• 6 months ago
Javonte Williams speaks after UNC's 31-6 victory over Syracuse on 9/12/20
00:00 >> Is that Javante?
00:01 Okay, it's Javante Williams, sorry.
00:03 I'm having a hard time.
00:05 >> Javante, in the second half when you guys scored on those four straight
00:09 possessions, what was the difference in terms of the explosive plays you guys
00:14 were able to pop?
00:16 It's on each one of those drives you had at least one play of more than 20 yards.
00:21 >> I think we just had to get back in our rhythm.
00:27 We ain't really played and got tackled since December.
00:29 So we had a lot of time off and we haven't really been tackling.
00:34 So we just had to get back in our rhythm.
00:36 Once the second half started, we just came together and made plays.
00:38 >> And could you tell the difference in Syracuse defense as in where
00:44 they was fatigued setting in where you guys wearing them down?
00:48 >> Yes, I feel like they got more tired in the second half.
00:54 And once we started scoring, it seemed like they kind of faded away a little bit.
01:01 >> All right, let's move over to Mike Topper.
01:03 Mike, go ahead with your question.
01:04 >> Hey, Javante, congrats on the win, man.
01:07 I was wondering if you could just describe for us what it was like coming out of
01:10 the stadium, warming up, and then ultimately playing in front of no fans here.
01:18 >> At first, I thought it was gonna be kind of weird, not having fans in the stadium.
01:21 But once the game started, we kind of just drowned it out.
01:24 And it felt like we were just playing a regular game and just doing what we always
01:28 do.
01:28 >> Okay, let's move over to Gregory Hall.
01:33 Gregory, go ahead.
01:33 >> Hey, Javante, how does you and
01:37 Michael Carter being able to catch balls out of the backfield,
01:40 how does that open up your guys' offense?
01:42 It seemed like that really helped get things going in the second half.
01:45 >> Honestly, I like catching the ball more than running,
01:49 cuz it's just like a lot of space on the edge.
01:52 And usually when you catch the ball in the swing,
01:53 you really gotta just make one person miss.
01:55 And it's really wide open, opposed to running the ball and
01:58 you got everybody in the box.
01:59 So just things like that on the perimeter,
02:01 just making the linebackers run side to side, just trying to wear them down.
02:05 And the thing about me and Mike, once he gets tired, I can come in.
02:08 But the linebackers, they really can't switch as easy as we can.
02:10 So I feel like we just wear them down, and when the big play comes,
02:13 we just gotta make it.
02:15 >> And after the first half struggles,
02:17 what can you take away from this week to prevent that moving forward?
02:21 >> I feel like we just gotta come in and focus, and lock down.
02:24 Like I said, it's been a long time since we got tackled and
02:27 things like offensive linemen being able to cut, and things like that.
02:31 Things we don't do in practice.
02:32 And I feel like this game really helped us because it showed us how football is,
02:36 and we got back in our groove.
02:37 And I feel like it's just gonna carry over to next week.
02:40 >> Thank you.
02:40 >> All right, last one for you, Javante Andrew Jones, go ahead.
02:55 >> You're not hearing, are you?
02:57 Sorry, Andrew, for some reason your mic's not working.
02:59 We're gonna go to Bridget Condon.
03:03 Bridget, go ahead.
03:04 >> Hey, Javante, how did it feel to finally get this one game under your belt and
03:10 officially kick off the season?
03:11 There was a lot of doubt about this season.
03:14 And then at the same way, we've already seen a game canceled next weekend.
03:17 Are you kinda on edge as we move forward about, okay, we played this one, but
03:21 we have to make sure we're continuing to stay safe?
03:24 >> Yes, ma'am.
03:26 Like you said, the game can get canceled at any time.
03:29 So we just gotta prepare like we're gonna play.
03:31 And that's what we've been doing the whole time.
03:33 Coming back over the summer, we didn't even know if we was gonna play the first
03:35 game, but I feel like everybody locked in and we worked hard.
03:38 And it showed today.
03:40 My fault.
03:43 - Great, Javante, thank you so much for your time.
