00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - The numbers that came out over the weekend were jarring.
00:10 We're talking about positive COVID-19 tests
00:14 amongst football programs
00:15 and all returning fall sport athletes on college campuses.
00:20 Kansas State on Saturday announced a 14 day pause
00:23 to their voluntary activities because of 14 positive tests.
00:28 So those programs are now gonna stand down
00:30 from organized team activities.
00:32 And then LSU said it has more than 30 players in quarantine.
00:37 They did not delineate the number of positive tests
00:40 versus people who had just been in contact
00:43 with people who had had positive tests.
00:45 Obviously there was a word at the end of last week
00:47 about Clemson having more than 20 positive tests
00:51 on its football team.
00:53 So the fact of the matter is that this reintegration
00:56 of sports in group activities on campus
01:00 is not going to be easy.
01:01 There's gonna be a ton of positive tests
01:04 and a lot of consternation about them.
01:06 And then we've got to decide how much schools are willing
01:08 to have an appetite for in that area.
01:12 If there are not hospitalizations
01:14 or serious ramifications of the injuries,
01:16 maybe they can keep going ahead.
01:18 But if there are, it would almost certainly put a halt
01:21 on a lot of the plans that have been laid
01:23 as far as getting to a football season.
01:25 So keep an eye on these numbers as we go forward.
01:28 For the players and everybody around the programs,
01:30 wear your masks, stay out of the bars.
01:33 That was the problem at LSU.
01:34 There's a bar area called Tiger Land
01:36 where they think a lot of the outbreak has occurred there.
01:40 It's tough to get college kids focused on things
01:42 like wearing a mask, staying home,
01:44 not socializing with their friends.
01:46 But if we want to get to a college football season,
01:49 those things probably need to happen on campuses.
01:51 [ Silence ]