• last year
00:00 >> Well, Jackie, we're gonna like segue into some fan questions.
00:04 And I actually have a question from Garrison Brooks mom, Miss Tamela.
00:09 >> Hey, Miss Tamela, how you doing?
00:12 >> She is the absolute best.
00:14 And she asks, what would be your advice for someone coming to Carolina
00:20 about saving the experience and embracing the brotherhood?
00:24 >> You only get to do this.
00:27 >> She gotta say embracing the family.
00:29 >> Well, I wanna say brotherhood.
00:30 >> I'm sorry, embracing the family.
00:32 >> Yeah, yeah, she gotta say that.
00:35 >> Come on down, Miss Tamela.
00:36 >> [LAUGH] You only get to do it one time.
00:39 That's it.
00:42 You only, we right now to this day talk about,
00:46 I'll empty my account right now to go back and do it again.
00:54 What I'll do from the beginning, everything again,
01:00 because you just understand how- >> Precious.
01:05 >> It is, it's super precious.
01:07 Like and you don't get those moments again.
01:09 I don't get to sit in the locker room with, I guess it was 16, 17,
01:14 however many players we had on the team at the time.
01:16 >> Right.
01:17 >> And just have fun with each other and
01:20 not think about anything else but us being in that moment.
01:24 Like those are moments that these kids don't think about because they're so
01:28 busy as we all were trying to get to the NBA.
01:33 >> Yeah.
01:34 >> And I wanna speak on that a little bit because I completely agree with that.
01:43 Like for us, and again, no matter what school you're at,
01:50 because everybody's college experience is different.
01:56 But I will say, going to the University of North Carolina was special,
02:01 not only because of the level that it was, but
02:04 also because of the people you got to experience that level with.
02:09 And that could be the same at many other schools, but for
02:14 the University of North Carolina, we really thrived on this family thing.
02:19 Like so many guys came back to pour into us what they had learned
02:25 from your Dean Smiths and Coach Gutson and your field force and all those guys.
02:34 Like they came back and poured that into us and then we did the same and
02:38 then it just trickled down.
02:39 So but those four years were so special, like Jackie said,
02:44 I would empty my account too to go back to those times.
02:47 But just simply because they were so precious.
02:50 And when you appreciate, especially what we were able to do,
02:55 like through the course of that four years.
02:59 And even for me, my senior year was probably more special than that 05 year.
03:04 I know a lot of people can't really see that because it ended in
03:09 a national championship, but being able to lead the 016 and
03:15 to exceed expectations the way that we did, but that was special for me.
03:20 And honestly, the only thing I might change is I wanted to win the ACC tournament
03:24 that year.
03:25 >> Yeah.
03:25 >> Like that was the only thing because I was like, man, if we can do this,
03:29 then we solidified ourselves to be in the conversations of
03:34 some of the great North Carolina teams.
03:38 We didn't get that done, but at the end of the day, it was so
03:41 precious of a moment for those four years that
03:46 it's really unfathomable to even try to put into words.
03:52 Like it was just, again, appreciating that precious present that we had.
