Show Your Work!

  • 5 months ago
Friday Night Live 26 April 2024

In this episode, we delve into a variety of topics covering personal, societal, and intellectual dynamics. From completing an audiobook on Peaceful Parenting to discussing the future of Bitcoin amidst changes in capital gains tax, we explore a wide array of subjects. Analyzing relationships and gender dynamics, we emphasize the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies. We also scrutinize the lack of diversity in academia and advocate for evidence-based reasoning to counter extreme ideas. Touching on themes of control, manipulation, and trusting science, we stress the importance of critical thinking and transparency. Finally, we reflect on the concept of "showing your work" in different contexts and advocate for transparency, evidence, and introspection in decision-making processes.

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00:00:00 Good evening, welcome to your Friday Night Live. I have finished the audiobook of Peaceful
00:00:09 Parenting. It is done. It is grim. The last bit about pedophilia is rough, man. It's rough.
00:00:18 I gotta tell ya, it's not a topic anybody likes to dive into, but it is done, and I
00:00:24 have one appendix I'm still gonna do, and the appendix is a common parental objections
00:00:32 to criticisms of their parenting, and how to overcome them. So, I'm feeling better.
00:00:39 Eh, you know, it's been a bit of a draggy cold. I'm normally just a couple of days with
00:00:43 a cold. It's not bad. I mean, I don't have any sinus stuff. I don't have a sore throat.
00:00:48 It's just kind of raspy, that's all. It's just kind of phlegmy and raspy. You know where
00:00:52 you're like, "I gotta cough enough that I gotta clear the phlegm, but not so much that
00:00:56 I eject a lung." You know, somewhere. That's an Aristotelian mean. Halfway between phlegm
00:01:00 ejection and lung explosion is probably where you... It's a sweet spot. It's a little tough
00:01:05 to find. But there's nothing more appealing than a husband going, "Blech, blech, blech,"
00:01:13 and getting himself inside out like corrugated iron EMP. So, yeah. Let's see here.
00:01:22 "Hey Steph, how long do you think it will take for Bitcoin to be of use by almost everyone?"
00:01:28 Well, there's good news and bad news about Bitcoin, of course, at the moment. I mean,
00:01:35 the capital gains tax is going up, and what that means is that they expect people to start
00:01:40 making real money off Bitcoin. And so, because the government's starting to expect people
00:01:46 to take real money, or for Bitcoin price to go way up, they're increasing the capital
00:01:51 gains tax in Canada. They're moving it up to 66%. And I think there's a quarter mil
00:01:59 exemption for personal people a year, but after that, for corporations and businesses,
00:02:04 it's basically everything. And of course, as you know, they're floating this completely
00:02:09 mental idea. I can't even imagine it would pass. It seems completely non-constitutional.
00:02:13 Of course, I'm no lawyer, but that's my belief, which is to tax unrealized capital
00:02:18 gains at 25%. Unrealized capital gains. Now, they say, I've heard a variety of things,
00:02:25 is it if your net worth is 100 million or more, but this would be completely mad. And
00:02:29 that would mean that if you bought 100 grand worth of Bitcoin, it went to 200 grand, even
00:02:36 if you didn't sell, you'd still owe them 25 grand. So you'd have to sell your Bitcoin
00:02:41 to pay the tax on the Bitcoin you didn't sell. I mean, I don't even know what to say. I mean,
00:02:46 that's just taking such a wrecking ball to the economy. But they're doing all of that,
00:02:50 I think, because they're anticipating the price of Bitcoin to go up significantly, and
00:02:54 they want to wet their beak.
00:02:57 Bitcoin to be of use by almost everyone? I don't think that that's a real thing. I don't
00:03:07 think Bitcoin, I think Bitcoin is, at least for the foreseeable future, going to stay
00:03:11 in business to business transactions. And I think there'll be other mechanisms for dealing
00:03:17 with smaller transactions, the kind of cup of coffee thing. I mean, I know that there's
00:03:20 the Lightning Network, and there's Bitcoin Cash and other things like that. But I sort
00:03:25 of see, in the long run, I see an interface that if you want to buy a cup of coffee, you
00:03:31 just have a bunch of different monies or different values in various cryptos, and there'll be
00:03:37 a competition between cryptos to see which is the fastest and cheapest. Right? Because
00:03:41 the Ethereum gas fees are, you know, kind of prison rapey. And I say this with great
00:03:48 sorrow, but I tried to sell books on Ethereum,, and the fees were more
00:03:54 than the price of the book. And it's like, yeah, that's not real. That's not a good thing.
00:03:58 I know that they're working on that. But I think you'll have a bunch of different cryptos
00:04:02 in a wallet at some point on your phone. And if you want to buy something, the store will
00:04:06 just say, okay, it's X, Y, you know, dollars in fiat or whatever. And then you can just
00:04:11 wave the thing and the phone will figure out which is the cheapest and fastest at the moment.
00:04:17 So there'll be a constant competition between. And it could also be, of course, that even
00:04:23 if you're just in Bitcoin, I mean, if I were coding and doing this kind of stuff, I would
00:04:28 say, okay, so the Bitcoin is going to transfer into another intermediary, right? So the Bitcoin
00:04:35 will sell. Oh, I guess that's a problem, though, because even that Bitcoin sale takes a while.
00:04:40 There'll be banks where people just trade and it'll figure out the fastest and cheapest
00:04:44 way to get the crypto going off a variety of platforms and so on. And I think that would
00:04:48 be the way that it will go. You just need an abstraction layer so that it looks automatic.
00:04:53 All right. So I think Bitcoin is a safe haven. The use of Bitcoin is it's like a bomb shelter,
00:05:10 right? I mean, a bomb shelter is not something that you use except to get away from a nuclear
00:05:16 blast or I guess bombs as a whole. And so I don't, you know, Bitcoin right now, it's
00:05:23 just a rescue, you know, it's a rescue vessel for the sinking ship of fear, right? I mean,
00:05:28 you see what's going on with the Japanese Yen at the moment. That's really something.
00:05:37 So the use case for Bitcoin is at the moment not to buy, but simply to protect from the
00:05:44 collapse of fear. All right.
00:05:49 Hey Zinf, you're in your new apartment. You have a bathtub. You can't pay me to shower.
00:05:58 I've seriously dry skin. So for me, I put the oils in the bath and I come out like a
00:06:04 piece of deep fried fish batter. But if I go into a shower, I've got to oil myself afterwards
00:06:09 or lotion myself afterwards. It's a real drag. You always miss a spot. So I like getting
00:06:13 coated. You know how they dip those cars in to paint them. That's me going into my oils.
00:06:20 Because if there's one thing I learned from Dune, you don't just want to be bald and evil.
00:06:25 You want to be bald, evil and well oiled. Well oiled.
00:06:30 All right. Let's see here. Do not rock when your son is falling asleep. You want a little
00:06:37 bit of light jazz. Thank you very much. Hey, Kairos, nice to see you back. Thank you for
00:06:41 the tip.
00:06:42 Do Canadians' capital gains tax extend to direct crypto transactions?
00:06:50 I don't know. You'd have to talk to an accountant. But if you take a profit and it can be measured,
00:06:55 then I think you owe capital gains.
00:07:00 Congrats on finishing the book. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Hong Kong Bitcoin
00:07:03 ETF start trading on Tuesday. That's right. That is right. That is nice. Nice, nice, nice.
00:07:10 All right. Oh, yeah. Unrealized capital gains. It's crazy. It's like saying, well, the value
00:07:17 of your house went up even if you don't sell it. You owe me money. I don't know. We're
00:07:22 in the late. Empire acquisition of everything. All right. Hey, Steph, I'm at odds with myself.
00:07:32 There is a girl I wanted to ask out yesterday. She's a waitress and I was having lunch with
00:07:35 a buddy, but I chickened out. I have seen her at a few sporting events in the past and
00:07:40 we've chatted a bit. Is it weird for me to now send her a message over Facebook? Will
00:07:44 this be perceived as creepy if it's not creepy? Why do you think it will be perceived that
00:07:50 way? You know. Creepy is just a sign up, right? Right. You know that the word the word creepy
00:08:03 is just a sign. It's not like a real thing. I mean, creepy is not like I mean, of course,
00:08:14 are there creepy men? Yeah, there are creepy men. There are creepy women. But the word
00:08:18 creepy is in the same category as real man. You know, a real man. I got three kids by
00:08:25 four different men in a genetic improbability. I need a real man to step up and take you
00:08:30 to if you're not a real man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me let me let me let a woman define to
00:08:36 me what a real man is. It's hilarious. I mean, it's just a basic sign up. So it's tough.
00:08:44 You know, it's tough to ask out waitresses because they're on the job. It's a little
00:08:48 awkward, right? Because in a sense, you're their boss at the moment because you determine
00:08:53 their tips. But. In general, for me. Yeah, like it's like the ick and real man and creepy,
00:09:07 it's all just a bunch of noise and nonsense. I mean, if you like the girl, you ask her
00:09:13 out. And if she's got a boyfriend or she's not interested, she'll politely refuse you.
00:09:17 And that's fine. Just let it go at that. Right. There's nothing creepy about asking a girl
00:09:22 out. Here's the thing, though. Women. Women want you to be direct, obviously not intrusive,
00:09:36 not invasive, not stalky, obviously. I don't need to tell you guys that. But women want
00:09:40 you to be direct. If you're over solicitous and it's like, well, I don't want to ask you
00:09:45 here, I don't want to ask you here, then you look like you are not going to succeed in
00:09:51 the real world. You look like you're not going to succeed in the real world because you're
00:09:54 too, well, what if this and what if that and you're too in your head and you can't just
00:09:59 be direct. So I'm trying to think, I don't think I've ever asked a waitress out. I don't
00:10:09 think I've ever asked a waitress out. So how would I go about doing that?
00:10:18 So I would probably say something like this. I would say, when I paid the check, I would
00:10:25 say something like, I left a little note about my perception of your quality as a waitress.
00:10:34 I also put my phone number in there in case you wanted to give me feedback on my quality
00:10:39 as a customer, say over a coffee, something like that. And that way the ball's in her
00:10:45 court. She can text you, she can call you if she wants. It's not intrusive. It's kind
00:10:49 of funny. I would probably say something like that. You can, you know, it's a 360 review.
00:10:54 I review you as a waiter. You can review me as a customer over coffee because I like an
00:10:58 in-depth performance review. And the performance review, of course, can last all night long,
00:11:03 maybe. Something like that. I mean, not the last part, but yeah, something like that.
00:11:09 And that way she's got your number and she can call you if she wants. So that's my thought
00:11:17 about it. And you guys can tell me. But I think that shows a certain amount of flair
00:11:22 and imagination and confidence and all of that. So sorry, I'm not getting any updates
00:11:27 here. Golden, is that golden? Well, I think it's positive. It shows that you're, I'm not
00:11:36 saying obviously do what I do. I'm just saying something like that. You want to think outside
00:11:40 the box when it comes to, when it comes to asking a girl out. Like it's fairly important
00:11:47 that you don't ask her out in some awkward way and give the waitress your business card.
00:11:54 Yeah, but then she may think that what was the video you did on the real history of slavery
00:12:01 and the illusion of freedom. So you're probably thinking of the truth about slavery and the
00:12:06 illusion of freedom could be sorry for your enslavement. Are you saying that Bitcoin is
00:12:10 not a risk asset, but a safe haven? I do say that. Many altcoins are going to skyrocket,
00:12:15 but due to the cycle being more obvious, there will be heavy manipulation. Yeah. A lot of
00:12:20 the altcoins are just pump and dumps, right? So yeah, just giving her your business card
00:12:24 isn't enough because you need to say, you need to make it clear to a girl when you're
00:12:30 asking her out that you are in fact, the hell have I got here? There's something on my face
00:12:36 here. What did I eat? My daughter made me a lovely omelet for dinner. I don't think
00:12:42 it's an omelet bit. Oh, well just mystery things on the face. Who knows? Could be something
00:12:46 that I ate four days ago. No, no. I had a bath. But yeah, you want to make it clear
00:12:53 that you're asking her out, not let's hang out or anything like that. So putting the
00:13:00 ball in the girl's court rarely works. Women don't like to take the initiative. You have
00:13:03 to be the one who organizes the date. Well, but you have to get some interest from the
00:13:08 woman in going out with you, right? And if the woman likes you enough, she'll absolutely
00:13:20 take the initiative. So I mean, in my experience, if the woman likes you enough, she'll take
00:13:26 the initiative. See, you don't want to ask a girl out who's lukewarm, right? Because
00:13:36 lukewarm tends to be a male name. No, like you don't want to ask a girl out who's lukewarm.
00:13:40 You want to ask a girl out who's really thrilled to have the opportunity to go out with you,
00:13:45 who's really excited about it, who's going to daydream about it, who's going to get herself
00:13:48 all made up, who's going to tell her friends, who's very excited about it, he could be the
00:13:52 one. You just don't date some indifferent girl who's kind of, "Eh, you know, I'm not
00:13:58 that busy that night," or anything like that. That's a pretty sad origin story.
00:14:06 So if you're not totally excited to go out with her, she's not even going to send you
00:14:11 a text saying, "It's time for your performance review, slave." "It's time for your performance
00:14:16 review," or something like that. What's the point, right? What's the point? I would just
00:14:26 straight up ask her if she wants to go do something. It can be hard to balance a serious
00:14:30 gesturing act some guys do. "Well, but the problem is, is you're asking her on the job."
00:14:38 "But a waitress in the restaurant just doesn't have enough information to be excited about
00:14:44 you yet? Are you kidding me?" "What?" "I'm sorry. Do you think that women can't scan you
00:14:54 from top to toe the moment you walk in the room and know just about everything about
00:14:58 you? Do you not know that a woman's scanning ability makes deep bone marrow TSA stuff look
00:15:05 completely opaque? Do you not know that?" You see, women scan. Men scan, but we scan
00:15:16 a lot for looks. But women scan real deep. They scan real deep. And she's going to see,
00:15:25 if she's interested in you, she's going to watch you out of the corner of her eye every
00:15:29 time she's in the room. Let's say she's a waitress and she's going to see how you chat
00:15:33 with your friends. She's going to see the quality of your friends. She's going to check
00:15:36 out how you're dressed. She's going to look and see if you have a watch. She's going to
00:15:39 check out your shoes. If there's not the worst thing in the world, if you've got a nice car,
00:15:45 you leave those car keys on the table. So she's going to scan you and evaluate you and
00:15:55 figure out if you're interested. Are you laughing? Are you a good joke teller? Do you have an
00:16:01 easy way with people? Are you relatively engaging and enjoyable? Can you be serious if needed?
00:16:08 Because we've all seen those woo girls and you just know that's going to be exhausting
00:16:10 because they can't ever be serious about anything, but can you be serious about things? And if
00:16:20 you catch her eye, will you smile? And are you polite and nice and all of that? So I'm
00:16:29 not talking about dating apps. I'm just talking about a woman is going to scan you. So a waitress
00:16:34 is absolutely going to have a massive amount of information in her head about who you are.
00:16:42 Hired guns are paid to flirt with men/the customers and a lot of simps don't seem to
00:16:46 understand that. I don't know what you mean by hired guns. I don't think that waitresses
00:16:52 in your average restaurant are paid to sleep with customers or flirt with customers. I
00:16:56 mean, I don't think that's a thing. At bars, maybe a little bit and certainly at strip
00:17:03 clubs, the flirting is part of the money raking.
00:17:13 So the girl is focusing on three things when she's evaluating. Number one, how does she
00:17:19 feel about you? Number two, what kind of future could you have? And number three, will she
00:17:24 be envied by her friends? Will you be high status to her friends or will she be like,
00:17:32 "Yeah, I know he's not much to look at, but he's really funny" or something like that.
00:17:36 Yes, smile goes a long way. Do you have directness and clear thinking and a buoyancy? So you
00:17:43 got to have the masculine and feminine balance each other really well. So women are more
00:17:49 detail oriented and women think more in the long term. And men are more big picture and
00:17:55 think more in the immediate. And these are very compatible things. Very compatible things.
00:18:01 A woman brings depth and organization to the future for a man and a man brings deneuroticism
00:18:10 and the deepening of the present. So she's just going to look, do you have the kind of
00:18:15 energy that's going to balance her mindset? Men need to be reminded about the future and
00:18:22 women need to be reminded not to worry. And the worrying is great and living in the moment
00:18:26 is great. But we men, we don't have the metronome, right? We're basically the same. We're like
00:18:32 from 18 to like 70, we're just basically the same. I mean, I'm doing the same workout.
00:18:36 I do all the same stuff I did when I was 20. I literally do the same workout. I still like
00:18:42 do an hour of pickleball and do my weights and some cardio from time to time. I'm just
00:18:49 basically the same. I'm 57. So for the last like, you know, 37 years, I've been just basically
00:18:55 doing a tank. I mean, I lost my hair so long ago. It's not like that's some big thing.
00:19:00 I weigh a little less, but basically about the same as I did when I was 20 and like nothing
00:19:05 really changes. You get a little creakier and right, a couple of injuries accumulate
00:19:10 from time to time, but I mean, nothing really changes. Nothing really changed. I mean, physically,
00:19:15 mentally, yes. I mean, nothing really changes. Women got the metronome, right? Every month
00:19:18 lost an egg, every month lost an egg, every month lost an egg, or more than one, but they
00:19:23 got the metronome and they've got the 30 is a big thing. I've never found decades. Maybe
00:19:29 60 will be a bigger thing for me because 60 feels like a pretty, pretty, pretty old age,
00:19:34 but we don't, we just, men don't have the metronome. We're just these tanks that just
00:19:37 roll along and women got the biological clock and the 30 and the 40 is a big one and menopause
00:19:44 is a big thing. We just, men just, just jungle on. We're like, like bulldozers just moving
00:19:51 on. So women, women, women help you buy a house and make it beautiful, right? I mean,
00:20:00 men, you know, the joke about men, they live on a futon with a big screen TV and maybe
00:20:04 an Xbox. That's about it. But I live deep in girly world. I'm deep behind enemy lines.
00:20:10 It's a beautiful place to be. It's a beautiful place to be. My wife will literally find the
00:20:17 right soaps for my body. Now, of course, that's somewhat selfish on her part because she spends
00:20:22 quite a bit of time close to it, but she will literally try to find the right. She got me,
00:20:27 she, no, do you know, do you know, you don't just have to, you know, squeeze fish and chips
00:20:34 and put the oil on your face. My, my wife gets me a night cream and a day cream. Did
00:20:40 you, did you know about these things? I had no idea. No idea. There are these things which
00:20:47 see some of the creams are for repairing your skin at night and don't have any SPF and some
00:20:53 of the creams are there for the daytime and do have SPF. It's magic. And it made no sense
00:21:02 to me. It made no sense to me. I mean, I used to just do it again, you know, but I mean,
00:21:10 that's right. She's right. She's right. She's right. Also, the way you carry yourself, girls
00:21:16 are experts at picking up body language. That's right. That's right. Yeah. I mean, I'm for
00:21:22 me, posture, Alexander technique and all of that, you don't want to be kind of slouched
00:21:26 over and you know, you don't want to be low energy. You want to be someone that is going
00:21:30 to be fun to hook your life up to. Somebody says I played my first pickleball game this
00:21:35 week and it was a blast. You ready for a match, Steph? You might, you might, uh, I've been
00:21:39 playing racket sports since I was five. So sorry, I got a bit more than half a century
00:21:44 on you. So you might want to play just a little bit more before we play together. So, uh,
00:21:54 let's see here, Steph. I know this is off subject, but I'd love to hear your thoughts
00:21:58 on the campus issues across America protests. How do you view this? What do you mean? You
00:22:09 mean the fact that the protests are intrusive and occasionally violent? I mean, there's
00:22:16 a lot of cultures and places in this world. And I did, you can look at this. I did the
00:22:21 truth about free speech many years ago. There's a lot of cultures and places in the world.
00:22:26 They have no interest in free speech. They have no interest in free speech. Free speech
00:22:29 kind of like a white male thing for the most part. And it certainly is a high IQ thing.
00:22:33 So we have everybody embracing postmodernism so that they don't have to defend the positions
00:22:42 they like, right? This is the big lure. This is the demonic lure of postmodernism. Well,
00:22:46 there's no such thing as truth. It's all subjective. There's your truth. And that way you can have
00:22:51 your prejudicial bullshit and you never have to defend it. It's lazy. It's really sad.
00:22:58 It's pathetic really. And so postmodernism means that you don't have to subject what
00:23:08 you like to an objective or external or rational or empirical analysis or any kind of opposition.
00:23:19 So that's been the path of the American academia, of American academia and in other places as
00:23:26 well. And so because postmodernism says you can just hoard your own bullshit and you never
00:23:35 need to subject it to any external challenge, I view the people in academia, I don't just
00:23:44 mean like everyone, as foundationally weak, extraordinarily weak, flaccid, boneless, spineless.
00:23:55 Why would you want to be in a place where you couldn't test your ideas in the best opposition?
00:24:06 Why would you want to be it? Why would you want to call yourself an intellectual and
00:24:09 then get emotionally triggered by counter arguments and scream and shout and run people
00:24:17 off with violence? I mean, everybody who's not on the left, right? You know, it's a,
00:24:24 Steven Pinker came up with this. I don't know if he came up with it. He's mentioning this
00:24:26 great thing is called the left pole. Like, you know, in the North pole, everything that's
00:24:30 not the North pole is South. Like there's the North pole and then there's everything
00:24:34 else, right? There's no North from the North pole. And so he's saying it's the left pole.
00:24:39 Everything that's not specifically left is like far right, extreme right. Okay. That's
00:24:45 just boring and lazy. And anyone who thinks that way is boring, flaccid and lazy and should
00:24:52 be kept as far away from the helms of intellectual might in society as humanly possible. Peacefully,
00:24:57 of course. Right. So he was saying that like the real censorship has been the incredible
00:25:03 bigotry in the hiring in academia, right? Like 2% or 3% of academics in most major institutions
00:25:11 are conservatives, right? And most of those are guys in their eighties or nineties. So,
00:25:23 you know, half the population is conservative and yet only 2% of academics are conservative
00:25:29 and none of the new hires. So zero, zero. I mean, imagine if half the population was
00:25:34 black and there were no blacks in academia, people would lose their minds. And rightly
00:25:39 so that would be evidence of significant bigotry. But the fact that half the population is conservative
00:25:45 and there are no conservatives in academia. I mean, there are some in engineering, there
00:25:49 are some in the heart of sciences and in math and physics and so on chemistry, some in biology,
00:25:56 but biology has gone pretty woke. And there's no, like people have no problem with that.
00:26:02 So the idea, I mean, the idea that they're into diversity is really, really sad. I think
00:26:05 diversity is actually a good thing. I've really, really enjoyed sharpening my ideas and arguments
00:26:12 in the face of massive opposition, which has been going on now in my life for like well
00:26:16 over 40 years. You know, if people want to debate UPB, people want to debate RTR, people
00:26:22 want to debate whatever I've got to say, thrilled, you know, bring it on. I've almost never refused
00:26:27 a debate. Why? Because I don't want to be an effing moron. And I don't want to live
00:26:36 in an echo chamber. And I don't want to just think I'm right because feels. I mean, that's
00:26:41 just really sad. It's just really sad. And it's such a confession of weakness to not
00:26:51 give those you teach exposure to the opposite case. I mean, that's just a confession that
00:26:59 the opposite case is something you can't argue. Whether it's right or wrong, you just, you
00:27:03 can't argue. So you just define it as evil, as corrupt, as bigoted, and just you use sophistry
00:27:13 to drive off opposition and you call yourself some kind of intellectual hero. I mean, that's
00:27:26 so sad. It's so pitiful. That for this not to be commented about is, it's shameful. It's
00:27:37 absolutely shameful. And the fact that people would send their kids to these ridiculous
00:27:40 institutions of circular, it's just circle jerk reinforced prejudice. It's all it is.
00:27:48 And it's an open confession that they can't answer the arguments of those who oppose them
00:27:51 because they just use violence to drive them off. Of course. Of course. I mean, it's like
00:27:58 an intellectual mafia mentality. You can't compete, so you're just going to use violence.
00:28:06 Yeah, it's very sad.
00:28:13 Yeah, Thaddeus Russell, he said it was possible that you could get a tree pregnant. Yeah,
00:28:21 Stephen Hicks and I did an interview on postmodernism. I was writing about postmodernism in my novel
00:28:27 called The God of Atheists a quarter century ago. I was writing just how absolutely appalling
00:28:33 it is.
00:28:37 Is there any way you can put out the future, the present, almost, and the peaceful parenting
00:28:42 book out on MP3? I prefer putting files on my old iPod, and it can't take the RSS feeds.
00:28:53 I don't understand. Don't you have a computer or a phone? I mean, unless I'm missing something
00:29:05 very important, you put the feed in a feed catcher, it'll download all the MP3 files,
00:29:12 and then you put them on your iPod. I don't understand. What's the problem? They are out
00:29:20 on MP3. You download them to your computer, and you transfer them to your iPod. Again,
00:29:25 if I'm missing something, please let me know, but I don't understand why that's an issue.
00:29:30 Steph, would you give online dating a chance if you were in your 20s? So many men say it's
00:29:34 not worth it in the current year. I couldn't answer that. I couldn't answer that.
00:29:42 My wife is a total sweetie. Yeah, she's just incredibly thoughtful.
00:29:45 It is chastic, yeah. No, I did a day and a half of carrot cake, and I just had to let
00:29:52 it go. Just had to let it go.
00:29:56 Have you heard about the furries taking over a middle school? Absolutely. Why not? Why
00:30:01 not? Because it's kind of funny how people say, "Well, everything's subjective, and nothing
00:30:08 is true, and you can be whatever you claim you are," and then they think that there's
00:30:11 an end to that process. Once you let go, it's sort of like let going or jumping out of a
00:30:18 hot air balloon and then thinking you'll be able to slow your descent with your willpower.
00:30:23 Once you jump out of reason and evidence, why does anyone think there's an end? That
00:30:29 things aren't just going to get crazier and crazier. You've already abandoned reason and
00:30:33 evidence. Do you think there's an end point to that? "Oh, okay. Well, we wanted to get
00:30:38 reason of evidence. We wanted to get rid of reason and evidence. No more debating, but
00:30:43 we didn't want things to get totally crazy." It's like, "Based on what? Like what? You
00:30:48 think there's some midpoint between sane and crazy?" As I'm not talking about furries in
00:30:53 particular, it's kind of funny to me. "Well, things are getting really crazy." It's like,
00:30:58 "Well, yeah. I mean, that's what happens." The slippery slope is real. Slippery slope
00:31:02 fallacy is absolutely real, and our entire modern society is there to make sure that
00:31:07 in the future they never say, "Well, that's just a slippery slope argument." It's like,
00:31:11 "Well, remember the early 21st century?" So the slippery slope argument is real.
00:31:23 So yeah, get rid of reason and evidence. It's like saying, "Well, we're going to replace
00:31:27 science with superstition." And then, you know, what was it, the guy who founded the
00:31:36 Wiccan movement in the 1950s was just some creep looking to hire young women into his
00:31:41 BDSM sessions. And it's like, "Yeah, but once you let go of reason and evidence, it just
00:31:46 gets crazier and crazier." Until society's like, "Oh shit, that's why we had the reason
00:31:51 and evidence thing. Yeah. It was kind of fun for a while there, but kind of snowballed on
00:31:57 us, didn't it?" Now people are claiming to be trees, and we have to, what, indulge them?
00:32:04 So you let go of reason and evidence, and what happens is the stuff that you like, that
00:32:09 you can't defend, you then don't have to defend, because you just let go of reason and evidence.
00:32:13 All the ideas that are opposed to what you are emotionally or historically used to, those
00:32:18 ideas, the stuff that flows with your prejudice, yeah, they don't have to be defended, and
00:32:30 you feel great. "Whew, thank goodness. I can just roll with my prejudice, and I don't have
00:32:33 to feel uncomfortable hearing opposing ideas." So it's like a drug. It feels great at the
00:32:38 beginning. It feels great in the beginning, right? But then what happens is there's going
00:32:50 to be people a whole lot crazier than you, and how are you going to oppose them? Well,
00:33:01 it starts as a slippery slope, and it ends up as a complete free fall. And things get
00:33:07 crazier and crazier, and the reason and evidence people, like people like me, the reason and
00:33:15 evidence people, we're right here. We're right here. Turn the fuck around and come home.
00:33:25 Just turn the fuck around and come home. It's not that hard. All you have to do is say,
00:33:31 "Yeah, I kind of got bribed with prejudice into accepting craziness, but now the craziness
00:33:36 has gone too far." It's like, "Okay, well, the only way you can rein into it, the only
00:33:40 way you can rein it in, the only way you can tame it is to come back to reason and evidence.
00:33:43 Come back to logic. Come back to debate. Come back to facts." We're right here. We're one
00:33:52 click away. We're right here. The whole salvation to all of the craziness right here. But there's
00:34:04 a catch, and it seems to be, I don't know why. I genuinely don't know why. It's not
00:34:10 false humility. I have no fucking clue. I genuinely don't know why people don't want
00:34:16 to pay the price of returning to reason. I don't know why. I don't understand it. It
00:34:24 makes no sense to me. Does anybody know what is the price of returning to reason? What
00:34:35 is the price of returning to reason? The price that people would rather, and sometimes it
00:34:41 seems like they would rather suffer unto death than return to reason. So what is the price?
00:34:48 Humility? Absolutely. Humility. Humility. The humility to say what? Taking responsibility
00:35:03 for being unreasonable? Yeah. So the humility to say, what's that old, it was an old happy
00:35:13 days where the Fonz was like, "I was..." I was... Oh, damn it. I was... Damn it. I was
00:35:26 wrong. Yeah, I was wrong. Sorry. I was wrong. And you told me I was wrong. And I called
00:35:52 you a Nazi. I told you, you told me I was wrong. And I called you a bigot. Right? And
00:36:03 I insulted you. And you were right. But the reason and evidence thing, right? Have you
00:36:12 seen that meme where a man, there's a man and a woman. It's a little picture, man and
00:36:20 a woman. And underneath it is, "I'm sorry." And the man just draws a line to, "I'm sorry."
00:36:25 And the woman squiggles all over the place, right? Is it a little harder, on average,
00:36:35 is it a tiny bit harder for women to admit that they're wrong? To say, "Well, I was bribed
00:36:44 because I didn't think this through. I thought that only the prejudice that I liked would
00:36:51 be saved by not having to do the reason and evidence thing." And it turns out that the
00:37:11 demons I thought would only serve me, well, they end up ruling me. This is like, this
00:37:23 is 101, right? Sorcerer's Apprentice. This is the oldest story in the book. I'm going
00:37:28 to command this demon. Oh no, the demon ended up commanding me. The demon is going to offer
00:37:33 me things that I haven't earned, such as being right. Oh no, I sold my soul to the demon
00:37:40 and now he's making the world hell, right? And it just seems like there's just no end
00:37:55 to people's thirst for this completely retarded lessons that we just have to learn over and
00:38:00 over and over again. People can't even say, "Well, maybe that safe and effective thing
00:38:08 wasn't quite all it was touted." They can't even say that. So, people are just going to
00:38:19 have to learn their lesson. We're right here. Anytime you want the medicine, medicine can
00:38:25 be a little bitter, but man, you're going to feel fantastic afterwards. No! I always
00:38:31 have the Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed. It's a very strange name. Bloom County was
00:38:34 a pretty funny cartoon from way back in the day, like a little comic strip. And I remember
00:38:39 one, I read this as a teenager, and there was this penguin, this penguin that was trying
00:38:44 to lose weight. And he was like, "I'm going to go with the all toast and herring head
00:38:48 and avocado diet," and so on, right? Some crazy stuff, right? And one of the more reasonable
00:39:01 characters was, "Can't you just eat less and exercise?" "No, no, absolutely not. I need
00:39:13 a magical solution to losing weight that doesn't just involve eating less and exercising more.
00:39:22 It's got to be magic." Do you ever think these people worship science because then they don't
00:39:29 have to think or have a conscience? People worship science because they're bullies. Shut
00:39:38 the fuck up and obey me generally comes in a lab coat. I mean, let's be frank, right?
00:39:49 Can't stay, but always a great education from you, Steph. I never feel sending a donation
00:39:54 your way is unworthy. You truly are a gift to me and I'm grateful for you. Thank you.
00:39:57 That was very kind. I really, really do appreciate your kindness.
00:40:04 Yeah, so science is just the new cult. It's just the new superstition. It's just the new
00:40:11 witch doctors. The witch doctors used to have bones through their noses and painted balls,
00:40:16 and now they have pocket protectors and lab coats. Trust science means do what I want
00:40:27 or I'll verbally abuse you. That's all it is. Literally, they say, "Don't question the
00:40:34 science." I mean, how absolutely brain dead do you have to be to say something as utterly
00:40:41 ridiculous as, "Trust the science." Oh, wow. That's really something. That's really something.
00:41:00 Well, can you release the source data? No. Can you release the modeling parameters? No.
00:41:11 How about the test data for the vaccine? No. Trust me, bro. Yeah, this is the ultimate
00:41:19 sarfa statement. But you always need some way to dress up your sadistic bullshit in
00:41:29 finer terms, right? God told me. Fauci said. The science says. Scientists say. It's like,
00:41:37 can you make the case yourself? Can you at least give me the source data to look through?
00:41:44 No. I mean, my mother was... I mean, I've had lots of reasons to doubt all this nonsense,
00:41:53 but my mother was under the tender, loving care of a lot of mental health professionals.
00:42:00 Experts agree that, right? I mean, it's like every time a new toothpaste comes out, all
00:42:05 of the dentists are staring at the phone. Call me, man. Call me. I've got such a strong
00:42:08 opinion on this one. 98% of climate scientists... That was all bullshit. Oh, are you saying
00:42:19 you know better than all the scientists in the world? And it's because people don't know
00:42:26 the history of the science. The history of science is absolutely chalked to the fucking
00:42:30 gills with lies, corruption, bullshit, menace, sadism, corruption of every kind, because
00:42:39 it's populated by human beings generally paid off by very powerful interests. Hey, man.
00:42:53 Let's say fat is the issue, not sugar. Oh, got paid for that shit too, right? Oh, fucking
00:42:57 food pyramid. Sorry, I'm going to swear too much tonight, but this stuff pisses me off.
00:43:03 All of the doctors, well paid by the tobacco companies to say tobacco was great. Doctors
00:43:09 still refer to abortion as "health care." Doctors handing out these SSRIs like nobody's
00:43:18 business. Yeah, understand, it's a new, same bullshit, slightly more elegant way to tell
00:43:29 people to shut the fuck up and obey. Trust the science. Okay, tell me about the science.
00:43:42 Well, I don't know, but there's a bunch of scientists who stand to make a huge amount
00:43:46 of money. If you trust their science, it's like, the fuck would you trust? I trust scientists
00:43:50 about as much as I trust marketing executives. Marketing executives are paid to promote their
00:43:56 fucking products and they do it. Oh, Coke is bubbly and fizzy and here's a beer commercial
00:44:02 with some girls in bikinis and this car is very cool. And if you wear these glasses,
00:44:06 you'll look like Armando Sante. And it's just like, this is bullshit. I mean, they're paid
00:44:10 to make shit look good. I mean, do you think there's some ad executive, if some company
00:44:17 comes up and offers him a $10 million contract to promote his product, he's like, "Well,
00:44:22 I've got to first find out if the product is actually really good." It's like, "No,
00:44:26 fuck, yeah, give me the money, man. I'll blow the consumer if I have to." You know, I mean,
00:44:36 it's sort of wild, right? Because it wasn't that long ago, really, I mean, less than two
00:44:41 generations, well, two generations and a bit, it wasn't that long ago when scientists were
00:44:47 revealed as about as sadistically evil as you could conceive of, right? I mean, ever
00:44:55 heard of Joseph Mengele? Ever hear about the experiments that were done in the concentration
00:45:00 camps under the Nazis? Do you ever hear about what happened? We just talked about this the
00:45:03 other day on a donor livestream. The Japanese Imperial Army from Hell? It's like, can you
00:45:20 imagine just handing in a bunch of scrolls to a math professor and saying, before it
00:45:27 was proved, "I proved Fermat's Last Theorem." And he'd be like, "I don't see the proof here.
00:45:33 I just see a... Trust the math, man. Trust the math." It's like, "No, okay, I need to
00:45:38 see the proof. I need to see the work. Trust me, man." And what were we always told? What
00:45:42 were we always told as kids, right? You hand in your math home, I don't know if they still
00:45:46 do this. You had John Money and Kinsey doing weird sexual experiments on children. Yeah,
00:45:51 it was just... In Freud, yeah, show your work. I mean, always, "Show your work, man. It doesn't
00:45:58 matter if you had the right answer, you got to show your work." It's like, "Hey, man, the
00:46:02 fact that I have the right answer, I shouldn't need to show my work." But I was always told.
00:46:07 Once you marked down significantly, even if you had the right answer, if you didn't show
00:46:11 your work, right? "Show your work. I don't want to just trust... Even if you've got the
00:46:15 right answer, show your work." That's what I was always told. And that's about inconsequential
00:46:21 shit such as grade eight geometry. "Show your work, man. Quadratic equations. Show your
00:46:27 work." Yeah, you won't always have a calculator in your pocket. Yeah, yeah. So I was always
00:46:36 told, "Show your work. Show your work or it doesn't count. Show your work or you fail.
00:46:41 Even if you got the right answer, show your work or you fail." So then when people come
00:46:45 to me with all kinds of quasi-scientific, heavily compromised bullshit, I'm like, "Hey,
00:46:51 man, if it was really fucking important for me in grade seven and grade eight to show
00:46:55 my work, how about you already took my money? You already took my fucking tax money. How
00:47:00 about you show me your work? Show me your work." "You failed the test because of that."
00:47:08 Yep. Yep. Yep. "You're wrong, even if you're right, if you don't show your work." And I'm
00:47:19 one of these people, you know, it's a blessing and a curse, man. I'm one of these people
00:47:23 who's like, "What do you mean, trust the science? I had to show my work when I was 10 years
00:47:31 old. I had to show my work or I failed." Now, this shit, whatever the scientists are talking
00:47:39 about, a little more fucking important than me trying to use the opposite angle theorem
00:47:46 or the triangle inequality relation in geometry when I'm still learning how to shave.
00:47:59 No, the show your work stuff, I agreed with it. I mean, I know you guys are pissed off
00:48:05 at the show your work stuff. Personally, I agreed with it. I agreed with it because otherwise
00:48:10 you just phone, "Hey, what's the answer to problem four, friend?" "42." Okay, 42, right?
00:48:16 You did actually have to show the work, right? You had to show the work so that you could
00:48:27 show that you understood the requirements, that you really got the math and that you
00:48:30 weren't cheating, right? Probably teacher's getting jealous because you could do the math
00:48:39 in your head. No, no, I've got, I mean, obviously I don't like most government teachers, but
00:48:46 I get the need to show the work, right? So, yeah, show the work, man. I got failed when
00:49:02 I made claims that I had an answer and I wouldn't show the work, right? I was threatened being
00:49:08 locked up in that fucking airless space dungeon of a school for another year. I was threatened
00:49:14 with losing a year of my life. Proof of work is how Bitcoin runs. Yeah, it's true. Not
00:49:22 proof of stake, proof of work. Proof of stake just makes me hungry. Or it's how you kill
00:49:30 vampires, I guess. So, yeah, show your work. Show your work or you fail. And I was told
00:49:39 that in math. I was told that in science. I was also told that in history. I had to
00:49:46 show my bibliography. I had to cite my sources. And when I wrote essays on novels, I had to
00:49:54 show my work. I think that's a good point, Doug. Show your work is also really handy
00:50:03 when you arrive at the wrong answer, you can retrace your steps and see where you went
00:50:06 wrong. Absolutely. Yeah. So I'm like, okay, so show your work or you fail, right? Wasn't
00:50:17 that hard, was it? So then people make all these claims like the earth's going to explode
00:50:23 in 12 minutes or this vaccine is safe and effective. I'm like, oh, shit, man. Well,
00:50:30 the science teacher said, show your work or you fail. That's science, right? Don't just
00:50:35 accept answers. You got to figure out how people arrived at those answers or you fail.
00:50:42 And when I was threatened with losing a year of my life, if I didn't show my work and then
00:50:46 people come to me with all these conclusions that coincidentally usually involve the transfer
00:50:50 of billions of dollars to private interests, I'm like, oh, okay, so you're going to show
00:50:55 me your work, right? And if you don't show me your work, you fail. So you show me the
00:51:03 data behind this hockey stick and all the calculations and you'll do this and you'll
00:51:06 do that and show me all of the, you'll put this out to the public as a whole and let
00:51:12 knowledgeable amateurs or people not fucking corrupted by the entire movement of money
00:51:16 all over the planet. Not talking about anyone in particular, but science does have this
00:51:19 problem as does everything else. Lee says, I think I'd appreciate show your work if it
00:51:31 didn't come in the form of a bad teacher, haha. So I do agree. It's helpful as a practice.
00:51:35 I mean, come on, man. We all do show your work, right? Go to a dentist. You want to
00:51:44 see a couple of things on the wall, a couple of, right? I mean, when you go to a new restaurant,
00:51:51 don't you look up the reviews? It's show your work. See a picture of the food you're going
00:51:55 to order on the menu? That's show your work. Show your work is everywhere. If some guy
00:52:04 says, hey man, I'll do your complicated taxes. Don't you want to know if he can do complicated
00:52:08 taxes? It's got to show his work. It's got to show that he's done something right. Some
00:52:15 woman is 45, but had got a bunch of Botox to make her look 35 and you want to find out
00:52:20 her real age if you want to have kids because 45 is too late. Show your work. How about
00:52:25 a fucking resume? How about a resume? Isn't resume show your work, show your education,
00:52:32 show your history, show your experience, give me your references, show your work. Life is
00:52:36 show your work. I'm showing my work right now. Doing philosophy. Life is all about show
00:52:41 your work. I'm fine with that. I think it's great. Don't take people at face value. Show
00:52:56 your work. Wait, there's a six inch rule? Sorry. There's a six foot rule for a pandemic?
00:53:06 And there's a mask that on the box says it doesn't work against Corona viruses, but we're
00:53:12 supposed to wear it against Corona viruses. Okay. Show your work. Show me the data. We
00:53:18 got to, we got to stay six feet apart and that's going to solve the problem. I mean,
00:53:24 the people who didn't want to shut down travel from China, which says, you know, I'm not
00:53:30 a geographer, but I believe it's a little bit more than six feet away from the United
00:53:33 States. People that didn't want to shut down travel from China. Now I want you to stay
00:53:37 six feet apart. Show me your work. How about communism? Show me your work. Show me the
00:53:46 facts and data by which you come to your conclusion. And of course, Marx died in a futile quest
00:53:54 for that with reality and the growth of the middle class completely destroying his theory.
00:54:00 Fascism. Yeah, show the work. Show the work. We're here to protect you against communism
00:54:06 with totalitarianism. Oh, great. Yeah. Good fucking job. Haven't you done wonderfully?
00:54:16 So yeah, show your work. And you understand the people who are violent and censorious
00:54:24 don't want to show their work. People who don't like people who got, gave me the bomb
00:54:31 and death threats because I wanted to make particular arguments they didn't like. I'm
00:54:40 happy to show my work. I'm happy to show my reasoning, my arguments, my steps. I mean,
00:54:44 my books are all reasoned, closely argued out. I got entire syllogisms to prove my positions,
00:54:53 building from first principles. I got a whole 19 part introduction to philosophy series.
00:54:58 Here's how I build all of my arguments up from very first sense perception. Yeah, show
00:55:03 your work is anathema to those who desire the unearned, right? Well, he, he impregnated
00:55:08 me and then he left me. It's like, okay, show, show your work. Why did you think he wasn't
00:55:13 going to leave you? Well, he was a great guy. You know, he had all these markers of stability.
00:55:19 Okay. Then why did he leave you? Well, he just turned into a bad guy, but then show
00:55:23 me your work. How did you think he was a good guy? He just changed. It's like, he just changed
00:55:30 his, I don't want to show my work. Show me the work. Show me the money. Show me the work.
00:55:43 Show me the work. Show me the global warming shit. Show me the vaccine trial stuff. Just
00:55:50 yeah. Show me the ingredients. How about, how about we just start with the ingredients
00:55:54 or I don't know, a product insert that you can read, right? It's anything, anything,
00:55:58 right? Just show me the work. That's what I said back at the beginning of the pandemic.
00:56:02 Like normal vaccine takes 10 years with a 94% failure rate. You guys did a totally new
00:56:08 technology in a couple of months. What steps did you, did you skip? Just tell me. And nobody
00:56:16 would, right? Nobody would say, well, normally you do this, this and this. Here's what we
00:56:20 skipped. And it's like, okay, well, if you normally need 10 years and you did it in a
00:56:23 couple of months, by definition, you don't have long-term data. So how can you say it's
00:56:28 safe? Like this is not complicated, is it? I mean, this just show me the work. And also
00:56:34 they wanted to keep the data hidden for like what, 75 years. Come on. I mean, this is ridiculous,
00:56:39 right? Show me the work. Show me the work. And I don't know what it is that happens with
00:56:49 people that their consciousness is so fragmented, right? Their consciousness is so fragmented
00:56:59 that nobody seems to remember that you got in serious shit for not showing your work
00:57:06 as a kid, as a little kid, as a little kid, you got in serious shit for not showing your
00:57:13 work. But apparently adults can inject just about everyone in the planet with some experimental
00:57:18 stuff. They don't have to show their work. Now for you as a kid, figuring out some bullshit,
00:57:24 useless geometry, that's essential. And we'll take a year of your life. If you don't get
00:57:27 that shit right, show your work or you're locked in here for another year. Because it's
00:57:33 really important when you're eight. When you're adult scientists, injecting people with novel
00:57:40 technology, oh, that's not important at all. I mean, do people not remember? I mean, is
00:57:51 everybody's consciousness... it's weird to me. Like is everyone's consciousness so fragmented
00:57:56 that they just don't remember any of this stuff? They don't remember that you had to
00:58:08 show your work and that was absolutely essential to gaining the trust of the teacher that you
00:58:14 knew what the fuck you were doing. Show your work. And then they try to pull all of these
00:58:22 innumerable scams on us and they won't show us the work. I mean, help me understand, why
00:58:29 do people forget all of this stuff? I mean, we lived, you know, for those of us who went
00:58:35 to university, we lived for like 20 years with show your work. Show your work or you
00:58:39 fail. Show your work or you fail. Show your work or I don't believe you. Show your work
00:58:42 or it's bullshit. Show your work or you're cheating. It's the essence of science. Show
00:58:45 your work. And then you go to the quote experts, you say, "Hey, great, you know, all my science
00:58:57 teachers said show your work or you fail. Show your work or it's bullshit. So, okay,
00:59:03 you're a scientist, great, show me your work." No! Then it's bullshit. It's not worth evaluating.
00:59:15 "Schools are so incredibly abusive," says someone, "it could be total dissociation."
00:59:24 I don't know. I guess maybe people don't want to think, because it does reveal that it's
00:59:30 abusive, right? Because if scientists don't care about show your work, then science teachers
00:59:36 are just bullying you, right? I've forgotten a lot from my school years. Well, yeah, 95
00:59:43 to 98% of all the stuff you learn in school is completely useless. And so you do forget
00:59:48 it because you've got to make room for more important things, which is just about anything.
00:59:54 But you don't, when I point out the show your work stuff, you guys don't, like, "Oh, maybe
01:00:00 that was a thing." I mean, you remember it, right? Like that, right? When I say, "Oh,
01:00:05 show your work was so important," you remember that, like, right away, right? So it's not
01:00:10 like you forgot it. Maybe, yeah, they don't want to see the power structures that are.
01:00:17 The show your work is just how you bully children, not how you hold actual adults accountable.
01:00:23 I don't know. I don't understand why people just don't remember their childhoods in this
01:00:27 way. I'm not trying to nag you guys, I just, in general, I find it. But they said, "Show
01:00:33 our..." Like, this level of detachment, and it's like, "Wait, we're supposed to... You're
01:00:39 supposed to have proof of this stuff, right?" I mean, it's science, therefore there's got
01:00:43 to be data behind it. Like, trust the science, fantastic. I'd love to trust the science.
01:00:55 So let's see all the data. Because that is science. Science is not, "Do it, or I'll call
01:01:04 you some bizarre death-dealing denier and killing granny with your hesitancy." Right?
01:01:11 That's not science. I don't know. I mean, I have a son, Russian autobiography I read
01:01:26 many, many years ago, where the review on the back was, "You know, it's like a window
01:01:30 opened up to this guy's childhood 40 years later. He remembered everything, and then
01:01:35 it closed again." And I remember everything from my childhood. I remember everything.
01:01:41 Everything. Almost every day. And I have this connection to, like, okay, so then... So show
01:01:51 your work is important. And if it's not important, then we need to take it out of schools. If
01:01:57 trust me, bro, is fine to answer, then everyone should get an A. But they don't. They bully
01:02:02 you with it. The teachers and parents who send their kids to these schools have an incentive
01:02:13 not to connect these dots. Well, yeah, so what? But you can connect these dots. They
01:02:18 don't own you, right? Yes, when you point it out, I remember it immediately. But without
01:02:22 you pointing it out, it doesn't come to my mind. Thank you for pointing this out. It's
01:02:26 a fantastic revelation. And you know, if we'd started the show at seven, it wouldn't have
01:02:31 happened. It would be some other fantastic revelation, but not this. Yeah. It's wild,
01:02:48 really, when you just realize that it's just all about bullying and power and control.
01:03:14 And Zim says, I only recently, within the last couple of years, started to remember
01:03:18 my childhood and the dots that made things so obvious. So it says, yes, the COVID-19
01:03:25 amnesia and lies haunt me every day. No one talks about it. I did have to show my work.
01:03:30 It was all obvious lies. They quoted marketing brochures as if that was concrete scientific
01:03:35 evidence. Well, I mean, the media pushing it all, and the media made their money from
01:03:39 pharmaceutical ads. What is it, New Zealand and America, the two places that allow that
01:03:43 stuff? I mean, there was so much money involved. There was so much. Yeah, I did shows on the
01:03:54 falsified data. I did shows on the corruption of science and the failure of the peer review
01:04:03 system. And I was writing novels about this 25 years ago. I mean, there was so much money
01:04:12 involved and everybody had such a massive incentive to lie about it. I don't know.
01:04:22 It's so funny, you know, because in just about every science fiction, video game, book and
01:04:29 movie over the past hundred years, who are the evil guys? Who are the evil guys? Leandry,
01:04:38 right? Who are the evil guys? In just about every, every, yeah, big bad corporations,
01:04:47 right? Sure. The corporations are corrupt. The corporation is funding the RoboCop. The
01:04:54 corporation is funding the off-world thing that's actually exploitation. The corporation
01:04:58 wants Ripley to get eaten by an alien rather than lose their spaceship. Right? So it's
01:05:14 like everybody was trained for decade after decade after decade about how evil these big
01:05:26 bad corporations were. Did it take? Nope. Didn't matter. Didn't matter. Didn't matter.
01:05:38 See, everyone thinks that propaganda works. It's like propaganda just makes you susceptible
01:05:43 to the latest bullshit. It doesn't work in the past. It's just you become then like a
01:05:47 fish with a hook, just wherever the fisherman wants you to go, that's where you go. Could
01:05:53 the cause be the hypocrisy of the teachers? They are the authority figures and are not
01:05:57 required to show their work. Think of the professors who will fail you if you dispute
01:06:01 the wage gap. So the students are conditioned to just accept the lack of proof from those
01:06:06 in authority. Thus, the science is hooking into these historical exploits. Yeah. Yeah,
01:06:12 maybe, but show the work. I need to see the data. I need to see the data or it's not true.
01:06:20 I need to see the data or you fail. Evil corporations until they offer you a case of donuts or a
01:06:28 burger here. Slice a pizza. Your soul. So I mean, I'll give you an example. Right? So
01:06:44 without getting into details, I was involved in creating a business plan. You ever had
01:06:54 to do this projections could be sales projections when the product is going to be shipped, when
01:06:58 the code is going to be completed. You make a case for something, right? Yeah, fallout
01:07:10 had that all the corporations planning nuclear war, then the good common is fighting them
01:07:14 and claiming people who don't follow communism as insane. I took that line a little different.
01:07:20 I took that line a little different. But the idea that the idea that the corporations are
01:07:30 making money from nuclear war. I mean, that's that's such I mean, well, they can't talk
01:07:37 about governments, right? They can't talk about the evils of governments because that's
01:07:41 dangerous, right? So it's like, it's like all of them, you know, in every single TV
01:07:48 show and movie set in the courtroom, the judges are always on the up and up. They're always
01:07:52 stern and all right, I'm just going to give you a little rope, but you better make it
01:07:56 quick. Bring it home, counselor. You know, they're always stern and fine and great and
01:08:00 nice. Well, why? Well, because the media companies end up in court a lot. So they don't want
01:08:06 to be bitching on judges or pointing out the judges can often be corrupt because they don't
01:08:12 want to end up in front of a judge. And then, right? So there's nobody pointing out how
01:08:24 on earth are you going to make money from a nuclear war? I mean, did I did I miss something?
01:08:33 I did. I mean, you know, my eyes are rolling like a Vegas slot machine on cocaine. But
01:08:38 how are you how are they supposed to make money? What? By selling shelters? So what?
01:08:44 People are like by selling these vaults? Like, why would they want to live underground in
01:08:48 a vault? Why would they want to irradiate the entire planet? Like the idea that private
01:08:52 corporations are going to start nuclear wars? I mean, none of it made even the slightest
01:09:00 bit of sense. But of course, it's all pro state, right? It's all pro state. See, without
01:09:05 the government, it's all just a war of all against all, Hobbesian, red and tooth and
01:09:09 claw. It's the Wild West. Everyone just kills each other without the government. And it
01:09:14 was corporations, not the government. Right? So before when there are when the government's
01:09:18 in charge, it's utopia, right? It's like this 1950s paradise and everything's pastel colors
01:09:24 and it's beautiful. That's when the governments are in charge. But when there's no government
01:09:29 in charge, it's just a wasteland of violence and blah, blah, blah, right? It was a military
01:09:37 industrial complex company, though. Yeah, but they provoked the war, didn't they? They
01:09:42 launched the missiles. They literally blew up the planet. And why? Like, oh, we're just
01:09:49 so driven by profit. And the way that we profit is to render all the money we make completely
01:09:55 useless, unless they were paid in bottle caps. The new currency, bottle caps. Pretty sure
01:10:03 the corporation wasn't paid in bottle caps. So we're going to get paid all of this money
01:10:09 and then we're going to destroy all of the infrastructure that makes the money worth
01:10:13 anything. What? Like, you understand, governments are in the business of starting wars, always.
01:10:24 That war is the health of the state. Governments are in the business of starting wars because
01:10:28 the government make all of these promises that they can't possibly fulfill. And then
01:10:31 when those promises come due, they start a war so that people will accept austerity.
01:10:35 I don't know. I used to respect the sort of quasi-socialists when they at least put a
01:10:42 little bit of work into trying to make things vaguely credible. But yeah, we blew up the
01:10:46 entire planet, including most of our friends and family, everywhere we lived and everything
01:10:50 that supported the profits and structure and income and resources that we made for profit.
01:10:55 And it's like, oh, come on, man. This literally is like listening to a psycho who said, well,
01:11:02 I had to kill and eat that woman because I loved her. And it's like, okay, you're just
01:11:05 psycho, right? So yeah, I mean, none of it made a single tiny lick of Sentinel. Embarrassingly
01:11:13 bad.
01:11:13 Ugh, gross. All right. You got any tips coming my way tonight? Working hard with a raw throat.
01:11:33 With a raw throat.
01:11:39 You can tip in the app. You can tip online. You can also tip at
01:11:54 Derp they had all the money. It was about consolidating total control. But they didn't
01:11:58 even do that. Like none of it made any sense. And what's the point of having all the money
01:12:03 if you blow up all the infrastructure that allows you to buy things? You can't buy anything.
01:12:09 What's the point of having all the money if you blow up the planet and can't buy anything?
01:12:12 Like none of it made a tiny, tiny bit of sense. Like not even a tiny bit. It was all completely
01:12:16 insane. Well, they just, they need an enemy and they want the safest energy enemy. So
01:12:21 oh no, it's a capitalist company. Oh, it's an unnamed capitalist company, blah, blah,
01:12:27 blah. Okay.
01:12:29 You may have a little tip for my pal Steph. Thank you, my friend. That is a meaty tip,
01:12:34 Instagram beef. Thank you. I appreciate that. Very kind. Very kind. I won't go super late
01:12:43 tonight because I need my beauty sleep and I'm waking up every morning like, "Hey, how's
01:12:48 the voice doing?" Oh, oh no. They'll show us the work in 75 years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
01:13:02 They certainly will. I can, I'm holding my breath. LOL. I can't explain communism. Yeah.
01:13:10 Yeah.
01:13:12 Oh, well, I'm still doing better than, I was at Paul Young blew out his voice for a whole
01:13:17 year or two. Actually, cause he had a lovely voice in the eighties. Um, wherever I lay
01:13:23 my hat, he did a remake of that song and, uh, just, uh, did some, some lovely work.
01:13:28 Uh, and, uh, yeah, just completely blew his voice out and never quite got it back.
01:13:38 I'm curious what they do with Mr. House, libertarian capitalist character, to see how anti-capitalist
01:13:42 they decide to go in season two. Yeah. Show your work. There's my work. There's my work.
01:13:52 To fight the lack of energy with the colds I've been like working out every day just
01:13:56 because otherwise the energy is not peaking to put it mildly to put it mildly.
01:14:03 And I'm happy to take, if you have any last questions or comments, I would be more than
01:14:07 happy to spin them through the old spider web of brain work known as the wetware between
01:14:11 my ears. So I'll wait for a second here. Thank you for the tip. I appreciate that. Thank
01:14:17 you for the tip.
01:14:18 Uh, Justin, just in time. I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me.
01:14:33 I mean, and you can see like people are gearing up for this stuff, right? I mean, the, uh,
01:14:38 the super billionaires are all becoming New Zealand bunker passport bros and getting ready
01:14:43 to skip town. And right. Don't you feel, uh, you know, like there's a predator in the grass
01:14:49 called war and all the birds are taken to the skies.
01:14:54 Steph, I just made a donation on Thanks for tonight's show. I'm always proud
01:15:04 to be here with you. I always learn something from you. Thank you. Appreciate it.
01:15:11 How do I remember every single day of my childhood? I don't know. I don't know. You start, start
01:15:17 with something you do remember and see what you can remember before after it, and just
01:15:20 try and close the gap. I mean, I wish I didn't remember a lot of my childhood, but I do.
01:15:25 That's why when I, I wrote a novel where three of the main characters are children.
01:15:39 And yeah, I remember it all. And it's kind of important. I think it's kind of important
01:15:45 when you have kids to remember your own childhood, right? And photographs, I don't know what
01:15:55 your age is, but these days people have a lot of, um, uh, people have a lot of, uh,
01:16:03 photos and videos from their childhoods, right? And that can help get these memories going.
01:16:10 All right. Going once a lot of people typing and I don't want to abandon you when you've
01:16:17 got your big questions going.
01:16:20 Yeah. I mean, corporations, first of all, they're state entities created to absolve
01:16:29 people from personal responsibility for their own business corruption. That's not a pri,
01:16:34 it's not a free market thing at all. I go into this in my novel, the future, which if
01:16:37 you haven't read it, I'm reading through a bibliography now, which novel you referring
01:16:41 to with the three children? Oh, it's the God of atheists. It's the God of atheists. The
01:16:50 three main characters are children. Some, it's a great book too. Although I did cut
01:16:54 it too much. I have an original version that's uncut. I had a, an agent back in the day who
01:16:59 was trying to say, get the novel sold because it got the most amazing reviews from the readers.
01:17:05 And uh, but she told me to cut too much. So I recommend second free
01:17:12 to buy and tip points here on desktop. I assume there is less hands in the cash pot. Is that
01:17:17 true? Uh, free I think is the most efficient way, but you know, Hey
01:17:22 man, whatever works for you works for me with, with great gratitude, with great gratitude.
01:17:27 All right. Let's see. I think my voice is kind of fading out. So, uh, cause I did do
01:17:36 some audio book reading today to finish it up. And, uh, it was, it was some work. I'm
01:17:41 very curious about the call in topic that was tempting for you. It was tempting. Your
01:17:44 guy said he was the second coming and I was kind of tempted, but I don't think it's a
01:17:48 good idea. Great show tonight. Got to go and attend to my son who has just woken up. Been
01:17:53 a pleasure. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Of course, if you're listening later,
01:17:59 you can support the show. Uh, we got three hands on deck at the moment, three people
01:18:04 working here doing some fantastic stuff. Like all the stuff that's coming out, that's really
01:18:08 great. Like the shorts are coming out. The great research is coming out. A lot of the
01:18:11 research was done by researchers for the peaceful parenting book. Super important stuff. Uh,
01:18:16 Stephbot AI, the continued tuning and improvement of that and a wrangling of all of the various
01:18:22 platforms have been fortunately outsourced so I can do more shows. We have, of course,
01:18:27 the premium. So FDR podcast is where you go to review past shows. There's a premium version
01:18:32 of it where you can look and sort and get all of the really spicy premium shows. And
01:18:36 all of that stuff is being programmed and organized by a whole bunch of people. And
01:18:40 you know, they all have to eat as well. So it's not just donating to the big chatty forehead.
01:18:43 You're helping out people as a whole who are, um, doing some fantastic work on the show.
01:18:50 Uh, also people who are resurrecting the older shows. We had an archive of premium shows
01:18:57 from 15 years ago on the old message board and those are being dusted off and reprocessed
01:19:04 and coming back to light. All of the new transcripts that are coming out are coming out as a result
01:19:09 of great work that people are doing. So there is just wonderful, wonderful stuff that's
01:19:15 going on. The scheduling and all this kind of stuff. So really, really do appreciate
01:19:18 it. Are you still working on Napoleon presentation? Um, it's at least 10 hours worth of material
01:19:26 and I don't know that the cost benefit is worth it. Um, but it's, I still think about
01:19:31 it from time to time. I don't have a good answer for that right now, but nothing imminent
01:19:36 for sure. So, all right. Thanks everyone so much. to help out the show
01:19:40 later. I really appreciate it. My friends have yourself a glorious evening. Oh yes,
01:19:46 you can go to You can have a look at all the fantastic stuff
01:19:53 that's available for donors just in the podcast section. There's a bunch of cool other stuff
01:19:56 as well, but that's definitely a place that you want to check out. All right. Thanks everyone.
01:20:03 Lots of love. Take care. Bye.