34:46 If God really loved me, what's wrong with my children?
00:34:49 If God really loved me?"
00:34:53 I'm not gonna reject his love.
00:34:55 I know God loves me.
00:34:56 You have to get it to that point.
00:34:58 I know God loves me.
00:35:00 I know God loves me.
00:35:02 And you gotta say that in the midst of your crazy,
00:35:06 that even in the midst of my crazy, God still loves me.
00:35:08 He loved me before I got born again.
00:35:10 He loved me before I started reading the Bible.
00:35:12 He loved me before I started--God loves me.
00:35:15 I am sure that God loves me, and as long as you can stay there,
00:35:19 any place of discomfort will receive the deliverance
00:35:22 of the Lord, because that's the thing.
00:35:25 If anything, God wants to grow and mature you where his love
00:35:29 is concerned, and if there's one--if there's one thing
00:35:31 that tempts you where that love is concerned,
00:35:33 it's to try to figure out why is life throwing all of this stuff
00:35:37 at you.
00:35:38 Life is designed to mature you, ladies and gentlemen.
00:35:42 What we do, we get--we become Christians, and we act like we
00:35:45 no longer involved in the whole life experiment.
00:35:47 You became a Christian, and you're in the Word,
00:35:52 and you're in the Word.
00:35:53 If you get in the Word, the Word will give you some keys of how
00:35:55 to handle the stuff that life throws at you.
00:35:57 But we want to get in denial.
00:36:04 We want to act like, "Well, that's not really me."
00:36:06 It's kind of like a guy falling down the steps, and he says,
00:36:08 "That didn't hurt.
00:36:09 That didn't hurt.
00:36:10 That didn't hurt," and you know it did.
00:36:12 And we don't even know how to talk to people.
00:36:15 When something is wrong, we're so spiritually deep,
00:36:17 we don't even communicate right.
00:36:19 "How you doing today?"
00:36:20 "Well, bless the Lord, O my soul."
00:36:21 I ain't ask you that.
00:36:22 I ain't ask you that.
00:36:23 I ask you, "How you doing today?"
00:36:25 And if it's not going so well, you just simply say, "Well,
00:36:29 you know, this is happening, this is happening,
00:36:31 but I still believe God's promises will come to pass."
00:36:35 But you don't even know how to answer people.
00:36:37 You don't even--folks don't even know--we kind of depend on
00:36:40 people to read in between the lines.
00:36:42 I don't read in between the lines.
00:36:44 Talk to me.
00:36:45 "How you doing today?"
00:36:46 "I ain't feeling too good right now, but I still believe that
00:36:50 God is doing a work on me and I'll feel better."
00:36:53 "How your marriage doing?"
00:36:57 "Oh, it's flawless.
00:36:58 It's perfect.
00:36:59 All is well."
00:37:00 Uh-uh.
00:37:01 "How your marriage doing?"
00:37:02 "She getting on my God-dawg little nerves.
00:37:04 Excuse me, Jesus.
00:37:05 He make me sick.
00:37:06 Can't you see that's why I'm sick all the time?
00:37:08 Dealing with that big old head joker?
00:37:10 And I married him 'cause I just wanted my baby to have good
00:37:12 health.
00:37:13 Forget good health.
00:37:14 I take a nap every day.
00:37:15 I'm sick all the time.
00:37:16 I'm sick all the time.
00:37:17 I'm sick all the time.
00:37:18 Forget good health.
00:37:19 I take a nap of head baby right now if I could get treated
00:37:22 better than what I'm treating right now."
00:37:24 Tell the truth because what you're doing is you're practicing
00:37:29 lying all the time.
00:37:30 You're just lying all the time.
00:37:32 You don't know how to be honest with one another.
00:37:34 You're lying all the time.
00:37:35 And eventually that lie gonna hit the head and now you're
00:37:39 gonna have to tell the truth.
00:37:41 I'm all right, y'all.
00:37:47 I'm fine.
00:37:48 I'm fine.
00:37:49 I'm fine.
00:37:50 I'm fine.
00:37:51 And then this other part, you know,
00:37:53 "who have been called according to his purpose."
00:37:55 Now listen to this.
00:37:56 This is so strong.
00:37:57 "Been called according to his purpose."
00:37:59 We gotta understand God's purpose for our lives, yes,
00:38:01 but that also includes understanding his purpose for
00:38:03 our pain.
00:38:04 We pray, "God, show me the purpose for my life.
00:38:06 Show me the purpose for my life.
00:38:08 Show me the purpose for my life."
00:38:10 And we pray, "God, show me the purpose for my life.
00:38:12 Show me the purpose for my life."
00:38:14 And we pray, "God, show me the purpose for my life.
00:38:16 Show me the purpose for my life."
00:38:18 But we very rarely pray, "Show me the purpose for this
00:38:23 discomfort."
00:38:24 And every time you enter that place of discomfort,
00:38:29 "Lord, show me the purpose for this discomfort."
00:38:31 This is huge in the life of Christian people.
00:38:37 It's huge 'cause that's what life is designed to do.
00:38:45 He put you here.
00:38:46 That's why he wants you saved.
00:38:48 And then he'll use life, and life will start happening to
00:38:52 you as you're growing in the Word and growing in him,
00:38:55 but eventually, if you'll grow and mature,
00:38:59 eventually you'll start happening to life instead of
00:39:01 life happening to you.
00:39:12 If we'll begin to seek God for understanding of discomfort and
00:39:16 pain, then we can find understanding and even joy in
00:39:21 suffering discomfort, even joy in suffering discomfort.
00:39:24 Joy in suffering discomfort.
00:39:27 You really got to grow to that place of having joy in
00:39:30 suffering discomfort.
00:39:33 Doc, you done lost your mind?
00:39:34 Joy in suffering discomfort?
00:39:37 Well, first of all, you gotta understand that there's a
00:39:39 difference between joy and happiness.
00:39:41 Happiness is based on your comfort.
00:39:45 If you're comfortable, then you can be happy,
00:39:47 but joy is based on what you know.
00:39:50 Let me show you this, James chapter 1,
00:39:53 verse 2 through 4.
00:39:54 Joy is based on what you know, and if you don't have an
00:39:58 understanding about the discomfort that comes with this
00:40:02 experiment of life--I mean, think with me for a moment,
00:40:06 folks, surely it's gotta be more than,
00:40:10 you know, grow up, go to college,
00:40:14 get a degree, get a job, get married,
00:40:17 have some children, get a job, get a house,
00:40:20 get a car, go to work, eat dinner,
00:40:25 hey, baby, play with the kids, go to bed,
00:40:27 get up, do it all over again, go to work,
00:40:30 play with the kids, hey, baby, get up,
00:40:32 do it all over again for 50 years,
00:40:36 and then die.
00:40:38 You gotta know God is so much smarter than that.
00:40:42 There's something so much bigger than that.
00:40:49 What is he up to?
00:40:54 What are we maturing for?
00:41:01 What is he after?
00:41:03 Why I have to have a body first and then get rid of the body
00:41:07 and then get our spiritual bodies?
00:41:10 Why not just skip the body stage and just be in the Spirit?
00:41:14 Huh.
00:41:16 Look at this.
00:41:21 "My brethren, count it all joy."
00:41:23 When do I count it all joy?
00:41:25 When you fall into different temptations,
00:41:27 tests, and trials.
00:41:29 He didn't say count it joy when you were having a great day.
00:41:32 He said, "Count it joy when you fall into discomfort."
00:41:37 Three.
00:41:39 How can I count it joy when I'm just not comfortable?
00:41:42 Knowing this.
00:41:44 You can count it joy by knowing something.
00:41:46 Knowing this.
00:41:48 Knowing what?
00:41:49 That the trying of your faith is going to work or produce or
00:41:54 grow patience.
00:41:57 And he says what's going to happen after this, verse 4?
00:42:00 He says, "Let your patience have a perfect work that you may be
00:42:03 perfect entire, wanting nothing."
00:42:06 He says all of this is coming out of the trying of your faith
00:42:10 and you can have joy because of what you know.
00:42:14 And if you'll go through it based on what you know,
00:42:17 you'll come out wanting nothing.
00:42:18 This is the lesson in discomfort.
00:42:21 The lesson in discomfort is while you are in the place of
00:42:24 discomfort, have joy, not because you're comfortable,
00:42:28 but because you know what's coming out of this.
00:42:33 You know what's coming out of this.
00:42:36 It's tough right now.
00:42:38 We're weeping right now, but joy is coming in the morning and in
00:42:44 the morning may not be tomorrow.
00:42:46 Are you listening to me?
00:42:52 First Peter 1, 6 through 7.
00:42:54 First Peter 1, 6 through 7.
00:42:59 Verse 6 says, "Wherein you greatly rejoice,
00:43:05 though now for a season, if need be for a season,
00:43:08 you are in heaviness through many temptations,
00:43:12 tests and trials, that the trial of your faith being much more
00:43:17 precious than of gold that perishes,
00:43:20 though it be tried with fire, it's gonna be found unto praise
00:43:24 and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."
00:43:28 This is life.
00:43:29 There's something that's gonna happen with all of the trials
00:43:32 that you have, and it's gonna be some rough ones.
00:43:36 Psalms 30 and 5.
00:43:38 Hallelujah.
00:43:42 "His anger endueth but for a moment."
00:43:47 I love this.
00:43:49 "And his favor is life.
00:43:51 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy coming from what you
00:43:57 know cometh in the morning."
00:44:00 It's not saying you might be crying tears at night,
00:44:03 but you're gonna be giggling in the morning.
00:44:05 That ain't what he's talking about.
00:44:07 He's saying you might be in discomfort at night,
00:44:12 but because you understand the purpose of discomfort--see,
00:44:16 if you don't understand the purpose for a thing,
00:44:19 abuse is inevitable.
00:44:21 And a lot of--we've abused this area.
00:44:25 We didn't know why.
00:44:26 We thought God was mad at us.
00:44:30 We thought, "Well, I'm just such a terrible person.
00:44:32 Look at what I'm going through."
00:44:34 Now, true enough, we do do some things in our life that causes
00:44:37 unnecessary trouble.
00:44:41 Sometimes it's our mouth.
00:44:42 Sometimes it causes unnecessary troubles.
00:44:44 The purpose of discomfort, here it is,
00:44:53 is to become more like Jesus.
00:44:59 I wanna say it like that because we have applied to the purpose
00:45:04 of this all kinds of things.
00:45:05 "Well, God's making me, you know,
00:45:07 discomfort 'cause he's trying to give me my bag."
00:45:09 'Cause your bag doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna
00:45:15 be looking like Jesus after you get your bag.
00:45:19 All these other reasons.
00:45:20 God's purpose for discomfort is to become more like Jesus.
00:45:25 All right, so if that's his purpose,
00:45:30 that leads me to two questions.
00:45:31 The first question, what is Jesus like?
00:45:36 If his whole purpose for this whole deal,
00:45:39 for this whole life is to be molded into the image of Jesus,
00:45:45 what is Jesus like?
00:45:48 "Oh, I know what Jesus like.
00:45:49 I know what Jesus like."
00:45:51 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:45:52 Jesus is a black man.
00:45:53 I ain't talking about that.
00:45:55 Jesus got an Afro.
00:45:56 I ain't talking about that.
00:45:57 What is he like?
00:45:59 What does the final product look like on you?
00:46:03 Galatians chapter 5, 22 and 23.
00:46:09 What is Jesus like?
00:46:12 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
00:46:16 joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
00:46:18 goodness, faith," or faithfulness.
00:46:20 You know the deal.
00:46:21 "Jesus is like the fruit of the Spirit."
00:46:23 Jesus is like the fruit of the Spirit.
00:46:28 To become Christ-like is to have these qualities in our life,
00:46:34 and to have these qualities in our life,
00:46:37 this has got to be something that's--I see a sculptor's hand.
00:46:45 This has got to be molded in us and shaped in us.
00:46:58 If you know anything, like, about bodybuilding,
00:47:02 to build a big bicep, you first of all have to tear it down.
00:47:08 And then if you do a good job of tearing it down,
00:47:10 going in there and lifting and working with heavy weights,
00:47:12 and then heavy weights are designed to tear it down so that
00:47:17 afterwards you can start through nutrition and rest,
00:47:24 it'll be rebuilt up bigger and stronger.
00:47:28 But we want to be bigger and stronger and develop with no
00:47:34 tearing down.
00:47:37 We're still looking for a pill to make us look perfect.
00:47:39 There's always a price.
00:47:43 There's always a price to pay, baby, always.
00:47:47 Nothing's free except salvation, and that costs you everything
00:47:52 you got.
00:47:54 So, that's the first question.
00:47:55 What is Jesus like?
00:47:56 The second question, how does God make us more like Jesus?
00:48:01 If he's like these qualities in Galatians 5,
00:48:06 how does he make us more like Jesus?
00:48:10 By taking us through experiences like Jesus himself went through.
00:48:15 He gonna take us through the same experience.
00:48:18 A lot of people, they kind of forget Jesus went through the
00:48:21 same experiences that you and I have to go through to get to
00:48:24 that certain point.
00:48:25 So, he's gonna take us through these experiences.
00:48:27 Was Jesus ever lonely?
00:48:30 Was he ever frustrated?
00:48:33 Was Jesus ever misunderstood?
00:48:36 Was Jesus ever criticized?
00:48:39 Did he ever experience pain?
00:48:41 Think about all the stuff Jesus went through.
00:48:47 The Bible says he learned--well, look at Hebrews chapter 5.
00:48:51 Hebrews 5, 8 through 9.
00:48:53 I have to show you these things.
00:48:54 I've got to convince you of this today.
00:48:58 Hebrews chapter 5, 8 through 9, he says, "Though he were a son,
00:49:03 yet learned he obedience by the things which he," what?
00:49:07 Suffered, verse 9.
00:49:09 "And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal
00:49:14 salvation unto all them that obey."
00:49:19 Hebrews 2, chapter 2 and 52.
00:49:22 If God used suffering to develop Jesus, we should expect him to
00:49:27 use the same thing on us.
00:49:29 Verse 52, "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature," because
00:49:36 we think, you know, where Jesus, you know, he was born, he didn't
00:49:39 have to do nothing.
00:49:40 He was in a physical body.
00:49:41 He came as a human being, and Jesus increased in wisdom and
00:49:46 in favor with God and with man.
00:49:50 That's a process that was going on even with him.
00:49:52 There is no situation we cannot grow from if we choose to
00:50:01 respond correctly.
00:50:04 Every problem or pressure is an opportunity to grow
00:50:09 in Christlikeness.
00:50:11 Every problem you have, every pressure you experience is an
00:50:15 opportunity to grow in these qualities like Jesus.
00:50:21 And even the temptation that occurs in our lives, even the
00:50:24 temptation can help us mature and grow.
00:50:28 How?
00:50:29 Because look at it.
00:50:31 Temptation is just a choice between right and wrong.
00:50:36 It's an opportunity.
00:50:38 And so, every time we choose what's right when we're tempted,
00:50:44 we grow more like Christ.
00:50:47 So, just being tempted and choosing the right, making the
00:50:50 right choice causes you to grow.
00:50:53 You start growing like Christ.
00:50:56 But when you're tempted and you keep choosing the wrong way,
00:50:59 you're staying immature.
00:51:01 And your emotions are fighting you saying, "Cuss her out.
00:51:05 Cuss her out.
00:51:06 Cut 'em.
00:51:06 Cut 'em."
00:51:07 Your emotions are fighting you.
00:51:09 The temptation, just the temptation by itself is an
00:51:12 opportunity to grow you up.
00:51:14 Well, how does God produce the fruit of the Spirit in our
00:51:24 lives?
00:51:25 By putting us in the exact opposite circumstance.
00:51:32 What do you mean?
00:51:34 You'll learn love around hard-to-love people.
00:51:40 Can I get a witness?
00:51:42 You'll learn joy in the midst of grief.
00:51:50 You'll learn peace in the midst of chaos.
00:51:54 You will learn patience by being forced to wait.
00:51:57 There's something about discomfort.
00:52:03 Discomfort will hold a mirror up in front of you, and it'll
00:52:07 show you your soul.
00:52:09 And when that mirror is held up in front of you, it's not
00:52:16 showing you who you want to be.
00:52:19 It's showing you exactly who you are.
00:52:21 Every point of discomfort and pain will either become a
00:52:28 stepping stone to maturity or a stumbling block that keeps you
00:52:34 stuck in immaturity.
00:52:36 How you handle discomfort.
00:52:40 I'm sure you didn't expect to come to church and hear a whole
00:52:45 sermon on pain and discomfort.
00:52:48 But now when it come, you're not running no more.
00:52:53 You say, "I'm gonna take my medicine.
00:52:55 I'm gonna get better."
00:53:02 Look at 2 Corinthians 7 and 11.
00:53:04 Guys, if you have it in the message, would you put that up?
00:53:07 2 Corinthians 7 and 11 in the message.
00:53:11 Some lessons we only learn through pain.
00:53:13 When I went through blood clots around my--micro blood clots
00:53:23 around my lungs, shingles, perfect pattern, tumors in my
00:53:28 body, when I went through all of that, I became more empathetic
00:53:33 to people with pain, more empathetic to people with cancer.
00:53:36 When they said they had shingles, I was very empathetic.
00:53:41 It was no longer, "Oh, shingles.
00:53:43 Oh, my brother had that."
00:53:44 No, no, I was like, "Ooh, shingles is the devil."
00:53:49 [laughter]
00:53:54 I learned how to be patient.
00:53:57 I learned that certain things just don't matter.
00:53:59 It doesn't--I don't wanna get stressed out on stuff.
00:54:01 I don't wanna live my life always stretched and stressed.
00:54:05 I'm thankful that I'm alive.
00:54:10 I'm thankful--there's some things you're not gonna learn
00:54:14 except through some pain.
00:54:17 I learned that a lot of stuff just doesn't matter.
00:54:19 I learned keep the main thing the main thing.
00:54:23 I learned that it's never too late to love.
00:54:27 It's never too late to come out of regret, that you don't have
00:54:31 to live your life in regret, that God still loves you and
00:54:37 he's still rooting for you.
00:54:39 I learned to be free from people's approval.
00:54:46 I couldn't teach this if I was still in bondage
00:54:48 to people's approval.
00:54:49 Paul said, "I couldn't teach--I can't teach grace if I'm to
00:54:54 please men."
00:54:55 He says, "I'm not doing this to please men.
00:54:56 I'm doing this to please God."
00:54:58 Do you realize the stuff you can accomplish if you can get free
00:55:00 from people?
00:55:03 The very thing that God's trying to get you to do, you know why
00:55:06 you're not doing it?
00:55:07 'Cause you're still thinking about what they might say.
00:55:10 Forget a "they."
00:55:12 Who is "they" anyway?
00:55:19 And then it says, "And now," listen to this, this is awesome,
00:55:21 "And now, isn't it wonderful all the ways in which this distress
00:55:25 has goaded you closer to God?"
00:55:29 Look at how this stuff has gotten you closer to God.
00:55:32 You're more alive, you're more concerned, you're more sensitive,
00:55:39 you're more reverent, you're more human.
00:55:43 Ooh, see, folks, you human, and sometimes you act like you're
00:55:51 not, which means you're gonna have some human moments.
00:55:58 It means you're gonna cry when you hurt.
00:56:01 It means you're gonna grieve when somebody leaves.
00:56:03 Let me tell you something about grief.
00:56:08 We've been taught, "Don't ever grieve."
00:56:13 And I've met people who held it in, and they end up getting sick
00:56:18 'cause of the stress.
00:56:20 But grief is love that don't have nowhere to go.
00:56:28 You don't grieve what you don't love.
00:56:32 You only grieve what you love.
00:56:34 People dying every day.
00:56:35 You ain't grieving over everybody dying every day.
00:56:37 You grieve what you love.
00:56:39 And sometimes you can grieve some of the stuff that you love
00:56:43 to do that's not happening no more.
00:56:45 Some of you might be in a process of grief right now
00:56:50 because there was a job you love that you don't have no more.
00:56:54 There was an assignment you had that's over with right now,
00:56:56 and you could be in the process of grieving.
00:56:58 So, how do I handle a situation where grief is love that doesn't
00:57:03 have anywhere to go?
00:57:04 I provided a path through gratitude and thanksgiving,
00:57:07 and instead of me having a hard time with that thing not
00:57:10 happening no more or that person not being here anymore,
00:57:12 I immediately go to gratitude and say, "Father,
00:57:15 I thank you that I had 70 years with that person.
00:57:18 Father, I give you praise that I had the opportunity to do that.
00:57:21 Lord, I am thankful that I had an opportunity to do that."
00:57:24 And now you start processing those human emotions.
00:57:27 And the New Testament didn't say, "Do not grieve."
00:57:32 It says, "Don't grieve as those that have no hope."
00:57:38 It doesn't have to be sorrow all the time.
00:57:43 It can just be, "I really love that.
00:57:48 Now I'm grateful for that."
00:57:56 And you can exhale.
00:57:58 I'm in a transition in my life in ministry right now.
00:58:04 Almost 42 years in ministry, and I'm thinking there's some
00:58:10 things that were awesome back then.
00:58:15 Speaking in stadiums with 100,000 people, nervous.
00:58:21 Oh, I loved every bit of it.
00:58:25 Getting out in the middle of the street in a foreign country and
00:58:29 ministering to people.
00:58:31 And now things have changed with technology and stuff.
00:58:35 I realized I was grieving what I used to do,
00:58:41 and I was also grieving people that had gone on to be with the
00:58:44 Lord that I never took the time to grieve.
00:58:47 When I went away on that sabbatical last year during
00:58:53 Father's Day, my first session was just a knock in the face
00:59:01 when obviously I was doing something that indicated I was
00:59:05 holding something in, and I had a vision.
00:59:07 I saw a closet that was so full of stuff,
00:59:09 all the stuff that I put in the closet,
00:59:11 all the stuff I put in the closet.
00:59:13 And then one day I was closing the closet door,
00:59:15 and it wouldn't latch 'cause I had so much stuff in it.
00:59:19 And I spent a whole day grieving people,
00:59:26 even grieving my father who's been dead for 20-something
00:59:31 years, I cried all day and just got all of it out and then went
00:59:39 back and began to be thankful and appreciative.
00:59:42 I had so much in that closet.
00:59:47 Working through the slander and the pain and wishing I could
00:59:52 respond to all of these negative things,
01:00:01 but I grew up with the belief that a man who defends his self
01:00:04 will always remain average.
01:00:10 But I was a human, hurting, tired,
01:00:16 not too sure if I wanted to keep going on with this journey
01:00:27 because I dismissed my humanity.
01:00:32 I ain't going to no doctor 'cause I'm a man of faith.
01:00:40 You can be a man of faith and still go get the operation.
01:00:42 'Cause there's a whole lot of stuff that can go wrong just
01:00:47 like there's a whole lot of stuff that can go right,
01:00:50 but you can't continue to serve God if you dead somewhere.
01:00:53 "Pastor, why are you sharing this with us?"
01:00:58 Don't you?
01:01:02 You don't mean to say this.
01:01:03 Yeah, I do.
01:01:05 'Cause when you're delivering for people,
01:01:07 I'm not sitting up here thinking,
01:01:09 "Oh, thank you, God, for giving me this opportunity to
01:01:12 talk about me, for saying all of this stuff."
01:01:15 You're going to think I'm human.
01:01:17 You're more human, the Bible says.
01:01:20 He says you're more passionate.
01:01:22 He says you're more responsible.
01:01:24 Look that from any angle, you've come out of this with purity of
01:01:29 heart, and that is what I was hoping for in the first place
01:01:37 when I wrote this letter.
01:01:39 And I came out of all that with a purity of heart.
01:01:44 It didn't matter who had the big doctrine.
01:01:46 I just wanted to love people.
01:01:48 I didn't want to be like the people when they saw that lady
01:01:53 who was at the well, or the woman who was called
01:01:55 in the act of adultery, and they said, "Jesus," you know,
01:01:58 "the law says Moses said we should stone her."
01:02:01 And I recognized they were more concerned about their doctrine,
01:02:04 who was right and wrong, versus the love that this woman needed,
01:02:07 having empathy and the love that--what had to happen for her
01:02:11 to end up in that situation.
01:02:13 And I realized that teachings may not always be agreed upon,
01:02:20 so I'm going to make sure that whatever I teach
01:02:22 is hooked in love.
01:02:24 That at the end of the day, if I flunk all of that other--in the
01:02:30 teaching, if I get all the doctrine wrong,
01:02:32 there's one thing I ain't going to get wrong,
01:02:34 and that's walking in love no matter what's going on with you,
01:02:37 no matter how you look, no matter what you done been
01:02:40 through, no matter what your battle is,
01:02:43 no matter what your sexual addiction is,
01:02:45 or your identity, whatever you might be going through,
01:02:47 I owe you love.
01:02:49 Yeah.
01:02:57 So, why you say all of that?
01:02:58 Well, for my next point, discomfort in relation
01:03:05 to ministry.
01:03:07 Listen to this.
01:03:10 Second Corinthians 11 and 30.
01:03:12 Turn there real quick.
01:03:14 Discomfort can be one of the most powerful--sharing your
01:03:20 discomfort in ministry will be more powerful than sharing your
01:03:27 discomfort in the revelation of the Scripture,
01:03:29 'cause not everybody will understand the Scripture,
01:03:34 but they will all be able to relate to your pain.
01:03:37 Look what he says.
01:03:42 "If I must needs," he says, "If I must needs glory,
01:03:46 I will glory of the things which concern my infirmities,"
01:03:51 or my weakness.
01:03:54 Second Corinthians chapter 12, 9 through 10.
01:03:56 We wouldn't dare think about doing what I'm getting ready
01:04:01 to suggest to you.
01:04:03 The nerve, the mitigated gall for you to exist said to me.
01:04:11 Now, I don't suspect you, you know,
01:04:13 you gotta learn discretion.
01:04:14 You know, don't tell everybody everything.
01:04:17 Some people can't handle everything.
01:04:19 You got to tell them, good or bad.
01:04:22 I realize some people can't handle the good things that
01:04:24 you're gonna get a nice house, and then they come over
01:04:26 and watch it.
01:04:27 They're gonna get real quiet real quick 'cause everybody
01:04:29 don't celebrate all of the blessings in your life.
01:04:31 Some of your blessings cause them pain,
01:04:38 and that pain is there to work out that jealousy and envy
01:04:41 in their life.
01:04:43 Somebody says, "I can't wait 'til this over."
01:04:49 Well, it's gonna be over when I finish.
01:04:53 I'm almost finished, but don't the clock say zero?
01:04:57 Put five more minutes on the clock.
01:04:59 And he said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for thee,
01:05:04 for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
01:05:09 Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities,
01:05:13 in my weaknesses, in my flesh."
01:05:15 Why?
01:05:16 "That the power of Christ may rest upon me."
01:05:19 When?
01:05:20 When I'm weak.
01:05:22 Every pain experience, every painful experience that you've
01:05:27 gone through in your life is a ministry opportunity.
01:05:33 Glory to God.
01:05:35 Every painful experience in your life is a ministry opportunity
01:05:40 because God wants to redeem your suffering.
01:05:44 What does that mean?
01:05:45 God wants to redeem your discomfort.
01:05:47 God wants to redeem your pain.
01:05:49 What does that mean?
01:05:50 Redemptive suffering uses your pain to help other people.
01:05:58 So, God will redeem your pain and use it as a ministry tool.
01:06:04 And it becomes an effective tool for evangelism.
01:06:09 And God wants you to share with somebody your pain while you're
01:06:14 going through it.
01:06:15 Don't wait 'til you finish it to share it right in the midst of
01:06:18 it, right when it's hot.
01:06:20 Share it when it's hot and it'll win somebody over to the Lord
01:06:24 and they'll look at you and say, "Oh, my God,
01:06:27 if you can go through what you're going through right now,
01:06:29 and by the way, I'm going through the same thing,
01:06:32 I'm gonna need the same help you got."
01:06:34 Praise God.
01:06:35 Don't be afraid to share your pain.
01:06:38 Our pain may be the most powerful tool for bringing others
01:06:46 to Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission to make
01:06:50 disciples of all people using pain and discomfort can be our
01:06:54 greatest witness.
01:06:56 Jesus' greatest witness was not his miracles.
01:07:01 Jesus' greatest witness was not his teachings.
01:07:09 Jesus' greatest witness was his suffering on the cross.
01:07:14 And our greatest witness can be the things we suffer.
01:07:20 It can be the things that we have sat in discomfort with.
01:07:24 It can be sitting down with a brother and say,
01:07:26 "I know what you're going through 'cause I'm going through
01:07:29 the same thing, but I'm trusting God that he's able to bring me
01:07:34 out of this situation.
01:07:35 I'm trusting God that he's gonna redeem this pain."
01:07:39 But when they listen to you talk about this,
01:07:42 it may be the greatest tool to win them over to the Lord.
01:07:47 Sharing what is hurting us adds credibility to our witness.
01:07:55 Preachers thought that we get together and talk
01:08:01 about our successes.
01:08:03 Let me talk to you about the five things I did to get 2,000
01:08:07 people in my church.
01:08:08 Let me talk to you about the three things I did to fatten up
01:08:12 our bank account.
01:08:13 Let me talk to you about the things that I did that caused us
01:08:16 to have a worldwide ministry.
01:08:19 Those things don't really bring intimate relationship,
01:08:25 but what brings real intimate relationship, when you say,
01:08:29 "Let me tell you what I'm going through."
01:08:33 I was speaking at a pastor's conference.
01:08:35 They invited me to talk to the young pastors that are coming up
01:08:37 today, and the room was full of pastors that were there,
01:08:41 and they thought I was gonna give them all of the secrets
01:08:46 of whatever.
01:08:48 And I started off with the story about the closet being full.
01:08:53 And I thought of this.
01:08:54 I started off with, "Oh, yeah, by the way,
01:08:56 I went to see a therapist.
01:08:59 Oh, and by the way, I had a four-hour operation.
01:09:02 I was believing God for all of that."
01:09:04 And you could see their faces changing.
01:09:06 And I was so intrigued with why was I becoming so transparent
01:09:10 and so vulnerable with the preachers in the room,
01:09:14 because I knew that in the room that we were all on this same
01:09:20 plane, and we all could share this common denominator,
01:09:24 and it was that everybody in that room,
01:09:27 whether they wanted to admit it or not,
01:09:29 had some kind of discomfort and pain.
01:09:31 And immediately afterwards, it wasn't this or that or the
01:09:36 Scripture I shared.
01:09:39 It was, "Wow, he became so vulnerable that I feel like I'm
01:09:44 okay, that I can make it."
01:09:51 I was gonna jump off a building, but I think I can make it.
01:09:55 I was gonna blow my brains out, because just in case you don't
01:09:57 know it, preachers have blown their brains out.
01:10:00 Pastor right around the corner came in his office early,
01:10:03 sat down and blew his brains out.
01:10:06 A friend of Bishop Fullerton's and I,
01:10:09 bishop in an amazing organization,
01:10:11 blew his brains out.
01:10:13 And we wanna be quiet and walk around in a fable and tell these
01:10:25 blown-up stories to make people feel worse,
01:10:31 like you ain't got no problems.
01:10:33 And I used to feel like that when people get up and say how
01:10:37 wonderful fathers they were, and, "Oh, they're so wonderful,
01:10:39 and their kids are just so wonderful."
01:10:41 And I say, "Well, what's wrong with me?
01:10:43 What's wrong with me?"
01:10:53 And the condemnation came, and I just thought I wasn't useful
01:10:57 for God no more because I couldn't be that false
01:11:01 impression of a Christian.
01:11:05 We naturally like people who admit they don't have it all
01:11:12 together instead of pretending that they do.
01:11:16 And many Christians believe God expects us to pretend to live a
01:11:21 perfect life in front of our non-believing neighbors,
01:11:26 to hide our problems, to mask our pain,
01:11:31 to cover up our sins, and the result is that Christians are
01:11:39 labeled hypocrites and phonies.
01:11:43 Everyone already knows we don't have it all together,
01:11:50 but we keep trying to convince them that we have it all
01:11:53 together, and it's all right that you don't.
01:11:57 Why?
01:11:58 Because Jesus is molding you and making you,
01:12:03 and you might not have it all together right now,
01:12:07 but you're on your way.
01:12:09 You're not what you used to be.
01:12:12 So, maybe you still cuss, but you're not using them big cussing
01:12:17 words and them compound cussing words that you used to use.
01:12:20 You're making progress.
01:12:22 You're getting better.
01:12:28 Celebrate the progress.
01:12:31 Praise him for the progress, and know that if he can get you
01:12:36 where you are right now, you can continue to go on,
01:12:39 and one day you're gonna look up, praise God,
01:12:43 and you're gonna look just like him.
01:12:46 The promise was kept.
01:12:48 You have been molded into the image of his Son, Jesus Christ.
01:12:53 I bought a little book.
01:13:07 It says, "My Spiritual Journey," and all this year,
01:13:10 all of these convicting revelations I'm putting in this.
01:13:17 God told me to teach on how to do life,
01:13:19 'cause people don't know how to do life.
01:13:28 They know how to do church, but they don't know how to do life,
01:13:31 and I'm feeling pretty good these days.
01:13:36 I'm feeling pretty human these days.
01:13:44 And I'm glad and have no problem being human because God
01:13:49 made an anointing to put on humans so we can no longer just
01:14:05 walk in the natural.
01:14:06 We can walk in the supernatural.
01:14:08 Did you get anything out of that this morning?
01:14:13 Listen to me.
01:14:15 Listen to me.
01:14:18 Every head bowed, every eye closed, no walking, please.
01:14:21 Could somebody go get my checkbook and a pen?
01:14:26 I forgot to--Father, we're ready for you to continue to mold us,
01:14:29 to make us.
01:14:32 We're ready for you to continue to mold us,
01:14:35 to make us.
01:14:38 That your objective is clearly that we be formed into the image
01:14:44 of Jesus.
01:14:56 We're ready.
01:14:59 We're ready to take off the mask.
01:15:01 We're ready to take off the phoniness.
01:15:05 We're ready to take off the hypocrisy.
01:15:08 Thank you.
01:15:10 We're ready.
01:15:12 We're ready for the pain.
01:15:15 We're ready for the discomfort if necessary.
01:15:21 Don't let us deceive ourselves, O God.
01:15:28 Don't let us deceive ourselves.
01:15:32 Please help us.
01:15:38 May we have an intimate relationship with you.
01:15:41 May we come to know you like we've never known you.
01:15:47 Teach us how to walk in love with what's not lovely.
01:15:52 Teach us how to walk in love with what's ugly.
01:15:57 Teach us how to walk in love with what society has completely
01:16:01 thrown away.
01:16:02 Teach us to love like you.
01:16:08 And then, Lord, help us to receive completely and totally
01:16:15 forgiveness that you have already given us,
01:16:18 righteousness that you've already given us.
01:16:22 I rebuke condemnation, fear, stress,
01:16:25 and the manifestation of the curse.
01:16:27 Lord, I know you take us just like we are and you make a
01:16:33 masterpiece out of a mess.
01:16:41 Take the shame away.
01:16:45 Take the guilt away.
01:16:53 Lord, we believe in you, and as we believe in you,
01:16:59 we shall not be put to shame.
01:17:01 You promised us that you're able to keep us from falling and to
01:17:10 present to us this beautiful opportunity to be like Jesus.
01:17:19 And, Lord, I pray that there would be an inward revival to
01:17:23 take place in our church, that there will be a revival in our
01:17:27 emotions, there will be a revival in our approach,
01:17:31 that we will come to know the will of God,
01:17:37 not just for our lives, but we will come to know the will of
01:17:40 God for our pain, the will of God for our discomfort,
01:17:43 and that we will not walk in shame not one more day.
01:17:49 You are still working on each of us in the journey that we are
01:17:54 taking, and for that, we will praise your name.
01:18:00 Now, I declare that whatever's wrong,
01:18:07 you're gonna make it right.
01:18:09 Send every devil to flight.
01:18:11 I thank you that supernaturally you're moving in all of our
01:18:17 lives, that we're being matured and that we're growing to
01:18:23 fulfill the ultimate objective of being like you.
01:18:30 Deliver us from the fables.
01:18:34 Deliver us from playing church.
01:18:36 Deliver us from not being empathetic or sympathetic,
01:18:40 and help us to walk the way you walked is my prayer.
01:18:48 Now, Father, as we prepare to involve our giving in our
01:18:54 living, what would you have us to give?
01:19:00 That our giving is not a separate part.
01:19:05 What would you have us to give?
01:19:07 You've been so generous to us.
01:19:08 Lord, teach us how to be generous to you.
01:19:13 Lord, teach us that our giving is our worship.
01:19:18 As we bring unto you glory due to your name,
01:19:21 we bring an offering and we worship you in the beauty of
01:19:24 your holiness, and we don't turn it into some scheme,
01:19:30 but we don't give out of necessity.
01:19:33 We don't give 'cause we got to.
01:19:36 We give 'cause we get to, and we want to.
01:19:42 Lord, teach us today as we worship you in this way that we
01:19:47 may give you the praise of knowing that out of our heart,
01:19:52 all that we do out of our heart, our living and our giving out of
01:19:57 our heart, not out of duty, not a sense of obligation,
01:20:01 but out of our heart, we praise you for it now.
01:20:05 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:20:11 And we're going to read an offering envelope.
01:20:14 Ushers, if you lift your hands up,
01:20:16 the ushers will pass them out to you right now.
01:20:18 And again, I say to you, we got to stop separating this part
01:20:22 from the rest of our worship service.
01:20:25 We are worshiping God with our finances and blessing him as he
01:20:30 has blessed us, but we're not doing it out of pressure.
01:20:35 We're not doing it out of any of those things.
01:20:37 We're doing it because we are in love with him.
01:20:42 I don't--I don't know sometimes when God gives me things like
01:20:54 this to teach.
01:20:56 I don't know.
01:20:59 I don't--I don't fuss about it no more.
01:21:01 "Well, Brother Duff, you teach this,
01:21:05 now you know folk gonna have a problem with that.
01:21:07 I got a problem.
01:21:08 This is just add to it."
01:21:13 Right after, right after we take off.
01:21:18 You want to add something to what I said?
01:21:23 Now, we're going to--after we do the offering,
01:21:32 we're going to give away some tickets for Lemon Bliss,
01:21:37 10 of them.
01:21:40 So, don't rush to your car now.
01:21:42 You know, you might be you 'cause we're going to call out
01:21:44 your initials and the initial might be walking out of
01:21:47 the door, Taff.
01:21:49 You're going to do something different?
01:21:53 Uh-oh, Taff said she changed it.
01:21:54 We're not going to do it like that no more.
01:21:56 Still going to be good though.
01:22:01 Hold your offerings up.
01:22:03 Father, we give because we want to,
01:22:10 'cause we're in love with you.
01:22:12 This is a reflex of our love.
01:22:15 And I pray that as we give, your promise is still true,
01:22:19 that you will multiply back to us what we sow.
01:22:23 We give out of a cheerful heart, not of a grudging heart,
01:22:27 but a heart that gives because we're in love with you.
01:22:33 Bless those who give and those who plant.
01:22:37 We thank you for the opportunity now in Jesus' name, amen.
01:22:42 Ushers, go ahead and receive the offering.
01:22:44 [music]
01:22:46 [music]
01:23:15 If you're here and you've never been born again,
01:23:21 now think about this.
01:23:22 You've never made Jesus the Lord of your life.
01:23:24 It's like, what are you waiting on?
01:23:29 People don't go to hell for their behavior.
01:23:34 They go to hell for rejecting Jesus and what his blood has
01:23:39 finished for us.
01:23:41 Don't reject him, not another day.
01:23:44 Make him your Lord and personal Savior today.
01:23:48 Secondly, if you want to recommit yourself to the Lord,
01:23:54 we used to call it rededicating yourself to God.
01:23:56 That's just for your own awareness that says,
01:23:59 "Somehow I disconnected and I want to continue my walk
01:24:03 with the Lord."
01:24:05 Thirdly, if you want to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit
01:24:11 and the confidence of speaking in tongues,
01:24:13 we understand that.
01:24:14 We know how to minister that to you.
01:24:16 And last but certainly not least is God calling you to join
01:24:21 World Changes Church International today.
01:24:23 He said to Elijah, "Go to a certain brook and there
01:24:26 will I sustain thee."
01:24:28 I believe that God leads people to certain churches and there
01:24:35 they will be sustained.
01:24:40 I'm gonna tell you a few things.
01:24:42 Number one, if you've not been born again and you say,
01:24:46 "You know what?
01:24:47 Let me go ahead and handle this right now," then I want you to
01:24:51 get out of your seats and come to this altar right now.
01:24:54 You mean business.
01:24:56 I'm gonna give my life to Jesus today.
01:24:58 Secondly, rededication.
01:24:59 Come on down.
01:25:00 Thirdly, baptism in the Holy Spirit.
01:25:03 Come on down.
01:25:04 And if you want to join this church today, come on down.
01:25:08 Take this opportunity in Jesus' name.
01:25:10 You can respond now.
01:25:12 [congregation applauding]
01:25:14 ♪ Jesus is the answer for the world today ♪
01:25:27 ♪ Above him there's no one ♪
01:25:32 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:25:37 ♪ Jesus is the answer for the world today ♪
01:25:44 [congregation applauding]
01:25:46 ♪ Above him there's no one ♪
01:25:50 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:25:53 [congregation applauding]
01:25:55 ♪ If you have some questions ♪
01:25:59 ♪ In the corners of your mind ♪
01:26:03 ♪ Traces of discouragement ♪
01:26:08 ♪ Peace you cannot find ♪
01:26:12 ♪ Reflections of your past ♪
01:26:16 ♪ Seem to face you every day ♪
01:26:20 ♪ But this one thing I do know ♪
01:26:25 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:26:29 ♪ Jesus is the answer for the world today ♪
01:26:37 ♪ Above him there's no one ♪
01:26:42 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:26:46 ♪ Jesus is the answer for the world today ♪
01:26:55 ♪ Above him there's no one ♪
01:26:59 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:27:02 ♪ Jesus is the answer for the world today ♪
01:27:12 ♪ Above him there's no one ♪
01:27:16 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:27:21 ♪ Jesus is the answer for the world today ♪
01:27:29 ♪ Above him there's no one ♪
01:27:34 ♪ Jesus is the way ♪
01:27:37 - Congregation, could you give those who've come down
01:27:39 a big hand and clap and thank God for their presence today
01:27:41 in Jesus' name?
01:27:43 [congregation applauding]
01:27:45 Father, we thank you that their lives will be revolutionized
01:27:49 in your spirit, in Jesus' name.
01:27:51 All that agree, say it, amen.
01:27:53 - Amen.
01:27:54 - At this time, if you would turn this way and follow
01:27:56 this gentleman to the prayer room, they're gonna take
01:27:58 your ministry to you, give you a biblical understanding
01:28:00 of how to attain and maintain what you came to receive.
01:28:02 We thank God that you will never be the same again, amen.
01:28:07 - Amen.
01:28:08 - Ready?
01:28:09 - Amen.
01:28:10 - Real quick, in the spirit of giving and just as a part
01:28:14 of radical women's ministry, we wanna celebrate
01:28:18 the achievements of women who are here today
01:28:21 and those who are watching online, dedicating
01:28:24 to empower women and recognize extraordinary women
01:28:27 who've done significant impact in their families
01:28:30 and communities.
01:28:31 So today, we are offering a chance for a deserving
01:28:35 mother of four.
01:28:38 If you are a mother of four, please make your way
01:28:41 down front.
01:28:43 We would like to sow into your life--
01:28:46 [congregation applauding]
01:28:49 Just raise your hand if you're coming this way,
01:28:51 mother of four.
01:28:53 [congregation applauding]
01:28:56 - We got your team.
01:28:57 [congregation applauding]
01:29:00 - Wow.
01:29:02 [congregation applauding]
01:29:05 [congregation applauding]
01:29:08 [congregation applauding]
01:29:11 [congregation applauding]
01:29:14 [congregation applauding]
01:29:17 - Wow, wow, wow.
01:29:20 - I already did that before, I know that.
01:29:22 - Okay.
01:29:23 - Okay, we're done, so let's see, how many we got?
01:29:26 How many we got?
01:29:27 Count.
01:29:28 So I need a count for everybody that came in.
01:29:30 - Right here, across the front.
01:29:32 - Y'all come on down front.
01:29:33 Come on down front this way.
01:29:35 Okay, just come on down front so we can count 'cause we
01:29:39 wasn't gonna do but 10, but--
01:29:41 [congregation laughing]
01:29:43 - One more.
01:29:45 Blessed to be a blessing.
01:29:46 - That's right.
01:29:47 All right, how many we got?
01:29:49 Give me a count.
01:29:50 [congregation laughing]
01:29:57 Now, if you ain't got four kids, you're lying.
01:29:59 [congregation laughing]
01:30:01 All right, don't--
01:30:03 Wait, y'all coming late, y'all coming late.
01:30:05 What y'all been doing?
01:30:06 You didn't know you had four kids three minutes ago?
01:30:08 [congregation laughing]
01:30:11 Come on, I'm wondering.
01:30:13 I'm wondering.
01:30:16 Come on.
01:30:18 Four kids, I wanna say, "Where they at?"
01:30:20 [congregation laughing]
01:30:23 Come on down.
01:30:24 I need an accurate count.
01:30:25 All right, so, all right, we're done.
01:30:27 If you didn't come already, you done missed it.
01:30:29 We got this one lady right here, come on, and we're done.
01:30:31 - Yeah.
01:30:32 - So even if you got four, we done.
01:30:34 Y'all messing up what I'm trying to do.
01:30:38 What's your count?
01:30:41 - 33.
01:30:42 - 33, that's with everybody who came down?
01:30:44 All right, how much the tickets, Taff?
01:30:47 - The tickets are 58.
01:30:49 - 58 bucks?
01:30:50 - Mm-hmm.
01:30:51 - All right, I'm gonna sell a seat for 33 people.
01:30:54 - Yes.
01:30:55 [congregation cheering]
01:30:56 - Okay?
01:30:57 - That's right.
01:30:58 - I'm gonna sell a seat for 33 people.
01:31:00 Now, but you have to register, like, now, before you leave.
01:31:05 - Yes, what you have to do is go out to the lobby immediately
01:31:09 after service and go to the information desk,
01:31:13 go to the information desk to get your ticket, okay?
01:31:18 - Y'all told me 33, not 40.
01:31:21 [laughter]
01:31:24 - And so, ladies, this is your last--this is the last day,
01:31:27 so if you've not gotten your ticket and you want to attend
01:31:31 next Saturday's Lemon Bliss, be sure to get your ticket
01:31:34 today.
01:31:35 Today is the last day.
01:31:36 It's upcoming Saturday, so today is the last day.
01:31:40 - Okay, so I'm gonna sell seats for 40 ladies.
01:31:43 - Okay.
01:31:44 - 40 ladies.
01:31:45 - All right.
01:31:46 - And how much the tickets?
01:31:48 - 58.
01:31:49 [laughter]
01:31:54 - And so, anybody else, if you want to sew,
01:31:56 you're welcome to do that.
01:31:58 Creflo and I are sewing.
01:31:59 - Got it.
01:32:00 - We'll make it 50.
01:32:01 We're gonna do 50 tickets.
01:32:02 We're gonna do 50.
01:32:04 We're gonna do 50, and if you want to sew,
01:32:07 be led, be blessed.
01:32:09 - Okay.
01:32:10 - All right.
01:32:11 - Okay, just--just--
01:32:12 - Brother Jimmy said he'll do 10.
01:32:13 - Jimmy gonna do 10.
01:32:14 I'm gonna do 50, and we gonna--we gonna--we finna go home.
01:32:18 [laughter]
01:32:20 No, it's a privilege.
01:32:21 We want y'all to enjoy it, and God bless you,
01:32:24 and we're sewing this seat in the good ground, amen?
01:32:26 - Yes, we love you.
01:32:27 - Praise God.
01:32:28 - Thanks for all you do.
01:32:29 - You can return back to your seats.
01:32:31 - Mm-hmm.
01:32:32 - Let's stand for our final blessing.
01:32:35 Some people are respecting you,
01:32:36 and they giving away money in there?
01:32:38 [laughter]
01:32:41 You can come over here.
01:32:43 - Y'all, real quickly, we're in the political season,
01:32:47 and we have a special guest here with us today.
01:32:49 We want to recognize him real quick.
01:32:51 If you would, raise your hand, Brother Ray Mills.
01:32:54 He is running for the Georgia State Representative
01:32:57 for South Fulton District 69,
01:33:00 so we got that time coming up.
01:33:03 - Ray, come here.
01:33:04 Ray, look. Let me see.
01:33:06 Almost, come here.
01:33:08 Boy, you know you sharp this morning.
01:33:11 Look here.
01:33:12 Look here.
01:33:13 - Just a little bit.
01:33:14 - Look at that.
01:33:15 - Just a little bit.
01:33:16 - Like we talked to each other last night, almost.
01:33:18 God bless you, sir.
01:33:19 Oh, God bless you.
01:33:21 Lift your hands up for the final blessing.
01:33:26 May the grace and the peace of God Almighty
01:33:30 be extended to you and your family.
01:33:33 May the Spirit of God walk with you throughout this week,
01:33:37 protecting you from all hurt, harm, and danger.
01:33:42 May the power of God's Spirit dwell in you and upon you
01:33:48 in a heavy way, and may you experience promotion
01:33:53 in tsunami portions.
01:33:57 May the power of his love flow from your heart
01:34:01 into the lives of others.
01:34:04 May you have opportunity to minister to those
01:34:07 who are less fortunate than you are,
01:34:10 and may the promises of God be seen in your lives
01:34:14 throughout this week.
01:34:17 For you walk in safety, healing, protection,
01:34:22 joy, and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
01:34:27 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling
01:34:31 and to present you faultless before the Almighty God,
01:34:34 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:34:39 And everybody said amen.
01:34:41 God bless you, world changers.
01:34:43 Thank you for coming today.
01:34:45 - Amen.
01:34:49 - Amen.
01:34:50 - Tsunami of promotion.
01:34:51 - Tsunami, right?
01:34:52 - Yes.
01:34:53 - I received that.
01:34:54 I received that.
01:34:55 Well, world changers, we are so excited.
01:34:57 Today has been an amazing service.
01:34:59 I'm talking about this word.
01:35:00 - Yes.
01:35:01 - This word and just the way God is just so transparent,
01:35:05 so real, coming down to our level,
01:35:08 speaking to us directly where we are, man.
01:35:10 Today was awesome, awesome.
01:35:12 - Absolutely.
01:35:13 What did you get out of service today?
01:35:14 What's a nugget that's a takeaway for you?
01:35:16 - I got one little nugget.
01:35:17 Well, I got many nuggets, but I have one I'm gonna share.
01:35:20 The nugget I want to share with you is I maintain what I believe
01:35:23 in the midst of what I've been going through.
01:35:26 And when I tell you that hit me so hard,
01:35:28 simply because it's easy to believe when you're so focused on the results.
01:35:32 When you just believe because you believe.
01:35:34 - Come on.
01:35:35 - Like that's what it is.
01:35:36 Just believe.
01:35:37 So regardless of what I see, and it reminds me of the three Hebrew boys,
01:35:40 like even if God don't come through, I'm still not going to bow.
01:35:43 - Come on.
01:35:44 He's still not bowing to anything other than God.
01:35:46 - Watch out now.
01:35:47 - Come on, Sebastian.
01:35:48 - Too good.
01:35:49 - That's an amazing takeaway.
01:35:50 And we have a question for you.
01:35:52 The question for you today is are you aware of the needs of the most vulnerable
01:35:58 people in your life or in your community today?
01:36:01 Really think about that.
01:36:02 Are you really aware of the needs of others that are directly connected to you
01:36:06 or around you?
01:36:07 Sometimes the smallest act of your generosity can make somebody else's
01:36:11 entire day.
01:36:13 And for years, World Changers Church has been intentional about not just meeting
01:36:17 the spiritual needs of people, but Sylvester, you've been here, you know,
01:36:20 also meeting the material needs of people through food giveaways,
01:36:24 school supply giveaways, free family events throughout the year,
01:36:28 and so much more.
01:36:30 And so we want to share a scripture with you from Proverbs 22,
01:36:33 verse number 9 in the NLT.
01:36:36 It says, "Blessed are those who are generous because they feed the poor."
01:36:42 When you are giving to others who can give you nothing in return materially,
01:36:46 there is a blessing of the Lord on you and your house.
01:36:50 And so today we encourage you to look around you and be cheerfully generous.
01:36:57 Amen.
01:36:58 Amen.
01:36:59 Listen, and if all them mothers, our pastors are so generous, like,
01:37:04 "Hey, you know,
01:37:05 we want to make sure that you all can also experience living bliss."
01:37:07 Like, listen.
01:37:08 It started with 10-ticket giveaway, and now I think it ended up being 50
01:37:11 or 55 tickets given away in service.
01:37:14 Hey, look at God.
01:37:16 Come on.
01:37:17 That's all I got to say.
01:37:18 So we want to make sure and share with you the four different ways that we have
01:37:21 that we can also give that you can participate.
01:37:24 If you did not get an opportunity before,
01:37:26 so you can simply text the word "worldchangers," leave a space,
01:37:29 and then your amount, and you'll text that to 74483.
01:37:32 You can also call in your gifts to 866-477-7683.
01:37:37 You can also mail in your gifts to 2500 Burnett Road, College Park, Georgia,
01:37:42 30349.
01:37:44 Of course, lastly, you can simply give online at,
01:37:47, or simply scan the QR code that's on your screen.
01:37:51 And you mentioned mothers, so shout-out to the Radical Women Ministry.
01:37:56 Ladies, you showed up and you showed out and conquered Stone Mountain yesterday.
01:38:01 Amazing job.
01:38:03 If you missed the opportunity to be with the Radical Women's Ministry yesterday
01:38:06 for the Stone Mountain hike in Georgia,
01:38:09 there is more fun and good times right around the corner this weekend
01:38:13 with Lemon Bliss.
01:38:15 Tell them about Mothers Day event celebration.
01:38:18 Ladies, ladies, for sure, make sure that you treat yourself to something sweet,
01:38:23 so sweet.
01:38:24 Now, Lemon Bliss 2024 is back and classier than ever.
01:38:27 So this Saturday, May 4th, we want to make sure that you are there in the building
01:38:32 at 11 o'clock a.m.
01:38:33 It's going to be at the Starling downtown Atlanta, Georgia.
01:38:36 So as we honor all women who nurture and inspire,
01:38:39 because every woman deserves to be--
01:38:41 Come on, say it, Sylvester.
01:38:43 I said every woman.
01:38:44 Say it.
01:38:45 Not just the mothers, the sisters, the nieces.
01:38:47 That's right.
01:38:48 Every woman deserves to be celebrated, so we are going to be joined by Jade Warshaw.
01:38:53 She's the co-host of the nationally acclaimed radio show, The Dave Ramsey Show.
01:38:58 Well, The Ramsey Show, as it's been changed to.
01:39:00 But tickets are only $58.
01:39:02 Brunch is included.
01:39:04 So be sure to get your tickets because this is happening not next week,
01:39:08 not in two weeks, this is happening this Saturday.
01:39:11 So make sure and text the word Lemon Bliss to 51555 to register today.
01:39:16 We saw our man of God and our woman of God, they're sending different mothers out.
01:39:21 So, fellas, listen, fellas, you watching, send them ladies, okay?
01:39:25 Send your mama, send your niece, send your aunt, send your daughters.
01:39:29 Let it be a mother-daughter, a sister-sister.
01:39:31 Just send the ladies that you love.
01:39:33 Let's celebrate.
01:39:34 I know I'm sending my wife, I'm sending my mother-in-law.
01:39:37 So listen, it's going to be amazing.
01:39:39 It is.
01:39:40 And then the next opportunity where the whole family can come out and participate is Grace Life Conference 2024.
01:39:46 The reunion is almost here.
01:39:49 World Changers, get your tickets now by texting Grace Life to 51555 or visiting
01:39:58 We are excited to welcome everyone home July 11 through the 13th here in College Park, Georgia.
01:40:04 This will be a reunion you won't forget.
01:40:06 And if you are used to experiencing this atmosphere at home virtually, we invite you, make this the one time that you come on out to the Dome.
01:40:15 It will be worth the drive, the flight, the hike, the snow sled, whatever it is.
01:40:21 It will be worth it.
01:40:22 Come on out and join us for Grace Life July 11 through the 13th.
01:40:26 Now listen, if you need to get on a snow sled, listen, God bless you.
01:40:29 Okay, I just want to say that.
01:40:31 But make your way down here to Atlanta, Georgia.
01:40:33 It's going to be great weather.
01:40:35 It's going to be hot in hotlanta, as they say.
01:40:37 But it's going to be amazing.
01:40:39 And I'm so looking forward to Grace Life.
01:40:41 If you haven't seen all the details, be sure to check it out.
01:40:44 Register right now.
01:40:45 It's free for the free 99.
01:40:47 Amen.
01:40:48 Amen.
01:40:49 So now, of course, to stay up to date with not only the current events that we just mentioned, but everything that's going on here at World Changers,
01:40:55 be sure to just visit
01:40:58 You can click on the Events tab and be sure to just stay tuned, mark your calendars, and stay locked in
01:41:03 in everything that's going on here at World Changers.
01:41:06 Absolutely.
01:41:07 And we encourage you.
01:41:08 The nugget that you got from service was so amazing.
01:41:10 Maintain your stance on what you believe throughout the rest of this week.
01:41:13 Don't let anything shake you.
01:41:15 Stay firm on the Word.
01:41:16 But also share that message with someone that you love or someone who you know may be going through an uncomfortable time
01:41:22 and they need to know what's going on, that no, you're not crazy.
01:41:25 God may be up to something in your life.
01:41:27 Have a great week, y'all.
01:41:28 You better preach.
01:41:30 Y'all have a great Sunday.
01:41:31 Love you guys.
01:41:34 Are you ready to come home?
01:41:36 Grace Life Conference 2024, the reunion is coming.
01:41:39 Creflo and Taffi Dollar will be joined by special guests Andrea Creighton, Gregory Dickhow, Bishop Clarence McClendon,
01:41:46 Inky Johnson, Michael Smith, Hezekiah Walker, and Brian Courtney Wilson, July 11th through 13th.
01:41:53 Don't miss this experience that includes our annual Mentality and Ministers and Leaders Conferences.
01:41:59 Text RACE LIFE to 51555.
01:42:03 [Music]
01:42:32 [Music]
01:42:54 [Music]
01:42:56 [BLANK_AUDIO]